"Your Lime Green Chariot Awaits!" ~ a WDW Family Vacation ~July 2011 TR~Apology 12/11


Princess in Training
Jul 10, 2011
"Your Lime Green Chariot Awaits!" ~ a WDW Family Vacation ~ July 2011 Trip Report!
Some Background Information :yay:

Hello there! My name's Allie. This is my first ever trip report! Yay! I'm so excited to start! I just got back yesterday from my ninth trip to Disney World. I have lots of pictures and lots to share! So please, please stay tuned for updates :) But before you decide get invested (which I highly recommend doing :thumbsup2 ) , you probably want to know a little bit about the trip and who was on it! So here are some of the details, the cast and some bios! Enjoy! :lovestruc

Hi, again. I'm Allie! Nice to meet you all!

I'm 16 and a total Disney nut. My parents started taking me when I was 4 and we became DVC members, one of the best investments they say that have ever made! I'm so, so, so glad they did because Disney is my absolute favorite place to go on vacation. And in general. princess: My love has deeply grown over the years and it came out even more when I met Jess (disneyfreak508) and Kristen (disneyfreak616). :lovestruc I'm so glad I met them :)

Since the Disney details are most imoportant, here are some of my favorite things :)

Favorite Characters: Mulan, Belle, Tigger, Tinkerbell and Jasmine
Favorite Counter Service Restaurants: Sunshine Seasons and Columbia Harbor House
Favorite Sit Down Restaurants: Garden Grill, Le Cellier and Tony's Town Square
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom, but Epcot is totally a close 2nd!
Favorite Country in Epcot: Japan (mostly because of Mitsukoshi, that awesome store)
Favorite Rides: Space Mountain, Tower of Terror, Expedition Everest, Test Track, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The Three Caballeros (don't judge...I love Spanish :lovestruc ), The wave pool at Typhoon Lagoon (it totally counts) and pretty much any mode of Disney offered transportation. :) Yeah, I couldn't narrow it down to like, 2 or 3...
Favorite Disney Movies: Mulan, The Little Mermaid and Aladdin​

Ana, not my sister (I'm an only child :P), but one of my best friends!

She's also 16. She doesn't live where I do, but she used to! She moved to Boston a few years ago. We've brought her to Disney once before 2 years ago so bringing her back this time was a no brainer :) As the picture states, she is a vegetarian! She's also lactose intolerant. So if you have any dietary issues, you definitely should keep up with this TR. I have pictures of practically every meal so you can know what are good options for you :)

Favorite Characters: Jack Sparrow, Eeyore, Belle, the Beast and Flynn Rider
Favorite Counter Service Restaurants: Columbia Harbor House and Pizzafari
Favorite Sit Down Restaurants: Sci Fi Drive in Theater, Garden Grill and The Crystal Palace
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Country in Epcot: England
Favorite Rides: Rock 'n Rollercoaster, Toy Story Mania, The Haunted Mansion and Spaceship Earth
Favorite Disney Movies: All of the Lion King movies​

Here's my lovely mother, Sharon. But I'll call her mother. or Mom. or Madre, because I'm obsessed with Spanish as aforementioned :laughing:

She's been coming to Disney since she was little. Though her parents left her behind when she was 5 and she is still beat up about to this day and she's 41. She has the funniest one liners, it's precious. She loves "organized photography". Meaning, she does not take candids and she only usually takes pictures that have people posed in them. She loves coming to Disney, and my parents even honeymooned here! I want to as well :)

Favorite Characters: Chip and Dale
Favorite Counter Service Restaurants: Columbia Harbor House
Favorite Sit Down Restaurants: Le Cellier, The Plaza, Sci Fi Drive in Theater and Cape May Buffet (for breakfasts)​
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Country in Epcot: Canada, "I love the song."
Favorite Rides: Toy Story Mania, Rock 'n Rollercoaster, Expedition Everest and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Favorite Movies: "I don't know, can I see a list" Oh, lord. :cutie:

And finally, my dad. His name is Tim. I call him Padre too sometimes. Haha :love:

I think his first WDW visit was with my mom on their honeymoon. He really likes it. My parents usually come down (leaving me home!) for the Food and Wine Festival. So he's also a pretty seasoned Disney traveler. The only thing he really doesn't like is the 90+ degree heat. He can sweat through a shirt within 10 minutes of being out in the humidity. Yuck, I know! :P

Favorite Characters: Mike Wozowski and Rex
Favorite Counter Service Restaurants: Columbia Harbor House (clearly a family favorite)
Favorite Sit Down Restaurants: Le Cellier and The Plaza
Favorite Park: Epcot
Favorite Country in Epcot: Mexico, for the Margaritas.
Favorite Rides: Soarin', Tower of Terror and Toy Story Mania
Favorite Disney Movies: Toy Story​

So, that's my family...and Ana. But she's pretty much part of the family. Most of Photopass people thought we were related anyhow. :rotfl: Here's one group shot! I'm the only one who liked it, and this is my trip report (and I'll post what I want to ^.^)

We stayed at the Boardwalk, as we usually do. We're total Epcot snobs, we love being able to walk there, and to MGM (I'll never give in to calling it Hollywood Studios! Besides, MGM saves time on typing!). We were there from July 23rd, 2011 until July 31st, 2011. There will be special guest appearances from Kristen (disneyfreak616 for those of you who missed it before) and her brother and father! You'll also find out what's up with the quote in the title, because I know you're all just itching with curiosity. That's about it for now. I really hope you'll stay tuned! I'll try to update as much as possible. It'd mean a lot to me if you all subscribed :) Thanks!!!

I'm in! I love reading Jess' TRs, so I'm on board with any friend of hers. :laughing:
I'm in! I'm following along with Jess's (that doesn't look right...:laughing:) TR and I love reading fellow teen's TRs! Can't wait for more! You're really pretty!
Chapter One ~ July 23rd, 2011
-smiles- "I'm recording." -smile falls-​

Hooray, hoorah! -throws confetti- -jumps around- -dances (badly)- It is FINALLY the morning we leave for Walt Disney World! :banana: I had a countdown going as you can see. And even at 4:30am I was super excited to finally be heading down to Florida.

Ana had flown in the Thursday before so she was here already to go with us! It's so nice seeing her, since we usually only get together 2 or 3 times all year. This is a great way to catch up. We made a bad decision in staying up until midnight giving each other far from professional looking manicures and oogling over Ryan Reynolds in the proposal. We were also very hyper. And got only 4 hours of sleep. OOPS!

We left at the airport at 4:50am, very awake. I was just so excited! I was listening to Disney music on my iPod to get me even more in the spirit. Not that I already wasn't! Believe me, I was. We got to short term parking because my aunt was going to come pick up our car so we didn't have to pay for long term parking. Beating the system! It didn't take to long to check our bags or get through security! Easy traveling is the BEST!

After getting settled at the gate, Ana and I went to get Bagels and danishes. AKA, NOT Disney food. So depressing. But yummy food was just hours away! :

Our flight took off a little before 7 on time and we were in the air! Sorcerer Mickey has come with me on every trip since I was like, 10, so he was in tow! Mom got a nice picture :)

We were on JetBlue on the way down, so we had those lovely TVs. Unfortunately, there's really nothing on in the morning. I had meant to get some school work done but I packed it away in my checked bag, figures, my luck! :sad2: So instead I listened to some more Disney music and then watched "If You Really Knew Me" and "Teen Mom" on whatever channel they're on. I honestly don't know, I've never watched them. Seems like MTV. It was REALLY quality TV... I don't recommend either in real life or in your JetBlue traveling hours. If they had Stacy on the JetBlue TVs, I would have been watching her for sure! :woohoo:

Then finally, we saw this little beauty on the TV.

Even after we landed it said we were going 20 mph and were 7 feet off the ground. Hmm...oh technology. :confused3 We waited for the gate to open up for what seemed like forever (maybe 15 minutes) then proceeded to the gate. Then we waited what seemed like forever (25 minutes) for our bags. I flight from JFK was on the same luggage carousel and there was a huge Japanese tour group (but every luggage tag said from New York...strange.) and it took them forever to get all their bags for ours to come out. But thankfully they did! I'm always afraid my luggage will be lost, even when it's just a direct flight. So, thank you JetBlue Gods :worship:

We get a rental car so we had to drag all of our luggage down to National. We are serious chronic over packers. And somehow we ended up with more than when we came with. Of course! Only us. Well, maybe others. Hehe.

Okay, title chapter explanation! We were recording our experiences and for the first few times Ana or I failed to mention we weren't taking a photo. So there's a few videos of one of us in the airport smiling then the other going "I'm videotaping, not taking a picture" and our face would fall and go "oh." :rotfl2: We thought it was amusing.

It's only like a 25 minute drive and then we passed through the closest thing to the gates of heaven on earth....

Does anyone know the story with the 'D' in the sign? It's a different shade of red than the rest of the words. I had never noticed until I looked at the picture. If anyone has any idea why, I'd love to know!

We checked into the Boardwalk and something happened that has never happened before. Our room was actually READY when we checked in. It seriously has never happens. We got our keys to the world and we headed up to 4121! Which was conveniently right across from the stairs to go down to the parking lot. The room was great! I forgot to take pictures :( It had a bathroom, kitchen a bedroom and we were on the pullout couch. I immediately turned on Stacy (default setting in the TV. Win.). Ana unfortunately does not share the same love as I do for Stacy. Every morning when we'd turn it on she'd grumble "she's too perky for the morning" and change the channel. I don't get it. She's my idol and I want her job.

We didn't really unpack, we were all just itching to get to Epcot! We walked over (of course) and then went our separate ways. The real shenanigans begin!

Our first stop was Test Track, but first we stopped in England to take some pictures in the pay phones. They're so adorable, I always stop in them. All I think of is the Parent Trap when Hallie runs to call Annie during dinner and then her Grandfather sneaks up on her. "Oh, I'm sorry sir..." -looks- "Uh ohhh." Love.


Right, Test Track! We hopped in the single rider line. Obviously. We only waited about 15 minutes, which is just a beautiful thing. We were between 2 spanish speaking families, so we were eavesdropping... :cool1: Spanish nerd, I told you! So, it was our first ride of the trip. A great way to start everything off!

It was as hot as the surface of the sun. Or we just weren't used to the heat. It had been super hot in the Northeast all of July but the humidity was killing us. The walk from Test Track to the Land was killing us. We were going there to eat at Sunshine Seasons. YUM, MY FAVORITE!

I ordered from the Asian food section. The chicken is delicious and I love the noodles. I got Mac N Cheese off the kids menu too, LOL. I'm 5 at heart. I also got the strawberry shortcake because it was highly recommended by fellow dis-ers.

Ana got a Caesar salad and some Sushi!

It's really so yummy, I love the style of how you get your food and all of the options. And the shortcake WAS delicious. It was all light and fluffy. It tasted like we were eating strawberry clouds or something!

We then headed to MouseGears to get a peak at all the new merchandise! I of course wanted to buy EVERYTHING. So I bought ONE thing. :) I got my monorail shirt. Kristen has one too, where I first saw it. "Por Favor, Mantangese alejados de las puertas". Mantangese may be spelled wrong, but you get the point! It combines 2 of my loves! Spanish and Disney Transportation. So I clearly HAD to get it! :cheer2: An attractive CM from the UK named Daniel helped me find it. He was playing with a Cars electric car. He kept trying to run my feet over. His accent was so precious.

I also saw this cup. And it's totally true. Would a coffee cup ever lie to you? I didn't think so.

After that my mom wanted us to meet up with them for the Disney Visa Rewards member photo thing in Innoventions. If you had a credit card you got like, a private character meet and greet photoshoot for about 20 seconds. We also got a free picture, so that's really why my mom wanted to do it. It was cute, a little awkward because the moment we walked in there the photopass people were snapping away. They used my mom's camera as well, so here are a few of the pictures.


My parents had to wait 30 minutes until they could get the picture from Guest Relations, so Ana and I headed back out through the International Gateway. In England a CM was drawing with sidewalk chalk and she had just done an adorable little Piglet.

Continued in Next Post! (I'll get links working eventually once I figure out how to do them properly.) :)

Love the pictures of you and Ana in the phone booths! Reminds me of Parent Trap too! I'm a Spanish nerd too! I need to get that shirt next time! Can't wait for more! popcorn::
I'm in! If you are anything like Jess and Kristen, I'm pretty sure I'm in for a pretty awesome TR, so I join :-)

I'm loving this whole obsession with Spanish. It's a pretty awesome culture, might I add hahaha And I'm so glad I'm not the only one on the DIS who actually likes the Gran Fiesta Tour :goodvibes Also, the fact I've found another person who likes the Garden Grill. Can you say DELICIOUS?!? Hahahaha

I never noticed that the D on the Walt Disney World Gates of Magic (LOL) was a different color than the others. I'm now suddenly interested in why that is :confused3 Lucky you for having a room ready as soon as you arrive! That rarely ever happens. :sad2: And I can't believe your friend doesn't like Stacy! Like when I was in Disney with school, my friends/roommates were making some really inappropriate cracks about her, but I don't think you can ever hate her. I actually found the Must-Do TV Spot of hers on YouTube. Stacy will always be there to give me a little piece of Disney while I'm home. :goodvibes

Great pictures in the photobooths! I really need to go check those out sometime, I feel like I've failed my part as a DISer :sad2: Bad, bad, bad, BAD Timmy! Yeah, that's my name by the way hahahaha The food at Sunshine Seasons looks great, especially the strawberry shortcake or whatever that is LOL Awesome Goofy and Minnie photos at the Character Connection! :-) I'm just confused as to why they would have Goofy with Minnie, not Mickey ???? ;)

Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum

P.S. You said your from the northeast and I wanted to ask where in the northeast? I'm just curious since I live up in NH and I know very few DISers who live in this region. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'm just curious. :)
I know how you feel when you go and see the new merchandise and want to buy eveything:rolleyes:
YAYYY YOU STARTED!!!!!! -parties- :woohoo:

Haha your parents are so preicous I loved them. Our mothers would get along very well. They should be frandsss. :goodvibes And I love your Dad's shirt in his pic. LOL.

I LOVE Ana, she is hilarious. I didn't even know she was a vegetarian! And the UK is my fave country too. <3 :laughing: I absolutely loved hanging out with you guys!

P.S. I love your German mouse ears. :p hahaha.

YOU GUYS WERE WATCHING THE PROPOSAL TOO!?!? I totally was. It was on TV! Ryan Reynolds...:lovestruc

Is that your natural hair at 4:30 AM!? Because it is gorgeousss.

I love Stacy, and I totally agree. We may very well be the same person. Haha. P.S. the Parent Trap is mine and Jess' favorite movie of all time. We love it.

Test Track, Seasons, a monorail shirt, and a cute UK CM?? What a great day. :)

I don't think a mug would lie to you either. princess:

Aww what a cute character meet. The first one after a couple years is always a little awkward. But then you get into the swing of things. :thumbsup2
Hi there! Joining in, sounds like it will be a great TR. We have a few things in common-I'm an only child too and my favorite Disney movie is Mulan!

Can't wait to hear more:)
Hello, Hello, Hello!!! I have been SO EXCITED for this trip report to begin since the moment you became a diser! You so belong here!
I'm glad the directions helped you out... everything is lookin' good! We just gotta work on the links :laughing: And you're welcome for getting you a bunch of readers already :rotfl: Yay yay yay!!

Anyways... DISNEY! I LOVE the proposal and Ryan Renolds... :lovestruc So beautiful. That doesn't have anything to do with Disney. Sorry.
Dang, 4:30 am. Only for Disney would anybody get up that early :laughing: That's so nice that you were there and in Epcot in a matter of hours! Woohoo!
But yay for stacy <3 I'm sad ana didn't love her as much as you :( But at least you know how special she is.
I haven't been to Sunshine Seasons in a few years but I used to go all of the time... yum! I need to go back!
And yay for Spanish and yay for monorail shirts :love: And YAY for the parent trap reference!!!! As kristen said... favorite movie of ALL time. It might beat Aladdin and Little Mermaid... but actually they're in two different categories: animated and non-animated. They're all a tie.
Can't wait for more, princess :thumbsup2
Super start! Can't wait to see pics of the boardwalk!! Staying there for the first time in October!

Love the parent trap reference! I have such fond memories of that movie!
Iam joining in! popcorn:: ooh I HAVE to get one of those monorail
shirts when I go!!! :laughing: Great report so far, can't wait to read
Love the pictures of you and Ana in the phone booths! Reminds me of Parent Trap too! I'm a Spanish nerd too! I need to get that shirt next time! Can't wait for more! popcorn::

Spanish Nerds for Life :cool1: And I looove the phone booths. They just beckon me to have a photo-opp.

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