character breakfast at poly


Jun 15, 2000
Have PS for poly breakfast? Has anyone eaten there? I checked their menu didn't see anything spectacular. DH doesn't really eat pork will they accomodate him with like beef or turkey sausage?
I'm not sure about the sausage question but the Poly is a great place for character meals.

DH and I stayed there 2 years ago and the breakfast is served family style with quite a variety of items to choose from. You won't leave there hungry!!

Watching the children and parents participate together in some of the activities was a hoot. Hula Hoop, dancing, and the ever popular coconut races were a few we really enjoyed.

Goofy came up to me and planted a big old "smack" on my cheek and because it WAS our last day there, I burst into tears at being recognized as an adult sitting there with DH, and still was actually paid attention to by one of the characters. DH looked at me as if I was from outer space at that point but, it made the trip very memorable to me.

When you wish upon a star...
If you are referring to O'Hana for your character breakfast, it was wonderful. The food was great (they bring it to you it wasn't buffet) and the characters were extra friendly. Goofy picked up our youngest daughter and sat her on his lap on the floor for a very long time and just wouln't give her back. We got it on video - it was priceless.


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