Would Sunday be a good first day?


Earning My Ears
Apr 17, 2000
We are going to be staying in Disney for the first week of March. We plan on going up to IOA/Universal for a couple of day trips during this time. Would Sunday be a good day for crowds or is it crowded with the local visitors? I have heard that Saturda y is bad but I don't remember anything about Sunday. We could do it during the week like Tuesday or Wednesday for the first day and then Thursday for the second day if that would be better for crowds. I need the voices of experience here on what would be our best use of days. THANKS!! :)
Sunday was an excellent day for us! Hardly anyone there and very little to no wait time!

ºoº Beth ºoº

Taking a break from
reality, goin' to see
the M ºoºuse!

Yacht Club January
13-21, 2001
Polynesian 11/00
Disney Wonder 11/00
Disneyland Hotel 5/00
Disney Pacific 5/00
Contemporary 2/00
Port Orleans 2/00
Does anyone else have an opinion whether Sunday or a Wednesday would be better for crowds the first week of March? Thanks!
I would go for a Sunday, regardless of the time of year.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."


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