BIG Changes for me at my Job.....


<font color=CCCC00>Will travel without lipstick<br
Jul 27, 2000
I am now a Full Time employee!:bounce: But, no more Mini-vacations to WDW.:( :( Hop I am able to go on my next trip whish is in: 26 Days!!!:eek:
congrats on becoming a full-timer!!! and i really hope you get to go on your upcoming trip. did you tell your boss that you have a trip planned? maybe he/she will still let you have the time off.
Congratulations on becoming a full timer. Hope you can still take that next trip.
Congratulations Faith! I hope you don't have any trouble getting any time off for your vacation.
That's great Faith!!! I just hope that you still get to go on your trip next month!! I wanna come over and spend a day or two with ya! :)
I will find out tomorrow for sure, but I am not counting on it.:o If I have to cancel, I will just reschedule for Nov. for SSW!;)


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