anyone rent a locker?


Dis Veteran<br><font color=red>My husband has rice
Jan 17, 2002
Hi Folks,

I was just wondering if anyone has used a locker at WDW, esp. at MK. If so, do you remember the price and location(s)? Was it worth it? I have a 2 yo DD and thougt it might be worth throwing some extra diapers, wipes, change of clothes, etc. in one so that our backpack would be a little lighter. Any info is greatly appreciated!

Invariably, we rent lockers at all of the Parks.

We normally take snacks, drinks, extra clothes (sweaters in case it turns cool and ponchos if it gets wet), extra camera and film, a small first aid kit, etc. and when our kids were younger, complete extra changes of clothes and so on, in a largish backpack.

Rather than lug this stuff around with us all day, we rent a locker. Normally DH does this, so I'm not positive about prices, but I think it might be about $5 a day (I think you get some $ back when you return the key).

The lockers are always in easily accessible locations, and well worth renting (versus lugging). We don't necessarily retrieve anything from the backback; but it is there as "insurance".

$5 to rent a locker, but in MK you get your money back. they are under the train station, by the entrance.

The lockers at MK go fast. If you don't get one early, you might not get one at all.


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