Anyone Going on DVC Anniversary Cruise?


Oct 26, 2000
Never been on a cruise in our lives, but thought we'd try it.
Anyone going on the DVC anniversary cruise in April? What do you think they will do special to mark the anniversary?
Dh and I booked the anniversary cruise this week and also a night at the Grand Floridian after our return. This is our first cruise and we are so excited! Can't wait:)

DVC Member '96 Vero and OKW
I just booked the Anniversary cruise today. I am so excited!!! I have not been on a Disney cruise yet. We paid a combo of points and cash. It seems to be pretty booked up at this point according to MS. The funny thing is that I just got a postcard in the mail today announcing it. A little late in my opinion!
HOw pretty booked up is it I just got my postcard today and my
DH gave me the thumbs up. I am calling first thing Monday morning. Please anything to help me would be appreciated...........How does this work with the point situation.

thanks Michele:eek:
You can either pay with points, cash or a combination of both. You need at least one DVC person per stateroom on points to get the $150 onboard credit. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. We got 2 rooms to accomodate 2 adults and 3 kids. Since I did that I had to pay for 4 adults and 1 child. I paid for 1 adult in each room with points and the child with points and paid the other 2 adults with the discounted cash price. This was cheaper than getting the family suite. Plus, I don't think any were available. Also by getting 2 cabins we get $300 onboard credit. Hope this helps.
:( :mad: :confused: When was the Cruise announced? I recall hearing about this before xmas, and just got the post card yesterday.

April is not a good vacation month for us, particularly since our springbreak is in March and we've already committed our points :smooth:

I've got next 2 years of vacations mapped out, so celebrating the 10th Anniversary of DVC by springing a special cruise offer on us with only 4 months notice does me no good :mad:.

Of course, you can't pack all us DVC members on one boat, anyway. This is not a big deal for me, but if they want us to celebrate 10 years of DVC, why not do a promotion that we all can participate in? :confused: A new DVC pin would be cool... How about a DVC discount on annual... ok I won't go there..;)

Enjoy your cruise everyone.
We're booked. This is our first cruise also. It just happened to fall into the week we had already planned to be in Fla and the rates were too good to pass on. Just made booking Tue morning before they sold out.

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