AN AP-ALOOZA with a baby! October TR turned year of Disney! NEW 2/7 AUG FINISHED!

That's awesome!! Okay so maybe I couldn't give you the push you needs because my DH would never go for that plan!!! Lol I'm glad Andrew was agreeable to it! Sounds like a fun way to pass the time till Europe.

Haha I am still in shock Andrew didn't put up any fight. Granted he gets out of birthday shopping and I'm paying for the whole trip and his one requirement was lots of FaceTime bc he will miss us too much heheh.
That's great that you are taking the mommy/daughter trip! Sorry I haven't been around lately, but I would have pushed you to do it! :goodvibes Of course, I could never do that, because Dug would want to go with (not a bad problem!) I hope you guys have a great time.

Also, I hope you post a mini-TR or something of the Europe trip, as I'd love to see how it goes bringing Aria.
Are you on Facebook? I keep that updated with pics :) how is your family doing? I have been meaning to do mini trs but haven't had a chance yet. Today I'm home with a stomach bug :(
Are you on Facebook? I keep that updated with pics :) how is your family doing? I have been meaning to do mini trs but haven't had a chance yet. Today I'm home with a stomach bug :(

I am on Facebook...would love to see updated pics! We're doing well, just really busy. I am updating my PTR, but not as often as I'd like. I last updated it almost a month ago, but we've made ADRs and plans and such since. Someday I will have time to update (I hope). I'm just at work now, but stealthily DIS-ing.... :rolleyes1
haha sorry I was a bad influence on you :P I'm glad your DH didn't put up a fight! I doubt mine would've let me go without him. He said he would feel really left out and miss us too much. He said maybe when Gavin was older. It just stinks because if I was ever in that position, I could go in a heartbeat - my DH does not get ANY time off work except for his 2 weeks of vacation, in which he has to put in for the November the year before. I would love to do a mother/son trip with Gavin when he is a little bit older. These memories will be so special with you and Aria. So great she is going to Europe too! What a traveler she is already at a young age!

I bet she has grown up so much since this October TR. I don't have facebook, looking forward to seeing some pictures of your past trips and future one at some point!
I am on Facebook...would love to see updated pics! We're doing well, just really busy. I am updating my PTR, but not as often as I'd like. I last updated it almost a month ago, but we've made ADRs and plans and such since. Someday I will have time to update (I hope). I'm just at work now, but stealthily DIS-ing.... :rolleyes1

I'll PM you my name so you can friend me if you want :goodvibes some sweet mama on here friended me so I might have given my full name away already but just in case don't want to make it TOO easy to find. I need to go back to your PTR, sorry, it's been tough just keeping up with this one I haven't really gone to anyone elses. :confused:

haha sorry I was a bad influence on you :P I'm glad your DH didn't put up a fight! I doubt mine would've let me go without him. He said he would feel really left out and miss us too much. He said maybe when Gavin was older. It just stinks because if I was ever in that position, I could go in a heartbeat - my DH does not get ANY time off work except for his 2 weeks of vacation, in which he has to put in for the November the year before. I would love to do a mother/son trip with Gavin when he is a little bit older. These memories will be so special with you and Aria. So great she is going to Europe too! What a traveler she is already at a young age!

I bet she has grown up so much since this October TR. I don't have facebook, looking forward to seeing some pictures of your past trips and future one at some point!

Haha I just needed a little push that was all. I was always leaning towards going, was more worried about what Andrew would say. He said he will miss us but he definitely does not love disney like i do (though if he had the time off I know he would love to go). He's more upset about me taking away Aria for 7 nights but most of those are going to be during the work week anyway.

OK OK let me get some actual work done then I might go do a mini TR from December since that was the next trip after october. :goodvibes
As soon as I talked Andrew into getting AP's for our October trip (since with the way we eat, APs+TiW came out about EVEN with just buying tickets and paying for food) I knew I wanted to book a December trip because, well, Christmas is my favorite time of year and I just LOVE disney during the holidays.

The trip came out pretty darn cheap considering we had SW points (free flights), capital one points (free rental car) and I had a free night at a moderate resort AND was able to use the special number to book any remaining nights - so we were able to stay in a POR Royal Room for 3 nights for only $256. Plus of course free tickets and TiW to save on dining...yep pretty darn cheap!

So of course, Andrew couldn't disagree with that and I went ahead and booked the trip. It certainly made our October trip easier to leave knowing we would return in less than 2 months! This was the FIRST (of many...) times where we didn't wait 2-3 years between trips, which I just do NOT know how I waited so long before! :p

Our plans were as follows:

Early flight Friday Dec 7th, stop to buy groceries, head to EPCOT, Garden Grill for dinner with Candlelight Processional Package and then see Illuminations. See anything wrong with this picture...?? Haha.

Sat Dec 8th - MK, WCC lunch, BOG dinner, Wishes, possibly a carriage ride at POR before heading back to MK for Wishes.

Sun Dec 9th - Tusker House BF, AK, DHS, Mama Melrose F! Package, Osborne Lights

Somewhere in there we also wanted Aria to meet Santa for the first time.

Mon Dec 10th - fly home

So without further ado, let's get this mini tr started!!
EARLY Friday morning at the airport (5AM), gotta love Providence though with no lines and no waiting to get to the terminal.



I wanted to mention here that Aria was 10 months old. At 9.5 months old she started taking steps solo. I was very excited to have her take solo steps on Main Street but it was not to be, she did not really have any interest in walking there so March would be the first time she actually walked at Disney.

It was not a full flight so we had a row to ourselves (amazing!)


Flight was OK, Aria slept a little bit (she's getting worse as she gets older!), we got our luggage and rental car quickly and headed to POR.


Check in was a breeze and our room was ready! :banana:


The headboards were so cool and Aria loved them (though I think she would have loved them more being older now.



Playing peek a boo with daddy


So of course, I had told Andrew that we don't *have* to head to EPCOT right away to go for lunch BUT i really did want to and was hungry. So we did (I forgot to mention I had added in a last minute ADR at San Angel Inn for lunch).





Ahhh the days when Aria was content to sit in a high chair through a full meal...


While I don't remember the name of this margarita this has yet to be recreated in its amazing-ness so i plan to have one in August. YUM. Passionfruit something or other. Andrew was disappointed to hear it trumped the delicious peach ones he makes me :rotfl:


Our meals were fantastic (much better than our previous visit) and then we took a quick ride before putting Aria down for a nap. During her nap time we took turns riding Test Track single rider and then Aria woke up and we headed to the BCC.


Andrew realized that he had never been on the Universe of Energy - while i told him he hadn't missed much he insisted on checking it out.


We had a bit more time before our Garden Grill ADR so we headed to Nemo.


She has always loved the fish tanks (and in June, she was pointing out all the fish which was cute!)



Of course had to watch Turtle Talk!


Then a quick ride over on Figment -


My little water baby watching the backwards waterfall


Then we parked the stroller and headed into the land


Continued in next post!!
Continued from previous post...

Rode one of my favorite relaxing rides, Living with the Land, since we still had a bit of time before dinner.


Oh yeah, I used to have to hold her hands to sit on my shoulders! Now she holds on :goodvibes


We *still* had time to kill so we let Aria play in a deserted part of the restaurant



Then we decided to check in. High chairs aren't allowed at the booths so we had to sit on the 2nd level. Was a little disappointed with that but we still had an okay view. Here is where I got a glimpse of how this trip would turn out though. Remember, our last character meet was AMAZING with Rapunzel, so I assumed this meet would go GREAT! The was not the case. Aria saw the first character and literally FREAKED out. I stood up with her to show her they were okay, but I think that made it worse (sneak to June 2013: instead of us picking up Aria, at Crystal Palace we met the characters and took pictures with them without her - I think that *really* helped curb her fear of them!).


It was also a LOT to ask of a tired baby who had been up since 4AM.



After the traumatic experience - during which apparently I took no pictures of the food BUT it was DELICIOUS! The mashed potatoes were amazing as I recall, and they also brought me a separate vegetarian meal so the table was full of delicious food. I'd like to return, for sure.

As I mentioned before, this was a candlelight processional package. Neither of us were up to seeing the CP though (I will honestly say I have never had any real interest in seeing it, but thought it was the thing to do for the holidays). So we left and had an early night to bed.
Yay, so excited to read about your Christmas trip!!! :yay: I adore the holidays at WDW. It's amazing how they can make such a magical place even MORE magical, but come Christmastime, they absolutely do!!

The photo of Aria sitting in front of the headboard with her eyebrow cocked up is ADORABLE!!

So upsetting that she was afraid of the characters that trip, but it's a little better knowing she did better on your latest trip. :goodvibes I couldn't help it, I laughed a little at the picture of her scared of Pluto. She just has the most PERFECT frown going on! :upsidedow Poor baby girl!

A busy first day!!
Side note - just bought my flight for August! :cool1: so now we are all set with room, car rental, and flight. yay!

So moving on -

Day 2 is a MK day! My goal for the day was to get a good photo of Aria in her pink Minnie dress WITH Minnie to use for her 1st birthday invitations which I planned to order immediately after returning from the trip. Did I get a good pic? Nope. Why? Because I'm a terrible mother that subjected her poor DD to more characters when she was obviously super afraid of them. :scared1:

Anyway morning started off well and we were up and ready to get to the park for opening. I did miss having a before park opening ADR though!

Side note 2 - I don't have any idea where my photopass pics for the trip went. I never loaded them to FB. But they were overall pretty awful considering the weather and the poor character meets, so we aren't missing much not having them.

Aria playing with diapers in the room before we headed out...


Foggy cool weather this morning -


Our must do pic for each trip -


(crap, who is going to take this pic in August??)

Since I was gung ho for visiting Minnie and getting that picture, we went there first!

Poor thing


Better (she DOES love minnie)


But still not too sure


We hopped on Pooh after that meet, which aria does really enjoy, then snapped a cute pic of Aria peeking into the mine train construction


Then for some unknown reason I thought it would be a good idea to meet MORE characters, and we hadn't meet Tink yet so we quickly changed Aria and went over there. Still no wait, thankfully. I wanted to see if the face characters would be ok. They were :banana:




This was something we wanted to do again in June but the line never seemed shorter than 35 minutes so we skipped it. I'm going to make character meets more of a priority in August.

Next up was a Jungle Cruise ride-



Then Pirates before nap time


Crowds around 10AM - pretty amazing


We took turns riding Big Thunder during nap time and then I took Aria to the BCC for a nurse, change, and outfit change to be more comfy.

Next up was IaSW which I will say has been her favorite ride throughout the trips (though i think MAYBE the safari at AK topped it in June!)



Then onto Ariel which we all really enjoy



Then we took turns riding Splash with our FP/rider switches.

I remember getting into a tiff with Andrew because he didn't take a photo of me coming down Splash, so when he came down I made it a point to take a pic. :rotfl: the things we fought about when we are tired makes me laugh now!


Then we had a FP come up for Peter Pan so hopped on that


Continued in next post ...

We had lunch ADR at WCC - first time to this restaurant for us, and I was really excited. First of all, I don't think we had ever seen WL with holiday decorations, and secondly I've always been intrigued by WCC. So we hopped on the boat...


It was the small one so we had to fold the stroller


It was so humid and I had to pull my hair back but forgot a hair elastic, so bought this silly thing at one of the shops. :goodvibes


I *still* haven't seen the WL Geyser in its entirety!! UGH! In June we caught the tail end of it. Maybe this december!


A CM offered to take our pic before seating us -


The attitudes, cute funny touches around the restaurant, etc made the lunch SO MUCH fun! We never asked for ketchup bc I totally forgot to tell Andrew to but oh well.


Teepee lights? Amazing. I want a lodge home with all these details someday.


Someone enjoyed her squeeze packet lunch, too


I don't remember what I ate, but it was good. I was very excited to return for another meal (we did breakfast in June, and are planning a return breakfast in Dec).

Back at the geyser hoping for a miracle, haha


Waiting for the boat back


Big boat yay! No stroller folding!


After lunch we hopped on the train! Something we hadn't taken Aria on in October!


We took it all the way around so we were able to just park the stroller and come back to it.


I rode Splash again with no wait, and Andrew made up for his earlier indiscretion :rotfl:

During this time Aria was taking her 2nd nap of the day. Aside from Splash, I think we did a little shopping (buying some toys for Aria's daycare). I was fortunate enough to get an ADR for BOG but it was pretty early (4:30) so we had to put Aria down a bit earlier so that she would get a full nap in.

Once she woke up we checked in for dinner, we waited a short while on the bridge but not long enough for pics so it couldn't have been too long!

Beast making his appearance


My meal was good, Andrew had pork I believe and it was very undercooked, so he was a bit reluctant to return (though we did, in June, and my meal was fantastic as was Andrew's).

My dessert was good (but it was also better in June, they must have worked out some kinks in those few months!).


Our meet with the Beast after dinner was disasterous (documented on the missing Dec PP pics haha) but we did stop for a pic afterwards


At this point, we were TIRED and getting grumpy (we meaning Andrew and I, from what I remember Aria was perfectly content). I was upset that I hadn't yet set foot in the pool or enjoyed the resort at all but also that I had planned to see Wishes (at 10PM that night). One thing about December, esp for long weekends, is that MVMCP makes Wishes nights few and far between, so we had only 1 night we could watch them from the park.

ANyway we headed back to the room, intending to come back later.

It was about 5:30PM or so, this was how dark it was already! Why did Wishes have to be so darn late?!


When we got back to the resort we did spend a little time in the pool before heading back to the room and just going to bed. We were tired, the park had opened at 8AM that day. Looking back, I should have just hopped over to the park by myself but I was also tired and just didn't want to admit it at the time, so I blamed Andrew for not seeing wishes. Oh well.

Overall it had been a fun day with a few disappointments with the Minnie meet, but we found out face characters were still okay so that was a great thing. BOG was fun, as was WCC. 3-night trips are way too tough though to try to visit every park, and do all the holiday stuff. I am (slowly) learning not to throw too much into each day.
As a side note, here is the photo I took at home when we returned, that I used for her birthday invitations -



And since I'm on the topic here are some pics from her 1st birthday :goodvibes




Smash cake


She loved it





Aria carried around her balloons for more than a month after her party :rotfl:




Sorry these are out of order haha



Birthday DAY with mommy and daddy



She got the hang of unwrapping very quickly ;)


Ok enough of the intermission. Back to working on the December TR! :goodvibes
Yay, so excited to read about your Christmas trip!!! :yay: I adore the holidays at WDW. It's amazing how they can make such a magical place even MORE magical, but come Christmastime, they absolutely do!!

The photo of Aria sitting in front of the headboard with her eyebrow cocked up is ADORABLE!!

So upsetting that she was afraid of the characters that trip, but it's a little better knowing she did better on your latest trip. :goodvibes I couldn't help it, I laughed a little at the picture of her scared of Pluto. She just has the most PERFECT frown going on! :upsidedow Poor baby girl!

A busy first day!!

Hahah I know, I am pretty sure you have seen the Santa pics from Facebook, but they still crack me up. SO SO sad but funny. :goodvibes

Christmas is amazing, just wish the weather could be slightly nicer/warmer/more predictable! haha.

Thank you for continuing to stick with my report I'm sorry I dropped off of everyone elses but I am sure to go back and read everything, I promise!
Moving on since I want to finish this up before I leave for a quick trip to Texas to visit my Grandmom (with my mom and Aria).

We had before park ADRs at Tusker House (another new to us restaurant, I was really knocking them out this trip!!).

Waiting for parking lot attendants to open the lot!


It was a little chilly this morning - we were ok but luckily had a sweater for Aria.



Yes, this was another character meal. I didn't want to delete it because 1) i wanted to get into the park early for the first time and 2) I don't want to feel like I have to avoid all characters with Aria and would rather have her get used to them even if from afar.


This time was slightly better. Especially by the time the last character came around. We did not buy the Donald pic from outside but I don't remember it being horrible.


This was her after Mickey left- she was clearly intrigued by them just didn't want them so close to her :lmao:


She did well with Daisy (MUCH better than the day before!)


And that was me beaming at not holding a screaming baby!


Goofy went okay too as long as he didn't get too close


We ended breakfast before the park opened so we waited at the rope to go ride the safari as soon as they dropped it.


Yes I hold my child up so she can see better


Random but my 10m old had no teeth during this trip. In a few short weeks however, she received her first 6 teeth all within a week of eachother.



Next stop, while Aria was still awake :goodvibes


Then we rode it again and I sat forward to take pics


Then it was nap time for a munchkin and EE time for Andrew

EE shirt pic


I'm pretty sure I also rode Dinosaur because after EE Andrew wanted to ride Kali. So now we have a wet EE shirt pic with a sleeping Aria


We (or I) always end up doing the trails when she is sleeping haha. It is a nice relaxing and semi cool thing to do (in terms of temperature). I did it twice in June! I don't know if Aria has actually ever seen the tigers haha!

Then we walked back around and saw Divine


And found a pathway near the tree of life that I don't recall ever venturing into with a giant waterfall at the end.


After that, Aria woke up, we hopped to the BCC for an outfit change and nurse, and then hopped in the car to head to DHS.

The one tram ride we have taken in forever was this day since we had to park so far away. Barely worth the effort to close the stroller though (at least, the giantess stroller we have).



continued in next post...
We didn't have much on the to-do list for DHS but did want to check out the play area and I wanted to see the playhouse disney show (which I just read they updated it with Sofia, Jake, and Doc?!?! - def going to this in Aug!) before heading to our uber early dinner (or late lunch) at MM for a F! package




Andrew has a thing about sitting on the floor so he was NOT happy about the seating arrangements. Aria was pretty restless but seemed to enjoy it. I think she would enjoy it more now. (Andrew says his tailbone is too long so it hurts to sit on the floor).


After the show we headed over to our late lunch (which was also pushing off Aria's afternoon nap time quite a bit, BTW)


Mama Melrose was also a new-to-us restaurant. I have a newfound love of Italian since visiting Italy, and now I truly love it. MM did not disappoint, though Aria was sort of a bear if I remember correctly.

So pretty! I need to revisit this place at some point but it hasn't yet made it back to our ADR to-do list.


No more photos that are decent enough to post. But the napkin over the head trick and letting aria play a bit on the bench seat next to me kept her occupied until we left. We then put her down for a nap and headed out of the park. Our goal: MEET SANTA! Remember that original goal I set before the trip? Well we never made it to santa that first day at Epcot (line was way too long) and then I didn't realize that Santa was at MK until we were on our way out and I didn't have her cute outfit the day before. So despite her issue with characters I still wanted to put my poor munchkin through this because, well, it was SANTA at DISNEY - can't get better than that.

So we walked to EPCOT.


Despite what the pic says, Andrew was NOT happy about this little plan of mine to run to EPCOT between lunch/dinner (it was now about 3PM) and Fantasmic. And when he is not happy about something it spoils the mood, so our afternoon was sort of spent in silence while i took pics and waited for Aria to wake up.

We walked around the WS stopped in a few shops, each had a drink (white wine of some sort for me, and beer for Andrew, in America) and got in line for Santa, since they let us bring the stroller in line. At this point it was about 4:45 and Aria had been sleeping way longer than she normally does (of course) and they were closing off the Santa line for a long break. So we removed the blanket hoping she'd wake up on her own.


No go, so when we were about 4-5 people away we started waking her up gently. Then changed her in line (outfit, not diaper haha). Poor little thing had no idea what was coming, so I tried to show her Santa from afar just to see who she would be meeting. That didn't work.

You have to get the quintessential on-santa's-lap pic right?!


These photographers were TERRIBLE. I told them she would be nervous and I tried to go up there slowly and let her meet them with me holding her. Nope, they seriously MADE me put her on his lap. Yeah - that's a great way to warm up to him. :scared1:

They then thought Mrs. Claus would be less scary so they switched Aria to her. Nope, she wanted her mommy.


Looking at Santa again


I guess she *could* be smiling in this photo, if I hadn't been there and heard her crying...


Afterwards she was happy as a clam :3dglasses


We made it back into DHS and here is where I do wish I had those PP pics, as we did get a few this day that were pretty good.

We did not arrive 1 hour before the show started, maybe 25-30 minutes beforehand, but we still had OK seats and because of that the F! package was worth it IMO. I don't like to wait.


Aria was a little clingy but okay through the show, and we both enjoyed it (this was the first time seeing it!). It hasn't become a must do for us, but I would like to watch it again at some point.



Afterwards we joined the masses to head to the Osborne Lights. I am dying to get some good photopass pics here, I don't think we got 1 so I hope we will in December.





It was tough to do much other than walk with the masses, so we did that right on out of the park.

At that point it sort of set in that our trip was basically over already! Too fast! That was my first 3-day trip, and it was just TOO SHORT esp with all the stuff I tried to squeeze in.

So what did we do? I hadn't seen Wishes yet (which is by far my one MUST DO for every trip, of course, without question) but it was MVMCP night. Boo. So I decided to go to the bar near Boatwrights and get some wine. After some deliberation Andrew joined me, and he put Aria in jammies and down for the night in the stroller. (Read: remember our amazing night at the lounge at BLT - something like that!). On our walk over to the bar, I remembered I had wanted to ride the carriages so we stopped by to see the availability - score there was 1 available for about 9PM (which was in about 1.5 hours). From there we made it to the bar.


We cozied up in the little couch near the fireplace and here is probably where I stated we were returning the following December :rotfl:

After a couple drinks we parked the stroller by Boatwrights and went outside to await our, carriage. We chose to take it over to POFQ since I still hadn't seen that resort. Andrew carried a sleeping Aria-


continued in next post...
I tried to get some photos while on the ride but moving in the dark doesn't make for great pics, especially non flash.


Aria slept the whole way and just woke up at the end when the driver asked if we wanted our picture taken.



But it was such a nice, quiet ride (our driver didn't talk too much though she was very friendly and answered any of our questions, she just didn't want to wake up Aria) and a wonderful way to end the trip. I'm excited to take the carriage ride around Fort Wilderness this December. Also, POFQ was beautiful!

Speaking of POFQ - our final day we just had a little bit of time before heading off to the airport - not enough to visit a park, so I wanted to go try some of the infamous fried dough and see POFQ in the daylight!

First, some pics of our "mansion"


Then we went for breakfast. Overall, it was pretty awful. I hate fake syrup and didn't see much on the menu aside from chocolate chip pancakes. I ordered 6 beignets and they were too crispy IMO. Considering we spent about the same as our delicious TS bf at WCC with much less hassle, I will stick to TS from now on.

But we didn't let it ruin our fun, and checked out the pool area after breakfast.





It was a nice small pool. Then we headed back over to the main pool to take some pics because I didn't have the camera last time.




Aria got a quick dip before we ran back to the room to get freshened up and head to the airport.

She had a nice flight home while I mentally planned for our next December trip! :lmao: And once again, it was exciting to know that I was coming back in just a few more months (3) with my mom and Aria!

That's a wrap for this trip!
A whole TR in one day! :wizard: That's pretty amazing, and of course, I loved reading all about your trip!

The pic of you and Aria with Daisy at Tusker House came out great for a trip of her being fearful of characters. Actually, she seemed to do better with the girl characters! Although the one of her peering over at Goofy is pretty adorable!

What a nice carriage ride. :goodvibes What a great way to wrap up a short trip. But I can definitely see a 3 day trip as being WAY too short! Definitely always easier to leave when you know you're going to be back soon. I know it's going to be so hard for us to leave from our October trip this year since we don't know when our next trip will be!

I forgot to ask earlier, where in Europe are you visiting this year? Aria is quite the little traveler! We made the hard decision to go to Italy next year without Paxton just because we are doing the ABD trip and I don't know how easily he would be able to keep up with the pace. :guilty:
A whole TR in one day! :wizard: That's pretty amazing, and of course, I loved reading all about your trip!

The pic of you and Aria with Daisy at Tusker House came out great for a trip of her being fearful of characters. Actually, she seemed to do better with the girl characters! Although the one of her peering over at Goofy is pretty adorable!

What a nice carriage ride. :goodvibes What a great way to wrap up a short trip. But I can definitely see a 3 day trip as being WAY too short! Definitely always easier to leave when you know you're going to be back soon. I know it's going to be so hard for us to leave from our October trip this year since we don't know when our next trip will be!

I forgot to ask earlier, where in Europe are you visiting this year? Aria is quite the little traveler! We made the hard decision to go to Italy next year without Paxton just because we are doing the ABD trip and I don't know how easily he would be able to keep up with the pace. :guilty:

Thanks! I didn't intend to do it all yesterday haha but I had the Facebook album open and wanted to get all the pictures in there before it froze on me. Plus I was being lazy at work.

Yes she did seem to do better with the girl characters. What wasn't captured was how fearful she was when they were walking around. MARCH was even worse - WAY worse. I thought it'd be cute to meet the easter bunny and she started crying when we were 50 ft away and I pointed him out. That's why I was so worried about June - I thought it would just get worse!

Aww I'm sure Italy will be more relaxing without him! Though he will never forgive you when he is older... :lmao: JK! We are going to Holland, Germany, and Italy (Italy we are just heading back to Lake Como - our favorite place in the whole WORLD at the moment!). I am super excited to go with Aria but know it will be a different sort of trip. Not too worried about her keeping up but she's a pretty good stroller-sitter and we might bring the backpack carrier too. It's a lot of driving (we will be renting a car) so she will have a bit of downtime that way I think!

My biggest fear is the flight there and back - flight there is overnight. She is a horrible plane sleeper but I am crossing my fingers she will just be way too tired to stay up. On the way back I can almost guarantee it will be awful haha. it's mid-day and if she doesn't nap at all...oh boy! :joker: Ah well, gotta live with it!

We fly to Texas tomorrow (my mom, Aria, and me, oh JOY) and I am bringing an even bigger arsenal of toys and hopefully between those and Jet Blue's TV screens she will be happy and just nap on the drive to my grandmom's house. I can't wait until she is 2 and I HAVE to buy her a seat. :goodvibes

BTW - I changed the title of the TR, since I'm going to include TR's for this year's AP!
Yes, Disney Jr Live is now Sofia, Doc McStuffins, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates! It's really cute. Also, tell Andrew that there are benches in the back if he doesn't want to sit on the floor!


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