Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

taryn- boat load of pixie dust headed your way
I did get cinderellas royal table for lunch. My first time going so Im looking foward to it. Does anyone have any suggestions??
We loved CRT lunch last year! The salad with grilled chicken was delicious. Yachtsman is another one we tried last year for the first time and loved. Kona gets good reviews, you might like it if you like Ohana... and thanks

I'm sorry that the economy is effecting you too :goodvibes I can commiserate with you. Since I can't seem to land a full time job, I've bit the bullet and agreed to work more evenings. I hate to be away from my kids so much, but there are bills to pay and this is my only solution for now. Hopefully you can figure something out soon.
Well, after 3 hours sleep, I am wracking my brain now for an idea. Or a boatload of them!

Green Tea-- always helped me. It's nice to see another Susan around here. Seems like the name itself is getting scarce...
She has to stay in my room all night because she can't go outside. We have a system in the summer, keep the cats in by day, let them out late at night. It works because we're very urban-- only animals we see around here prowling anyway are a few racoons and possums and they don't bother the cats
What does the green tea do? Great you have a system for the cats that you all can live with. Good job with the books.

Well, I finally fell asleep around midnight, and now it's 3:20am, and I'm wide awake. I have to get some sleep, sometime.... Going to search the internet for things I can do from home to make some extra money...
Good morning everyone. I see Taryn was up before me today. Lots of PD to you. I hope you can find something that works for your family.

cc glad to hear that you got a walking cast that you can take it off to shower.

cupcaker Dh and I are not really fancy restaurant people. We were there last summer we had lunch in Germany and dinner at the Plaza in MK. We like to eat lunch because if we are really full then we only need a snack at dinner time and we don't go to bed so full. Put Disney Dinning on your phone. If there is only two of you then call DD in the morning and give them a park and they can suggest something. It has worked for us. I very rarely make reservations if it is just dh and I. There is also so many good counter serves especially in Epcot that just makes it easier for us and we can spend more time in the parks. Where are you staying? Some of the food courts are wonderful.

Tuesday Question of the Day

Speaking of restaurants at DW is there a place you tried at DW or DL that you really enjoyed? If you haven't been in a long time is there a place that you have read about you would like to try?

We had lunch at The Plaza in MK. It is a small restaurant that just has sandwichs on their menu. When we got there there was serveral things that they were serving that night. I had a delicious tomato soup. Dh had a wonderful meatloaf. we both got kids cups of lemonade and he got a light up car and I got a light up Tinkerbell. we were so full that we did not have room for dessert.

Have a nice day everyone. Those on the east coast stay dry. We are expecting a lot of rain for the next few days.
Good morning everyone. I see Taryn was up before me today. Lots of PD to you. I hope you can find something that works for your family.
Thanks Dona!
Tuesday Question of the Day

Speaking of restaurants at DW is there a place you tried at DW or DL that you really enjoyed? If you haven't been in a long time is there a place that you have read about you would like to try?
Ohana, Yachtsman, CRT lunch:cloud9:, Ohana breakfast, and Tusker House breakfast all rank high on our list! Boma is another favorite.

Ended up calling Brad, since he was having "lunch" and he convinced me that 3 hours sleep wasn't helping me at all. I went back to sleep on the couch, again, and he called me at 5:30 to make sure I was up. So, 5 hours sleep. About my normal, so I should be okay. It was probably closer to 4.5, but better than 3!

Hope everyone has a great day!:hug:
Slept in again this morning as when I first woke up at 5 I had a bad headache right over my left eye. Never fully went back to sleep and the left side of my throat is also sore. Hoping this is just allergy related.

Working at 9 and then I'll probably come home around noon and get in a workout then. Thinking that DD2 won't have soccer tonight due to the weather as we're supposed to have off and on showers all day and evening. Will have to get in my other workout here instead of the track.

Fixed DD1 a Mexican cheese omelet and we're watching the news. I have a big cup of green tea. I always feel a bit more energetic when I've had the green tea.

Gotta get moving shortly and make DD1s lunch. Think I'll drink my tea first!
Good morning everyone. I see Taryn was up before me today. Lots of PD to you. I hope you can find something that works for your family.

cc glad to hear that you got a walking cast that you can take it off to shower.

cupcaker Dh and I are not really fancy restaurant people. We were there last summer we had lunch in Germany and dinner at the Plaza in MK. We like to eat lunch because if we are really full then we only need a snack at dinner time and we don't go to bed so full. Put Disney Dinning on your phone. If there is only two of you then call DD in the morning and give them a park and they can suggest something. It has worked for us. I very rarely make reservations if it is just dh and I. There is also so many good counter serves especially in Epcot that just makes it easier for us and we can spend more time in the parks. Where are you staying? Some of the food courts are wonderful.

Tuesday Question of the Day

Speaking of restaurants at DW is there a place you tried at DW or DL that you really enjoyed? If you haven't been in a long time is there a place that you have read about you would like to try?

We had lunch at The Plaza in MK. It is a small restaurant that just has sandwichs on their menu. When we got there there was serveral things that they were serving that night. I had a delicious tomato soup. Dh had a wonderful meatloaf. we both got kids cups of lemonade and he got a light up car and I got a light up Tinkerbell. we were so full that we did not have room for dessert.

Have a nice day everyone. Those on the east coast stay dry. We are expecting a lot of rain for the next few days.

Tuesday QOTD: We are not big foodies by any means. We enjoy a simple meal at a good value. That being said ESPN club is our go to restaurant at WDW. We love the simple fare, good sized portions and theming. We've been lucky a couple of time and gotten a booth with the video games. The kids think that is so cool :thumbsup2 We've been there when they were doing the radio show too and that was fun :thumbsup2 Our other favorite is Beaches and Cream. Love the ice cream and the prices are much more reasonable than Ghiradelli. For Character dining we usually do a last seating breakfast at Chef Mickeys, Crystal Palace or Donald's Breakfast at AK. We enjoy the meals, but our 2 of our kids are now "adults", unfortunately they don't eat like adults and it seems so expensive for a meal.
QOTD--Last trip we tried Narcoosee and had a fabulous time. We also really like artist point and for quick service the one back by the haunted mansion--can't think of the name. This trip we're trying Marrakesh (we love the quick service next door) and Yachtsman (even though we don't eat beef) and Via Napoli. Our favorite restaurant was Spoodle's. We've tried Kouzzina twice, and probably wont' go back.

CC--glad you have a new cast!:goodvibes

Lindsey--:hug: for your schedule.:hug:

Tracey--glad everyone is feeling better.

Mental or physical struggle? Hope the ankle is holding up! I'd love to send this mess SOMEWHERE!!!! We're really down, too, but it's coming down faster than the ground can absorb it. The roads were awful!

Stressing again over money, just found out that Brad will probably be on short time for the rest of the year. His salary was about half this month:scared1:, and the bills keep pilling up. Not sure what we're going to do to dig out of it, hoping it doesn't come to something drastic. Want to try to refinance the house to cut that bill a bit, but I'm afraid our credit got shot this month...... Send PPD our way, please. Pretty, pretty, please. Brad didn't sleep at all today worrying, and I'm not feeling the sleep tonight. I can't afford a repeat of up til 1, sleep late today....

It was a mostly mental struggle, and I was tired. My legs and feet feel great. I'm sorry about the money stuff. I told you before we cut back to the minimum for about 8 months. If you need any ideas, I'm happy to share. My first suggestion would be to track your money like you do your food.:hug:

I'm sorry that the economy is effecting you too :goodvibes I can commiserate with you. Since I can't seem to land a full time job, I've bit the bullet and agreed to work more evenings. I hate to be away from my kids so much, but there are bills to pay and this is my only solution for now. :wizard::wizard:Hopefully you can figure something out soon.:hug:

Well, I'm going to go into work a little early today, and see if I can get ahead so Thursday is not so crazy. We're running tonight, and it's finally cool enough that we can go right after work instead of waiting. We have homemade pizza planned for tonight. Mike already shredded the cheese last night, so it will be quick and easy after our run.

Have a great day everyone.:goodvibes
Stressing again over money, just found out that Brad will probably be on short time for the rest of the year. His salary was about half this month:scared1:, and the bills keep pilling up. Not sure what we're going to do to dig out of it, hoping it doesn't come to something drastic. Want to try to refinance the house to cut that bill a bit, but I'm afraid our credit got shot this month...... Send PPD our way, please. Pretty, pretty, please. Brad didn't sleep at all today worrying, and I'm not feeling the sleep tonight. I can't afford a repeat of up til 1, sleep late today....

:wizard:I hope a solution comes to you fast. I know how hard it is. Hang in there. Glad to see you ended up getting a little bit of sleep.:hug:

Tuesday Question of the Day

Speaking of restaurants at DW is there a place you tried at DW or DL that you really enjoyed? If you haven't been in a long time is there a place that you have read about you would like to try?

We loved ohana's breakfast during our last trip and for my princess wkend trip I have ADR's at Ohana's for dinner. I am really looking forward to it.

Yes Dona we have had rain now for the past 24 hours and it is suppose to continue for the next day or 2. Its extremely muggy/humid last night and today. My carpets actually feel wet in the house from the humidity. Its gross.

I decided to sleep in a little today and now I am in a rush to get the kids to school in enough time for breakfast. I will check back in later. I hope you all have a great OP day.
Monday QOTD – I actually have never done a work out dvd so I am no help!

CC – I’m so happy for you for getting the walking boot. It makes life much easier!

Pjilla – the tea party kitchen is a great idea!

Cruisindisney – good luck getting passed your plateau. I’m sure the wonderful group here will have suggestions for you. You’re doing great on C25K.

Rose – I’m sorry it was tough to get through your workout but 30 minutes is better than nothing! Be proud of that and happy you have a great husband who got you started with a healthy dinner.

Flipflopmom – I’m so sorry that you have the stress of short time on the job right now. I hope things pick up!

Tuesday QOTD – Tutto Italia is by far my favorite but I love Italian food so it’s not that surprising.

Have a good Tuesday everyone!
just realized today that im a week away from my trip. I thought it was two weeks away. didnt get any of my first choice ADRs... california grill, le cellier, coral reef, ohana. I did get cinderellas royal table for lunch. My first time going so Im looking foward to it. Does anyone have any suggestions??
I was going to suggest Boma. We tried it for the first time in august and loved it. It looks like Dona's qotd will be a big help for you with some suggestions.

Tuesday Question of the Day

Speaking of restaurants at DW is there a place you tried at DW or DL that you really enjoyed? If you haven't been in a long time is there a place that you have read about you would like to try?
We ltried Le Cellier and Boma our last trip and loved them both. Crystal Palace is my favorite restaurant and we do that every trip. I have always wanted to eat in the Castle, but just haven't done it yet. I'm thinking since my birthday is 2 days before the Princess half, that maybe I'll force michael to eat there with me for my b-day. :rotfl:

Slept in again this morning as when I first woke up at 5 I had a bad headache right over my left eye. Never fully went back to sleep and the left side of my throat is also sore. Hoping this is just allergy related.
Hope you're feeling better soon. That's cool that you and Redwalker at old friends.

Well, I'm going to go into work a little early today, and see if I can get ahead so Thursday is not so crazy. We're running tonight, and it's finally cool enough that we can go right after work instead of waiting. We have homemade pizza planned for tonight. Mike already shredded the cheese last night, so it will be quick and easy after our run.
Hope you had a good run. Must be one of your last ones before the wine and dine!! It's so nice to be prepared early for a trip and not have to rush in the last minute.

I cant pick a certain thing about that trip because I loved every part of it. Even the parts where my kids cried and whined. It was magical.:lovestruc

I had a long day today. Worked from 8-6 then had a meeting with my lead physician. She treated me to Melt which is a "fancy" resturant. The bill for the two of us was 75$. It was yummy. I ordered capellini with shrimp. The sauce was olive oil and fresh tomato and basil. I only ate half the portion. I do feel over full though.

I missed my boys today I only got to spend a few minutes with them and then had to put them to bed.:guilty: Tomorrow night I have a flu shot clinic going at my office so it will be another late night.

I am still flying on cloud 9 after my race yesterday so hopefully it will get me through the next couple of busy days. My time posted and I completed it in 39:11. Not my quickest but being in a huge crowd of people really slows you down. My friend usually runs a 22min 5K and her time was 32:07.

I really need to focus on my points again. I think I am falling off the wagon a little to much. I have nothing planned this weekend so I am going to use it to get re-organized.
Hope your busy long days pass quickly. It's hard when you are out so late and don't have the time to spend with ds's, but hopefully you'll be able to catch up and spend some fun, relaxing time with them this weekend. I love how you loved every part of your family trip, even the meltdowns. Our first trip was with my brother and michael and my niece were both almost 5, so we had plenty of meltdowns, us and the kids and we always laugh about them, especially the grown up ones.
I can imagine the high you got from that race. Your time sounds pretty good for me, and I'm thinking like in any disney race, it's about experiencing the atmosphere, more than setting a pr for time.

My husband and I celebrated our 40th birthdays this past Saturday night. My actual birthday is this Friday Oct 1. I am hoping to be under 130 by then, I am going to make a big push for it. Although, after all the alcohol(and I did try to behave) I had..I am hoping it won't be an unattainable goal.
Happy birthday to you and DH. Sounds like a fun party you had. Congrats on the new puppy too. :cloud9:

Still waiting to hear from the dr with results from the echo. The tech told me that my heart took pretty pictures. She said the results should be to my dr today.

I have been very frustrated lately. Just need to push through this plateau and get the weight loss going again.

Finished W4D2 on C25K yesterday. I have been really surprised that I could do the 5 minutes of running. Week 5 scares me. That 20 minutes of running on day 3 seems crazy!
Hope you get some good news today. I'm betting you'll be surprised how well you do the 20 minutes. I remember looking ahead in the c25k and thinking I would never be able to do the next week, but the next week came, and I was ready and I did it. You will do it too!!:cool1: :hug:hugs on the plateau. Never give up.

Absolutely, without a doubt, our vow renewal weekend over marathon weekend at WDW in January 2009. The entire weekend was full of magical moments. Some of my favorites include wearing bride Minnie ears for the 1/2 marathon, throwing a private WISHES dessert party for 70 dear friends (including many WISH race team friends) at the Grand Floridian, having a private photo shoot at the Magic Kingdom starting at 5:45 a.m. the morning of our ceremony, and dancing with Mickey at our reception. Truly fun times!
What beautiful pictures, for was looks like a truly magical and fun weekend. You are gorgeous, and you can see how happy you are in all the pictures. What a dream come true.

Managed 4.46 this morning which, for the first time in a long time, I didn't really want to do. Too tired! I've only gotten between 4 - 5 hours sleep the last 2 nights. But I had to walk - 'cuz I knew I would cross the 800 miles mark if I did!;) I think I"m becoming addicted to both walking and my Garmin.
Probably not a bad thing.
:worship:Wow, 800 miles!! I think you said you did 39 last week, and I was amazed at that. Congrats. I guess as far as addictions go walking is a good one to have.

I never want to see another peanut M&M again.

As long as I don't start, I'll be fine, but if I start... yesterday was NOT a good day for my eating. And that was BEFORE I went over to celebrate my dad's birthday.

So, here's another Monday with a Sunday food orgy to weigh-in with me. When I am tired I just couldn't care less about sticking to any kind of eating plan. Next time, I'll just take a nap!

Y'all have a good Monday! TTYL.
:hug: I was right there with you yesterday. Here's to a better rest of the week.

Don't you know the toothfairy sometimes is too busy and has to come the next night(especially if they lose it at night). ;) I had to relay the message here once. Then she hadn't been sleeping in her bed so she only goes if the kids in their bed here. :lmao:
:rotfl: Good one. Since we saw the tooth fairy movie with the Rock, the tooth fairy is a man in our house.:rotfl:

DS' whole 6th grade class is going on a "nature experience." They are staying at a church camp in the mountains, get to sleep in a bunkhouse, eat in the mess hall, go hiking, do outdoor activities, for two nights. Then they have the rest of the week off to recouperate. I was doing my one-chick hen thing this morning -- cluck! cluck! cluck! ;)
Sounds like a wonderful experience for ds. You and dh should try to enjoy some alone time. I'm sure it doesn't happen very often. Hope the weather is good where ds will be.

It was raining for me this morning, too, so I didn't get up early to run. I never wake up when it's raining, I guess my body is still on the clock where you slept in at the cave when it rained...;) I actually seem to have chills today and I don't feel great. I keep debating going home because I feel a little under the weather, but I really could just tough it out. I have to come in Tues. - Thurs., so it's either rest more today or don't do it until the weekend. I do plan to go to bed as soon as I get home, but that won't be until almost 6 unless I bug out early...

Maria :upsidedow
Hope you're feeling better today. I'm hoping we don't get the monsoon here that so many others have gotten. Looks like it may go inland.

IWell.... after I left you all earlier, I made a cup of tea and went upstairs to fold laundry. About 10:30 I started feeling really queasy and icky and sort of a sick headache. Not sure what that was all about. :confused3 I finished my laundry and upstairs chores and sat to chat with DH for a while. Still felt a bit queasy and like a sour stomach feeling, but I've had some lunch and it seems to be settling okay.

Hope you're feeling better today Pamela and got some of that to-do list taken care of.

Taryn pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust::hug: Hugs to you on the money worries. It is not easy. So many are struggling right now. Hugs to you and dh on your sleepless nights and days. It's so hard to worry and not be able to sleep, and then be over tired and more stressed the next day. Try to get a run or some exercise in, and maybe that will help.
And a happy belated birthday to AK!! :flower3:

CCGlad to hear things are moving along with the foot and you have a removable cast now. That will make things a little easier. Hugs on the grandma struggles. It's so hard to see people we love making choices that are bad for them, but after some tough times with my mom, I try to remember that they are the one's in charge of their lives, and can and will do what they want, and we can be there to make suggestions, and encourage the healthier choices, but it is totally up to them.

JennzMiss you. Hope everything is all right with you. :hug:

I had a great 7 mile run/walk yesterday and completed it in 105 min and 42 seconds which makes a 15.06 min/mile, which means I would not be swept in the princess!! And that was my goal to do 7 miles by oct 1st and if I could do that, then I could continue and do the princess half. I was a sore last night, but this morning, I feel much better, so I'm going to touch base with sil and try to plan and book our trip this weekend!! Eating was better yesterday too. Trying to do the Healthy Habits, and that makes a big difference. Cooked a good dinner last night, with leftovers for tonight so that's easy. We had scouts pack meeting last night which is a little crazy with all the kids so I'm hoping when we're together as a den of 6 boys it will be a little easier to control.

Off to work now. Hope the rain is not too bad for eveyone on the east coast. Have a happy, healthy day.
Jumping on to say a quick hello!
The last few days have been crazy busy and I didn't even turn my computer on since last thursday :scared1:
Hope you are all doing great :goodvibes
I'm off to open a few of your PM's now.

If you haven't sent in your weigh-in, today is the last chance to get it in. :goodvibes
My husband and I celebrated our 40th birthdays this past Saturday night. My actual birthday is this Friday Oct 1. I am hoping to be under 130 by then, I am going to make a big push for it. Although, after all the alcohol(and I did try to behave) I had..I am hoping it won't be an unattainable goal.

So nice to see you back here more often! And aiming for under 130....:worship: that has been my goal for MONTHS now and I just can't seem to get there. Let me know how it feels!!:thumbsup2

Hi, everyone!! I have at least read the past 3 1/2 days worth of posts, but will never be able to catch up with everyone in responses.

We had a lovely weekend out at University of Notre Dame. My food choices were much better than I might have expected. I just tried to make the best choice in each circumstance, though I had no control over the breakfasts at our B&B. In fact, each morning was a casserole that wasn't very point friendly, but I tried to choose the smallest piece available. We had dinner out 2 nights, B&B breakfast 2 days, and airport food for dinner yesterday.

I don't know how people do it who travel a lot for work, but I wouldn't want to have to constantly make judgments about the best choices just from a menu's description of various offerings. For example, we ate at Fazoli's on Saturday night (I'd never been there). They had a brochure at the counter with all the nutritional information. The relative points-friendliness of various menu choices was so vastly different from what I'd expect. Fortunately, I read the brochure BEFORE I placed my order. LOL!

Here are some of those memories:

I agree, travel eating is SO difficult. I think if I traveled more often I'd have to keep a "cheat sheet" in my purse of the points/NI from many different restaurants.

Sometimes you need to make up your own meals at places where the choices might be difficult. Order a cup of broth based soup, order a dinner salad with no cheese, no croutons, and dressing on the side. Or order an entree and put in special requests like no sauce, no cheese, no oil, etc, etc, etc. It can be hard, especially if you aren't a really assertive person. I'm sure you handled everything just fine. And places like a B&B, where there is no real "choice".... you just do the best you can, right??

Thanks for sharing more pictures... they are so pretty!! I love your tiara and your flowers! I can't imagine how special that day must have been.

Good evening everyone.

I didn't get home until after 6 and then had to have dinner. But dh was not home because he was meeting a scout about an Eagle project so we did not get dinner until 7. Right now I am just relaxing waiting for something good to come on tv. I have some crocheting to do. It is almost October and Breast cancer month. I want to make some pink scarves for my department. One of the teachers in our department is a 2 year survivor.

Anyone who is sick I hope you get better soon.

Thanks for all the great memories over the last few days.

Have a nice evening everyone.

Dona..... I am always impressed by how much you think of others. You truly have a gift.... both with your thoughtfulness and your handcrafting talents. I always have the best of intentions, but unfortunately that is all it ever seems to be.... intentions. You go out there and make it happen. I'm always in awe. Keep it up!

Hope you are feeling better. You need a pocketwatch, too! Thanks for the ideas re: the Bisquick, I might have to get some. Taryn

Just to let you know.... last night's dinner was very tasty, but the portions were pretty small. I actually made a triple batch (original recipe was only 2 servings).... DH had two servings before soccer and another one later. DD and DS each had one serving. I actually didn't end up eating the bisquick pie.

I made the pie as I described, with the taco meat and a combo of cheddar and mozzarella. They really liked it, although DS was trying to pick out the veggies :headache:. And I knew that DD would be :snooty: at refried beans, so I didn't put them in.

I ended up with a bigger batch of the veggies/taco meat than I needed, so after I put together the bisquick batch, I pulled out a one serving casserole, poured in the remaining veggies, dropped on a few dollops of fat free refried beans, and a serving of 2% mozzarella and cooked that up for myself. It was DELICIOUS! I will definitely making myself something like that again! I think that the casserole would be great with the RF beans too, but I didn't want to deal with the picky-ness issue.

If anyone is interested, I will post the original recipe and my modified version on the recipe thread later.

Stressing again over money, just found out that Brad will probably be on short time for the rest of the year. His salary was about half this month:scared1:, and the bills keep pilling up. Not sure what we're going to do to dig out of it, hoping it doesn't come to something drastic. Want to try to refinance the house to cut that bill a bit, but I'm afraid our credit got shot this month...... Send PPD our way, please. Pretty, pretty, please. Brad didn't sleep at all today worrying, and I'm not feeling the sleep tonight. I can't afford a repeat of up til 1, sleep late today....


:sad2: What a nightmare! I can't imagine how hard this is goin to be. You CAN get through this and come out stronger and healthier on the other side!!

Not sure what kind of experience you have with cutting back, but obviously it is something that you will need to be doing. I know that several of us here are also "budget queens", so if you need any help, advise, coupons, suggestions, etc, just ask!!

One month of late payments isn't going to shoot your credit to hell. Start on the refi NOW, before things get away from you. IMMEDIATELY start looking for things you can drop right now..... book/movie/beer of the month club, over-the-top cable/satellite tv bill, gym/club memberships, etc. Look into places that you are currently paying to see if they offer discounts for lower incomes. I know our YMCA went to a "membership price according to your income" plan earlier this year.

You will need to look into giving up things you might have thought of as "neccessities" or "rewards" such as mani/pedi, new clothes, fancy leased cars, bottled water delivery.

Remember some of the old thrifty mottos like... "Use it up, wear it out, make do, or do without!"

Most importantly.... remember to take care of YOURSELF during this stressful time. Exercise can be done on the cheap, so no excuses there! You will feel SO MUCH BETTER and more in control of the entire situation if you make sure to continue to care for yourself during this time. :hug:

Well I have to go wash my hair, grab Penney and go to bed. She has to stay in my room all night because she can't go outside. We have a system in the summer, keep the cats in by day, let them out late at night. It works because we're very urban-- only animals we see around here prowling anyway are a few racoons and possums and they don't bother the cats. It's cars and mean old ladies they have to contend with... it's a shame-- our street in a one lane 25mph zone but people go too fast. there's no sidewalks either and you'll see a lot of people walking and kids playing. I don't know what is so urgent to people they'd risk lives. :mad: Also the cats-- (being cats) prefer the outdoor plumbing in the summer so keeping them in that amount of time helps with that issue. :laundy:

Funny.... I do just the opposite with my cat.... but probably because we live in a very rural area and cats "disappear" at night frequently around here. I get a bit frantic if the cat isn't in by dark. But every once in a while, in the summer, she will choose to be a night prowler. I usually end up leaving the porch light on all night to entice her home, and I get up repeatedly to call her. The kitty we currently have has always come home (obviously), but I have had a few occasions where a kitty doesn't come in at night... and never is seen again.:sad2:


Tuesday Question of the Day

Speaking of restaurants at DW is there a place you tried at DW or DL that you really enjoyed? If you haven't been in a long time is there a place that you have read about you would like to try?

We aren't big on sit-down restaurants... especially in Disney. We prefer to spend out time touring the parks. I have often felt like we "wasted" time when we have had reservations. We are much more a "grab it and go" type of family.

That said, we LOVE Chef Mickey's! We have tried to plan it a few times for either our last night or on a non-park day. We get to meet lots of characters, enjoy a delicious meal, and have FUN! Same with Goofy's Kitchen.... great food, great fun, great characters!

We did go to the Biergarten during our 2008 trip and I can assure you, we won't be going there again. The atmosphere was not nearly as fun as I remembered it being in the past and the food was just not great.

I've always wanted to try Le Cellier or O'Hana, based on everything I've read here on the Dis.

Well.... happy rainy Tuesday everyone! My sour queasy stomach from yesterday does feel better, but not 100%. I didn't get in my run (or any exercise) yesterday because of it, but I told myself that I had no excuses today! I think I'm going to do some incline training on the TM today. The rain is putting a damper on my planned activities, like painting and hanging laundry out, so I'll be finding other things to keep me busy.... like the menu planning I've been putting off for 2 days now! Plus I've got Robotics to coach and a swim parents meeting tonight.

Tonight was supposed to be baked fish, brown rice, and spinach, but I didn't find the type of fish I like at the store over the weekend, so it will be salmon burgers on light whole wheat rolls. I found a delicious, healthy brand of frozen salmon burger that DS, DH and I really love (remember, DD doesn't eat anything from the ocean :rolleyes:). Spinach salad on the side and we are good to go! Not sure how this will all fit in the schedule though. But I'll make it work.

Anyone know how soon I can mask off the new paint in DS's room (using the blue painters tape)? I know it needs to cure for probably 2 days, at least. I would be so aggravated if I taped it off and then the tape pulled off the fresh paint. Would I be okay by this weekend?

Okay.... I got around to watching the TLC show "Sister Wives" that was on Sunday night..... it interesting?? I guess, coming from a more traditional lifestyle, I just have trouble seeing how these wives are all okay with this. But at least two of them grew up in polygamist's households, so I can see that this is what they are used to. The whole thing was just bizzarre.... and by the end I really DIDN'T like the husband. Something kind of creepy about him, IMHO (although I didn't get that feeling initially). But the fact that he is openly/actively courting ANOTHER woman..... it was just too much for me.

Anyone want to take a guess at who might go home this week on DWTS? To me, the most obvious choice, as far as dancing ability goes, is Michael Bolton. But this isn't always about the dancing.... it is a popularity contest. And I'm afraid that Bristol Palin might be paying the price for her mother's spot in the public eye.

I didn't vote for anyone, but I'm really rooting for Jennifer Grey. That "Situation" guy just bugs me.... what the heck is his claim to fame?? And I was glad to see Margaret Cho make a real EFFORT this week.... last week it seemed like she treated it as a joke. And GO CAROL BRADY! I am stunned by how fabulous Florence looks for 70-something!!

Anyhow, enough rambling. Can you tell I am just avoiding the inevitable?? Housework, exercise, laundry, etc!!! TTYL...................P
I had a great 7 mile run/walk yesterday and completed it in 105 min and 42 seconds which makes a 15.06 min/mile, which means I would not be swept in the princess!! And that was my goal to do 7 miles by oct 1st and if I could do that, then I could continue and do the princess half. I was a sore last night, but this morning, I feel much better, so I'm going to touch base with sil and try to plan and book our trip this weekend!! Eating was better yesterday too. Trying to do the Healthy Habits, and that makes a big difference. Cooked a good dinner last night, with leftovers for tonight so that's easy. We had scouts pack meeting last night which is a little crazy with all the kids so I'm hoping when we're together as a den of 6 boys it will be a little easier to control.

Off to work now. Hope the rain is not too bad for eveyone on the east coast. Have a happy, healthy day.

WOOHOO.... no sweeping!! You are going to do GREAT at the Princess! I am so proud of you!!

Jumping on to say a quick hello!
The last few days have been crazy busy and I didn't even turn my computer on since last thursday :scared1:
Hope you are all doing great :goodvibes
I'm off to open a few of your PM's now.

If you haven't sent in your weigh-in, today is the last chance to get it in. :goodvibes

Thanks for the reminder.... as usual, I am forgetting until the last minute!.......P
Lindsay – That race sounds absolutely amazing. I got all teary reading about it. Thank you for sharing with us. I am sorry you had so little time with your boys yesterday and that tonight will be a long one too. Great choice on your dinner last night. I hope you are enjoying leftovers for lunch today.

CC – I am so glad you have a walking cast. That should make things so much easier for you as soon as you are comfortable walking around on it. Enjoy your new-found mobility. I know how hard it is to be involuntarily sedentary. After spending 2 weeks in bed, 4 weeks in a wheelchair and another 8 in an immobilizer brace, I can really sympathize with anyone who has to learn to be dependent on others. Just don’t push too hard to quickly.

Rose – Sorry you had a tough workout. I am right there with you. I was going to do an hour on the elliptical, but having had a very light lunch and no dinner before heading to the gym, I just had no fuel. I am glad Mike cooked for you. Howard was wiped out from his 8 mile run, so I ended up cooking 2 dinners – one for him and me, and one for Andrew (DS17). And no adult beverage. Hmmmmm. I think I’m a little jealous! ;)

Taryn – I am so sorry you have financial worries. I wish there were some advice I could give, but what I would say is it is probably better to try to re-finance now before the salary shortfall really affects your credit. If it is just this month so far, it probably isn’t even showing up on your credit history yet. Oh, and I’m not sure where we’ll grocery shop at HH. I know the Piggly Wiggly is close but we tend to go to the right when you come out of the resort and there is a big grocery store down that way, maybe a Publix? I know there is also a Harris Teeter. We are all looking forward to a dinner at Melllo Mushroom, too. I AM going to have a total splurge that night!

Deb – We did our vow renewal during our 25th year of being married, though well before our 25th anniversary. It was beyond my wildest dreams for how much fun that day was. Unbelievable. The folks at Disney Fairy Tale Weddings were beyond fantastic and helpful and generous. I am hoping someday to see my daughter have just as magical a day there when she meets and marries “the ONE”.

Susan – Love the picture of Penney. All your furbaby pictures make me smile.

Kathy – Congrats on your awesome pace on your 7 miler!! You should be so proud of yourself! YAY for planning your princess weekend. Fun! (Oh, and a gazillion extra hugs for the “gorgeous” compliment – you are so sweet!)

Dona—I love to hear about your handcrafting projects. You are such a generous soul. What a nice idea for the pink scarves. :hug:

P—Your dinner last night sounds absolutely delicious!!! I have to try that. I would never have thought of doing that with the refried beans, but I bet it made it really filling and points friendly.

Dinner last night was a last-minute inspiration. I had grilled chicken strips in the freezer, so I threw those in a saucepan to defrost, then added some hot water and taco seasoning mix and cooked them until the chicken absorbed the seasoning. Separately I cooked brown rice which I mixed in with the chicken so that it would absorb the flavor, too. I steamed broccoli and mixed it all together. This was such a quick and flavorful meal. I kind of wish Howard hadn’t loved it so much – I’d bet leftovers would have been really delicious for lunch today.

Thank you for all the kind comments on our vow renewal pictures. I felt like a princess. Of course, I only looked that good due to the magical talents of hair and makeup professionals who showed up at my suite at the GF at 3:30 a.m. and worked on me for 90 minutes. LOL!
I am finally out of bed. I have no appetite today. I WILL eat, it's just going to take some forced effort. I ate just over my points yesterday, so a very good day. I would love to do the same today. I'm hoping.

I'll post some replies in my next post of two.

Have a great day everyone! :goodvibes
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Hope that you are feeling better today, Maria! :flower3:

Tracey, hope that you caught up on your rest after your busy week-end! :goodvibes

Hope that you are feeling better, too, pjlla. :hug:

Redwalker, glad that you and DH had a super birthday celebration! :cool2:

tggrrstarr, your sweet potatoe dish sound delicious! :yum:

cruisindisney, you will be surprised what you find that you can do as you progress through the C25K. And if you can run the whole time now, don't worry about it, just do the run/walk. pixiedust: for good results from your test today.

Thanks everyone for the input. I picked up some reduced fat sargento cheese, low fat cottage cheese, and reduced fat sour cream and they all still taste pretty good! Also, in response to the terribly disgusting fat free mayo..I AGREE! I have found that to me Hellman's Light Mayo taste just like regular :thumbsup2

Glad you found some alternatives. And for us western folks Hellman's is Best Foods. :goodvibes

Lisa - riding in the coach was amazing! I can't even describe it any other way.

How exciting! I would love to hear more and see pictures! :flower3:

Cam, glad that you had a great, OP week-end! I have to say that you make a beautiful bride the second time around. ::yes:: And I don't believe a word of it that it was all the hair and make up people -- they didn't give you your beautiful smile! :goodvibes

Bree, great way to plan your exercise this week! :thumbsup2

:wave2: Hi Maureen! Nice to see you! Don't worry about catching up, just hop on in.

Rose, 30 minutes on the elliptical! :worship: Have a wonderful time at WDW and good luck with your race! :cheer2:

I read this earlier and didn’t know how to respond. :eek: Thank you for sharing this with me and us. I am hoping that last night was a one time thing, but no matter what, the basement door is staying shut at night.

Just hoping that I could help prevent someone else from having to go through what we did. :flower3: I'm glad that your Dad is okay. :hug:

I thought that I would share a little about the BL challenge that I am doing at the gym. The challenge is 8 weeks through 11/20. Each Wednesday at 5:30 am I will be doing my last chance workout with my team. I hope I can work after that! :scared1: There are a couple of team challenges, too. In addition to getting credit for % of weight lost, you get credit for % of body fat lost (as tested by the little machine you hold in your hands, which we all know can vary a lot.) and points for completing assignments. For example, this week I have to do a strength class, 40 minutes of cardio on the machines, and burn 1900 calories in workouts. Luckily, everything counts, housework, steps, time with my trainer, so I should be fine. The activity level rises each week until the last week I have to burn over 7,000 calories -- I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I think my missing link of activity is going to be found with this challenge. :yay:

Be back in a bit with some more replies.
Hope that you are feeling better, too, pjlla. :hug:

[I thought that I would share a little about the BL challenge that I am doing at the gym. The challenge is 8 weeks through 11/20. Each Wednesday at 5:30 am I will be doing my last chance workout with my team. I hope I can work after that! :scared1: There are a couple of team challenges, too. In addition to getting credit for % of weight lost, you get credit for % of body fat lost (as tested by the little machine you hold in your hands, which we all know can vary a lot.) and points for completing assignments. For example, this week I have to do a strength class, 40 minutes of cardio on the machines, and burn 1900 calories in workouts. Luckily, everything counts, housework, steps, time with my trainer, so I should be fine. The activity level rises each week until the last week I have to burn over 7,000 calories -- I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I think my missing link of activity is going to be found with this challenge. :yay:

Be back in a bit with some more replies.

Stomach still feels a bit off, but I'll manage.

That BL challenge sounds amazing! You are going to do GREAT!!!

I could really use some sort of challenge to help me get back to daily exercising.... I haven't done 5 days straight of exercise since about mid-August and that has probably been one reason the scale isn't moving much. The exercise I am doing is pretty good, but not enough and almost no strength training. I am just feeling bored and I need to find something new and fun and challenging. Guess I'll take a peek at the Y schedule when I am there tonight. Anyhow, good luck with your challenge!!

House is picked up, bit of laundry done, exercise done, showered, etc. I'll do my menu planning while I eat lunch, get everything laid out for a quick dinner and then head to the middle school for Robotics about 1:40pm.

I was watching last week's BL again while I was on the TM earlier. I'm excited for tonight's show, but I'll end up watching it late on the DVR, as I have a swim parents meeting until 8:30pm. TTYL.............P
Lisa - Thank you, sweetie! :hug: Your BL challenge sounds so great! Is there a food component, too? Or does it focus primarily on activity? I can't imagine burning 7000 calories in one week, but then if you think of it as 1000/day and 30 minutes on the elliptical burns at least 300 for me, then getting the other 700/day sounds a bit less intimidating. I always wonder how to count calories burned for weight/strength training. I always just give myself one WW activity point for physical therapy's 30-40 minutes of strength exercises (leg lifts with weights, etc) and machine weight lifting. Have you been given any guidance on how that is counted?
For the first time in a while I really struggled to finish my workout. I originally was going to go 60 min. on the ellipitcal. Well I left work later than planned, and really struggled to do just do 30. Luckily when I got home, Mike had started dinner (he was chopping the veggies for veggie fajitas.) I just wanted to go out and have some bad for you food and a beer. Instead we had fajitas and I had a 55 calorie beer.

:hug: Hope today’s workout goes okay! :yay: for Mike!

Dona: What a wonderful gift! :dance3:

CC- Redwalker and I were roommates freshman year of college and she and her DH introduced me and my DH! We've known each other 22 years!!!!

That’s so cool! I had no idea! :cool1:

Glad to see you are making progress CC. Hang in there. What doesnt kill ya makes you stronger. Just think how strong your other leg will be.:lmao: Keep staying positive!!!!

Thanks! Sorry about your busy days. Know that your DSs love you no matter what! :goodvibes

Taryn: :woohoo: for the OP day! :hug: for your finances. I will send you a PM sometime today.

Since I can't seem to land a full time job, I've bit the bullet and agreed to work more evenings. I hate to be away from my kids so much, but there are bills to pay and this is my only solution for now.

:hug: to you too.

cc- sorry about your grandma. Its hard when theyre at that age and reality isnt reality to them. I dont know if its possible at this point to change their eating habbits????

hows your foot? does it hurt anymore?

:hug: I know what you mean. My grandma can’t fathom the idea that I won’t eat ice cream. For one, I’m lactose intolerant. I don’t remember when I could actually eat ice cream without getting sick. And two, the fat content is unbelievable. It’s a great splurge and I’ll do it for high-quality ice cream, but she buys store brand. In her mind, ice cream is a daily thing. :rolleyes1

Thanks for asking about my foot. I am feeling more comfortable being in a walking boot. The swelling has definitely gone down, although it is still noticeably “black and blue.” I was told that is to be expected. My mom came up with an idea for showering because even though I can take the boot off and get my foot wet, I cannot put pressure on it. But, I just keep remembering that it could have been much worse. :goodvibes

50sjayne: Nice job with the books! You are such a great mother to Penney! :thumbsup2

Thanks Dona!

Tuesday Question of the Day

Speaking of restaurants at DW is there a place you tried at DW or DL that you really enjoyed? If you haven't been in a long time is there a place that you have read about you would like to try?

We’ve only been to a couple of TS restaurants: Rose & Crown, Big River Grille (?), and Nine Dragons. We loved Nine Dragons, but know that that was back in 2006. I haven’t heard much about it lately. Rose & Crown was good and they were very accommodating with my low-salt diet. The chef was more than willing to bake me a piece of fish because I could not eat breading (we buy some type of no-salt added, like 20 mg of sodium per serving kind). Big River Grille was great too. We got a walk-up there with no problem. We loved that it was one of the places were you don’t feel like you have to eat a 3 course meal and buy alcohol (even though it is a brewery).

For CS, we love Captain Cook’s at the Poly. There is a great flatbread there-ham and pineapple- and it’s large enough to share, especially if you add a side salad.

Taryn: Glad to hear you got some more sleep! :thumbsup2

Tracey: Hope you are feeling better and that it’s just allergies. :goodvibes

Lindsay: Hope you have a great, OP day too! :goodvibes

CC – I’m so happy for you for getting the walking boot. It makes life much easier!

Thanks! Even though I am still getting used to “walking on air,” it is definitely easier than the cast-like thing I had before. :)

Thanks Kathy! I appreciate what you said and will take it to heart. :goodvibes

WTG on your 7 miles! :yay: for no sweeping!

Good to hear from you Shannon!

pjlla: Thanks for the suggestions re: eating out. I usually just check the NI ahead of time or try to estimate, but there’s no reason why I can’t make special requests. I am the customer. :rolleyes1

Hope you are feeling 100% soon. :goodvibes

CC – I am so glad you have a walking cast. That should make things so much easier for you as soon as you are comfortable walking around on it. Enjoy your new-found mobility. I know how hard it is to be involuntarily sedentary. After spending 2 weeks in bed, 4 weeks in a wheelchair and another 8 in an immobilizer brace, I can really sympathize with anyone who has to learn to be dependent on others. Just don’t push too hard to quickly.

Thanks for the support! :banana:

I was told that I cannot exercise still (had to ask) and will definitely not be. I am getting more and more comfortable with the boot, but will not be taking the stairs unless someone is with me. I’m just not stable enough to risk it.

My parents have been great-even last night when I could do more for myself. My dad is still making me a sandwich before he leaves for work and he made my milkshake last night. They are really on the ball. I think my dad was afraid to “baby” me, but then realized that was seems so simple really wasn’t for me. It took him a few days, but he’s been great and that’s taken some off the responsibility off of my mom and in turn, made for a much less grumpy family.
Headache is gone. Just finished cleaning up after giving a hot stone massage. Waiting for my boss to finish giving a facial so I can head home and do my elliptical 5K. Drinking my water and I had a lean pocket for lunch. Kind of yucky out right now. Hoping DD2s soccer practice gets canceled so I can work out at home tonight.

QOTD: DH and I tried Narcoossee's in April 09 and it was the best meal I've ever eaten in my life! I now love swordfish!

Question for all of you: My family has fallen in love with potato bread lately! It's great toasting bread! It's 80 calories a slice. Anyone know any negatives to potato bread? DD2 has it toasted with butter and bologna on it for lunch. Big switch from only eating chicken nuggets everyday.

I need to stop at the store to get some more skim milk on the way home.

Heading out soon! I'll be back later!

TTFN :tigger:
CC – Yay for unassisted showers :cool1: !

Taryn – pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust: to you! Wish there was something I could do to help!

Tuesday Question of the Day : Speaking of restaurants at DW is there a place you tried at DW or DL that you really enjoyed? If you haven't been in a long time is there a place that you have read about you would like to try?
We like Tusker House breakfast, and the food court at All Star Sports had a good Italian sandwich (probably not weight loss friendly but it was really tasty). Other than that, we didn’t find much that we really liked this past trip. Next time I would really like to try Kona, Boma, The Plaza, and the Wolfgang Puck pizza place (can’t remember the name).

Kathy – I have the same issue when it comes to getting to eat at the castle! I almost forced DS to eat there this past trip since we were celebrating my birthday, but lucky for him I couldn’t get a ressie that fit with everything else we had planned :rolleyes: . Hopefully our boys will “allow” us to eat there one day :lmao: !

Quick fly by today, I have some work I need to get done so I don’t know if I’ll be back on later. It is clear outside right now so I’m hoping it stays that way until at least 6:30 so I can get my run finished! Hugs and get well wishes to everyone who needs them! Have a great rest of the day everyone!



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