couple of Mears Questions


<font color=indigo><font color=teal>Dances in the
Oct 4, 1999
I have a couple of questions about Mears. Can you just buy a "ticket" from them at
the airport or is it something you need to do in advance? Also, anyone know how late
they operate?

I know all about Mears (I have used them successfully a couple of times) and I'm sure
some will say get a car or take a town car. But we have one member of our party
coming in by himself and we are trying to get options for how to get him to the hotel.

thanks all...............
Hi Kathy!

You do not need to purchase the Mears ticket in advance. They have a ticket window located across from baggage claim and your friend can purchase his ticket there. As far as I know, they are running shuttles 24 hours a day.

Not sure if your friend will need a roundtrip ticket or not, but if he does purchase the roundtrip ticket, remember that he will need to call 24 hours in advance to schedule his return to the airport.

Hope this helps, have a great trip!


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