Wk of Mar 19--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

Here's the Marathon FAQ, a great place to answer your marathon questions:
Disney Marathon FAQ
And some websites for further running/walking info:
The John Bingham site:
Jeff Galloway's site:

Race Etiquette with Miss Road Manners

Pacing Calculator

Good training everyone!
Screen Name IRL Location

akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
Andrea718 Andrea NY
andromedaslove Dana FL
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
Cheryl N. WI Cheryl WI
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cingoutload GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
debm IL
DianeL Diane
disnygoof Christiana SC
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
goingthedistance Paul NM
gradtchr Beth TX
hmgolden Helen NY
Hockeychic Kim CA
hockeygirl Laura NY
Honeibee Judy NY
icunurse_celeste Celeste IL
Jen117 Jen WI
Jodi Jodi CT
jodistar Jodi CT
k_hase Kim NY
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
keenercam Carmella DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KeriZ Keri CA
Kimickey Kim MD
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
lizdotcom99 Liz IN
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne
maryliz maryliz ON
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minnie Minnie
monte Monica CO
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
msblrobs Sara NY
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom OH
Papa Deuce PA
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
princessmomma Colleen NC
RunningLilo Dena FL
sap1227 Christy FL
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Stenogoddess Lauren GA
stitch lover sith Erin
TammyNC Tammy NC
TEK224 Terri PA
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
TnTsParty FL
TXBelle Heather TX
Wbgirl Melissa MN
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
wfloyd Bill FL
wiskband Renee NY
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
Short and sweet tonight...took me awhile to rebuild the list. I apparently hadn't added anyone since January :guilty: This list is everyone who's signed in on the thread and expressed intention to train with us this year. There are already 75 of us at this time :scared1: If you're on the list and don't want to be, let me know. If you're not on the list and want to be, let me know! If you're on the list and haven't posted in awhile, pop in and let us know how you're doing. We don't want to have to get the dogcatcher out after you. One difference from last year...I used to post the race you were training for, but now there's so many different races it's too hard to keep track!

Looks like we need a WISH team group hug :grouphug: seems like it's been a rough week all around. pixiedust: for a better one this week!

Welcome Kim! :welcome:

Happy Belated Birthday to Claire and Liz! :bday:

This is my first official training week for the Minnie. I actually cross-trained at the Y on Friday. I sure wasn't lifting small cars, but it was nice to be doing it again. 3 miles with DD13 today, who's also planning to do the Minnie. I think I ran faster to keep up with her...3 miles in 39:12 (13:04 pace...splits 13:14, 13:03, 12:59). I'm training with the MFM R/W program this time, so this was at R3/W2. If I whine about it being hot this morning, will y'all shoot me :teeth: We didn't get out until about 8:30 and it was already pretty toasty :sunny: .

Maybe LLP is in Hawaii? Didn't she have a trip plan?

Is Helen back from Tokyo yet?

Good training everyone!
Speaking of the dogcatcher.......she is on her way to my house at this very moment!!!! :thumbsup2

See what happens when you DON'T put the steps in? :lmao:

Off to spend the day in Chicago with more birthday celebrating and sharing good times with good friends!

I guess 40 was a lot better than I ever thought it would be :goodvibes

More later...and maybe even with pictures! I am taking my digital camera too!!

Happy training and enjoy what is left of the weekend. And agian, thanks for all the birthday wishes! I have to tell you I have had a wonderful weekend!!

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Morning Everyone,

I didn't get to post much of what I had done yesterday, so here goes:
Personal Trainer Session -
-Crunch with weighted ball (6 pound ball) - 12 reps, 3 sets
On the Bosu ball:
-Standing on the black side of the ball, using the weighted ball - drop ball from side to side; 12 reps, 3 sets
- Arms extended out infront of you, pass the weighted ball from side to side; 12 reps, 3 sets
- Squat (press weighted ball out to the front) 12 reps, 3 sets
- Oblique twisting squat, 12 reps, 3 sets
- triceps using weighted ball, while on the bosu - 12 reps, 3 sets
Now with the blue side up:
Chest press (small of the back is over the ball) 8 pounds weights, 3 sets, 12 reps

On the floor -
Push up using one weighted ball (under one of my hands), 12 reps, 3 sets

After the trainer session - at the fitness center:
TM work - ran 7 miles in (87.50), actually it was a lot of running but when I felt like I needed a break I would walk....DH said that I did a little bit over a 12 minute mile - still not as fast I want it to be but given the distance that I ran I think that it is good that I am keeping steady at somewhere around 12 minute miles.

Have a good day everyone!

Hi everyone!

Jodi: Great workouts! :thumbsup2

Mel: Thanks for building the WISH screen-name list! :goodvibes

Well, finally starting to feel better. I'm still coughing, but I decided to begin workouts again this weekend. Yesterday I did a pilates class! Hadn't been there in a while...forgot how wonderful this class is. We used the reformer "machines" and they are so great for those core muscles!

Today I got out there and did 3 miles. The weather was chilly and grey, which was a bit of a bummer, but overall I'm pretty happy with my run all things considered. I managed to finish in 31 minutes, 50 seconds. I believe that is a 10 min. 36 sec pace. Still not under 10 minutes...but who knows how I would have done completely healthy?! I've got a month before my first ever 5K, so there is still time :goodvibes .

Here's hoping for a happy and healthy upcoming week for everyone!!! :wizard:
Hey! I haven't been posting for a while - mostly lurking and trying to keep up with training and my almost 3-year-old! :faint: You all are doing so great!!! And welcome to all the new people!!! By the way, thanks for doing the list Chimera - please don't send the dogcatcher after me or DH (wfloyd)! :teeth:

I am training for the Minnie and the Danskin Tri (back-to-back weekends). Things are going well - I just did an 8 mile run yesterday, and am about to head out for 12 miles on the bike. Swimming is still my weakest event, but I have lessons, and am trying to get to the pool at least 3 times a week. DH is doing great, also - he just did a 10 mile run on Saturday. His next big event will be the DL 1/2, with a few smaller races before then.

We can't wait to see many of you at the Minnie and again in California!!! :thumbsup2 And I will try to stay more up-to-date with reading and posting! :blush:

Keep up the great work everyone!!! :banana:
Cam- WTG on your 5k! :cool1: Girl, you rock! You should be super proud of your improvements! :banana: Keep it up!

Dave- How was your learning to run group? That's a step I haven't had the courage to take yet. I would love to join up with a running club, but I'm so freaking shy. I'm so proud of you for going. :thumbsup2

Kim- Welcome to WISH! :wave: Sounds like I could learn a lot from you. Thanks for joining us!

Jodi- Do you have any idea how inspiring your workout schedule is? :goodvibes Do you think having a trainer has been worth the money? I'm still trying to work up the courage to fork over some money to one.

Amy- Hey girl! :wave2: Okay, I have a problem. You know how we are doing our first 5k/10k on April 22nd? Well, I just found the results for mine from last year and the slowest person in the ENTIRE race finished 5 minutes faster than I can run. I normally don't mind being last in my age group, but having the close of the entire race wait on me is so scary. I've just about talked myself out of doing it. I told dh we could print "THE" on the back of my running pants and "END" on the back of his since we were going to be last. I would totally just pick another race except that we've already paid for it. Argh, should I still go?

Whatta think WISHers? Would you run a race if you knew you would be dead last?
Hey everyone. I was a little excited yesterday. My girls had swim class, so while the second one was in class with dad (she is almost 3), I went to the track and did some walking and jogging. After my warm up lap, I decided to jog, and ended 12 laps later..... 1 MILE NON STOP. I was so excited I wanted to scream. But the only other person there was some show off middle aged guy that wanted to prove he was faster than me. No biggie, because most people ARE faster than me. My daughter (5 1/2) was in charge of the stop watch, big mistake. She turned it off accidentally somewhere around 5 minutes. An estimate from the clock had me at about a 13 minute mile. I walked the rest of the time.

Today I went back to the gym and did 50 minutes of elliptical/cross training and 10 minutes of weights. I could tell I pushe myself yesterday because my hams where a little sore. But it felt SOOOO GOOD! Now I need to do 3 of those babies before my 5K the first weekend of May!

Dave - AWESOME on your run. I don't think we have a running group here. I have looked and haven't found one. I think it will be very helpful to work off of others! Keep it up! Are you doing the 1/2 or Full at Disney?

Cam - YAHHOOO on your 5K. I hope I do as well on mine in May. I can't believe how far I have come in 3 months. It blows my mind. I really believe that running is harder than people think. You are doing great. I can't wait to meet you at the 1/2 in January!
Cam - way to go on your 5k! Those are such big improvements that you are making over short distances!! That is a really big deal!!!!! (i'm not saying a 5k is short, I'm saying that is a huge chunk of time to gain over that distance!)

Amy - glad you are feeling a little better. Good job on the three miles!

Dena - I have done a race where I was dead last! It was a 15 mile trail run last october. I actually decided to really enjoy it b/c it was something I'd never done b/4. I'm usually one of the slower one's on the trail, but not last. I decided to look at it as a personal record. In fact, on the wish board, we joked b/c there were 8 women and I came in 8th, so everyone congratulated me on my "top 10 finish!" I'm doing a marathon in one week where I could very well close the course (and I'll be running!!!!!). I think my plan there is for me and my friends to make funny faces and poses for all of the race pics so it will be a very special occasion!
Are you planning to do it again in 2007? I keep debating with myself (makes for good conversation :teeth: ) whether I want to do both. Friends that i though were doing the 1/2 are still non-committal.

Although doing both was hard, it was a challenge. I just can't decide. :confused3

On one hand I think it would be cool to do Goofy every year :crazy:
But on the other hand, that required a huge commitment to train. I won't ever have to worry about the possibility of winning or finishing tops in my age group, so going slow and steady will make it somewhat easier on the body.

What are you guys doing/thinking?

Yuck, 17.5 today. On the treadmill. At least it built mental stamina too. THe weather was so nasty that I really had no other choice, but 2:40 on the dreadmill is way to too much. Reward was a hotdog and curly fries.

Melissa and Dena, I was once 2nd to last in a race. It too was a trail race and when I lined up at the start I realize I was out of my league just looking at these people. 20K. As I approached the last mile I saw a man ahead of me and was gaining on him. Turns out I was last and passing him made him last. The best part...he was limping. I beat a limping man. The only thing worse is if the limping man had beat me!
Dave Great pace on your runs! You're already at a 10 min mile! :banana: Glad your training group went well. Sounds like you were right to move to the advanced group.

Cam Great 5K! :cheer2: Howard, too! :yay:
I loved seeing your improved 5K times over the past year. You really have come a long way!

Kim Welcome! :wave2:

Jodi I am so impressed with your training sessions!

Lilo I pretty much know I am going to be last any time I enter a 5K! Well, actually I was only dead last once - on my first 5K. Everyone has been great, though. Very encouraging. I loved the idea of THE END on your shirts, but y'know, you just might surprise yourself and do better than you think you will. I'd go for it as far as doing the race goes.

Jackie Hope we can have a healthy BB rivalry. JJ Reddick is quite the player, and I love that Chubby Checker's daughter plays for Duke!

I swam yesterday, 1000 meters again. I was under 27 min this time, and culd have done bettter if I didn't have hair stuck under my goggles that I couldn't get fixed. I really need to allow myself more time so I can start going a little farther, too. I want to get to 2000 meters comfortably Planning to head out on my bike shortly. I've spent most of the day watching basketball on both the TV and computer so I think I need to get out and get some exercise!

Phew! UConn men just pulled out their win! :cheer2: Now I can go ride, then get ready for the women's game tonight!
Hi guys - I'm back. So, before I start waffling - well done Cam, Dave, Mel and everyone else who raced while I was gone. Pixie dust to everyone with wayward children and kitty's going to the big mousecatching place in the sky and hooray to everyone else for still being here.

Well I haven't run for two whole weeks and the word antsy applies. We did walk for about 5 hours a day in Tokyo, and every night things hurt but I'm still feeling like I need to move. We did have a gym in our last hotel but it was on the 52nd floor and the treadmills faced the floor to ceiling windows - strangely, running toward a few thousand foot drop didn't appeal to me!!! Am off for a 6km run tonight though.

So, just in case anyone's interested we went to Tokyo Disneyland and Disneyseas. Disneyseas was cool - a completely different style of park, it looked like Islands of Adventure but with rides like 20,000 leagues under the sea!!! Disneyland was bonkers though - all the rides etc are the same as Fla/Ca but in Japanese which makes for an entertaining Jungle Cruise, but the queues!! We got there an hour after opening and the queue for Buzz Lightyear was already 80 minutes long and fastpass was at 5.15pm!!! We managed to get on about 6 rides (including a new 'black pearlised' PotC) with short queues but by 2pm everything had at least a 2 hour queue and no fastpasses (and this was just a normal Friday, not a holiday or anything). Apparently the Japanese see it as part of the experience to stand in the queues, liike a badge of honour to do 140 mins for splash mountain, sadly we didn't feel quite the same so ran screaming back to our hotel at 2pm. The merchandise is great though - really mad hats, every character actually worn on people's heads, and I got a lovely fluffy Minnie Mouse cape to wear at my desk when I'm chilly! - but Pooh Corner had no Eyeore at all. In fact, he was nowhere to be seen anywhere, I may have to write a letter to complain!. So, I'm back, raring to go (?) and with two 10k races in the next few weeks to entertain me. Helen
Today was my first race!!! :cool1: My time for the 5k was 36:26. That makes my pace 11:45. :thumbsup2 I am so excited. Oh and I wasn't last! My goal (besides finishing) was to finish in less than 40 minutes. :cool1:

I did r3/w2 intervals. The first mile stunk. I thought I must be insane for signing up for 2 halfs this year. But, by mile 2 I started thinking wow this feels okay. I tried to start enjoying the chicago lakefront view. At mile 3 I could see my husband (finished 29:09) and the finish line and I just started smiling. This felt really good!! :)

I can't believe how much you were all in my thoughts during the race today.
Thanks for the support.
Not much going on with me training wise. Almost over what I think is strep throat (never broke down & went to dr) and DS has pinkeye and now they are on spring break , so they get to be home with me ALL WEEK! :teeth:

Helen-welcome home. I was wondering how your trip was going. Those queues are crazy, there is no ride I will wait that long for. I'm too spoiled with FP & dont wait more than 20 min for anything! Even during Thanksgiving.

Maggie & Cam-Awesome job on your races!!!!

K_hase- I was once beat by a lady wearing a giant green cardboard crayon costume :rotfl2: But at least I was out there doing it :thumbsup2

Terri-that's a good questions. I have delusions of doing the full next year but I haven't decided if I can/want to commit that much time to training. Plus I think DH would like to go somewhere not related to my racing. Oh, and I debate with myself all the time.

Lilo-do not worry about being dead last. I have been last & it wasnt that bad. The race workers were cool about it & were chearing me on & said at least I was out there which is better than alot of people do. Go for it!

Mel-great pace!

Jen-great pace :banana:
Hi Everyone,

Jodi: Great workouts!

Thanks for the great compliment Amy!

Jodi- Do you have any idea how inspiring your workout schedule is? Do you think having a trainer has been worth the money? I'm still trying to work up the courage to fork over some money to one.

Thanks Dena for the great compliment - The personal trainer is definetely worth it for me - I've been working with my trainer (Diane) for awhile and has always helped in keeping the workout fresh.....I never get bored! My trainer has helped with everything from helping me put together an eating plan to helping me work trouble spots....I have such a good time working with her - that is key make sure that they have a similiar personality. I say go for the personal trainer, as long as it isn't too expensive.....my sessions are $50.00 each session but well worth it!

Today was my first race!!! My time for the 5k was 36:26. That makes my pace 11:45. I am so excited.

Great job Maggie - I hope I can do as well with my 5k in May!

Well, today is my rest day....I will be checking in peridocially! tomorrow it is back to the gym/fitness center for me......I also hope to do some Winsor Pilates (although, I really love the Bosu ball workout).....trying to keep the variety in the workout!

Have a great rest of your weekend!

Maggie - I just wanted to say.... YAHHH on your 5K! You did fabulous and had a great time. My first 5K is May 6. It's called the Doggy Dash. After the timed run, there is a 5K and 1 mile fun run with Family and Dogs. My kids are so excited, but they just want to run with our dog, they could care less about my conquering my first big goal! I just want to finish under 45 minutes, but my fear is that I will be dead last and people I know will giggle at me. OH well, at least I can run!!!!
I have a new respect for you walkers, I have no idea how you walk a half or full marathon. Or if you're crazy like Lily or Terri and you walk the Goofy. I wanted to give my knee another week off from running, but I wanted to get my 7 miles in. My brillant idea was to walk the 7 miles. Walking was a very different experience than running, I finished in 1:39 with a pace of 14:14. One thing that I was excited about was I burned 740 calories, I usually burn right around 100 calories a mile, so to burn over 100 calories a mile was very exciting for me. :teeth: This week I'm going to continue cross training, lifting, and walking and then I'm going to run 6 miles on Saturday. Crossing my fingers my knee holds up!! Oh, and Saturday night, I got this really cool book called "Weight Lifting for Runners", it's all about lifting weights for runners--not to bulk up, but to build endurance and speed. The best part about the book--there are detailed pictures of how to correctly lift and stretch. I'm excited to get to the Community Center tomorrow and try some of my new moves. ;)

Cam-- :cheer2: :cheer2: I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!! Your 5K time rocked. I am very proud of you. Tell Howard great job!!

Kim--Welcome! :wave2: I can't believe you did 17.5 miles on the treadmill. That is awesome!! Your story about beating the limping man made me laugh out loud.

Helen--Welcome back!! I'm glad you had a great time in Tokyo. You travel more than any person I know! I wonder where Eeyore was.

Maggie-- :cheer2: :cheer2: on your 5K time!! Great job!

Amy--Glad that you are feeling better. I think you'll definitely hit your goal of sub 10:00 miles before your 5K.

Jackie--Go Duke!!! Let me be honest, I'm not much of a Duke fan anymore, but I used to LOVE Duke. I used to love Bobby Hurley, I hated when he graduated and I was sad that his NBA career didn't work out. When I went to college, I couldn't watch the games in the dorm, so I don't really follow Duke anymore, but I'm still rooting for them and if I happen to catch a game, I definitely watch (and scan the crowd looking for Bobby Hurley :teeth: ).

Dena--Get out there and do your 5K!!! Do not be scared if you are last, at least you had enough guts and courage to get out there and try. Good luck!

Jen-- :cheer2: :cheer2: on running a mile!! Don't you just want to knock out the people who are there wanting to prove something to everyone running and walking too. The Doggy Dash sounds like a lot of fun!! I know my puppy, Hines, would tear it up!!

Mel--Thanks for getting the list together, that had to take a lot of work. Great pace on your 3 miles!!

Jodi--Impressive work out.

Stephen says hi. :wave2: He ran 7 miles today too, we're both training for the Flying Pig 1/2, but we're NOT running it together! :teeth:

Talk to all tomorrow!!
Krista - I used to be a walker only, so I can relate how it is hard to keep that pace going. I am impressed you walked that fast for that long!!! My dog is a golden named Sadie. She is a little (a lot) strange. I don't know how my hubby and girls are going to hold her back while I do the 5K timed run. She loves to go on walks!!! She is almost 6 and acts like she is a still a puppy. She just never calmed down!


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