Ya know, you go away for a few days...

LI Debbie

DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 1999
and it's a whole new board when you get back!

CinderDebbie is back from the land of French Mickey and all the rich people. I can't believe all the things we did and what a great time we had. I'll post a trip report for Disneyland Paris soon with some pictures if I can manage it. I've got a special one for Mal.

OK-so catch me up. I know freeride is going big bye-bye (God bless them for all the webcerts they gave me) and that beenz are drying up. Anything else I should know?
Glad you made it back safe and sound! The freeride and beenz news is about all that is going on. Howhot looks like it may be a good program. :)
:bounce: Welcome back Debbie!!!!!!!!!!!!

Email me a full report when you get the chance!!!! Sounds like you had a blast! I'm so glad!


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