Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Well, I am registered for my first ever 10K race this coming Saturday. I am SO looking forward to this weekend! :p

The race is being held just over 2 hours from where we live, so we (my mom and I) are gonna make a weekend of it! We're both taking off work on Friday and heading out just after I take DD to daycare that morning - she will be staying overnight with my sister. Mom and I have talked so many times about getting out of town, just the two of us, for YEARS but never manage to do it. But now, she has decided to enter any event that I do in order to encourage herself to get and stay active. Due to health reasons she doesn't run, so she'll be walking the 5K while I run the 10K. She has entered the last two 5Ks I did and my DD (3yo) walked with her which basically made them the LAST to cross the finish line. I know she'll enjoy being able to walk at her own pace and NOT finishing dead last this time. :laughing:

When we get to Dallas on Friday, we're gonna hit the running store and I'm excited to get fitted for new running shoes. This is another first for me - I've always bought my running shoes online from And, yes, I know - never race in new shoes. I'm not going to. But, I'm still excited about new shoes! :cool1:

We plan to spend the evening lazing around the hotel swimming pool and just enjoying. Then we'll be getting up EARLY Saturday morning to get to the race site and pick up our packets and stuff. After the race, we plan to head back to the hotel and hopefully manage to shower, etc, before checkout time. Then we'll go have lunch and do a little shopping at Whole Foods - something else we don't have where we live - before we head back home.

Am I nuts to be this excited about shoe-shopping, race-running and, of all things, grocery-shopping??? :confused: I don't care! :rotfl: I can't wait for Friday!! :banana:
Happy belated birthday to everyone I missed!

Saturday QOTD: What is your biggest guilty pleasure food item at WDW?
Mine’s not a food, but I love that I can have a few adult beverages each day since I don’t have to drive anywhere. The slushies in France are awesome, there’s a banana frozen drink at Planet Hollywood that’s really yummy, and of course the margaritas in Mexico! I’m only a lush at WDW, really... :lmao:

QOTD for Sunday, June 27:Career and health? Does yours help or hinder you?
Ummm, I don’t really know. On one hand, I’m pretty much sedentary all day. But on the other, I make good money so I don’t have to deal with financial stress. I feel like I need to be here until 5:30 even when I don’t have much to keep me busy, but my boss is really good about giving me the flexibility I need as far as what time I start and coordinating around DS’s activities. I don’t think my job really helps or hinders my health, other than the fact that if I didn’t have to work I would have more time to get a proper workout in every day.

Jen A – Congrats to your daughter (again!) and hugs for your DS – I hope he heals quickly!

Mommyof2pirates – Great job on your race!

Pamela – Sorry to hear about your friend.

QOTD Monday June 28: What is your favorite old tv series from when you were growing up that you wish was still on or they would revive? (I'm into fun questions for during the week!)
I like the Cosby Show, Growing Pains, and Full House, but I’ll add a new one – Sabrina the Teenage Witch. It holds a special place in my heart :rolleyes:.

Tracey – What cuties!

Taryn – Welcome back!

Gotta go PM my weigh in and Cow from last week – didn’t get a chance to make it here this weekend. It’s a week of short days for me – DS has basketball camp which ends at 3 pm each day – that means I get to leave work at 2:30 in order to get him on time. Keep your fingers crossed that the thunderstorms hold off until dark so we get to go to the pool today! Have a great afternoon everyone!

Well, I am registered for my first ever 10K race this coming Saturday. I am SO looking forward to this weekend! :p

The race is being held just over 2 hours from where we live, so we (my mom and I) are gonna make a weekend of it! We're both taking off work on Friday and heading out just after I take DD to daycare that morning - she will be staying overnight with my sister. Mom and I have talked so many times about getting out of town, just the two of us, for YEARS but never manage to do it. But now, she has decided to enter any event that I do in order to encourage herself to get and stay active. Due to health reasons she doesn't run, so she'll be walking the 5K while I run the 10K. She has entered the last two 5Ks I did and my DD (3yo) walked with her which basically made them the LAST to cross the finish line. I know she'll enjoy being able to walk at her own pace and NOT finishing dead last this time. :laughing:

When we get to Dallas on Friday, we're gonna hit the running store and I'm excited to get fitted for new running shoes. This is another first for me - I've always bought my running shoes online from And, yes, I know - never race in new shoes. I'm not going to. But, I'm still excited about new shoes! :cool1:

We plan to spend the evening lazing around the hotel swimming pool and just enjoying. Then we'll be getting up EARLY Saturday morning to get to the race site and pick up our packets and stuff. After the race, we plan to head back to the hotel and hopefully manage to shower, etc, before checkout time. Then we'll go have lunch and do a little shopping at Whole Foods - something else we don't have where we live - before we head back home.

Am I nuts to be this excited about shoe-shopping, race-running and, of all things, grocery-shopping??? :confused: I don't care! :rotfl: I can't wait for Friday!! :banana:

I hope you enjoy being fitted for new shoes. So far I am thrilled with mine. I am running a 10k this weekend in them, but I'll have had them a few more days than you. I asked about wearing them for the 10k and they said the shoes I had were such a poor fit, and that as long as I was having no problems, to go ahead and wear them. I wore them for group strength for an hour this morning and 3 miles on the elliptical afterwards and my feet and ankles feel great! The big test will be on our 4 mile run tomorrow.

I am really excited for you! Have a great race! We are driving an hour (each way) Friday to pick up our race packets and then an hour Saturday morning for the race. I would love to stay over, but between the hotel and the cost of boarding our dogs for two days, we decided to save the money. The weather is supposed to break this week, so I'm hoping for reasonable temps!

Jennz--thanks for the hug. I am feeling like such a bad mom. I love, love, love my son, but goodness 19 year olds can be a big pain in the butt. I try to remind myself of all the developmental stuff that's going on. I feel like it's such a tug of war in my brain. I want to see him and I want him to go back. I guess we are all still adjusting to our new roles. And he will say stuff that is a little hurtful--like he never wants to live in our town again, just visit. I know where it's all coming from, but it's hard sometimes not to take things personally. He is really excited about meeting us when we run the W&D in Oct. DH has convinced me after this weekend, that I need to make the best plans for us for the weekend and not cater to DS. And I think he's right.:thumbsup2 Sorry for the book.

Taryn--glad your trip went well and you found a watch you love. DS went through a phase from about 11-15 where he was not too fond of WDW, but now he loves it again. That's part of the reason we bought more dvc points. Some for a trip for me and DH and some for a trip with Ds.

QOTD--I loved Welcome Back Kotter, Sanford & Sons, Good Times. All those old 70's shows.
Saturday QOTD: What is your biggest guilty pleasure food item at WDW

Desserts. I love desserts

Sunday QOTD: Work vs. Health

I have a job, well actually a couple of jobs. Waitress/Bartender helps as I'm on my feet and appearance totally effects my tips. Lifeguard helps as I get exercise and have to wear a bathingsuit in public. Substitute teacher toss up. I'm on my feet alot, but there are too many opportunities to eat. In September I want to start my career. I don't know what I want to do. My degree is in small business management, but I know that if I take a desk job, my weight will increase, there is not a chance that it won't. So I guess I need to decide what I want to be when I grow up ;)

Monday QOTD: Old Shows

MacGuyver. loved that show. I'm quite a MacGuyver myself:goodvibes
Me at Disney last summer:


Me at Hilton Head, New Year's Eve this year, about 20 lbs heavier than summer, and 2 weeks before I started my weight loss journey:


Me at Disney this year!



Hopefully by NYE at Hilton Head this year, I'll have met goal and that midsection will look better!!! :lmao:

I just finished uploading pics to photobucket. I'd rather do that than unpack!
I hope you enjoy being fitted for new shoes. So far I am thrilled with mine. I am running a 10k this weekend in them, but I'll have had them a few more days than you. I asked about wearing them for the 10k and they said the shoes I had were such a poor fit, and that as long as I was having no problems, to go ahead and wear them. I wore them for group strength for an hour this morning and 3 miles on the elliptical afterwards and my feet and ankles feel great! The big test will be on our 4 mile run tomorrow.

I am really excited for you! Have a great race! We are driving an hour (each way) Friday to pick up our race packets and then an hour Saturday morning for the race. I would love to stay over, but between the hotel and the cost of boarding our dogs for two days, we decided to save the money. The weather is supposed to break this week, so I'm hoping for reasonable temps!

Yep, for an hour drive, I would do that the morning of the race. But, 2 hours... I'm just not willing to get up as early as that would require. And, since it's my mom going with me we can split the hotel cost, so it's not so bad. And, like I said, we've been looking for an excuse to get away anyway. :banana:

I wish I could pick up my packet the day before, but they only have them available at the store locations Monday thru Thursday this week and then I guess they're carting them all over to the race site during the day on Friday so they can be picked up Saturday morning. I wish that people would just mail the packets out. :confused: Just charge an extra $5 and stuff it in one of those "if it fits, it ships" boxes. I would totally pay $5 to be able to sleep an hour later on race day. :thumbsup2

Good luck on your 10K too! Can't wait to hear all about it! :cutie:
Me at Disney last summer:

Me at Hilton Head, New Year's Eve this year, about 20 lbs heavier than summer, and 2 weeks before I started my weight loss journey:

Me at Disney this year!

Hopefully by NYE at Hilton Head this year, I'll have met goal and that midsection will look better!!! :lmao:

I just finished uploading pics to photobucket. I'd rather do that than unpack!

Taryn! You look fantastic! :cheer2: (And I bet you FELT better for this trip too!)

Can't wait to check out the trip report. :cool1:

And, I agree... I'd rather do just about anything besides unpack. :laughing:
Me at Disney last summer:


Me at Hilton Head, New Year's Eve this year, about 20 lbs heavier than summer, and 2 weeks before I started my weight loss journey:


Me at Disney this year!



Hopefully by NYE at Hilton Head this year, I'll have met goal and that midsection will look better!!! :lmao:

I just finished uploading pics to photobucket. I'd rather do that than unpack!

WOWZA:thumbsup2 You look fantastic:cool1::cool1:
Saturday QOTD: What is your biggest guilty pleasure food item at WDW?
I think ALL food tastes better at WDW. I really also enjoy the Fish 'n Chips in EPCOT and the cheddar cheese soup at LeCellier

QOTD for Sunday, June 27:Career and health? Does yours help or hinder you?

I think my career helps for the most part. Since I am in an office all day and the only food I allow myself is what I bring, I can control my environment and the temptations better than if I were at home or if I were in a job where there is food around. Unfortunately, this afternoon a vender sent a dozen cupcakes to me as a thank you and now I am obsessing about the cupcakes that are on the kitchen table. I am literally going to have to keep myself from going to the kitchen for any reason whatsoever to avoid them. Cupcakes are my kryptonite.

Anyone on here a part of the FaceBook Dis WISH group (other than Keenercam, the only person who I recognized)?

Not sure if I should bother to join the group, since I'm not much of a runner. Just wondering........P

I think that a lot of the long-time WISHers are in that group, many of whom walk or run races at Disney, and it is a really wonderful bunch of people. I have made more friends in the past 5 years of my life on the WISH boards than I ever dreamed I'd make at this stage of my life. The support is just amazing. You should join. It can't hurt and you may find that you make some new friends. Even if you never walk or run an event, there is a lot to be said for having FB friends who share your healthy living goals.

Pjilla: I am so sorry for your family's loss. It is so sweet of you to read the eulogy your Mom wrote. That is so difficult.

JenA: I almost freaked out when I read about your son. Oh my God. I just can't even imagine what you were going through at that moment. I am so glad he is okay. Those are the freaky accidents that you read about and think how quickly something fun can become tragic. Congratulations to your DD's dance troupe! What an awesome accomplishment for those youngsters.

Maureen -- I am so glad you enjoyed your MfM book. I felt the same way when I read it. Undertaking to train for my first 1/2 marathon was the first time I ever decided to do something that I couldn't be sure I'd succeed at. I never had any doubts about any other goals I set in my life. I just always knew what I was working toward and only the timing was not certain, but not the success.

Then, I decided to train for a 1/2 marathon. No one but my WISH teammates and DH KNEW I could do it. I didn't know I could do it. But I did know that just deciding to do it would change my life. It was a goal I had every day from that point on. I knew I'd have to train and I knew I'd have to be selfish and disciplined. I knew that I had to carve the time out of 5 days every week to work out and to train. And I knew that I'd get to the start line because of the WISH team's support and that I'd get to the finish line only because of MY determination, MY self-discipline, and MY effort on the course on race day. No one else could carry me to the finish. No one else could have made me work toward the goal and no one else could take the credit for my success. When I got my first Donald medal, it was the biggest accomplishment of my life to that point -- because I never was certain I would see it through. (and then I decided to train for the full marathon, but that's another story entirely. ;) )

Does that make sense?

Taryn -- You look absolutely fabulous! I hope you are so proud of everything you have accomplished. Just seeing that very objective evidence of your success must be so rewarding. Congratulations!

I'm sorry for all I've missed. I am so bad at keeping up with everyone. We had a fun and frienship-filled weekend (spent time with wonderful WISH friends!) but I did not eat well. The only thing I can say is that I was very conscious of what I was eating. And I had the willpower to never eat everything on my plate. I figure any bite I didn't eat was that many fewer calories I didn't take in. Oh, and rum & diet coke can be just as satisfying as a pina colada. And you don't feel as bloated afterwards. LOL! :rotfl:
I wish I could pick up my packet the day before, but they only have them available at the store locations Monday thru Thursday this week and then I guess they're carting them all over to the race site during the day on Friday so they can be picked up Saturday morning. I wish that people would just mail the packets out. :confused: Just charge an extra $5 and stuff it in one of those "if it fits, it ships" boxes. I would totally pay $5 to be able to sleep an hour later on race day. :thumbsup2

Good luck on your 10K too! Can't wait to hear all about it! :cutie:

They mailed the packets, but since we decided late, we missed the date for mailed packets by 1 day! I thought about calling, but it was a weekend, and the registration was through think. Oh well, I think we'll probably drive the course Friday night before we come home.

Taryn--Aren't you so pround of yourself!!! Great pictures!

Jen--I ditto everyone's comments about your son. I am so glad it was nothing worse.

I am hosting the exercise challenge this month for Julie. Here's the link in case you're interested. CC is hosting next month.
Taryn- You look AWESOME!!!!! WOW! Hot Mama!

My3princes- I LOVE MAcGyver! I have had a crush on Richard Dean Anderson for years! Watched almost every episode of Stargate to see him! He's just a neat guy! Miss seeing him!

Had a small hot fudge sundae after my WW meal! Stress eating and TOM has :eek:arrived!

Very muggy here but not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Down to 86 and there is a nice breeze. Got the AC on as it was 82 in my house! Only got in my walk this morning. Off to drink more water shortly! Grilled our chicken for supper when I brought the girls home from VBS! They had a great time!

Two clients for tomorrow so far. Don't know what the rest of the week will bring. My life is up in the air due to dad's upcoming teeth extraction so I don't know what will be happening the rest of the week. My mom needs me to go with her.

Also planning on going to get the HP game (PS# version)as that will be my relaxation for the rest of the week. DD1 got a gift card for her b'day so we'll use that for the DSi version.

Ok, so for the past 30 minutes I've been doing 4 things at once! Time for that water or lemonade!

I'll post tomorrow's question later this evening!
Well, I am registered for my first ever 10K race this coming Saturday. I am SO looking forward to this weekend! :p

The race is being held just over 2 hours from where we live, so we (my mom and I) are gonna make a weekend of it! We're both taking off work on Friday and heading out just after I take DD to daycare that morning - she will be staying overnight with my sister. Mom and I have talked so many times about getting out of town, just the two of us, for YEARS but never manage to do it. But now, she has decided to enter any event that I do in order to encourage herself to get and stay active. Due to health reasons she doesn't run, so she'll be walking the 5K while I run the 10K. She has entered the last two 5Ks I did and my DD (3yo) walked with her which basically made them the LAST to cross the finish line. I know she'll enjoy being able to walk at her own pace and NOT finishing dead last this time. :laughing:

When we get to Dallas on Friday, we're gonna hit the running store and I'm excited to get fitted for new running shoes. This is another first for me - I've always bought my running shoes online from And, yes, I know - never race in new shoes. I'm not going to. But, I'm still excited about new shoes! :cool1:

We plan to spend the evening lazing around the hotel swimming pool and just enjoying. Then we'll be getting up EARLY Saturday morning to get to the race site and pick up our packets and stuff. After the race, we plan to head back to the hotel and hopefully manage to shower, etc, before checkout time. Then we'll go have lunch and do a little shopping at Whole Foods - something else we don't have where we live - before we head back home.

Am I nuts to be this excited about shoe-shopping, race-running and, of all things, grocery-shopping??? :confused: I don't care! :rotfl: I can't wait for Friday!! :banana:

I would be excited too connie! I hope you have a great time and I know you will do great. Good luck:goodvibes

I think that a lot of the long-time WISHers are in that group, many of whom walk or run races at Disney, and it is a really wonderful bunch of people. I have made more friends in the past 5 years of my life on the WISH boards than I ever dreamed I'd make at this stage of my life. The support is just amazing. You should join. It can't hurt and you may find that you make some new friends. Even if you never walk or run an event, there is a lot to be said for having FB friends who share your healthy living goals.

Maureen -- I am so glad you enjoyed your MfM book. I felt the same way when I read it. Undertaking to train for my first 1/2 marathon was the first time I ever decided to do something that I couldn't be sure I'd succeed at. I never had any doubts about any other goals I set in my life. I just always knew what I was working toward and only the timing was not certain, but not the success.

Then, I decided to train for a 1/2 marathon. No one but my WISH teammates and DH KNEW I could do it. I didn't know I could do it. But I did know that just deciding to do it would change my life. It was a goal I had every day from that point on. I knew I'd have to train and I knew I'd have to be selfish and disciplined. I knew that I had to carve the time out of 5 days every week to work out and to train. And I knew that I'd get to the start line because of the WISH team's support and that I'd get to the finish line only because of MY determination, MY self-discipline, and MY effort on the course on race day. No one else could carry me to the finish. No one else could have made me work toward the goal and no one else could take the credit for my success. When I got my first Donald medal, it was the biggest accomplishment of my life to that point -- because I never was certain I would see it through. (and then I decided to train for the full marathon, but that's another story entirely. ;) )

Does that make sense?

It does make sense. Especially since I Don't Know that I can do it. I KNOW i can do a 10K. I've done them before but a half marathon is a daunting prospect and yet i feel like i need that right now. So I'll do a 10K in Oct. and then with luck finish a half in March. To get it finished and have a medal will be amazing. The only trophies i ever got were on the swim team as a kid and everybody got 1 of those.

Do you have a link to the WISH group on FB? I tried searching here and on FB and I'm not finding anything close:confused3 Or you could friend me on FB and send me a link there. Anybody here is welcome to friend me. I'm Maureen Wick and there's a pic of me with my Onslow in the profile pic. He's a yarn thief:rotfl:

Taryn: You look absolutely amazing, and your mid-section is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than mine. Seriously better than mine:thumbsup2

Speaking of which I am off to go work that now. Thank GOD for AC. its 100 degrees outside and no way is the dog going for a walk in that:sad2:

OH YEAH......... MacGyver totally rocks:banana: He was my first love as a girl and its an everlasting thing. These Twilight groupies have no idea what true love is. I will follow Richard Dean anywhere. He is awesome:lovestruc
It does make sense. Especially since I Don't Know that I can do it. I KNOW i can do a 10K. I've done them before but a half marathon is a daunting prospect and yet i feel like i need that right now. So I'll do a 10K in Oct. and then with luck finish a half in March. To get it finished and have a medal will be amazing. The only trophies i ever got were on the swim team as a kid and everybody got 1 of those.

Do you have a link to the WISH group on FB? I tried searching here and on FB and I'm not finding anything close:confused3 Or you could friend me on FB and send me a link there. Anybody here is welcome to friend me. I'm Maureen Wick and there's a pic of me with my Onslow in the profile pic. He's a yarn thief:rotfl:

Taryn: You look absolutely amazing, and your mid-section is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than mine. Seriously better than mine:thumbsup2

Speaking of which I am off to go work that now. Thank GOD for AC. its 100 degrees outside and no way is the dog going for a walk in that:sad2:

OH YEAH......... MacGyver totally rocks:banana: He was my first love as a girl and its an everlasting thing. These Twilight groupies have no idea what true love is. I will follow Richard Dean anywhere. He is awesome:lovestruc

Woo hoo Maureen, on track for your 1/2!

My dogs drag themselves through a mile in the upper 80s - I agree, no way for 100!! Our older one dashes from shady spot to shady spot!:rotfl:

I loved MacGyver too - I am :lmao: about your Twilighter comment!! Too true! MacGyver could rescue you from the vamps, werewolves and regular old murderers with a paper clip and some dental floss.:rotfl2:
I would be excited too connie! I hope you have a great time and I know you will do great. Good luck:goodvibes
Thanks, Lindsay!! :goodvibes

It does make sense. Especially since I Don't Know that I can do it. I KNOW i can do a 10K. I've done them before but a half marathon is a daunting prospect and yet i feel like i need that right now. So I'll do a 10K in Oct. and then with luck finish a half in March. To get it finished and have a medal will be amazing. The only trophies i ever got were on the swim team as a kid and everybody got 1 of those.
Yep, I'm looking forward to getting this 10K under my belt so I can start working toward doing a half. I intend to run my first half in November down in Galveston. :banana: I don't currently have *plans* to run the Princess, but I do have *hopes* to run at WDW someday. SOON! :rolleyes1

Do you have a link to the WISH group on FB? I tried searching here and on FB and I'm not finding anything close:confused3
I searched and couldn't find it either. :confused:
Woo hoo Maureen, on track for your 1/2!

My dogs drag themselves through a mile in the upper 80s - I agree, no way for 100!! Our older one dashes from shady spot to shady spot!:rotfl:

I loved MacGyver too - I am :lmao: about your Twilighter comment!! Too true! MacGyver could rescue you from the vamps, werewolves and regular old murderers with a paper clip and some dental floss.:rotfl2:

Don't forget the Duck Tape!:rotfl2:
Hmmmm..QOTD for Tuesday: What is your favorite singer or band of all time?

We love Journey in this house! Our wedding song was When You Love A Woman. We've seen them twice in concert. Miss Steve Perry but have enjoyed his replacements. Just watched their Live in Manila concert last week and it was amazing! I'm also a big Duran Duran fan as well as Styx! Josh Groban is a new favorite!
wow I just got back from my run. I initially planned on doing 3-4 miles but cut it down to 2. It was so hot and humid I thought I was going to die. The run became pure torture.:lmao: Ok so I am being a little dramatic but it was. I feel like this heat is holding me back. I am so wishing for a cold front to come through.
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