Anyone from the DISBOARDS Planning to attend the NFFC Convention in July?


DIS Veteran
Dec 3, 1999
I was wondering who from the Disboards will be at the NFFC Convention in July...

I'll be there and I'd like to meet the faces behind the handles.

It's too early for me ;-) !
What is NFFC convention...too many acronyms in my world IMHO, LOL!
Hi Suzanneb,

The NFFC is "The Club for Disneyana Enthusiasts", and currently numbers about 2000 people mostly in the U.S. Each year they hold their BIG Convention in July (around the parks birthday) in Anaheim.

There are speakers from "old" Disney, those who worked with Walt, and speakers from "new" Disney, those who are creating the excitement now. In the evening, attending dealers open their rooms for "room hopping", and sell all kinds of Disneyana.

Sunday, July 22 will be the world's biggest show and sale of Disneyana. I always find something there for my collection of old Disneyland.

My wife and I started going in 1989 and haven't missed one yet!
I just found this post on page 3.......I'll be there and looking forward to it.

I always have such fun and unlike the Disneyana Convention this one is more Disney oriented instead of merchandise oriented.

I have been attending since 1999 and I have met or attended seminars with:

Robert & Richard Sherman (wrote the music to Winnie the Pooh and Mary Poppins plus lots more)
Marc & Alice Davis Marc was the creator of Tinker Bell and Cruella and Cinderella etc. Alice designed costumes for IASW and Pirates of the Caribbean
Sam McKim Disney Artist
Eddie Carroll the voice of Jiminy Cricket
Cynthia Harris the Pres of Disneyland
Dickie Wood the voice of Pinocchio
Leonard Maltin from Entertainment Tonight
Dave Smith from the Disney Archives (he wrote Disney A-Z)

And I had lunch with ROY DISNEY. Okay so there were 300 other people there too. :earseek:

It's fun and not expensive.........go to to get more info both about the club and the convention.
I too have found some great bargains at the Show & Sale on the last day and even better bargains at room hopping.
I wish...maybe one of these years, I will get back to the NFFC convention. Please say hello to all my friends for me.


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