Wk of Mar 16 - WISH Walking/Running Club

I completely forgot to add that I splurged on a pair of prescription Oakley Sunglasses. Cost me a small fortune for the half jacket frames and lenses. I will use these only for racing. :cool1:

Due to some light rain this afternoon, we changed our route from hill work to sand work. Yep, I forced myself to run on the beach in Waikiki from Hilton Hawaiian Village down to the zoo, and back. We short changed ourselves with a 5 mile run, instead of the planed 6.
Deb - :lmao: And he will be my own special bunny rabbit....:lmao: Good for you for runnign on teh TM and not using it for a fund raiser! Just moving on those days is your victory.

Stephanie - Glad you liked it, even if you had to be dragged there!

Lily - :grouphug: Hang in there. You are strong and will get back to where you were (or better) when your body says it's time.

Aldisneygrl - Welcome back! Glad you had a good trip!!

Jeff - Have a goo run!

Jackie - COngrats on the skirt! BTW, GaJen is on teh Walt's Warrior's thread. She and baby to be seem to be just fine. ;)

Due for a long run today. Supposed to be 8 or 10. No idea what I'll do.
Hey kids-

It's been forever since I posted to the main board. I'm trying to get more sleep, and I can only do it if I don't turn on my laptop at home! So, I told my Walt's Warriors, but one reason I want more sleep is that Baby #3 is on the way in September. And yes, Baby #3 ran the Goofy with me (although I didn't know it at the time). So in a month when I have my gender-identifying ultrasound, I'll be looking for name suggestions. But not Goofy. :laughing:

I'm signed up for the Minnie Marathon. I'll decide at the last minute if it's to run, walk, or spectate! I needed something to motivate me. And DH made the mistake of saying he thought it would be fun to go to Disney one more time before the new baby, and left the date up to me... I don't know how we ended up visiting the weekend of the Minnie...:laughing: ;)

Ok, that's enough about me!

Hope everyone is doing well. I'll be thinking about Krista/Steve today with their big ultrasound, and I'll be thinking about all our Atlanta half runners getting ready! Shan- get well! And Cecilia- best wishes for your dad!

Jen in GA
Congrats Jen!! That will be a funny story about the baby to share for a long time!

:welcome: Evil Genius! Nice to have you. How do you have time for the TM when you spend so much time PEEPING! Nice to see you around these parts!

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

Allie - I remember you from WPASADI! I appreciate that you keep Mike in your siggie.

Beth - Peeping during work hours only! :)

I feel like such a slacker compared to all of you. I better step up my game
Angie - How are things in your world?? Glad to see you eating again :goodvibes:

Dana - Holy smokes..7:16 mpm for 4 miles! Super speedy there, nice job!

Carrie - nice job with the yoga and getting that walk in, even when you didn't feel like it. Good luck with the long one today!

Stacie - running in high winds during work...I smell a dedicated runner. Good luck with your workouts this weekend!

- glad to see the coyote got what was coming to him...sorry to hear about the min pin again though...hope your do-nothing day went well for you :)

Debra - No worries on bagging that run...sounds like it works out just as well anyway with the rest day today before tomorrow's long run...and cool shoes dude!! Very WISHER-like of you...and here's hoping they are easier on your piggies.

Bill - How old is Timmy? I remember those days well...

- Sounds like a lot of furniture moving! How did it go? Hope you were careful lifting all of that stuff

Jen - Hooray for running outside!! You guys have had a rough winter...here's hoping it warms up some more.

- Glad to see the run went well! I bet that hike is an awesome one...and to see the whales too...what a great day planned for you! Where are those photos? ;)

Judy - Sorry to hear about work and the toe...hope things get better for you!

Maura - Have fun out in Utah...it's bound to be warmer out there right? I bet its a beautiful state.

Krista - Nice to see you! Glad to see that things are going well with the pregnancy...with all of the cruddy weather out there, it looks like you picked a good time to be indoors :) Tell the other half we said hello!

Calcio - Welcome back captain! Glad you had a lot of fun in London...someday I'll get over there and play tourist for a few days (*cough* Amy *cough*)

Shan - Flu update please! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Evil Genius - welcome!!

Tracy - Racewalking lessons! Cool! Let us know how it goes!

Jackie - the week away from running was well deserved after the great week prior to it...best wishes for your run on Saturday

Stephanie - nice job staying aware of the pain and switching over to the bike...sorry to hear that it isn't completely healed yet though. I've seen Zumba at my FC, but if you ever saw me attempt "dancing" you'd understand why I'm avoiding that class :rotfl:

Allie - Hope you liked the visit to my hometown LOL Sorry about the storms...we'll try to work that out better next time, just let us know in advance :goodvibes:

- Belated CONGRATS on baby #3! How exciting! Can't believe he/she has a Goofy Challenge under its belt before age 1...bright running future for the kid!

Amy - Sorry again about the rough week and a half that you've had :hug: I'm glad to see you back in the swing of things with the workouts though. Between the Chi principles and the speedwork, I think your Minnie weekend expectations are going to be easy to accomplish. Wanna come down and race with me on March 30?? ;)

Scott's World - I did a solid 45 minutes on the elliptical on Wednesday night and ran around the 'hood last night. I did 4 miles in 34:46 (8:41mpm), a nice run for me and the final one before my 5k tomorrow. It's the first 5k I ever participated in two years ago, so I'm trying to make it an annual tradition for me :goodvibes: In '06 I did it in 33:19 (10:43mpm)...in '07 I did it in 24:38 (7:56mpm)...and tomorrow I'm going to try and break into those 23's. I keep telling myself that after doing the marathon and then Goofy, it's only three miles and to just go as hard as I can & leave it all on the course, so we'll see how it goes! I did pilates this morning and I'll do 30 minutes of XT tonight. Hopefully I can get the 20 mile bike ride in tomorrow after the race...the weather is looking good :)

Best wishes to everyone!! Let's all have a great weekend!!
I posted pictures of the new hats on a separate thread. Please visit and post your comments on them.
Jen--Many Congrats! And :worship: to you and the newest WISHer for completing the Goofy together!
Greetings all.

Today was a 30 minute XT day, but, well, Charlie is off today and we didn't set the alarm....:rolleyes1

Tomorrow is 5 miles and I am REALLY looking forward to going outside. It's not going to be nice out but I don't care anymore. I'll bundle up and wear an old pair of Kayanos. :woohoo:

Krista - Yay! I'm so glad to see you. :yay: I would have emailed you but I don't have your address. But if you look in previous posts I was looking for you guys! Glad everything is going well. :goodvibes

Craig - What a great picture! Such a beautiful - and happy - family! Glad you had a great time. I'll talk to Martha about the policeman's helmet. I bet she didn't realize that we still have the Minnie Girls Bail Fund she could have used, seeing how you are doing the Minnie and all. :laughing:

Cecilia - Thinking of you today....:hug:

Evil Genius - Evil (May I call you Evil? :lmao:) :welcome: You'll find lots of support here. And craziness! :upsidedow All in good fun! Watch out for that Panda guy!

AlohaJeff - You aren't anywhere near the volcano, are you? Can't be good to breathe that in. :scared:

Debra - OMG Georgia and Georgina are LIME GREEN! Perfect!!! :banana: You're so funny. I'm glad I'm not the only one like that about her running shoes. I slept with my first pair of Kayanos. We were engaged for a very short period of time, but that's another story. (OK that is a Golden Girls reference and if you've never seen the show, you probably won't get it and just think I am way too bizarre! :upsidedow )

Jen in GA - OMG! :eek: How exciting! :cool1: And your baby WISHer has already done his/her first endurance event! :woohoo:

OK now that we have found Krista and baby, where's Matt and Cheryl???:confused3
Hey guys! Just a quck post here to ask a question...

I tested out my new garmin 305 today with the Heart Rate monitor for my 2 mile run. I didn't program it for my specific heart rate, but let it set the standard zones. For the two miles, my average heart rate was 175 bpm and my max was 188 bpm. Close to the end of the 2 miles, it beeped at me 3 times saying it was too high. It seems I spent 1.6 miles in Zone 5! :scared1: From what I've read, you shouldn't be in Zone 5 much. Zone 3-4 is where you need to be for losing weight and training. My avg pace was only 13:50. I don't understand why heart-rate is so high.

Any feeback would be appreciated! Thanks so much you guys!!!

Deb...Love your shoes by the way!!! I tested those out, but started having the numb feet problem. I ended up w/ the Saucony Hurricanes, but looking back, I don't think it was the shoes. I really loved those shoes. I may try them again in the future! I still get numb feet occassionally. I'm just have weird feet I guess. :goodvibes

And yes, Baby #3 ran the Goofy with me (although I didn't know it at the time). So in a month when I have my gender-identifying ultrasound, I'll be looking for name suggestions. But not Goofy. :laughing:

Congratulations! WOW! And I was impressed you did all your training pushing Harry!

I vote for calling the baby Max regardless of the sex. After all, Max is the son of Goofy. :rolleyes: Seriously though, My daughter Charley has a girl named Max on her softball team. She is a beautiful girl with an incredible arm.....

Postesf - I have the same issue. My last half marathon the Garmin claims I ran 12 miles in zone 5. and one mile about 6 beats per minute over my max heart rate. Although I want to agree with the garmin considering how I felt at the end of the race, people who know more about heart rates tell me its not possible. I am going to get an official test done some time in May that should give me an official max heart rate. It is obviously not 220-my age.
Allie, glad you had a nice spring break in Atlanta! :thumbsup2

Well, I went to the doc this morning and I'm now on antibiotics. Skipped my second run. :sick:

The Expo has been moved to the Georgia Dome due to damage at the Congress Center (and other events being held there next weekend that get preferential treatment :( )

From the website:

Race Expo Moves to Georgia Dome As Result of Last Week’s Tornado Damage

Times for Packet Pickup and Seminar Series Remain the Same for March 28-29
I vote for calling the baby Max regardless of the sex. After all, Max is the son of Goofy. :rolleyes: Seriously though, My daughter Charley has a girl named Max on her softball team. She is a beautiful girl with an incredible arm.....

Postesf - I have the same issue. My last half marathon the Garmin claims I ran 12 miles in zone 5. and one mile about 6 beats per minute over my max heart rate. Although I want to agree with the garmin considering how I felt at the end of the race, people who know more about heart rates tell me its not possible. I am going to get an official test done some time in May that should give me an official max heart rate. It is obviously not 220-my age.
I like the idea Max! Maxie! cool!

Cecilia, HR thing, I used a Polar for when I started training. It really helped me to stay w/in the zone. Later I stopped using it for the same reasoning mentioned by you and Stacie. As I am getting older, it is saying it is too high whenever I do any speed work. I now seem to be able to feel if I am overdong things and am usually correct so know when to slow it down after a bit. I am used to the increase for short training periods and I have a great recovery so I don't know how to advise you.

Check w/your doc maybe or running store folks.

Stacie, If you get that test for official HR, I'm interested in what you learn and who you go to for the test. It might be something I could look into as well.
Jeff Love my prescription Oakley's. Don;t look at it as expensive--good tools are always worth the price.
CarrieGood luck on the long run. I'm waiting til next weekend to decide whether to run the Meteor 10k at the MArtian.
Jen in GA Congrats on baby "Max" I vote for that name too!
Scott So in one year you knocked 3 min/mile off your pace?:worship: Good luck on breaking 23min.
Shan Hope you feel better, soon!
Craig Ah London, one of my favorite cities. And at least the Pound is stable compared to the Euro. Don't forget "mind the gap"!

I did my 7 mile run/walk today (10min/2min) in 68:25. Faster than I would have thought, so of course I hopped in the car and drove the route. Anyway, off to Utah. Hope everyone has a good Easter/1st weekend of spring.


Everything with the baby is going great, it was so awesome to actually see the little guy today. He is a very active baby, I can't really feel anything yet, but the sonogram technician had a hard time keeping up with him, he was moving so much. I told Stephen he is going to be a little runner like his dad and mom, his feet never stopped moving! :yay: Right now the baby weighs 11 oz, which the doctor said is normal, I'm scared though because 2 of my nieces were over 10lbs and 1 niece was 11lbs!! :eek: I've gained 13lbs so far, which makes me officially the heaviest I have ever been, but I'm okay with that. So far. ;) Stephen and I registered today and then went ahead and bought all the baby's furniture. It has been a very fun day!

I need to go back and read the posts, but I did see Jen's news--CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Maybe I'll run into you on babycenter.com. ;) I always thought Miles would be a good name for a runner's baby and the baby did complete 39.3 miles with you in January. ;)

I better get off here, I think I have time for a nap before we head over to my parents to show them the sonogram pictures. If I can figure out how to use our scanner, I'll post pictures, well even if I can't figure out how to use the scanner, I'll just take a picture of the sonogram picture.

Talk to you all later, have a Happy Easter everyone!!

Today was a 30 minute XT day, but, well, Charlie is off today and we didn't set the alarm....:rolleyes1

So what can I use for MY excuse? I DID have to work, and the alarm went off...

Shan - Hope the antibiotics do the trick. Glad you went to the doctor! I go to the doc much more quickly now that I'm running - can't have anything interfering with that!

JeninGA - Congratulations! :cheer2: I didn't have a clue about the baby when I was wondering where you'd been - maybe I have psychic powers and don't know it? I can't believe you had the energy to finish Goofy that early in the pregnancy.

Stacie - I opted for the 205 since I knew I'd never actually use the HR function on the 305. DH kept pushing me to get the 305 (he has the 301), but I was pretty sure all it would do was confuse me.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!



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