You'd think after the 4th time I wouldn't be so sad!!

Kitty 34

Hums in her sleep
Feb 16, 2000
......sending my DS off to college, his senior year!!! It's not as hard as it was his Freshmen year, but it's still so-o-o-o hard to say bye after being together all summer!!:(

I feel for any of you "new" college parents out there!! Good luck!:D
I think I did better my dd's freshman year than I did the years that followed. She will be a Jr. this year and boy am I dreading her leaving. Next Tuesday is the day for us.
Originally posted by Kitty 34
I feel for any of you "new" college parents out there!! Good luck!:D

I'm one of them! And I've had this big lump in my throat ever since we went to Bed, Bath & Beyond last weekend, to get all his dorm stuff. It didn't seem real to me before then, but now we're packing up stuff and it seems like the time is just flying by!

I'm glad to hear it gets a little easier with each year.
{{hugs}} I'm sure he'll miss being at home too. Although fun at school, there's no place like home.
I just sent my ds off to his very first real grown up job. He moved to Houston. That was hard :(

{{{HUGS}}} sweetie, I know how you feel
Hi Kitty,

AT least you got to be with your boy this summer!

My ds is startin his senior year, too. However, the last two summers he has stayed in Mpls for summer school.

My dd is starting her freshman year at the same college as ds. She will be in the SAME dorm room as ds had his freshman year. That is really odd, conssidering all the rooms/dorms available.

This is a hard time right now..but I am looking on the bright kids have so many opportunities we never had.

{{hugs}} I'm sorry you're sad.:( I guess the feeling you get is kinda like the feeling moms (and dads) get when their kids go to kindergarten for the first time? Worried about them, yet excited for them for taking part of an adventure, but also you get this feeling of emptiness. {{hugs}}
I will never forget sending my eldest off to college....truely one of the sadest and hardest things I have ever done. I cried for a week almost continually. He's graduated now and has a job and lives a couple of towns over...he still comes home and eats everything out the fridge :teeth:
{{{hugs}}} to you will survive it
hehe, I think my parents will be *glad* when I head back to school in a few weeks. They're tired of me lounging around the house all day. It's been a very lazy summer.
I feel for any of you "new" college parents out there!! Good luck!:D [/B]

I'm sending my baby off to her freshman year in 2 weeks! She will be almost 5 hours away, and I'm starting to get nervous about it. I'm going to miss her SO much.:(

It is even harder when you know they are out of the nest for good. I had a REALLY hard time when that happened!
Originally posted by AngieBelle
hehe, I think my parents will be *glad* when I head back to school in a few weeks. They're tired of me lounging around the house all day. It's been a very lazy summer.

Angie, my 15 yr old DS reminded me last night that Tommy had been driving me nuts the last couple of weeks, lounging around, etc. I told him as much as he was driving me crazy and as much as it's good for him to get back.........that final hug you give them is tough.......I'm sure your parents will be the same way!!:D
{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and then some more!
My DS is only going into the first grade, so I don't know how you feel. I just wanted to give you a great BIG cyber {{HUG}}.

I had a hard time sending my DD off to her first day of middle school this morning!!! How will I ever handle college???
Oh I know EXACTLY how you feel. :( :( We are sending DD off to college for the first time and it is really getting to me. I have been walking around with a lump in my throat for the last couple of weeks. She is so excited and I'm excited for her but I hate to see her go, as she is my only daughter.
I don't even want to think about what it'll be like sending my first one off to college. I'll be a nervous wreck!

My dd, who will be a senior in college this year, went straight from school to Oregon. She'll be home Monday afternoon and leave Thursday for school again. I miss her so much, and she will only be here two full days. The older she gets, the more I miss her. Kimmi (19 y/o dd) has stayed home for college, but is moving 35 or so miles away in October. I am so dreading that, and she'll only be 30 miles away. But, don't get me wrong, as much as I miss my girls, I absolutely love empty nesting!


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