4 Day Hopper Special?


Earning My Ears
Mar 8, 2001
Does anyone know if Disney is offering a 4 day pass for $99? I know they have done this in the past as a special for Fl residents.
I have not heard of this recently, but you are correct, Disney has offered this in the past. Hopefully they will repeat this soon! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget Board and
Disney for Families BoardCo-Host
Okay, I just got off the phone with AAA and yes, there is going to be a 99.00 4 day park hopper.
It will go on sale April 22 and it is good through the end of Sept. (you must use them up by then). You have to be a Florida resident.
You can buy them through AAA and she thought you could purchase them at the gate.
You do not have to be a AAA member.
The blackout date will be July 4th.
I see that you have to be a Florida resident to purchase them, do you have to be a Fl resident to use them? Do they check id's? I am asking because I will be in FL visiting a friend who lives there... would it be so 'wrong' of me to take advantage of this special?? Are the park hopper tickets different than other park hopper tickets?
don't bash me... DW gets a TON of my $$!!
I was reading about the $99 special on park hopper tickets. Someone said that you have to be a Florida Resident. Why is this? Also, someone said that you can purchase them at the gate. Can you order them from anyone on online? Help because this sounds great.
Disney checks for FL id (picture drivers license or student id card) for FL passes.
SO they check ID for FLA park hoppers? SInce they never expire, what do they do after a few years if you've moved from the state? I don't get it?
1)Most of the FL resident tickets have an expiration date. The passes refered to in this thread expire if not used by the end of Sept.
2) If you are no longer eligible to use them I'm sure they'll credit the unused portion to the cost of new tickets.
3) Someone (I don't think it was this board) who was intent on scheming posted the steps required to obtain a FL drivers license (included getting a mail box etc address). Since in some cases this may result in the cancellation of your home state drivers license I don't suggest this. Disney has always offered a variety of FL specials, it's only through board like this that is becoming general knowledge.
4)Obviously Disney doesn't intend these rates to be used by non-FL residents and they do check ID's.
I called my local AAA office and they said these have been offered in the past, but not so far this year. I then called Disney and they have no information about them being offered this year. I am a Florida resident and would like to know if anyone knows for sure? :rolleyes:
You can purchase the specail 99.00 ticket at the Theme Park gates and MOST AAA offices. Call your local AAA office to see if they are selling them.
They are for FL residents only and you must show ID to purchase and to use them. They are valid until sometime in September.
The reason that when you called Disney and they did not have any information on that pass (I assume you called CRO) CRO doesn't sell them so we don't have the information. We used to in the past, but it is a Theme Park promotion.


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