Wk of Mar 16 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Krista - Great news! Glad everything looks okay. Maybe he and Jen's baby can do their first race together!

Jen & Krista - Congratulations on the baby news! Happy for you both.:thumbsup2

Honiebee FYI- The Kilauea Volcano is way, way, way over on the big island of Hawaii. There are times here on Oahu when we get "Kona Winds" out of the south, the vog (volcano pollutants) do make their way north to our island. Some people with asthma get affected by it, but most people are not. Currently the sulfuric gases are staying over on the big island. Thanks for asking.

Ok, here are the photos of this morning's hike to Makapuu lighthouse. We saw a total of four humpback whales frolicking in the ocean below us. My Princesses and friends from Kansas loved it.



Krista and Steve Congratulations!

Miles, I like that name too! Some great names going on here.

Jeff, your pics are breath taking.
Krista....Ahh, I get teary eyed, just thinking of a new little boy baby. :goodvibes

Jeff, I'm from Kansas and your pics are awesome. Makes me want to visit! :)

Stacie - I have the 205, so can't help you with the heart rate. I've been working out so many years that I can 'feel' where my heart rate is (or think I can). Hopefully someone else, with Garmin 305 experience, can help you out.
Krista & Steve - Congratulations! There is something so amazing about a baby boy. Sigh. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy and his infanthood. It all passes so quickly.

My son and I just had to come up with a secret signal since he doesn't want me to hug him in public anymore. Gulp.

Krista and Steve: CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have one child a girl so I don't know what little boys are like. I do, however, have a very active male cat. Does that count? Probably not....Your day sounds like it was a lot of fun what with the news and shopping. How did your folks react?

Jeff: those pictures are lovely and your princesses and friends look like they are having a wonderful time. Send some of that lovely Hawaiian weather to MA, would ya? We could sure use it.

Judy: sounds like a cross-training day to me!!!

Our trip to London was fabulous but I came down with a miserable cold when we got back. Plane air really sucks. I don't know how so many people can fly so much but not be sick more often. This is just horrible.

Hope everyone stays healthy!!
Krista and Steve: CONGRATS!!! How exciting!!!!!!! :goodvibes :hug:

Scotty: Ok McSpeedy...you should be racing RIGHT NOW as I type this. Sending some PR vibes your way! :goodvibes

Cecila: LOL...had to smile at the special hand signal! I've been given strict orders by my 5th grade DD...No dancing, air guitaring, singing, hugging, kissing or wearing pajamas anywhere near the bus stop. Can't imagine why??? Now how am I supposed to embarass her??? :confused3 :rotfl:

Aloha Jeff....GREAT PICS! *sigh* I've just Gotta' get to Hawaii!!!

Jen in GA: CONGRATS on the new running partner! :cloud9:

Maura: Wow...what a great speedy run you had! WTG!!!! Your training is really going well....you've got a lot of speed in those legs!!! :thumbsup2

Lily: How are you feeling? It's so nice to see you training so soon!!! You amaze me...what an inspiration :)!!!

Debra: LOVE the new kicks!!! Good for you getting that run in girl...you're doing so well coming off the C25K and Chi Running. And why may i ask are you not doing the Minnie ;). LOL! I know...you're doing Cleveland right? You know that was on our radar...it was Flying Pig, Cleveland, CMM or the Minnie. We chose the Minnie b/c of it being the last year. Would have been great fun to meet you tho!

So for me...I had a nice tempo run again yesterday. Had to use the dreaded TM because of the high winds. Did my warm-up and cool-down at 10 mpm...then set the pace at 8:49 for the 3 miles. I managed to survive those 3 miles...HR was a bit high but otherwise I think it was a decent run. Not sure how much longer I could maintain that though :laughing: . Trying to figure out what I want to do today...I have to teach a class then I'll plan to do some pilates and some cardio here at home.

Have a great weekend!! :sunny:
**Krista & Steve**:Congrats on the news. American flag blue (with red and silver trim) will make a great nursery color scheme. Let me know if you want a large "Flying Elvis" wall decal to complete the look -- my gift to you.;)

**GA Jen**: Congrats to you as well on little **Maximillian**/**Maxina**.
GA Jen: Just putting in my two cents....
I like Miles for a boy or Mary (like in marathon) for a girl?? I'll keep thinking of something.;)

Jeff: I like those photos of Hawaii!! It kinda, and I mean kinda, reminds me of some beaches here in FL, but of course no mountains, no whales and stuff like that. :)

Krista and Steve: CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH!!

DId a 3 mile walk today and will do a 5 mile tomorrow getting ready for the Minnie 15K.
Getting alittle excited. I love having something to be training for, it keeps me going.:woohoo:
Krista and Steve - CONGRATS on your baby BOY!!!! :woohoo: I'm so excited for you both - little boys are the best!!!! (not that I'm partial or anything...) :rolleyes1 Go team BLUE!!!!! ;)

Jen in GA - CONGRATULATIONS to you, too! :goodvibes WOW - I can't imagine running Goofy - much less doing it while pregnant! :worship:

Training-wise, I've been focusing on swimming and biking - trying to let my PF heal a bit more. I was able to swim 1750 yards last night - that was the first time I went over a mile! Yea! :thumbsup2 Life-wise, the boys have been keeping me very busy. I took Billy to an underwater egg hunt at the aquatic center this morning, and he had a blast. The rest of today will be used for getting ready for Timmy's first birthday party next weekend - where did the last year go??????

Time to get lunch for the boys. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and Happy Easter! :goodvibes

Hi everyonne:flower3:

I haven't been around here as much, but I'm sure several of you are glad to get a break from my silliness.pirate:

Steve and Krista, have you picked a name yet? I have raised a son and two daughters and I have to say that both can age you prematurely. My youngest daughter was the most rebelious and trying. My son is in the Army and will be retiring in about 5 years from there.:eek:

Kristi, how's it going princess? You going to ToT, you'll never guess who the featured band is. "YMCA"?

Have a super Easter Weekend y'all.:hug:

Walking Panda:hippie:
Going back and reading some posts...

Congrats Jen on the pregnancy! :woohoo:

Krista, congrats on the news that you're having a boy! :yay:
Krista and Steve - Congratulations on your little boy! I have a very sweet boy at my preschool named Miles. I think that would be a great boy name for your future racer. :thumbsup2 Love that little boy to death when he gets here. :love: I just took mine to get his learner's permit :scared1: , and it seems like only yesterday we brought him home from the hospital.

Jen - Congratulations on your news as well! I can't imagine running the Goofy, much less doing it pregnant. :eek:

Evil Genius - Your husband was such an encouragement and a comic relief during that game. He really touched me even though I never really "knew" him. It will stay in my siggy forever. Glad to have you over here in these parts. :hug:

Ok, now you marathon runners (and especially you Goofy runners) deserve to be :worship: ! I ran my first 5 mile yesterday. I think I hit "the wall" and was buried six feet under it. :faint: That was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I had to walk more during that run than ever before. I also did it without eating b'fast or lunch, so that wasn't so smart on my part, but OH MY STARS!!! I am proud of myself for finishing, but my body was wondering WTH was up!

Is that considered a long run? At what point do you start using those beans for energy? Do you reserve those for competitive runs only? Since I am new to all of this, I'm not sure how all of it fits together. :confused3 I think the beans might have helped me yesterday since I didn't have anything to eat prior to running. I did weigh myself before and after the run, and I lost two pounds running. I drank a Gatorade after I got home. It took a while for my heart rate to come back down though (several hours). I didn't feel winded or anything, just took my BP, and my HR was still 101 two hours after running. Should I be concerned? Sorry for all my rambling, but you guys are the wealth of knowledge that I need to learn from.
At what point do you start using those beans I didn't feel winded or anything, just took my BP, and my HR was still 101 two hours after running. Should I be concerned? Sorry for all my rambling, but you guys are the wealth of knowledge that I need to learn from.

First, I want to say congratulations on running a 5 miler! :cheer2: That's awesome. I'm a relatively new runner too, so each added mile is a big accomplishment.

I'm not an expert, but I would personally be concerned if my HR stayed that high for so long. My HR usually drops back to normal within minutes.

I'll let the experts guide you in when you need nourishment during a run.
I ran my first 5 mile yesterday.

Is that considered a long run?
At what point do you start using those beans for energy?
Do you reserve those for competitive runs only?

First of all, Congratulations! Way to go! Yeah Allie!

So you met my friend "the Wall" Real Peachy guy isn't he? I try to avoid him at all cost. Actually it is not hitting the wall that determines what kind of runner you are, it is what you do AFTER you hit the wall. I think you showed ture courage and the heart of a warrior to keep going even when it was tough.

As for your other questions:

I take sport beans WITH me on almost every run. I rarely EAT them though. I save them for emergencies.... When I do use them, I only eat 3 at a time about every 20 minutes or every 10 minutes if its a really bad day. Trust me, don't eat the whole package at once!

I may not be good about remembering to eat in general, but I am good about eating before a run. Even if its just a banana and a glass of milk, I try to get something in me about an hour before the run.

The heartrate thing bothers me. I think perhaps you should try to drink more water before and during your long runs (and yes, 5 miles qualifies as a long run.) I try to drink at least 2 liters of water every day. I can definately feel the difference in my training when I am hydrated. (actually, I really feel it when I am NOT hydrated) Dehydration definately affects your heartrate and your recovery so start with that.

Finally, remember that it is generally accepted that you celebrate each new mile stone in running. So for those of us that would have to run 40 miles to meet the next milestone, please be sure to celebrate tonight!

Way to GO!
Lily: Thanks for the kind words, as usual. As for your working out every other day & diminished core strength, remember that you've just had surgery. I've had abdominal surgery & I know how tough it can be. You were already fit going into surgery & so I'm sure you'll bounce back quicker than expected (if not quicker than you'd like.) :goodvibes

Aloha Jeff: I love how the "reward" for the princesses training is yet more activity! Mine tends to be food. Kids really do have it right, don't they? DOOD just started his subscription to Marathon & Beyond--he's quite enjoying it so far. As for the sand run--Whew! I'm not sure I would call it shortchanging yourself @ 5 miles. I got cramps just reading about it. :rotfl: Oooh, and the trip to Makapuu lighthouse looked fabulous with the whales. You're so fortunate to live there, among other reasons (great family, friends, etc).

Tracy: How was your racewalking lesson, if you were able to take it? It sounds your 3 miler went well & you're looking forward to tomorrow. I like having events to train for, as well; it keeps me from being too lazy, as is my natural state of being.

Craig: Wow, I remember you talking about your soccer days but I didn't realize how deeply embedded in the movement you were/are! Too bad about Fulham today, but Newcastle did dominate (& shouldn't have, IMO). As you said, it'd be very cool for Fulham to stay, but.... Too bad, though, because the Americans on Fulham have their street cred here, playing for the American National Team.

DOOD's a fan of American footballers in the EPL, as well, although he contends that Blackburn's Friedel should be starting for the National Team instead of Keller. I'd be interested in hearing what your response to that, as sometimes he's a bit contrary! ;)

We caught the Everton-West Ham broadcast today, and were happy for Yakubu's goal against WHam. The end was exciting, and we almost thought WHam would pull it out. (I don't know if I hoped for it, but it would have been cool to watch.)

Jackie: NB seem to work best for my odd feet, although I haven't found my perfect match yet. (This pair comes closest, so far.) I hope your run went well. And what can you tell me about running skirts? I've been eyeing them lately, asking some folks about them, and would like to hear others' opinions!

Stephanie: Thanks for the Zumba recommendation. We have a class here & it looks like such fun. Of course, now I want a maragarita! I do hope your pain subsides, though.

Allie: Welcome back. Glad you had fun on your spring break! And double yay :cheer2: for your 5 miles! You finished it, getting past the wall, which is a big accomplishment. And you did it even though you needed to fuel before your run (as you know). And I do think that you've had a LR; it's all relative to our training & experience. It's a marker of our progress, and you've made great progress! :yay:

I don't know your pace, but I suspect you wouldn't need the beans for that distance if you'd eaten well & were well-hydrated beforehand. I agree with SamSam & Cecilia on the HR--a couple of hours seems a bit much. Do carry your beans with you, as you should have them as you figure out your fueling needs.

Carrie: What did you decide to do--8 or 10?

Jen in GA: OMG!! Congratulations on the baby!!! THat's great news. But if you're not going to use Goofy, I like Cecilia's suggestion of Max, although Miles & Mary are striking as well.

Scott: First, Scott's World. :lmao: Love it! How did your 5K go? I'm hoping you hit a PR.

Judy: Used to love the Golden Girls! How was the outdoor run--better weather than you expected, I hope. Kayanos always look cool to me, but they don't fit me as well.

Stacie: Then both of us have weird feet! Mine are a fitting nightmare. DOOD has Saucony Triumphs, and loves them. I wish I could help with the Garmin/HR question. :confused3

Cecilia: Uh-oh, the secret signal. They do grow up fast, don't they. At least it's not a no-hugging decree. I don't know if you feel like talking about it, but how is everything going with your dad?

Shan: I hope the antibiotics will help you recover & feel more confident about your upcoming race. Remember, you've got the foundation!

Maura: That's a great pace for the 7 miles. How is the 10/2 working for you; I'm thinking about something like that for my 1/2 in May.

Krista: Yay for the sonogram pic, registering, and of course the news about your baby boy. It does sound like there's gonna be another runner in the family. I'm looking forward to seeing the sonogram pic.

Martha: Your trip to London sounded marvelous. What fun! Too bad about the cold--I always get ill after spending any extended time on a plane.

Amy: Great job with the TM, and the pace; it sounds like it was successful run despite being stuck in the great indoors. I WISH I could do the Minnie, especially as it's the last one, but DOOD & I are doing Cleveland as a quick, driveable weekend. DOOD's parents will be meeting us there, and his brother, so it'll be a mini family reunion. (Now I really want to do the Minnie! :rotfl2:) You all are going to have such fun that I'm jealous.

Lynnda: WTG on the mile swim! :thumbsup2 That's impressive! And an underwater egg hunt. That's seriously cool.

Dave: Silliness? What silliness? You're silly sometimes? Oh, I get it. You're being silly NOW. We can never get enough Panda time.

As for me: Well, I tried out my new shoes today for my LR. They feel really good on my feet, for the most part, and as if I've always worn them. The bad news? A little blister in a new spot. The good news? That's only ONE little blister, which is unusual for me. And I didn't use any blister block, my new Injinji socks, or even my special anti-blister socks--I wanted to test the new shoes out "as is." Now, a blister doesn't sound great but trust me when I say this is the best-fitting pair of running shoes I've owned. I think once I put all my regular anti-blister prep into things, my feet will like these shoes even more.
Debra: My racewalking lesson went well, I was able to get it in yesterday - I changed the day because of weather. Right now its raining with alittle bit of thunder and has been pretty much doing that since 11am. The instructor was impressed by how much I had learned on my own. She gave me lots of tips and says I need to work on arm position, had position and swing of the arm and also my hip rotation. As I improve these things, speed will become easier and I'll get faster. Thanks for asking.
I like NB also and I use the 902s for racewalking and also use the 768s which just replaced the 767s (I loved the 766s)

Allie: Congrats on the 5miles. 5miles can be a LR, or a Long walk as I would say, it is all relative to what you have done previously. After training for a few Half Marathons I think of 8 as long. The more you do them the easier it gets, you'll see. The most important thing is finishing. YOU FINISHED even though you "hit the wall". Keep your chin up, you can do it!!

Well I'm off to catch whatever movies are on TV and relax, the weather is telling me to do it. What else are you suppose to do when its thundering, raining, grey and dreary??
I hope I can get my 5miles in tomorrow without getting soaked to the bone, we'll see.


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