$139 for Deluxe's-neg DVC impact?


Feb 11, 2002
Disney has an add in the Mpls Star Tribune for $139 Deluxe, $99 Mod and $74 Allstars for this spring, are these common rates-they seem low to me. One of the reasons I joined DVC was to afford the Deluxe resorts. Does that give an overall neg effect on owning DVC, or is it a short term blip on the radar?
Does anyone know which Deluxe resorts are included? BW,VWL or OKW?
The discounts we are seeing since September 11 are unprecedented in WDW history. They are deeply discounting resorts and times where historically full rack rate has been the norm. These discounts started earlier in 2001 when the economy is slowing but took off full steam in the last quarter of 2001.

In the short run, it would make someone question why they are paying for DVC. However, in all the previous years and I suspect in the near future, DVC is a much better value than seeking out discounts.

These low rates are for specific times and rooms. I'm pretty sure the $139 would be the lowest category of room at WL and AKL.

In the years to come, times when discounts of more than 10% are available will probably be few and far between.
Can't help you with your question,

but would you be so kind as to give me the details of the ad you saw in the Trib.

We live so of the cities, and don't get the trib.

Is there a code? Dates listed?

I got a postcard in the mail today from Disney (it was actually addressed to my 11 year old son) with AKL rates at $139.:earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy: :earsgirl:
herc, I kept the paper and will check at home tonight. It was in the Travel section though. I suppose you could call Disney also but like you say, they may ask for a code.
The ads have also appeared in the Atlanta papers. Disney is trying to keep the cash flow up until the economy improves later in the year (we hope!).
Agree with Pam's comments.

I would put in as a normal reaction for Disney Corp. because of the "market itself" and the post 911 effects on the travel industry combined.

On a financial level - short term effect on a long terrm purchase


Originally posted by hercamore
... would you be so kind as to give me the details of the ad you saw in the Trib.

Hi, herc -

Here's a link to online version of the ad, complete with code:


Thought I'd look just for fun and was very surprised that the online version of the Minneapolis StarTribune includes the ads!

I think the code has been out for awhile, so I'm sure it's not new to you.

Have fun!
While most of us (including myself) trace the value of DVC by comparing against moderate and deluxe resort accommodations, the fact is that a studio is a better room than a deluxe resort regular room.

So, I agree with those who say that temporary discounting at low seasonal times for the resorts will not impact the value of a DVC purchase over the next 40 years.

Obviously, if the discounting is longer term then the DVC advantage is diminished.

As I indicated on another thread, to me the biggest threat to the value of DVC is not the cost of resorts but the WDW experience itself. If Disney decides that shorter park hours, reduced attraction times and elimination of EE are good ideas for the long run, then DVC will suffer along with all on-site accommodations.

I wouldn't worry about the discounting. Think of how inexpensively you can make cash ressies for those weekend nights now! ;)
Thanks JADEMM and CarolMN:

I got the info I needed.

I thought of Looking up the info online,too, but I didn't think ads were included online. LIve and learn.

Herc:D :D
"I wouldn't worry about the discounting. Think of how inexpensively you can make cash ressies for those weekend nights now!"
Good point Granny. We dont mind moving on the weekend, especially to a Deluxe for $139. I suppose you could you stay at WLV and go to WL for the weekend-kind of a minimal move-assuming WL is one of the select resorts.
JADEMM...I don't know how you can have three posts on the same thread and your post counter is still at 1? :confused:

In any event, Welcome to the DISBoards!
If you go to Disney's web site and go to vacations a pop up window comes up. This is the same ad that I saw in the Houston Chronicle. I tried to attach a link to the Disney site but the pop up window did not come up.

I am not that concern with these pricings because they always start from 1 - 2 months out and last for 2 - 4 months. The current ad is from 4/21 - 6/22. I saw this ad about a week ago. We need a little more time than that to plan our vacations. This is what I like about DVC. Deluxe accomadations (sp?) at moderate prices for the next 40 years.
When they built the Boardwalk I remember thinking; how are they going to rent all these rooms? They did and the price went up. Then Disney built the All Star resort and later added on. They rented them all and the prices went up. Then Disney built the AKL and then Pop Century. Every time I remember thinking that they'll never rent all these rooms if the economy ever takes a dive. Well the economy has and Disney can't.

But now I keep thinking to myself what's going to happen when the economy starts hitting on all cylinders again. We may find ourselves wishing we had taken advantage of these ticket prices and room rates. I remember when we first went to Disney in the mid 90's we got a deal on Dixie Landings for $69 a night because the occupancy rates were so low. I was amazed at what happened to room rates every year there after. We may find ourselves looking back and thinking " gee I wish I had .... "

I think in several short years our DVC is going to look like a huge bargain.
I am not concerned about Disney's current price cuts as a DVC owner for two reasons (though I do hope the economy picks up for all of our sakes!).

1) When we bought into DVC we used DISCOUNTED rates as the basis for our comparison. We NEVER pay rack rates... why should we use that for our calculations? You won't find $139 at the Epcot resorts... more like $169-189 depending on season and rack rates. We often go to WDW in January. We figured that our points cost us about $7/point (rounding UP liberally) including interest on the loan and including yearly maintenance fees. In January, one week in a standard studio is 85 points or costing us $595. With tax that same discounted room is $1313+ for the week. For the highest possible point week (christmas and easter) it's 181 points for the week in a preferred view, or $1267 at $7/point. WORST case scenario of my DVC purchase is that I am paying the same as those who are getting those great discounts, but more often than not I am paying far less than even those discounts.

2) What happens when there ARE no discounts? This past year was the first time ever that WDW has offered discounts christmas week... but I remember just a few years ago during the millenium celebration the complaints by people about the lack of discounts available. I remember thinking how wonderful it was to not have to worry about discounts... just book with points and go. I am sure that over the next 40 years the economy will go a few more rises and falls and I'm sure the day will come again when discounts are few and far between (and much less than the 45% off we've been seeing).

Another point is that you bought 40+ years of vacations when you bought into DVC. You can't base it on this year's rates. I'm sure that many of us wouldn't have bought into DVC (well, I probably would have anyway! ;) ) if we were confident that inflation wouldn't affect room rates down the line.

I think we all know why there are such good deals available right now. That was an earth shattering event, and repurcussions were inevitable.

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