Would You Stay at Grand Floridian? Beach Avoidable? No Parent Bashing Please!

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Perspective please. This is the first time in 45 years something like this has happened at WDW.

If you are a good parent and not letting your child play in the water (especially after dark) you have NOTHING to worry about.

1 time in 45 years. Once. IF there is blame for this, it falls squarely on the parents. Not on Disney World.

Um, no it's not! Know your facts before you play the blame game. There was an incident at Fort Wilderness in the 80's where the brother beat the gator off before he could drag his brother away. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/disney-alligator-attack-eerily-foreshadowed-8200186

In addition, there is video now streaming that was filmed last week of a gator buried in the sand near the water on the very same beach this child was taken -- and Disney did nothing to warn people that one was spotted. No signage even after repeated sitings, invited to watch a movie in the dark on a beach.....I think Disney has some explaining to do!
Why not? The concern would be 'any' water's edge (in south), and especially at dusk/night. A lot of the hotels are on beaches or canals. Anyone going to MK can easily see the beach area where this happened. So sad, and not diminishing it at all, but other tragedies have happened there also - monorail crash/fatality, 8 yr. old hit/killed by bus while on bike, etc.

We are all sad, and will remember, but we also must not let it keep us from moving on and appreciating life.
I would stay there in a heartbeat. A freak accident could have happened anywhere. We are from the south an know to look out for gators and other wildlife. I would take my kids to the beach and play. I would enjoy every minute of our trip. I refuse to let fear control my actions.
I'm not afraid of the gators we have been to FL and Disney several times and I know they are there, my husband has an aunt who lives in FL with a man made pond and she has 2 -3 at any given time, the area is avoidable though and honestly now that I am looking at some of the replies I should have worded my post title better. Just as long as I know the beaches were avoidable and from what many have replied they are =)
Yes I would. The beach there is no further or closer then at other Disney resorts.

If it makes you uneasy stay else where. However know there are hear beaches at a good portion of the resorts. Just avoid them, I never go to these beaches, they aren't a necessary stop to enjoy any resort.
Um, no it's not! Know your facts before you play the blame game. There was an incident at Fort Wilderness in the 80's where the brother beat the gator off before he could drag his brother away. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/disney-alligator-attack-eerily-foreshadowed-8200186

In addition, there is video now streaming that was filmed last week of a gator buried in the sand near the water on the very same beach this child was taken -- and Disney did nothing to warn people that one was spotted. No signage even after repeated sitings, invited to watch a movie in the dark on a beach.....I think Disney has some explaining to do!

Please please please unless its about the GF layout, or the GF period do not post! I do not want a war started on here, just wanted to know the layout situation and good notes on the GF thank you :flower3:
Yes, exactly. There is a difference between blaming and trying to make ourselves feel better that this tragedy could not/would not/will not happen to us. I put this on another thread but it is worth posting again. This was written by Melissa Fenton and is a good reminder to have compassion.

Parents, I beg of you, stop blaming and shaming other parents.

35 years ago, a mom shopping in a Sears department store went to go look at lamps, and left her six year old with another group of boys, who were all trying out the new Atari game at a kiosk. That boy’s name was Adam Walsh.

30 years ago, an 18 month old toddler playing in her aunt’s backyard fell into a well. Rescuers worked nonstop for 58 hours, finally freeing “Baby Jessica” from the well.

In both cases a tragedy happened, an unforeseen tragic accident took place which left Adam dead, and a toddler fighting for her life deep underground. But they also has something else in common; they had an entire country of moms and dads supporting the grieving parents.


No questions asked, not one single “Where were the parents?” comment. Just a country of other moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas watching in horror as a set of parents, one of their own, went through the unthinkable. Adam was our son. Jessica was our baby daughter.


Flash forward to 2016, the year of THE PERFECT PARENT.

Yesterday, a two year old boy, splashing in the magical lakefront waters of a Disney Resort, succumbed to the wilds of mother nature. An aggressive alligator scooped him out of the water, right under the watch of his father, who attempted to fight with the alligator to free his baby son. Pure horror. Sheer Terror. Parents who actually had to watch their baby be taken from them, as if they were in some African nature documentary.

A tragic and unforeseeable accident. An accident.

I weep for this mother and father. I am sick with anguish for the pain, agony, misery, and regret pulsating through their viens this very second. And I bet you are too.

But not everyone is.

You see, we now live in a time where accidents are not allowed happen. You heard me. Accidents, of any form, in any way, and at any time, well, they just don’t happen anymore.

Why? Because BLAME and SHAME.

Because we have become a nation of BLAMERS and SHAMERS.

And how are accidents allowed to happen if we can’t blame someone? Surly, they can’t, right? I mean, random acts of nature, unpreventable tragedies, and fateful life changing events that take place in a matter of nanoseconds cannot possibly take place if everyone is being a responsible parent, right? NOPE.

They can’t, because this country and its population of perfect pitchfork carrying mothers and fathers sitting behind keyboards needs to accuse. They NEED TO BLAME, to disparage, to criticize in every damn way and at every damn corner, the parenting of another.

And when do they really get to lick their blaming chops? When a tragic accident happens. That’s when the pouncing is at its freshest, when raw emotion and ignorance collide, and they dig their word claws in, and take hold of whatever grace these grieving mothers and fathers have left in their souls.

And then they tear it out.

Listen to me very clearly perfect parents, VERY CLEARLY.


I’ve had enough of scrolling through comment threads and seeing over and over again questions like “Where were the parents?” and thoughts like, “This is what happens when you don’t watch your kids.”

I have simply HAD ENOUGH.

I have one question for the blaming and shaming moms and dads. You know the ones who immediately blame the parents, the ones who go on the internet and type comments like, “This is nothing but neglect by the parents,” and “They should have known better. Who was watching that little boy?” and my favorite, “I would never let that happen to my kid.”

Here is my question,

Have you ever been to a child’s funeral before?

I have.

The funeral of a child is an event in life that you never, ever want to experience.

Now let me ask you another question.

In the coming week these parents will fly back to their home in Nebraska without one of their children. They will leave a vacation resort, packing up his Buzz Lightyear pajamas and his favorite blanket, and they will make an excruciatingly difficult journey home. A journey that they never in a million years thought they would be making.

They will meet with a funeral director, pick out a tiny casket, a tiny burial suit, and surrounded by family, they will bury their baby boy.

And they will suffer every single day for the rest of their life.

At the funeral for this two year boy who died in front of his parents, can you do me a favor? Can you walk up to the mother and say the words that you just typed out last week? Can you? Can you greet her, hug her, shake the father’s hand and then say, “ Who was watching that little boy? You should have known better. I would never let that happen to MY child.”

Can you do that for me? I mean, you felt those words so deeply in your heart and soul that you typed them for a million people to read. Certainly you can say it straight to the faces of the people you meant it for, right?

Here, let me help you.

Put away your pitchfork for a moment and try this.

To the mother and father who went for a walk on vacation for the last time with their little boy yesterday, I am deeply sorry that you had to experience the worst kind of tragedy possible, an accident. I grieve with you. Your baby was my baby. Your son was my son. I have nothing but love for you, love to help you get though the pain yesterday, today, and for what is gonna seem like a thousand tomorrows. I wrap my thoughts and prayers around your aching heart and soul. May the God of this universe in some miraculous way bring peace to you and your family.

That is what you say. THAT. And just THAT.

Stop the blaming.

Stop the shaming.

In their darkest hours, can we please just LOVE other parents. Please?

I remember sitting by the television watching every one of those events -- crying for the parents, hugging our children, wondering how they could go on. And never ONCE did anyone blame the parents -- no one I knew who talked about it ever blamed the parents.
Please please please unless its about the GF layout, or the GF period do not post! I do not want a war started on here, just wanted to know the layout situation and good notes on the GF thank you :flower3:

Got it -- sorry, just responded to misinformation. It's such an emotional topic. As I said, staying at GF would be amazing and you should go for it. Have a great trip.
As a former cast member and a couple that had our Honeymoon and many anniversaries at the GF we would not return.
I find it shocking and sad that others want to blame parents when the responsibility falls squarely on Disney. The signs say no swimming. The child was not swimming or doing any thing that many don't do at this and other area resorts numerous times every day. If you aren't supposed to be at the waters edge then there shouldn't be a beach. I couldn't recall all the times we have seen this area unsupervised by staff. While gators may be a Florida problem this lake is owned and controlled by Disney so the sad truth is that this is a Disney issue. For those who think you are any safer being on the sand right at the waters edge...think again! Disney removed several gators from this one area so clearly there was a real lack of control.
Hard to believe any one could compare this to jumping off the monorail. It's more like a loss of life because the monorail was not mechanically maintained for an extended period.
It's just sad.
Having said that the last time we stayed here it was over $600 a night. The room was filthy. The check in was snarky, food in the concierge level at dinner time was removed to mop the floor and clean. Staff had a total disconnect from common sense and courtesy. I'm pretty sure you could find that review in my older posts. While we love this resort it is just grossly over priced. I'd also find it hard to look past this tragedy.
Got it -- sorry, just responded to misinformation. It's such an emotional topic. As I said, staying at GF would be amazing and you should go for it. Have a great trip.
No problem! I have seen enough of it on facebook and I was almost afraid to post my question because people have been so crazy over it! I'm glad I did though because everyone who has helped me with pictures has been great! I really appreciate all of you who sent me person view pictures and good maps! I feel like the one I was looking at that Disney provided wasn't detailed enough for me!
Having said that the last time we stayed here it was over $600 a night. The room was filthy. The check in was snarky, food in the concierge level at dinner time was removed to mop the floor and clean. Staff had a total disconnect from common sense and courtesy. I'm pretty sure you could find that review in my older posts. While we love this resort it is just grossly over priced. I'd also find it hard to look past this tragedy.

Wow! That is a shock I have always had wonderful experiences with CM and cleanliness that is so sad to hear that you had to deal with that especially being a former CM yourself
No problem! I have seen enough of it on facebook and I was almost afraid to post my question because people have been so crazy over it! I'm glad I did though because everyone who has helped me with pictures has been great! I really appreciate all of you who sent me person view pictures and good maps! I feel like the one I was looking at that Disney provided wasn't detailed enough for me!

It's things like this that make humanity look so shallow. The pictures have been very wonderful and the people that posted them very helpful. It's like when there's a plane crash and people don't want to fly. I would make the most of being able to stay at such a luxurious resort and enjoy the princess theme. We took our daughter there several times for the princess breakfast or lunch and it's one of our favorite memories.
Okay so my husband and I are planning our daughters birthday for next year, Grand Floridian was our choice because of the Alice & Wonderland themes (shes a huge fan!) With recent events I am now hesitant, I know tragedies happen and this was most likely a freak accident, we have another daughter who will be 2 when we go next year so of course its really hitting home. How close is the beach/lagoon area to the pools? Is the beach lagoon area something that we can avoid all together or is it something you have to walk by? Please no parent bashing or hateful comments, I am just a concerned mom who has never stayed in this resort knows nothing of the layout and wants to make a good decision for my family =) Thanks! Also any other resort that has Alice in Wonderland Motifs is appreciated! You just can't beat that awesome looking splash pad tho!

Of course...think about how many people have stayed there without incident. It was a tragic event and I understand having a kiddo close to the age of the poor boy (I too have an almost 2 year old and a trip coming up), but while I won't be allowing my kiddos close to the water (other than pools.water slides etc.) I would have no problem (safety wise) staying at the resort, not to mention that there are not many resorts that don't have waterways in/near them.
Remember when you make your choice that this wasn't an unavoidable tragedy. This wasn't a child who bolted past watchful parents into danger with no warning. If you follow basic safety precautions and stay out of the areas marked "stay out," you will be fine.

We do not have to be hateful or bash, but we should acknowledge that these people willfully and deliberately violated an important safety rule and that was the direct cause of this tragedy. It was not just a freak accident, it was like trying to jump off the People Mover. Someone did something foolish and it ended badly. Hopefully it will give the next person pause before they decide those signs don't really mean it.

Really, you're going to honestly compare this to someone jumping off the People Mover...let's use a little common sense and decency. "Violating this rule" was much more like someone going over the speed limit by maybe 5 mph on a highway. While yes, I feel completely comfortable knowing that it can be most likely avoided, before this happened, many many people put their feet in the water, as to many people a "no swimming" sign means no swimming, not don't touch the water.

I stayed there once!

Worst service on Disney property by far.

1. I wrote "dust me" in the dust on the furniture in my room. When I checked out a few days later the words were still there!
2. Valet was beyond bad. Call down, get told 30 minutes, show up and then they go get car meaning it's another 30 minutes. When you return car you will need to tackle a valet to give him your keys, but their hands are out!
3. Hauled my luggage into the hotel, at check-in where I had the rudest CM ever, a bell services guy races over to take my luggage. Gee you couldn't help with the luggage outside in the heat, but now that I have done the hard part your here for the tip? No thanks!
4. That CS option was incredibly slow with staff that were basically just abrasive.

And then they double billed me When I called to fix that they told me "we don't make errors like that" Luckily Amex thought they were capable of that kind of error and just reversed the charge.

Sorry, but Alligators aren't the issue. The hotel was the biggest ripoff I have ever experienced. It fails "deluxe" in so many ways!
Would we stay at the GF? Not even for free! Between this horrible incident and the fact that WDW was scouted very recently as a terrorist attack destination; I plan to keep my family out of harm's way and away from Disneyworld.

We'll remember your words - :D

Really, though, 'any' large crowd (or not) can be a 'target' for terrorist attacks. We will continue our vacations to various destinations as always, and just do what we can do to be aware.
I would in a heartbeat if I could afford it. I'm going in September and staying at BLT with my 2yr old, there is the lake and beach area behind that as well. I have no concerns as I plan not to be on waters edge on the beach. prior to this accident I stayed away from the water anyways- I did walk along the beach and sit in the hammocks/chairs at different resorts, and I wouldn't hesitate to do that again. its all about being aware of your surroundings. you can stay at the GF and not step foot on the sandy beach the entire time you are there and still use all of the amenities so you should not have any issues.
To answer the question you asked I would say yes I would stay at GF again in a heartbeat ! I found the service to be great, room clean, location great etc. etc. etc. pricey yes but if you are going to do a big splurge life remembering trip GF is a perfect choice!:flower1:
I wouldn't hesitate to stay there. If the beach worries you, it's very easily avoidable at all WDW resorts that have beachfronts. In fact, we have stayed at GF 5 times and have never utilized the beach area.
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