Can I hop if we do it like this?

Shelly D.

Aug 24, 1999
The closer we're getting to our trip (4/20) the more we wish we could park hop since DL will probably be very crowded and DCA might be a nice break in the afternoon. We are currently staying at Candy Cane Inn so the hopper isn't available (until the day before we leave according to I called Disney to check on rates at their hotels, but it would cost me over $200 more to switch hotels, so that's not an option. But here's what I'm thinking:

a 3 day flex (we'll spend 3 days at the park) costs $111. A 4 day flex costs $137, but you currently get $10 off with DC, so that means there is only a $16 difference per ticket for that extra day.

Has anyone ever purchased a 4 day flex passport, then tried to hop to another park by just giving up another one of their days? It seems like this would be legit, but I don't know if there are any special rules. I called the mail order ticket line today, but they are closed on weekends. Just curious if anyone has every done this. For only $16 more, it's worth it to me.
I can't see why you wouldn't be able to do that, though I don't know for sure.

What did you mean by --
"so the hopper isn't available (until the day before we leave according to"

are they changing some of the restriction on hoppers??


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