aaackk!!! Another snow day!


<font color=660099>Not your average kindergarten t
Jul 27, 2000
School got cancelled for us today! Roads were cleared by 8, so I'm not sure why we didn't just have a delay. At this rate we won't get out of school until the end of June:rolleyes:
We just have a 2 hour delay. Just great for me since on Thursdays I take the neighbors son to the bus stop. Ive had him over here since 7:30, which really makes it difficult to get my kids ready and have them listen to me. Only 30 more minutes and 2 of them will be getting on the bus. ;)
Amazingly, I dont think we have had a snow day yet. Im sure that will change over the next few months if the weather keeps up the way its been.
Enjoy your day off.
Two hour delay for us. But I haven't heard the hs bus go by yet so i don't know what's up. They haven't plowed or sanded our road yet so maybe the buses won't come down (our development is not town-approved yet) so I may be driving DS in. May as well since I need to make a wal-mart run. DH got to work ok and said the roads are fine.

2 hr school day here in central MA. Didnt find out though until after DS was up eating breakfast. Since we were all in bed sleeping by 8pm last night DS & I just hung out this morning.
I honestly believe since school was delayed opening back in Aug/Sept that the school dept will try to get these kids to school. As it is our last school day is June 23rd.
No cancellations or delays here but we did have icy roads and some snow which hadn't been plowed or salted when I left but the busses were out. Sliding down the street. Must have been an exciting ride for DD today.
Boy, am I ever on the wrong side of this discussion. We drove up to my sister's farm (just south of the Kansas line in NE Oklahoma) for Christmas. The forecast was for just a light 'dusting', and maybe some light sleet. It snowed ALL night, and we got about 10 inches. Wow; the two boys were out all day; three snowmen, a billion snowball fights, and a run on sleds at the Wal Mart (we were able to get one). Yeah, I know its a hassle, and a pain, but kids from South Texas find it an amazing experiece now and then. Sorry we enjoyed it so much..



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