And these are the {Resort} Changes of our Lives ~In Memory of JungleCruiser <3

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Jeanette!!!!! Overlapping Dates!!!!!! :dance3:

:goodvibes it was exactly the same price, AND I was able to change out CRT ADR as well!!!!

HOPING to score an airfare sale...if I can't it may be a slightly longer trip :rotfl:
:goodvibes it was exactly the same price, AND I was able to change out CRT ADR as well!!!!

HOPING to score an airfare sale...if I can't it may be a slightly longer trip :rotfl:

:sad1: for us not meeting....but

:yay: for you getting to meet Candace!!!
Hellooooooooooooooooo ladies (and lady-nurses! Because I can't say "hello" like that in my mind and not put "nurse" at the end. And it's totally fitting here on this thread. ) :goodvibes Don't mind me, my coffee has yet to kick in. :surfweb:

...but always come back for beignets or ice cream....priorities you know...hahaha..

And those are just the sort of priorities I love! :love: I'm with you on the FQ food court. For some reason, we didn't like it as much as the one over at POR -- although they've got those beignets.

Just purchased my Disney on Ice: Treasure Trove tickets!!! :yay:

We go every year, and every year I say we're not going, because it's usually pretty close to an actual trip to Disney....but I'm a sucker for we're going... :lmao:

I just saw the advert for that yesterday. I'm not going to show it to Miss M. :laughing: I know, I know... mean mommy.

Two very lovely ladies...and Miss you hv the cutest specs...HRH got new ones similar (Kate needs new ones ASAP...HRH broke them in two last night when they were arguing) :headache:

Thank you. :blush: (Although I don't know what my hair was doing in that pic. UGH! :scared1: ) Whoa... BROKE them in TWO?! That sounds more like the "arguing" my brother and I did. :laughing: How's Bree doing today? :hug:

:sad1: for us not meeting....but

:yay: for you getting to meet Candace!!!


How's the sick DD doing -- even more on the mend this morning, I hope? :hug: What's the scoop on the doggy?!

YC CL booked :banana:

You are going to LOVE it at the YC! :love:
Well remember I said DH wasn't too happy?? THis is one of his emails this morning about my lunchtime meeting with the dog...keep in mind he has a weird sense of humor!

"I forbid you to go.
If you go and meet a strange guy at the dog park I will chalk it up to an act of war and a defined destruction of our marriage promise to each other.
You cross me here and I will go to the ways of extreme lazyness, no comprehended listening, and drunken stupers funded by future disney funds.

Your call

Choose wisely my dear"

He then emailed and said that he would rather have a male "Chewbacca" dog. :confused3 Oh well.

Oh and yes, I am still going!!:rotfl: I am just so rebellious. :rolleyes2 My parents are coming with me though, I will be safe.
Well remember I said DH wasn't too happy?? THis is one of his emails this morning about my lunchtime meeting with the dog...keep in mind he has a weird sense of humor!

"I forbid you to go.
If you go and meet a strange guy at the dog park I will chalk it up to an act of war and a defined destruction of our marriage promise to each other.
You cross me here and I will go to the ways of extreme lazyness, no comprehended listening, and drunken stupers funded by future disney funds.

Your call

Choose wisely my dear"

He then emailed and said that he would rather have a male "Chewbacca" dog. :confused3 Oh well.

Oh and yes, I am still going!!:rotfl: I am just so rebellious. :rolleyes2 My parents are coming with me though, I will be safe.


I think your DH and my DH would get along great!!!
Well remember I said DH wasn't too happy?? THis is one of his emails this morning about my lunchtime meeting with the dog...keep in mind he has a weird sense of humor!

"I forbid you to go.
If you go and meet a strange guy at the dog park I will chalk it up to an act of war and a

defined destruction of our marriage promise to each other.
You cross me here and I will go to the ways of extreme lazyness, no comprehended listening, and drunken stupers funded by future disney funds.

Your call

Choose wisely my dear"

He then emailed and said that he would rather have a male "Chewbacca" dog. :confused3 Oh well.

Oh and yes, I am still going!!:rotfl: I am just so rebellious. :rolleyes2 My parents are coming with me though, I will be safe.

Funny men are the best! :)

If we all got our hubs together, could you imagine? :faint: :lmao: I loved the "no comprehended listening" bit.

Actually, upon second thought, I believe they'd be in more trouble from all of US getting together. :scratchin ::yes::
YC CL booked :banana:
:sad1: for us not meeting....but

:yay: for you getting to meet Candace!!!
You just never know Jen :rotfl2:

Hellooooooooooooooooo ladies (and lady-nurses! Because I can't say "hello" like that in my mind and not put "nurse" at the end. And it's totally fitting here on this thread. ) :goodvibes Don't mind me, my coffee has yet to kick in. :surfweb:

Thank you. :blush: (Although I don't know what my hair was doing in that pic. UGH! :scared1: ) Whoa... BROKE them in TWO?! That sounds more like the "arguing" my brother and I did. :laughing: How's Bree doing today? :hug:
Now I have Animanics AD Seinfeld on the brain (Newman :lmao:) Yeah it was a less than stellar Mommy moment when she did that :rolleyes2 these girls are rough! Rock em Sock em Robots in the Pas house...I have spent more $$$$ on specs this year than my last vacation :faint:

Well remember I said DH wasn't too happy?? THis is one of his emails this morning about my lunchtime meeting with the dog...keep in mind he has a weird sense of humor!

"I forbid you to go.
If you go and meet a strange guy at the dog park I will chalk it up to an act of war and a defined destruction of our marriage promise to each other.
You cross me here and I will go to the ways of extreme lazyness, no comprehended listening, and drunken stupers funded by future disney funds.

Your call

Choose wisely my dear"

He then emailed and said that he would rather have a male "Chewbacca" dog. :confused3 Oh well.

Oh and yes, I am still going!!:rotfl: I am just so rebellious. :rolleyes2 My parents are coming with me though, I will be safe.

Oh boy :rotfl:

Here's Bree and Nancy this morning..Bree is fine today :goodvibes (note the cranberry juice stained teeth...haha)

Jeanette: Awwwww... hello to Bree! :cutie: :wave2: (I swear the first picture you posted of Nancy, she was an itty-bitty thing. Just what have you and Candace been feeding your fur-babies -- Miracle-Gro?!)
Thanks so excited , I was on call today so glad I didn't get called in because I probably wouldn't have changed my ressie.:):)
Happy Friday RCers! :dance3:

I heart, I wish I could help with the fairy godmother question, but I don't know.
The only name that comes to me quickly is Terri, and she works at the IPO. I think she is always so amazingly helpful.

Pas, I hope your dd's chin is better. princess::flower1:

Melissa, Here's hoping 2013 is a very mild tropical weather season. :thumbsup2

Kook, Nice new CR/BLT thread! :banana:

Missout, Glad your hubby is back. We are due for some cold, cold weather in a couple of days, think you are too. Oh, well, winter had to come sometime. :laughing:

Iheart and Missout, You two are lovely RCers. Great photo!:goodvibes

Iheart, Fingers crossed you'll get a great airfare deal. :thumbsup2

Wookie, I hope the financial aid stuff works out. :goodvibes

GG, You absolutely get the long trip award. It is so fun to hear about your trips and plans!:cool1:

Mom2munchkins, You're in the right place! Resort changes before, after, we understand. :wave:

DetTigsGal, Congrats on booking the Grand!::yes::

So sorry to hear about Nana. Thinking of your family. :hug:
Will stay tuned to hear more about the potential pet adoption. Your dh's email was hilarious. :rotfl:

Padawans, Two weeks of winter, huh? I don't think that will ever happen in Michigan, but a girl can hope! :laughing:

MM, Three months to the day!! Yay! :yay:

Waving Hi to Pumba, Debrn, Janet, Minnie, Marie, and other RC friends!:wave:
Wow, just reading up on the all-day menu changes at Le Cellier. Guess we were lucky to go when we did -- they took the burger off the menu. :mad:
Jeanette: Awwwww... hello to Bree! :cutie: :wave2: (I swear the first picture you posted of Nancy, she was an itty-bitty thing. Just what have you and Candace been feeding your fur-babies -- Miracle-Gro?!)
I know...they said Beagle mix...she is much bigger than a beagle :rotfl: She's a rescue pup...good guess I guess...

Pas, I hope your dd's chin is better. princess::flower1:


She's great Ginny...and officially a RCer....after looking at the website...she has decided AoA :upsidedow I had to make some changes to make it work since we are officially a family of seven...DH is booked at Pop :flower3: He might like that :rotfl: So we will be in a Nemo room and I saved SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much $ no problem affording airfare...and possibly a Summer trip :beach:
Hi Peeps :wave2:

I’m so far behind, so I will apologize now for missing posts..

Jen, so sorry about DH’s Nana, and all the family issues…. It would be nice if everyone could recognize that life is short and try to put aside past issues and come together as a family. Hopefully your DD's are feeling better... BTW, your rescue beagle is adorable! And love your DH’s sense of humor!! :rotfl2:

Pas, so thankful that Bree didn’t need stitches and that she’s feeling better (and broken glasses?? Still haven't found mine btw....

And I’d say congrats on booking BWI CL for May... I mean April :rolleyes: oops ... now AOA and POP!!! :hippie:

Kook, will check out your CR thread today, sure it will be as amazing as your other 2. and Kook, LOVE, LOVE, the Big Bang Theory!!! :cool1:

Padawans, I read somewhere that you got CL at the Poly (and now AKL!). AND I will have to bring some vodka to go along with the diet lemoade... great idea to use the mickey cup!!

Miss & Iheart … LOVE the picture… of two lovely ladies! :goodvibes

Miss, did you come up with a plan for your DH’s birthday??

MM, congrats on YC CL and PIF!! :cheer2:

Debrn: Congrats on booking YC CL!! :dance3:

Melissa, all your GF baking sounds soo good! (I too thought of Grand Floridian first :laughing:). Sorry about your April trip....

DzbyCrzy1, MM, Pas, Last year I started trying to eat healthier, and smaller portions in my quest to lose a few pounds. I found that 5 small meals are better than 3 larger ones. Also joined the YMCA and have been going fairly constantly with DD. For this 50+ body, that has helped a lot. Gone are the days where I can control losing weight with regular dieting.

Wookie, too bad about the financial aid ...getting your degree is important and WDW will always be there. Hopefully Disney will be in your future soon.

… that’s wonderful that your DH’s band was pictured and mentioned on the Podcast!!

Marie, have you heard about the position yet?? Any news on DL for next year?

Love seeing everyone’s cute pups and kittens!

Hi to our newest RCers!! :cool1:

Pumba, we were just at Riverside over marathon weekend, and we had a fabulous time... yes it is spread out, but we were fortunate to be right near the bus stop. It is so beautiful, I booked a BB for November, have no idea if I'm going or not!! AND I LOVE, Piano Bob!!

mom2munchkins .... I usually do my changing before actually booking too!! :goodvibes

Hi Ginny, Magic, Christine, Linda, and Lacey!!!
Pas, so thankful that Bree didn’t need stitches and that she’s feeling better (and broken glasses?? Still haven't found mine btw....

And I’d say congrats on booking BWI CL for May... I mean April :rolleyes: but I feel that may change too…

DzbyCrzy1, MM, Pas, Last year I started trying to eat healthier, and smaller portions in my quest to lose a few pounds. I found that 5 small meals are better than 3 larger ones. Also joined the YMCA and have been going fairly constantly with DD. For this 50+ body, that has helped a lot. Gone are the days where I can control losing weight with regular dieting.

As you posted...I was ch-ch-changing.....a Nemo suite...handpicked by Bree (Kate's been BEGGING to stay there) and a Standard Pop room for Brian :upsidedow (officially anyhoo)

So far so good wit the diet...I have been eating well and drinking LOTS of Agua! Todays two week weigh in...9 lbs down already :cheer2:
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