Cancelled Reservation

Subbing in just to keep up with what's going on. Rachel I feel so sorry for your situation. We had to put our little girl dog down a week before our Disney vacation plus one of our adult aughters ended up in the hospital so she couldn't make the trip. Between the dog and the daughter I was a wreck. We requested a refund from WDW for DDs portion of the trip (we weren't DVC at that time) which I am still waiting to receive. Vacations are stressful enough without the hassle Rachel is having to contend with. If I had any extra points I would give them to Rachel because I know her pain.
So, Rachel......Any word yet from Paypal???? We are all sitting here on pins and needles waiting to hear what happened!:goodvibes

:banana: Paypal took only one hour to decide that I had been wronged, and they have found the claim to be in my favor!! They have submitted a refund of the $610.00, and have asked me to give them 7 business days before I see the money reflected back onto my credit card. I have no idea if they're going to pull money from the member's account on file with them, or if they pay me out of their stash and fight it out with her later. Either way, I'm breathing a HUGE sigh of relief that this is all over and done with, and I'm already looking into either salvaging Disney this year or holding Disney back until next Christmas. :dance3:

I couldn't possibly be more grateful for you all than I am right now. I appreciate the constant support and even friendship that I feel from you, and I hope I will be able to return the favor one day. :lovestruc
Yeehaw!!! Congratulations. It's so great when the good guys win. Maybe you can just rebook with Disney direct and still keep your airline tickets and your vacation. I just love a happy ending.
I just got an answer to my question above... Paypal finally reached the member and the refund was processed today. I just got an email from her just now (one day AFTER the due date with Paypal) saying, "Rachel, I've been very busy lately. But wanted to let you know I responded to your dispute and your refund is processed." Now, from what Paypal's told me, she gave up the right to respond at midnight last night. Any refunds that were processed today were most likely forced by Paypal, as in Paypal probably initiated the refund and she noticed it when it pulled money out of her account. Here's the timeframe since I filed that paypal dispute. This is copied and pasted directly from my Paypal account.

Jun 17, 2010 - Seller: Refund initiated
Jun 16, 2010 - Buyer: Email sent to PayPal
Jun 8, 2010 - Buyer: Email sent to PayPal
Jun 8, 2010 - Buyer: Email sent to PayPal
Jun 6, 2010 - PayPal: Email sent to seller
Jun 6, 2010 - PayPal: Email sent to buyer
Jun 6, 2010 - Buyer: Dispute escalated to claim
Jun 6, 2010 - PayPal: Email sent to seller
Jun 5, 2010 - PayPal: Email sent to seller
Jun 4, 2010 - PayPal: Email sent to seller
Jun 6, 2010 - Buyer: Dispute filed
Jun 4, 2010 - PayPal: Email sent to seller
Jun 4, 2010 - PayPal: Email sent to buyer
Jun 4, 2010 - Buyer: Dispute filed

What a nightmare! :rolleyes: At least justice was served in my case... thank God!
Praise God. :) I am so very happy to read your updates and to see favour was shown. Now you can breathe easy and plan another vacation. So very awesome!!
What great news, Rachel! I hope that when you finally make it to WDW your trip is extra magical! :cool1:
Thats a tough question....people are a lot more wary now for good reasons. It's kind of like the old "how can I get experience, if no one will hire me to get experience" question. I know if I were to rent from someone I'd have to have some really good references, as a minimum. I think what you said would be a good start, if you know someone that is going to Disney, offer to rent your points, to gain references. If I had the points, and couldn't find a renter, I think I'd just give them to my family to stay...have to make the payments anyway. :goodvibes If you absolutely know for certain you can't make a trip to Disney, you can always use RCI and maybe have a weekend getaway somewhere closer to home.

Perhaps you could start with a transfer of points instead of renting??? That would get you "some" experience...Good for you Rachel!! Hope you can work out the details of your trip!!
Congratulations, Rachel -- this is certainly good news. You did a great job with this transaction from start to finish, and the results reflect that.
Glad to see everything worked out. I hope the next times goes better.
Congratulations Rachel!
I'm glad paypal went through for you... :thumbsup2
Now you can do the fun part, starting to plan your vacation again.

I don't want to sabotage Rachel's thread, but I figured I'd ask since we're on the topic of renting. I potentially have points I may need to rent before May 2011. Hoping a friend will be able to use them, but still not sure. So how does a person who has never rented out points prove they will be reliable? Do you try to get friends/family that to rent a few times since you have an established relationship or do you use a service such as David's Rentals? I know I would do everything 110% to be sure it was a smooth transaction on my end, but how do I prove that to a potential renter? I have read the basics of renting in the stickies, but not sure if this question is addressed so sorry if it is, please just refer me there.
Thanks! :)

I'm going to take a stab at your question.
Here's the good news, as a member YOU have control of the reservations/points. So there's little to limited risk for you as long as you know how to work your points.
I think someone posted something similar to this on another thread recently.
Here are things you can do to minimize/eliminate your concerns:
1. Rent your points early in your UY. Waaaay before your banking period. This will allow you some breathing room in case something unexpected happen.
2. As as first time member renting points, try not to rent too much so that you have to borrow points. Borrowing points is a final transaction, if something happens you can't put them back and must use them within your current UY.
3. Make a good contact with your renter. Test your sixth sense... if you're uncomfortable don't get into an agreement.
4. Use a contract... always always always... never go just by email or back and forth. Make sure both sides have signed the contract.
5. IF you have borrow/bank points or the request is too close to your banking deadline, make sure the payment goes through before you made the reservation.
5. And as you already mentioned, make sure everything goes well for the renter. Treat your renter the way you would want to be treated and most of the times things will go well.
6. Oh and one last thing, if the renter is a disboard member you can always look up their previous posts and get a feeling of the kind of person you might be dealing with. This advice is more useful for a renter trying to find a member to rent points from than the other way around. But it doesn't hurt... :)

I'd say post your points on the rent/trade board and see if someone is interested. That's how I started renting out my points and many of those peoples have become repeat renters now... :thumbsup2

Good luck!
YAY Rachel!! I'm so happy that you're getting your money back!!! Please be sure to let us know if you decide to go ahead with this December or next!
:banana: Paypal took only one hour to decide that I had been wronged, and they have found the claim to be in my favor!! They have submitted a refund of the $610.00, and have asked me to give them 7 business days before I see the money reflected back onto my credit card. I have no idea if they're going to pull money from the member's account on file with them, or if they pay me out of their stash and fight it out with her later. Either way, I'm breathing a HUGE sigh of relief that this is all over and done with, and I'm already looking into either salvaging Disney this year or holding Disney back until next Christmas. :dance3:

I couldn't possibly be more grateful for you all than I am right now. I appreciate the constant support and even friendship that I feel from you, and I hope I will be able to return the favor one day. :lovestruc

:cool1::woohoo::yay::cheer2: GREAT NEWS!

I'm so glad you have great gut feelings! Something told you to be skeptical of the transaction, and you were very right to do so. Now....I know you can't divulge the name here, but I do implore you to give the name to the mods so they know there is someone on the rent trade board defrauding folks. Just one more step to take to insure no one else has to go through what you went through!
I've been following this since the beginning and frankly was skeptical that the $ would be forthcoming. So happy for you that it has all worked out!

Breathe a big, deep sigh of relief and enjoy your victory!
Yea rachel! :cheer2: Glad everything worked out with getting all your money back. Too bad you had to go back and forth several times to get it, but persistance pays off! Hope plan B of your vacation plans goes much smoother! :goodvibes

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