Anyone know of a coupon code for My Twinn??


<font color=red>DIS Veteran<br><font color=purple>
Mar 18, 2003
My Dad wants to get one for DD, does anyone know if there are any codes out there for this? Thanks.
I don't know of any codes, but I just saw them on and if you go through ebates you can get 4% back. Hope that helps.
This company went out of business last year- have they been bought by KB Toys, anybody know? I know for sure that they went of business because my sister ordered two of them and had a horrible time getting them-she waited several months, got her money back thru her CC co and then recieved the dolls, so she had to repay, of course. It was a big mess, and several people never got their orders filled at all. The dolls were made somewhere overseas and shipped directly from there. Singapore maybe? :confused3 Anyway I was just wondering if anybody knows if this co is now owned by KB Toys?
The company was bought by etoys, which I believe is owned by KB. They sent out a notice stating that all items would be mailed from the US (that was a huge mess before when they were sending everything from overseasbefore they shut down). Has anyone actually gotten the 4% from ebates? I know etoys states that mytwinn is their sister company and I've wondered if that would work for the rebate?
I bought one of these dolls several years ago and I am so impressed at how close the likeness is to the picture. It seems somewhat less personalized now but still very cool and I believe a bit cheaper than it was. I'm so glad to know these are available again and I can pick out some new outfits!!
MommyBoo! said:
The company was bought by etoys, which I believe is owned by KB. They sent out a notice stating that all items would be mailed from the US (that was a huge mess before when they were sending everything from overseasbefore they shut down). Has anyone actually gotten the 4% from ebates? I know etoys states that mytwinn is their sister company and I've wondered if that would work for the rebate?

I'm sorry, I didn't look at it closely enough when I was on that site to see that it said it was their "sister site". When you click on the link it says that the site "stands alone" and has it's own shopping cart so I don't think it would count for the etoys rebate, but I'm not sure. :blush:


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