A Tale of Two Trips: Disneyland and Hawaii July 2014 Long Way Home: The End 9/13 p.40

Quite a view as you were enjoying pizza from the comfort of your room.

I'm glad you and Mark got a little "alone" time for your anniversary and could celebrate with a cocktail (I could go for a Mai Tai right now).

That's too bad about Red Lobster. We don't have many good seafood places. We have one that flies in their seafood fresh daily, but it is about an hour drive from us and VERY expensive. Our Red Lobster, like Jen's, can be hit or miss. That was definitely NOT clam chowder soup in that picture.
Great pics along the beach and the rainbow from your room! Every time I see Hawaii pics the theme song from Hawaii Five-O pops up in my head! Sighhhhh

Oh no!! Looking forward to more of your TR .... well, maybe not the worst dining experience part! :rotfl:

OK, that wasn't happening to me with the theme song, but now it is! Book 'em Dano!

There's a lot more good (dining and otherwise) before we get to the bad dining experience. It was our last meal.


Love the fact that you hot to grab some time alone together to celebrate your anniversary. Gorgeous beach and the view from your room is just beautiful. Shame about the meal at Red Lobster and I dread to think what coming next but hey at least the pizza was good :)

We had a nice walk along the beach and it was good to sit for a few minutes and toast our life together over drinks at Jimmy Buffett's place.

We really did have an amazing view from our room.

On the plus side, Red Lobster was one of our least expensive meals on Hawaii since we didn't order that much to eat!


That would have been nice to have had your Mai Tai's at Dukes with the beautiful view. I guess too many other people had that idea, too. :(
:offtopic: By the way, I recently discovered that I like Mai Tai's and the Captain's Mai Tai at the YC/BC is my favorite - so far. I'm not much of a drinker and prefer my drinks fruity. Sunken Treasures are out because I don't like coconut rum. :sad2:

Lobster bisque is usually a pale reddish color. The soup Mark ordered actually looks like chicken soup. ;)

I'm very envious of the fresh seafood that you have at home. We live in the Midwest and most of our seafood is frozen,.. If we want fresh fish it has to be local, which means it would have to be things like perch, walleye and other freshwater fish. I've even had some Asian carp. When we go to Hawaii I usually get Mahi Mahi, which is their local fish.

You know what. It was kind of hectic at Dukes, so it was actually nice to go someplace a little quieter.

I do believe that within the next 24 hours we would be enjoying a Mai Tai at Dukes. Different Day. Different Island.

Thanks for the heads up on the Captain's Mai Tai. I'll put it on the list.

One of the reasons I take the picture is so I can identify what we had. Picture fail in this situation!

We are certainly spoiled with excellent seafood here.


Oh my Dee, the rainbow pictures are so beautiful. Just wow.

Aww that's too bad you didn't get to stay at Duke's. It does look like a lovely spot. Margaritaville is not a bad consolation though. And being Universal folks, somewhat appropriate. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (then).

Ugh, so sorry the dinner was so bad. Of course I'm glad no one died as a result, but still, not good. :(

We saw a few rainbows during our trip, at least one on every island, but not as many as I expected. Although that is good because I believe rainbows = rain.

The place we celebrated didn't matter as much as what we were celebrating. :love2:

No one died on our anniversary. That would have been bad!


Oh Dee. I remember the red lobster fiasco from FB but round table too? And the in hotel breakfast buffet? Sadness!!!!!

Very sad about Dukes but yeah, the place is insane. On my last work trip I only snagged a table one night after 3 previous attempts and that was due to the fact it was raining! Tips for future visits for you. Lulu's which is upstairs from dukes has a lovely bar, it's set back but still has a view, has live music and the best HH Mai tai and bar menu I think. Dukes has a killer breakfast buffet for $16.95 each.

The coffee house does have the menu posted outside so you can look at it first.

I am glad you enjoyed Haunauma bay. It was magical when I first went a couple of decades ago but it is true that it's been quite damaged since then. Like you we were there in the afternoon and the wind made for cloudy water and not as clear fish viewing. I am really undecided if we will take the boys there or not.

Love the rainbow!!!

I will not be making them do Koko head though but we will be hiking :)

So lovely to get caught up here this morning, exactly what I needed. I really am impressed with all you were able to do with your Oahu time and a drink at margaritaville (which is kind of a cool bar set up even if it misses the view) is not a bad thing at all and very appropriate for you guys.

I am thinking CJs is looking like a more and more viable lunch option on our arrival day though!

Sorry this is so disjointed, if I post from my phone I can't make edits anywhere but the end of the post! Unless I go into preview mode and even then it's wonky. Very glad the right Hilton was found and directionally challenged teen found his way. Fun on the army museum. I forgot about that, Jeff would likely enjoy it but right now I don't think it's on our list.

I swear I was sitting at Red Lobster thinking "Cynthia is NOT gonna like this!"

Good to know about breakfast- Wailana across the street or killer buffet at Dukes. My family really likes buffets, so finding a place $11 less per person than we paid would be a score.

We were pleased with what we saw at Hanauma Bay since we had never been before and didn't know it in its glory. But now that you mention it, there wasn't a lot of coral- the coral was much better once we hit Maui.

We give CJ's :thumbsup2:thumbsup2. In fact, looking back that would have been a better breakfast choice than the buffet!


Oh that really sucks about Red Lobster. Now in Ohio we don't have any great sea food places but our Red Lobster is hit and miss...sometimes really good and other times not so great.

What the Red Lobster lacked in quality, it made up for in crowd. It was really busy in there!


Sorry you weren't able to get a drink at Dukes, we had dinner in the bar area on our trip. It was good, but not outstanding. It was a rainy evening, but the tables near the beach looked nice. We stayed at the Beachcomber Holiday Inn, so Margaritaville was in our hotel, we did have a nice dinner there one night too. Do you have a favorite drink or meal when you go there? I loved the decor, very festive! It was a busy bustling area, and was perfect for our two night stay on Oahu :umbrella: How many Honolulu Cookie Co stores did you stop in to sample? Please tell me you found these. Too bad about Red Lobster, the food looked ok in the pictures......

Maui is my favorite island, it will be fun to see all your pictures, and hear about your stay there.

We don't have any "regulars" a Margaritaville, but we ate at the one in Orlando a couple of weeks ago and I had this:


Well we only stopped in at the one at the resort, but we made a few trips there. At one point one of the sales girls said "Oh, you're back!" :rotfl:

We will be in Maui soon!!!


Hi Dee! I just had a marathon catch up session... I hadn't commented since your DL part of the trip so forgive me as I walk down memory lane going waaaaayyyy back......

I'll come back with a reply to your post...


I am really enjoying your trip report! We were in Hawaii around the same time last year ... so it's fun to see what you did!


Which islands did you go to and what activities did you do???


Quite a view as you were enjoying pizza from the comfort of your room.

I'm glad you and Mark got a little "alone" time for your anniversary and could celebrate with a cocktail (I could go for a Mai Tai right now).

That's too bad about Red Lobster. We don't have many good seafood places. We have one that flies in their seafood fresh daily, but it is about an hour drive from us and VERY expensive. Our Red Lobster, like Jen's, can be hit or miss. That was definitely NOT clam chowder soup in that picture.

It was such a lovely view!!!

On the whole, it was a wonderful anniversary. Except for almost losing Nate in Hawaii! :scared1:
Dee- Sorry your meals weren't good. I totally get it as we are also so accustomed to fresh seafood here in Maryland.

And here is to many more Happy Anniversaries for you and Mark!!!
Dee- Sorry your meals weren't good. I totally get it as we are also so accustomed to fresh seafood here in Maryland.

And here is to many more Happy Anniversaries for you and Mark!!!

Delicious seafood is just second nature around here, so I guess I didn't realize that I can't just assume I will get yummy fresh seafood from a chain restaurant.

Thank you for the very sweet anniversary sentiments!

Hi Dee! I just had a marathon catch up session... I hadn't commented since your DL part of the trip so forgive me as I walk down memory lane going waaaaayyyy back......

As for the DL part of the trip:
I adore the Hungry Bear with the Mark Twain riverboat going by and the canoes. But more than the scenery is those awesome lemon cupcakes. Delish!

Sorry you missed seeing "Joe" and family your last day but it sounds like you'll have some serious interaction with Ben's upcoming 8th grade trip. You know they'll want to recruit you for future trips even after your youngest is graduated due to your knowledge and expertise.

Rancho del Zocalo - their carne asada is yum, yum, yum. One of my favorite places to eat in DL - especially if you sit right where the trains end their wildest ride in the wilderness.

Onto the Oahu part of your TR:
I've obsessed over a HI trip but keep going back to WDW so you see my priorities. Although I have priced a package with Hilton Hawaiian Village in the past. It's quite the popular place. And it's good to know that it is in proximity to so many things to see and do. What a view from your room! Glad that it as on floor 20 and not 2! Makes it so much easier to see the ocean from higher up.

Back to food commentary (you see my priorities here) ....Any place that offers a breakfast menu all day sounds like my kinda place. I'd put CJ's on my must do list. I do have to admit that the pineapple macadamia nut pancakes at Kona Café have my heart.

I'd love to visit the Pearl Harbor memorial with my family. What a great way to remember that tragic event. Wow! Your dad's tragic but touching past with the Thresher. So glad you shared a photo of you and your dad - you obviously adore him - that is so sweet.

Seeing the Mighty Mo and Arizona… so sobering to know the number of lives lost. Visiting those memorials is better than any history lesson you could get in school.

Back to a food comment...I love anything teppan but why have I never seen a chopstick stand made out of paper? That's clever. Makes me wonder why it would be necessary like is the table not clean? Ha ha ha!

Seriously some beautiful sunset photos after your Benihana dinner. That's what I picture when I think of a tropical sunset.

Whoa! That's a lot of steps at Diamond Head. But those views… awesome.

Oh man! That was one creepy taxi story for sure. Wow. Glad you survived.

Glad that Spamalot was as success!

An afternoon to relax alone reading on the balcony while Mark and the boys went to the "I know too much about guns" museaum. Yes please!

With the fireworks on the beach at the HHV were you humming any tunes along with the 5 minutes firework show? Assuming there wasn't any background music.

Side note based on your US (aka dark side) trip... I'm inserting an admission for the MIB ride. I had no clue what to shoot at. We were the only ones in the car and just kept trying to shoot at anything. Loved the spinning though.

Such a pity about that rainy day snorkeling at Hunauma Bay for your 8am tour where you wouldn't see any marine life!! Wow. Talk about a sleezy salesman. I was secretly hoping to see a dramatic scene where you would go into the Thunderdome with that tour guy but I suppose it is better just to see things go the way you expected. Awesome snorkeling photos. I have no clue one fish species versus another. At least you didn't see anything that had a big jaw with jagged teeth.

Poor Nate with the taxi dropping him off at the WRONG Hilton. Wouldn't you think they would confirm better. Are the two Hiltons close together?

Oh sorry your Red Lobster meal was memorable for all the wrong reasons. I do like their biscuits. I don't recall anything too exciting about the food. At least you had a memorable 28th!

Woah, Brenda! You really did binge.

The lemon cupcakes were REALLY good. And I don't really even like cupcakes that much (I know, heresy)

I was really bummed that we didn't meet up with "Joe" and that some other things were not going our way. That was also the night you and Emmy were checking in at the GCH, but I was spending so much time trying to plan a meet with "Joe" and his family that I didn't even have time to text you a "goodbye". The class trip is less than 3 months away! In 4 weeks, we can make Fast Pass selections (if we have the ticket numbers by then). I have been helping with the trip for the past few years, but they are mad at me now because I informed them that Pirates would be closed during our upcoming trip. :(

Food was good at Rancho but I'm disappointed we missed the seating by BTM!!!


I hope you are able to make a visit to Hawaii someday. It took us awhile to get there, and I'm not sure when we will be back, but we are so glad we went when we did.

Nothing beats Kona's Macadamia-Freaking-Pineapple-Pancakes, but CJs was definitely a great place to eat.

Pearl Harbor is such an important place to visit and experience. It really has a mystic, spiritual feel to it.

Thanks for the kind words about my dad. He is an incredible guy. He has been through so much in his life through it all he has a smile and an incredible sense of humor. I am blessed to have him in my life.

I scoured through my Benihana pictures to see if I had any of the chopstick stands. Wish I had taken a picture. it was just so incredible how quickly they all made them!

Diamond head was incredible!!! As was the taxi ride back, in an entirely different way! :scared1:

Mark and I were just talking about the museum- he said he was glad to be able to give me some alone time.

No humming during the fireworks show. I have only seen Wishes once :duck: so I do not really have the soundtrack memorized...

The guy who booked our trip to Hanauma Bay was so full of it! He just kept trying to come up with different reasons to scare us off from the trip. Mark said he wished he had his phone with him when he talked about it raining because he would have whipped out his weather app.

I don't know where the other Hilton is, but I think Cynthia said it is close. But not if you are 16 and in the area for the first time. And have your moms awful sense of direction. :rotfl2:

A memorable anniversary, indeed!


Thanks so much for reading along!


Oh, MIB- I have no idea what I am shooting at either, and if I never shoot another $%#^ alien I am good, but I did get the highest overall score in the whole family on our last ride (652,000) and that was without the bonus!!!

Aloha Oahu and Aloha Maui!

ETA: I wrote my last few updates without looking at my trip notes. A couple of things I would like to add - here are the edits to the original posts:

Overnight on our last night it rained, and there were some fierce thunderstorms. It was pretty impressive. Perhaps the bad weather we were supposed to get at Hanuamu Bay? :lmao:

At 4:45 the phone in our room rang. I don't know why! It woke me from a dream I was having about Disneyland Fast Passes. This was one of the few mornings on the trip we were able to sleep in. So much for that!

At least we woke to gorgeous views.

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Mark and I took a final short walk along the beach before we had breakfast.

For breakfast we finished up some of the food we had left over from the previous few days- the pizza, a noodle dish from Japanese place, bagels, a parfait.

We heard sirens off in the distance. We went out onto the balcony and saw smoke.


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It didn’t take too long for the fire to be brought under control.

We took a few final pictures out on the balcony.

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Continued in Next Post

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Continued from Previous Post

We met our ride to the airport and since it was a Sunday morning, there was very little traffic. It took about 30 minutes to get to the airport and before long we were waiting for our flight.

The flight from Oahu was departing at 12:05 and landing in Maui at 12:44.





We took off and had some amazing views on our way to Maui:

Here’s our resort, the Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach


Diamond Head


Stretch of Waikiki Beach


Hanauma Bay and Koko Head




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Entering Maui airspace




We touched down at the Maui airport in a heavy rainstorm.

Maui Noka Oi! (Maui is the Best)

Next Up: That’s Gonna Hertz!
Beautiful pictures from your balcony, Dee. And stunning pictures as you flew to Maui. We really liked Maui a lot and can't wait to hear about your experience. :goodvibes
I am totally cracking up that you thought of me at red lobster.

HHV is a classic really. When I ran by there (literally) yesterday, late morning on a Tuesday, a pop band from Australia was filming live. Pretty good too! I met my family for coffee in the afternoon, a huge group on my aunts side is coming in and all are staying at HHV. The kids had 3 choices and that was their tops so... There you go. It really is rock solid!

On the food side...

Lulu's is moving up very high on my Waikiki list after this past trip. I'm actually at the "service" bar at Dukes as I type. Great service, killer steak tacos (after the double ahi day I figured I'd branch out and I've had their fish tacos before) but...it's a mob scene and I'd like to be closer to the tiki torches. Not sure Jeff will have the patience for bar table pouncing. Hulu grill may have to do for adult time and Lulu's for group dinner.

After this trip I have an even better feel for proximity. Funny how running can really do that.

You got some amazing shots from the plane, well done!

Yay Maui!!!
Oooh, FIRE is not what you want to see in the morning. Glad it got under control quickly.

Wow, those views from the plane are wicked cool. I bet there are helicopter tours or something like that so to essentially get this view "free" is a super bonus.
Beautiful pictures from your balcony, Dee. And stunning pictures as you flew to Maui. We really liked Maui a lot and can't wait to hear about your experience. :goodvibes

Thank you!!!

Those pictures from the air are some of my favorite plane photos. It was cool that I knew what I was taking pictures of as we flew over the places we had been. Such a clear day.

I loved Maui!!!


I hope you get back to Hawaii without the kids. It is much more fun that way. :)

From your lips...

Yes, if we make it back to Hawaii, it will be just the two of us. Maybe our 30th anniversary, 2016, but we don't know yet.


I am totally cracking up that you thought of me at red lobster.

HHV is a classic really. When I ran by there (literally) yesterday, late morning on a Tuesday, a pop band from Australia was filming live. Pretty good too! I met my family for coffee in the afternoon, a huge group on my aunts side is coming in and all are staying at HHV. The kids had 3 choices and that was their tops so... There you go. It really is rock solid!

On the food side...

Lulu's is moving up very high on my Waikiki list after this past trip. I'm actually at the "service" bar at Dukes as I type. Great service, killer steak tacos (after the double ahi day I figured I'd branch out and I've had their fish tacos before) but...it's a mob scene and I'd like to be closer to the tiki torches. Not sure Jeff will have the patience for bar table pouncing. Hulu grill may have to do for adult time and Lulu's for group dinner.

After this trip I have an even better feel for proximity. Funny how running can really do that.

You got some amazing shots from the plane, well done!

Yay Maui!!!


The boys are going to love HHV!

Thanks for additional food tips. I'm really going to have to do a better job remembering them. Keep 'em coming!

Thanks for the comments about the plane photos- I love having the view from above.

Yay, Maui, indeed!


Oooh, FIRE is not what you want to see in the morning. Glad it got under control quickly.

Wow, those views from the plane are wicked cool. I bet there are helicopter tours or something like that so to essentially get this view "free" is a super bonus.

I didn't mention that in addition to the gorgeous views from the balcony, we heard sirens all day long. Hawaii 5-0 is real (and oh, crap, why didn't I name my TR that, since it was a year of milestone BD's for both me and Mark)

I was concerned about the fire. I hope nobody was hurt!

Thanks for your comments about the photos and your proper use of the adjective "wicked", eh!

I love all the aerial shots, great pictures of the coast line. Yah! Maui!!
I feel like I am just lurking on you. I am enjoying your TR, just doing it quietly since I keep getting far behind. Just thought I would let you know I am still around and loving your report.
Beautiful views from your balcony! Crazy that you could actually see the smoke from the fire so well. Did you know what was going on at first?

Beautiful views from the plane and I just know that that resort is going to be fabulous. Can't wait!
I love all the aerial shots, great pictures of the coast line. Yah! Maui!!

Thanks!!! I thought the pictures from the plane came out great. I love how clear the details are.

I really, really loved Maui!!!


Sorry your anniversary dinner was a bust :( great shots from the plane!

We had a wonderful day, and a great anniversary. Fortunately the dinner was just a small part of it.


I feel like I am just lurking on you. I am enjoying your TR, just doing it quietly since I keep getting far behind. Just thought I would let you know I am still around and loving your report.

That's fine! Just glad you are reading a lot. Thanks so much for the kind words.


Beautiful views from your balcony! Crazy that you could actually see the smoke from the fire so well. Did you know what was going on at first?

Beautiful views from the plane and I just know that that resort is going to be fabulous. Can't wait!

We saw all the smoke and didn't know if it was something like a smokestack or fireplace. Then when we heard the sirens, we knew it was a fire.

Yes, the resort we were heading to was fabulous. I should have our arrival update in the next day or so.


wow...loving the pictures. The water looks like heaven

Thank you, thank you! Yes, I could go for a dip in those waters right now!

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Bonus Tracks!

I wrote my last few updates without looking at my trip notes. A couple of things I would like to add - I will go back and edit the original posts:

Overnight on our last night it rained, and there were some fierce thunderstorms. It was pretty incredible. Perhaps the bad weather we were supposed to get at Hanuamu Bay? :lmao:

At 4:45 am the phone in our room rang. I don't know why! It woke me from a dream I was having about Disneyland Fast Passes. This was one of the few mornings on the trip we were able to sleep in. So much for that!

Mark and I took a final walk along the beach before we had breakfast. I also remembered that I took a solo walk along the beach Saturday morning, before our resort buffet breakfast and snorkel at Hanuama Bay.

Morning Walk on Waikiki


What a way to start the day!

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