Wk of Mar 19--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Good Morning Everyone: :surfweb:

Originally posted by jodistar: I really want to try and go out with my running group again on Saturday (although, I might end up going on my own.....I was a little embarrassed last time being at the back of the pack). I want to condition myself to the road before going out with them again.
Jodi- I really enjoyed my running group so much last Saturday, and I'm looking forward about getting out there and running with them again. Don't be embarrassed about being at the back of the pack. Be happy with what you are doing, enjoy being with the group, and just do the best you can do. I hear you about conditioning to the roads though. I need to do that too. My shins are still feeling a little twinge this week that makes me a little concerned about my run with the group on Saturday.

Welcome Kristi1357 :welcome:

Had a rest day yesterday. Work has been killing me this week. I've just been running from one thing to another. Whew, I'm behind with things at work and need to catch up. I've had so much to do in the lab all the writing and paperwork I need to do is falling way, way behind. That's all from me now. Have a good day everyone. :yoda:
Good morning everyone!!! :sunny: Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer2: I walked 3 miles on the treadmill last night in 40:11. I felt really good afterward, no knee pain!!! I was concerned my knee would hurt during the walk because it hurt a little during the day. I think the culprit was wearing heels all day. Wish me good luck tomorrow, I'm going to attempt to run 6 miles, this will be the first time I will run since March 12.

Melissa--Did you get your pig nose?? :wizard: tomorrow! I'll be thinking about you. What time do you start?

Dave, Mel, and other football fans--What do you think about what's been going on in the NFL? TO is a Cowboy now??? I never thought that would happen. Can you believe the Patriots cut Vinitari? I can't keep up with who's playing where.

Jodi--Don't be embarrassed about being at the back of the pack! You are getting out there and working it!!! I know what you mean though, I would be self conscious about it too. Congrats on losing 2 more pounds. You made your WW goal, right? Now it's your personal goal?

Kristi--Welcome!!! I'm so glad you found us! :cheer2: :cheer2: on your run! That is awesome. Do you like the Leslie Sansone DVD's? I've heard good things about her, but I've never done one before. I've heard they are quite the workout.

Claire--The CP program sounds awesome. My cousin-in-law's girlfriend did it last year, she loved it. I really wish I had known about the CP program when I was in college.

Dana--Are you feeling better? How are you doing with stopping smoking? Think of how much faster and longer you'll be able to run now!

Carrie--Have a great weekend!!

Cam--When do you leave for Disney? Take lots of pictures to show us! I meant to tell you the other day, I was very impressed with your daughter. It just shows what a good upbringing she has had, to accept the punishment and then go on. Your son's play sounds wild and fun! Tell him to break a leg!!

Do you guys think I talk too much? Stephen told me last night that he saw my 15 page disseration from yesterday. I just tell him, "hello, what do you think my degree (broadcasting) is in?" :p Granted, I'm not using it, but I still learned it!

I better start working, the quicker I work the faster the day will go, right?? :woohoo:
aladdinsgirl said:
Kristi--Welcome!!! I'm so glad you found us! :cheer2: :cheer2: on your run! That is awesome. Do you like the Leslie Sansone DVD's? I've heard good things about her, but I've never done one before. I've heard they are quite the workout.

I read about Leslie's DVDs here on the WISH threads. I really do like them. I am not the coordinated dancing type - I tried a cardio Firm DVD and gave up on trying to learn those crazy steps! I know if you wear a pedometer, you really do walk the miles each L.S. DVD says you do. I just wonder if it truly is accurate. I mean, you walk in place, not with your actual stride. I like that she uses side steps, kicks, kick backs and knee lifts also. I get to work more muscles than plain old walking. She also uses a stretchie band or hand weights for part of the workout. Long story short, I really her like her program. I bought 4 of them, miles 1-4. I also just bought her Walk & Jog DVD and like that one as well.

I usually do one of these on my crosstraining days.
Originally posted by aladdinsgirl: Dave, Mel, and other football fans--What do you think about what's been going on in the NFL? TO is a Cowboy now??? I never thought that would happen. Can you believe the Patriots cut Vinitari? I can't keep up with who's playing where.
It is amazing all the movement around. I didn't know the Pats cut Vinitari. I just figured he left in the free agent moves. It's amazing to me that the Colts got rid of Vanderjagt. I think the year before last he didn't miss a kick the entire regular season. I have to admit I was a HUGE Vanderjagt fan in the playoff game against the Steelers this year. :lmao: :rotfl2: It will be interesting to see how it plays out with TO in Dallas. He just seems so toxic to a locker room.
Good morning. I finally got to the Y last night after not working out since last Saturday. Between working 10-12 hours a day and being sick I haven't had a chance to workout. I'm still sick and it was hard. I did 70 minutes of weights and almost maxed out my second machine! I did 160 lb on the back extension and it only goes to 190 (I believe). So I'm psyched to max that one out. Its odd though, because all the rest of the machines I'm no where near maxing out. I started to run on the TM but gave that up the first quarter mile. My head is all messed up, I feel dizzy and almost faint. So I switched to the recomben bike which is a joke in my opinion. I did 18 miles but barely broke a sweat. I guess having all of your body weight supported by a comfy chair takes away from the whole workout thing. But at least I was there and got some conditioning done.

I'm hoping to run outdoors this Saturday. The weather is nice and mild and the sun is up nice and early again. But if I'm not feeling much better it won't be much of a run. Its been two weeks now. I came down with this stupid virus right after my half. Grrrr.

Happy training everyone.

aladdinsgirl said:
Cam--When do you leave for Disney? Take lots of pictures to show us! I meant to tell you the other day, I was very impressed with your daughter. It just shows what a good upbringing she has had, to accept the punishment and then go on. Your son's play sounds wild and fun! Tell him to break a leg!!

Do you guys think I talk too much? Stephen told me last night that he saw my 15 page disseration from yesterday. I just tell him, "hello, what do you think my degree (broadcasting) is in?" :p Granted, I'm not using it, but I still learned it!

Hi, Krista! You definitely do NOT talk too much here. Show Stephen my 7000 word dissertation post from yesterday and he'll think you are as quiet as a mouse by comparison! :teeth:

Well, I cannot believe a week from now I will be in WDW! I am very excited! The only problem is that my right hip is barely functioning. You know how a barbie body looks? Well, mine doesn't look anything like that :rotfl2: BUT (excuse the pun) if you imagine how the leg moves on that swivel, my swivel isn't working. It's like someone karate chopped it and misaligned it or something, because it just isn't right. :confused3 I am really really hoping I can get out for a walk tomorrow, even if it is a very slow pace, and that I will be "all better" by the time I leave next Thursday night.
Happy Friday WISH Team!

Good luck to all those in events this weekend. MelR, be safe. (I read somewhere earlier about snakes, yech!)

It is the last weekend b4 our 1/2 next week in Columbus, OH, so the weekend will be a smooth one for me. I have been working on getting it to a slow pace and am amazed at how I cannot do anything relatively quick. I've completely lost my pace from January. Amazing. I know I can get it back when I'm ready though.

Newbies, slow and steady...you can do it! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Goofy training, for the one that asked wayyy earlier this week. I did MfM training. (John Bingham is my hero--I am a Penguin!) When the training called for LRs of 12 milers and up, I did half the distance the day b4 and then rested the day b4 and after those runs. Develop a good base now. I did weight machines, swimming, and faster training running until the serious training schedule began. Just don't overtrain. If your body tells you to slow down a bit, do so. My plan was to use up all the time allowed for each event. As it turned out, I did the half in almost all the time alotted but I did not for the full. I did sustain a faster pace than I have ever sustained for a LR on my first full.

Enjoy the weekend team mates!
Hey All,

It has been WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY to long since I have posted but I have been lurking. :) February was a tough month with the flu and that pretty much ended the training at that point and the races we were supposed to run in February and March but I am fully back and ready to go again. DH and I are training for 2 5K's in April. I think they're back to back week wise but I need to verify that. We are running at the Fort Worth Zoo (I want to run that one just to see the animals at 7 in the morning) and then one at a local University. I can't wait! :goodvibes

Training wise we haven't run since pre flu but we did get an elliptical at the house which is our friend (or at least mine) and I am already noticing a difference in how much I can do. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good weather day and we can make it to the park to run. Fingers crossed!!

All who are sick and injured feel better soon it's not fun hurting and feeling horrid!
To all who have races this weekend GOOD LUCK and I can't wait to hear all about them!
Lily - This is not an adventure race weekend (I'm not doing the snake one, unless they need me at the last minute) This is actually a marathon weekend (sunday) We are doing the Hogeye marathon in Fayetteville, AR

Krista - I don't have the car today b/c phil's is in the shop, so I'm going to have to wait till tonight to go. Hogeye is on sunday so i have a little pig nose time :teeth:

Sunny - I'll bet the recumbent is no big deal to you b/c of all of the leg presses. 18 miles should be somewhere between a 5k and 10k in runners time. I'm thinking you find it easier b/c it uses different leg muscles (the ones you max out on!!!!!) You should pat yourself on the back for being such a tuffie :sunny:
:sunny: Thinking of everyone who is sick here :(. Hope you all get well soon....and loads of pixie dust....Carrie, Sunny, Papa, Judy, Helen, Beth, Dana...and anyone else I forgot!!! Rest rest rest!!!

Did my KBX class today.....actually was a "light" workout :rotfl2: . Well, not as difficult as usual. More toning, etc. Which was good....especially after yesterdays run was less than stellar. Tomorrow is REST day! We'll see if I can pull 3.5 miles out of my hat on Sunday. Still not sure how that is going to happen :confused3 . Makes me wonder how 26.2 will EVER happen!!!! :rolleyes:

Cam: Hope your "barbie" hip gets better soon!!!! Especially before your trip :guilty: . Ouch! Sounds painful....don't hesitate to visit a doc if it doesn't feel better soon!!! :grouphug:

Krista: ITA.....I was floored that the Tuna grabbed T.O.! Can't believe any team would take a chance on him. Loose Canon....Ego-Maniac? Yikes! Well all I can say is good luck to Dallas! If anyone can handle him though it's Parcells. He handled LT right? Maybe he's good with the "initial" guys LOL! Bad joke :rotfl: . Also....back to running....GOOD LUCK on your run this weekend! :cheer2:
Woo Hoo!

I woke up today and feel close to 100%!. The weather is fine and I think what I'm gonna do is get my dog and go for a 2 - 3 mile walk. NO RUNNING yet, for sure.

It feels great to be close to 100% FINALLY.
PD -- Can't wait to hear how you and pooch enjoyed your walk! What kind of dog? My cairn terrier wouldn't make it a mile, I'd bet.
Ok, the people on the RESORTS board don't seem to be answering. So I thought I might be able to get an answer here since it is somewhat running related. April 28-29 we will be at AKL for my son's 5th birthday. I was thinking about getting up that Saturday morning and going for a nice LONG run while there, however I haven't been able to find out wether or not AKL has a running trail like most of the other resorts do. Does anyone have any info?

I HAVE to share with you guys! I just had an awesome, exciting phone conversation. Get this....my SIL called me and said "are you training for a race, your brother told me you've been running"? And I said...well yes the first is the 5K in April blah blah blah. Guess what. She's training for the same race LOL :rotfl: . Here I've been upset that I don't have anyone to run with etc etc and my SIL.....of all people....has been training to run too! Then she goes on to tell me she's then training to run a 10K and possibly a 1/2 marathon in the fall! :rotfl2: We were laughing...and giddy with excitement. Because we now have a running buddy! And it's great b/c I love her and she lives near me! Talk about lack of communication in my family! Wouldn't it have been hilarious if we ran into each other, literally, during the race! Anyway...I had to share b/c I'm on :cloud9: . We talked for an hour about running and training etc etc! Very very cool! :smooth:
keenercam said:
PD -- Can't wait to hear how you and pooch enjoyed your walk! What kind of dog? My cairn terrier wouldn't make it a mile, I'd bet.

Just got back. I estimate 3 miles. Even my dog is outta shape! As soon as we got back he collpased by the front door. :teeth: He is an Australian Sheperd. He'll be fine. He LOVES long walks. This was his first LONG walk in about a year. But he and I used to do 5 miles a day. And I used to take him to an area where he could chase the deer. He could NEVER get close, but he sure liked trying!

It is still sorta cold here. Right now it is 50 degrees or so, maybe less. I'm a warm weather kinda guy. As soon as it really warms up I'm hoping that he and I can do those 5 milers again.
DJBounce – Don’t stress over the time – Sounds funny coming from me – but it will come naturally. I’ve only been at this for a month and I’ve increased my time from a 20 minute mile to a 16.5 minute mile. It will come naturally. ….. And, I’m one of the newbies.

Skywalker – good idea on the socks….. I just won’t get any because I have to wear double ankle braces for my weak babies….

and to the rest of you.... I was lazy and didn't excersize monday - but got in five miles last night..... moving on and moving on.
Amy--Very cool about your sis-in-law! I think you should definitely do the Pig next year. I'm hoping to be preggo next spring (hoping Stephen doesn't see that ;) ), but I will definitely come down and cheer you on! I was talking football at work the other day and someone suggested that the Steelers pick up TO. I was like, hello! Could you see TO with Cowher or Dan Rooney?? He can't even get along with Andy Reid.

Dana--Unfornatuely, AKL doesn't have running trails. We ran into this problem last Oct. Stephen and I drove to the Wilderness Lodge and ran there. I also really like running in the Epcot resort area, around the Boardwalk and Y&B Clubs, down to Epcot entrance and then to MGM. Will you have a car on this trip?

Dave--I'm not sure if Vinitari was cut or left the Patriots, I was at the Community Center when I heard it and was only half listening. Either way, I'm surprised they let him go. I was also shocked that the Raiders picked up Aaron Brooks. Did you hear where Brees went? I really like him, I have always rooted for the Chargers (unless they were playing the Steelers, of course), but I hope the Chargers bomb this season with Rivers. Brees is just too good a qb to let go. I understand they are paying Phillip Rivers a ton of money to sit the bench, but it's still not right. The Bengals did that to Jon Kitna a couple of season ago with Carson Palmer. Granted, I hate the Bengals, but it still made me mad that they did that to Kitna.

Cam--Be careful!! Maybe you should get an appointment with your doctor! I sometimes have booty pain after a long run (or lately walk), it's in my lower back and upper booty. But it usually works itself out on the next workout.

Melissa--I will definitely say a prayer and send some :wizard: on Sunday. I can't wait to see your piggie pictures!!

Pape Deuce--Yay! You're feeling better!! :yay: How was your walk?

I better get back to work, talk to you all later!!
Whoo Hooo it's Friday at 4:45p!!! :cool1: I am ready for this week to be over. It was a good week just really, really busy.

MelR- Good luck with your 26.2 mile training run this weekend! :thumbsup2 You better post some picts with those pig noses!

PapaDeuce- Glad you are feeling better. That cold going around this year is wicked stuff. Sounds like you had a great walk. Good for you for getting out there. You da' man!!! :thumbsup2

Dana- sorry I can't help you with the AKL running trails. I've never been there, but surely they have to have some sort of trails there. Oooh, I'm jealous you're going. It looks like such a cool, cool place. And btw - good for you for quitting smoking. I'm sending lots of PD :wizard: :wizard: to you for that.

Welcome back Beth :welcome: Don't be a stranger!

Amy- That's so cool that your SIL is training for the same race. That is great. So, are you going to get her down to WDW too? Weren't you having trouble with family support earlier? If so, it's great you have someone else in the family training to run.

Originally posted by aladdinsgirl: I was talking football at work the other day and someone suggested that the Steelers pick up TO. I was like, hello! Could you see TO with Cowher or Dan Rooney??
:lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: That is the funniest thing I've ever heard. There is absolutely no way TO would fit in with the Steelers. That person didn't have a clue about what they were talking about. Come on - this is a team of unselfish players. Plaxico Burress couldn't even fit in with Cowher there would be absolutely no way TO could work for the Steelers.
Did you hear where Brees went?
Drew Brees went to the Saints. Now, people are thinking the Saints won't get one of the top QBs in the draft. He's definitely a good one, but I guess there is the question about his arm injury at the end of last season. I always liked watching him when he was at Purdue. My father went to Purdue so I always kind of rooted for them - except when they are playing Michigan.

I had my X-training yoga class today. Did a few minutes on the elliptical to warmup, and then did 1 hour of yoga. I actually think I'm getting better at it. I like the balance poses because I think it helps strengthen my lower legs.

Oh, I also talked to the custom sock place, and they are going to come up with a creative design for us and send it to me next week. I'll be sure to post details when I get them. I curious to see what they come up with. I told them lime green, our team name is W.I.S.H. which stands for We're Inspired to Stay Healthy, and our symbols are a penguin and a feather.

OK, I'm about out of here. Have a good weekend everyone. Happy training and stay safe everyone.
Today's workout was cross-training by installing a ceramic tile backsplash in the kitchen ;) I made peace with the dreadmill and have been using it more often to decrease impact and stress on my foot. It's healing, but slowly. I haven't worn heels to work all week which has helped a lot, but still can't stand on our tile floors barefoot for very long. I've started the R/W plan from MFM to train up for the Minnie. I can't believe I scheduled these 3 major races and now I'm down to training for the last one :confused3

Football has been interesting lately. I'm terribly excited that Daunte Culpepper is coming to Miami. Daunte came out of UCF (where I did my undergrad) so it's cool to see him coming back to FL. Not surprised that T.O.'s going to Dallas...they seem to collect 'exotic' personalities (Keyshawn Johnson, Deion Sanders a few years ago). I've never been a Dallas fan, so I think that's a great place for TO :teeth: I am surprised that Vinatieri moved...interested in hearing more about that. Oh, and I'm getting my resume together...I hear there's a commisioner job up for grabs and there's a meeting to discuss it in Orlando next week. Wonder if I could take some time off work... :rolleyes1

And it was a great week on AI! Mandisa, Chris and Taylor are my top 3...glad to see the annoying Chicken Little leaving!

A big WISH team :welcome: to Darcey, Kristi, MdmMim!

Dave...the socks sound cool! Can't wait to see what they come up with. Btw, my screen name came from an undergrad immunology class back in the day :)

:wizard: for Sunny, Carrie and Cam! Hope you're all feeling better soon!

Jodi...I tried the bosu ball at the Y...takes some getting used to. What kind of things do you do on it?

Papa...Aussies are very cool! What color is yours? I'm partial to the merles.

AB...DD13 is a Kaley, too! She was almost a Caitlyn, but I thought Kaley would be more original ;) I think Kaley is now like the name Kelly was when I was in school(I always had at least one Kelly in every class), only there's soooo many more ways to spell it.

oops...gotta run...sorry to miss so many...the wild todd is paging me!


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