A thought about beenz


This mouse GOT her next cruise
Mar 23, 2000
Anyone else wondering why they revised the site last month IF they were in such deep financial trouble they are going to close at the end of this month?
I had the exact same thought. I wouldn't make alot of sense....but you never know....I have about 3000 beenz...and I'm just gonna wait and see!

I hope they don't disappear!:D
revamped their site in hopes of attracting new sponsors. They would want the site to look the best possible in order to pitch it to investors.
I cashed in on most of my beenz. I just got my first rewardz card just before the problems and price increases started. I only have a small # beenz in my account now, not enough to do anything with. I still try to get more when I have some extra time, since it doesn't take long. I hope this program turns around because I enjoyed doing it, even though it was a bit frustrating at times.:bounce:


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