Wk of Mar 19--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

chimera said:
Papa...Aussies are very cool! What color is yours? I'm partial to the merles.

oops...gotta run...sorry to miss so many...the wild todd is paging me!

Chimera.... we wanted theblue merle but the breeder didn't have any. SO w picked a black tri because he was the color of the dog we REALLY wanted.... a Bernese Mountain Dog. We didn't want a dog that usually only lives 8 or 9 years, though.
Hi Everyone,

Dave/Krista - Thank you for the great support :) I appreciate it! As long as I feel okay tomorrow, I will give it another go.....I'm bringing my new Garmin along so if I do fall behind - it's not a big deal I will be able to keep my own pace and know how far I've run, and the pace. I say if I feel okay only because this morning I woke up with this really bad sore throat - although, at this point it's hard to tell if it's a cold coming on or allergics (lets hope that it allergies - but it's been bugging me all week).

Oh good news! I made goal for my fundraiser (orginally $100.00) for the Breast Cancer Intiative 5k - so I upped my goal and now I have a goal of $175.00.....I'm at $125.00. The people at work were very generous! I'm not having much luck with the MS fundraiser but I hope that makes a turn around. The thing that makes it tough is that they are a month away from one another. Oh well, all I can do is try - and Bob and I will both contribute to both. I'm very excited about doing both events but a little nervous too.....I hope I'm ready for that 5k - I can do it on the threadmill but bring it to the road and it is different with my weak core.

Amy - that is great you are able to train with your SIL!

Cam - You can do lots with the BOSU. The first DVD that I have reminds me of workouts that I had done during Step Aerobics but with the BOSU it is a little bit more intense because you have to keep your balance.....really working the core muscles too! If you turn it upside down you can do a lot too! I've done push-ups, squats (when I got better at balancing I started to use the weighted ball), you can use it like the stability ball and do sit-ups on it......I'm still learning so that is the majority of things that I do on it.....I still have to get a feel for the new DVDs - I only had time to view the first one so far. If you or anyone else is interested in the DVDs they are done by STOTT Pilates and are called "Essential BOSU" and "Intermediate BOSU." Once I've tried both I will let everyone know how I like them (give a review of sorts). Oh- I purchased both of the DVD's on Amazon. :)

Have a good night everyone - I might turn in early tonight

Dana, AKL has no trails. I ran at Fort Wilderness, it wasn't far from POFQ. The loops are all .25-.6 miles long and there are lots of them, so I managed a 12 miler with the loops and the getting to and from there. Plus, no traffic! Well, really slow traffic anyway. I think there is a path that goes from WL to FW too.

Good run this morning. 2 mile warmup, 1 mile @ 6:55, 2000 @ 7:05 pace, 2x800 at 6:45, 1 mile cool down. Very strange set, but its what the plan says, so its what I do.
Hello all--popping in from nowhere to say howdy.

thanks honeibee for the PM. I am still here.

I have abandoned training for the Minnie (I am concerned the medal won't be worht the 9 miles..I'm expecting a little more than the rubber chicken little thing from the kids races).

I may try to go ahead and do a 6 week training. And fake the 10% gain by doing a funky taper at the end--making the 9 miler the first of that distance..but still complying to the 10% rule. Not sure yet though. April is almost here, so I need to decide real quick.

Still on the fence for DL as well.

The knee needed a break as did I. Busy with this work at home job. I am almost able to do a butterfly stretch without pain--so the last of whatever ails the knee post surgery must be leaving. I no longer ice post work out. The infamous puff is still there (my first and only sign of swelling--save post surgery) that I had when I realized--UH OH). NOt sure it will ever go away boo hoo. I can kneel on that knee as well, but I am sensitive. Even though I can do it and it doesn't hurt, I favor the right knee and still get the heebie jeebies when thinking of kneeling on the left knee. My body remembers pain--and it remembers that shortly after surgery I went down on it by mistake and it hurt like hockey stick land.

I began the south beach diet as I am now at pre-season weight in July 2004. And i eat too much carbs and sugars and all that stuff. Time for a purge of the sugar and get myself back to normal again.

**butterfly stretch--sitting with knees bent and feet touching--remember how in gym class you would flap them like butterfly wings. I get a pain in the left side of my knee when doing that stretch--but it seesms to be finally going away.

We are traveling this week--so exercise will be interesting. But I'll bring my stuff just in case!
It's been a slow training week for me. Took 3 days this time for the knee pain to subside enough for me to want to do much on it. I tried a Wal-Mart trip on Wed along with some other errands, and after about an hour of walking in the stores my left knee hurt so much I had to abort the errands and head for home. Today it was a lot better and I was finaly able to get a little bit of walking in along with some cross training. The best news is that I am now done with the injections!

Hope to get out on my bike over the weekend as it is supposed to cool down some over the next few days. I really want to swim, but not in 60º weather in the outdoor pool.

Sorry I am not getting to everyone, but it took me a long time to catch up on everyone this week and I really need to go get some sleep.
Hi Everyone,

Decided to take another rest day - still not sure what I have is a cold but I didn't get much sleep either way (last night).

I really want to try and get out there with my Garmin tomorrow. :thumbsup2 Although, I will probably only do 3 miles.

Have a good rest of the weekend!

Don't have time to catch up on every post but wanted to check in for the last day this week. I did pretty good this week I had a few days I only did a mile but I don't think I took a rest day. I think I am more determined now since I have 2 weeks till my first 5k. Today I actually finally wogged 3 miles. I did it in approx. 35 minutes so I didn't think that was too bad. After that I went with my DH to help him paint a lattice fence for a customer. So I was busy this AM. Today is my neices 9th bday so looks like its Red Lobster for dinner. (her choice) Tomorrow will be a rest day for me. I may ride my bike in the morning. It was nice today because it was cool. Hope to catch up on all the posts later but want to say :banana: to anyone who participated in a race this weekend.
Hello everyone, and thanks for all the positive comments on my attempt to quit smoking. However it didn't last, I faltered today. As I posted before my 17 month old has been sick with this cold, and it seems like he was dripping snot from everywhere, including his eyes. He has had a fever for the past two days, so today I took him in to see his doctor, and got some "wonderful" news. Not only is the poor baby sick, but he has pink eye, and a hernia. So now we are treating the cold and the pink eye and as soon as he has recovered from that he will be going back in for another surgery. Now understand, it isn't like he has had a ton of surgeries, he's only had one, but he has had 3 lengthy hospital stays since he was born. My oldest DS4 has never had to go to the hospital for ANYTHING. It seems in comparison that this one has been there constantly. Then to top it off, we don't have insurance. Luckily we can handle ourselves financially, but another hospital stay and surgery are definately gonna drain on us.

Ok, I am done complaining now. :goodvibes I am almost certain that he will be having his surgery sometime next week, and he is such a momma's boy that I will have to be with him constantly. So I am sure my training will suffer next week too. Does anyone have any good beginner running plans?! I may need them depending on how long this hiatus lasts. :teeth:

Anyway, I am still gonna hang out and check in with everybody. And as soon as I start getting to run again I will be posting my runs again.

Take Care,
Hey everyone. Just a quickly to post how I am doing. I feel like I am getting so much stronger. Today the girls had swim lessons. I was able to do 15 minutes of the cross trainer during the first class and 22 minutes of jogging (no walking) during the second class. I could have jogged father because I didn't feel any aches (just lots of sweat), but I had to go help get the girls showered. If the weather is nice tomorrow, I plan to jog outside. I have only been out for one walk so far because the weather this spring has been very yucky. They are saying tomorrow "should" be nice and in the 40's.

I can't wait to hear about all the competitions that were conquered this weekend. The posts here give me so much inspiration!!
Today was my first real try at running outside again. DH and I walked 3 miles and I ran .25 miles and then we walked another .25 in just at 1 hour. We're going back out tomorrow to hopefully beat that pace but it's a start!

Jen117-Great job!!
Dana-hope the surgery goes well big hugs!
Jodi-I know the pain of illness take care of yourself!

Gotta run we're going to buy a new grill WHOOOO HOOOOOOO!!
Hi Guys
This is kind of a downer post. I can’t get ahold of Mom, so you’ll have to hear my wining. :confused3

As you know, I’ve been overwhelmed at work. Friday was a night mere. I got there at 8:30AM and turned around and found myself frantically trying to tie up lose ends at 5:30 so I could get to DS’s daycare on time. I don’t have 9 hours of recollection; it was all a blur. All I know is I have a “drop dead” deadline of April 18th that was supposed to be last Thursday and I still don’t know what I’m doing. I did something very out of character. I marched down the hall and grabbed people. (well, not literally) I basically said “do you know hardware? Come with me”, “do you know Simulink? I need you right now”. I did this until I had 6 hardware experts and two new guys that didn’t know any better. I have no authority to pull people off of their own projects but it’s a funny thing, when you speak with authority people responds affirmatively. I’m sure the new guys were thinking “who the h is she?” They probably went back to their desks to check the roster.

The good news is that not one of them could solve my problem, and the 8 of them forming a think tank still couldn’t come up with a “oh that’s how it goes” sort of aha moment. This is good news because I have been drowning in self-doubt and insecurity because the higher ups that dropped this in my lap keep telling me this should be trivial and acting curious as to why I’m struggling. Well if 6 MIT experts don’t see a readily obvious solution then it IS NOT TRIVIAL. Not to mention this is the sort of thing people go to school for 4 years to learn how to do. I got it dropped in my lap and the next thing I know I’m being billed as a hardware expert. The bad news is the flip side of the good news that my team of experts didn’t see a readily obvious solution and I still have to make this work.

The reason this is even remotely pertinent to the thread is I am battling a full blown panic attack. All day Friday and today my chest has been so constricted I have to force myself to take deep breaths. The only time that I don’t feel scared that I could be losing control is while I’m running. I even tried other exercises. I ran 6.5 miles today and my breathing was under control. On top of that, my blood pressure is out of control. I don’t know if its this panic stuff or one or both of the meds I had to start after the marathon, or the fact that I’ve been really sick for two weeks. But my normal bp is ~128/78. I’ve been monitoring it since Friday and I’ve had readings as high as 150/105 but mostly 140/95. And my usual "bragging rights" resting pulse rate in the 40s is now in the 90s! Can panic really cause that kind of a spike? I’ve been on the meds since mid-January so its odd that they could all of the sudden cause this. I’m a wreck. I've been working late, missing workouts and hardly seeing my family.

Sorry to be such a downer. My chest is imploding. I'd give anything to walk out those doors and never look back. Too bad I earn 80% of the family income. :confused3 :sad2:


PS I did get in 6.5 miles thogh :goodvibes I ran at the track with my eyes closed! I just let my eye lids flutter enough to see the white lines on each side of my body. It was very trance like and therapeutic.
WOW This thread moves.

I tried to scan all the posts, but....

Dana, hope the surgery goes well.

I actually got up to 3.5 miles on the Treadmill. (It did take 50 mintues, but....) This week is going to be crazy so hopefully I will force a few days of training in there.


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