Couple IOA and US ?s.........


Earning My Ears
Feb 16, 2001
My best friend and i(both 16) will be visiting both these parks during spring break and would like to know what restaurants everyone would suggest in the parks? We're over the age for character lunches but not old enough for the bars yet, and my friend is on the picky side when it comes to food. Also does anyone else have any suggestions to make our trip better? We will be staying with family off site and are not the earliest risers, the ride to the parks will be about an hour so we will prob be there more later in the nite, then we would earlier in the morning. Any suggestions for the order we should do things in? Also we are interested in going to a water park(either BB or TL) which do you think would be better for our age? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE respond! i'd love to hear nething neone has to say!
21 days and counting!
When do you get too OLD for a character lunch???

I haven't gotten there YET! :D

Confisco's character lunch is NOT a kiddy lunch, it's an adventure. I'm sure you both will get a kick out of it.

Also, if you plan on skipping the early morning you can bet you will be waiting on some long lines this time of the year. Even so, people watching and taking in the scenery is worth the trip.


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

If you are arriving late, I recommend you eat a good breakfast during the hour long ride to the parks. I would snack on popcorn or churros, and diet coke (or whatever) from the sidewalk vendors instead of having a sit down lunch inside the park. (I never appreciated table service until I had kids, BUT, if you really want to have a nice meal at the parks, Confisco is terrific at IOA. I've never had a good meal at USF.)

If you opt for snacks try to have an early dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe or Margarittaville.

As for rides, use the express passes as much as possible. Be prepared for lines, everyone says crowds are large during the Spring Beak.

I haven't been to either Blizzard Beach or Typhoon Lagoon. But my sister says the BB is great for teens and young adults.

Have a great time!
Gee, does anybody else ever eat at Mythos??

I never eat anywhere else!

The good is outstanding, the price is good. It is a sit down, full service restaurant, so it does take longer, but it's definitely worth it.
My family has been to all Disney water parks.
My sons, now 14 & 12 liked Blizzard Beach the best. It has the fastest, steepest slides. Be careful though, with the swimsuit you wear..... My husband's Nike shorts ripped right up the entire side. (Fortunately they had a cotton lining inside.) Typhoon Lagoon is great, you'll have fun at either one!! We're trying out Wet 'n Wild this year. Have fun! ;)


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