Wk of Mar 12--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Dana- I don't know the name of the facility my niece is in. It's in the suburbs of Philly. She ran away last year and was gone for 4 days before one of her sisters found her. The took her to police station, because she was stoned. She gave the cops a hard time, threatened to burn the house down and said she would run away again. She had to go before a judge and he sent her to an outward bound type program. They kicked her out because she was fighting with the staff. Now she's at the current facility. It was rough for the first few months, but she's been doing better. It's just that she can fly off the handle in a blink of the eye. As soon as she doesn't get her way, she goes crazy.

Her probation officer told her if she didn't get her act together and the staff at this facility felt they could not do anything else with her, she would be transferred to another facility in a different part of the country. Then she wouldn't be able to see her family at all, because of the distance.

She gets therapy sessions a few times a week, so we're all hoping she continues to progress.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Since you and your Mom have tried to help him and he doesn't seem to care or want the help, it may be time for him to go away to get professional help. And while it may not sound "right", you and your family need some peace of mind and don't need the stress and frustration that he is causing. It's time for him to help himself. He's the only one who can make himself change. No matter how much anyone else tries to help him, he has to put forth the effort. Until he does, it'll just be more stress and worry for you. If he is away, you can have some relief and know that he has help available to him and he won't be able to hurt anyone in your family.

Hi all!!

Dana-- :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Judy-- I didn't do the whole 26.2 before the full, but I understand where you are coming from. I think it's up to you. You may discover during training that you are comfortable enough with your gains that you won't feel the need to do it, but if you do, you're not going to hurt anything. Just make sure it's far enough before the race that you have time to recover.

Cam-- Oh right, my running gear. :teeth: Knowing me, I would completely forget. Consider it added to the packing list.

Mel-- I'll be in Hot Springs. Arriving Wednesday (I think) and staying until Sunday (I hope!). We made the same trip last year, but got bounced a little earlier than we would have liked.

G'Night all!
Kevin (Solotraveler) :earsboy:
TnTsParty.... :guilty: :grouphug: So sorry about your cat. It was weird because I was just thinking about my cat that passed away. Then I came here and read your post. How sad. Do you know what happened?
TnTsParty said:
Didn't get in a run/wog yesterday since I had to go to my grandmothers to take her out to dinner (its a weekly thing) and then I didn't end up getting my run/wog in today either. I had to ice cupcakes for a bday at work so I was going to do it after work but my DH called about an hour after I got to work to let me know something was seriously wrong with my one cat. So I grabbed my purse and flew home, I picked her up (she was gasping for breath) and we headed to the vet but didn't make it in time and she died in my arms. I have been upset the whole day and of course didn't go back to work. So due to a major headache and eyeache no run/wog for me. I hope to get out tomorrow morning.

:grouphug: So sorry to hear about your cat. :cat: I had a similar experience with one of mine about 18 months ago. He made it to the hospital, but afetr his exam we discovered there was no chance he would recover and would suffer greatly if we tried to maintain him so I had to make the very difficult decision to let him go. I was there with him when he died so I know just how you feel. Working out really helped me deal with my grief.

DAna :grouphug: hugs to you. I hope you get the support you need from your nephew's therapist and the judge if necessary.

Sunny, maybe the thought of going to Arkansas and doing a race with MelR will motivate you to get that project done! :wizard:

Cam, I think you and Howard are doing a great job being parents to your DD.

As to my training, I have been on light duty for 48 hrs since the knee injections. I'm wondering if shopping counts as training?! :teeth: If it did, I'd have done an awesome workout yesterday! Last night I did 30 min on the Gazelle, which I used all the time in CT, but have only used once or twice since we mover to FL. I perfer being outside if I can, but I do plan on using it more during the summer when it is really hot and humid out. Anyway, when I first got the Gazelle, 30 min on it darn near killed me. I don't know how far or fast I went last night because the batteries in the computer on it had gone bad and I did not know where DH had the new ones, but I know I was going at a decent pace and it was a breeze! Since I tend to feel like I am not improving enough, that was a really good feeling for me. We have since replaced the batteries, so I will have to get back on soon and see about pace and distance covered.

Today we went to a Spring Training game, Yankees vs Detriot Tigers. They exercised, I worked on my tan! :sunny:

Right now I think I'd better go get some sleep!
Good Morning Everyone: :surfweb:

monte - great job on your walk, and your consecutive days of training. WTG! :thumbsup2

Jen - Whoo, hooo! :cool1: WTG on signing up for your 5K. That's great. Boy, I haven't run a race for at least 8 or 9 years, but I'm going to do some this year.

Jackie/MDM - Doesn't sound like you are being lazy at all. Get those thoughts out of your mind. You've been dealing with so much lately. I'm sure your body needs the rest.

CarolA - 3 miles in 43 min is not that slow at all Carol. That is a great workout if you ask me. WTG! :thumbsup2

Oh, TnTsParty I am so sorry to hear about your cat. That is so very, very sad. At least you could be with her when she died. I'm sure the cat was more comfortable being in your arms.

Nancy - Here's some more PD :wizard: :wizard: for your knees. Hope those injections are helping.

Have a good day everyone. I'm sure I'll be checking in more later.
Thanks everyone for your kind words about my kitty. I used to have 3 then my oldest died 7 months ago he was 14 and then yesterday my youngest she was almost 5) well my only cat now is my big baby (and I say big because he is huge, over 15 pounds and not fat he is just BIG and my baby who died yesterday was so little, she was a bobtail cat and was born that way. She used to curl up next to me when I would sit next to me with her head on the laptop) My big baby (Shanghi thats his name) misses his sister (Sapphire) ~ they were partners and snuggled together.

Sorry to go on and on about my kitties but I don't have any kids and they are like my kids!! I did go for a wog this morning. I only did a mile and I cried a bit when I was running because I started to think about her but I am sure as time goes on it will get better.

So does anyone have any plans for the weekend? Any races, long runs? I plan to try and get a 3 miler in since I need to start getting used to that distance. I am so thankful its Friday!!
Good morning!! :sunny: HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: I had another good workout last night, I'm really starting to get into this cross training thing. When I was training for the Disney 1/2, I rarely cross trained because I couldn't find any activities that I really enjoyed and looked forward to, but now I really look forward to going to the Community Center. I did 30 minutes on the bike, keeping the rpm's between 80-85--wow did that kill my quads!! I was still pretty sore from lifting on Tuesday and quads and the muscle right above my knee on the inside (sorry, it's been about 10 years since I had a biology class and I forget the names) were so sore!! The people around me probably thought something was wrong because for the first 15 minutes I was grimacing while pedaling. The last 15 minutes was better, I guess the muscles must have stretched themselves. I wasn't going to lift yesterday, but since I felt good after the bike, I ended up lifting--doing the leg press, leg extension, and some ab work. I thought for sure I was going to have to pull myself out of bed this morning, but I feel great.

Melissa--Yay!!! You didn't crash!! :cheer2:

Monte--Glad you are feeling better! Good job on getting out there and walking.

Nancy--I SO want a gazelle!!!!! I think they look like so much fun. When I tell Stephen that I want one, he just :rolleyes2 , maybe because I've been begging for a Bowflex for months. :teeth: You made me jealous talking about getting a tan, my legs are SO white. I'm trying to figure out when I need to start going to the tanning bed for our Disney trip in May. :sunny:

Jackie--Don't feel bad about taking a rest day at all.

TnTsParty--I am SO sorry about your cat :grouphug:. Reading that really made me miss my puppy, even though he was not being a very good boy this morning. Be sure to really love on your other kitty, you can comfort each other.

Jen-- :yay: on signing up for your 1st 5K!!! You are going to have the best time--I love running 5K's. :love: My first 5K was in August, I finished in 39:04 doing the walk/run. I'm looking forward to doing a 5K now that I'm up to 5r/1w.

Have a good day everyone!!!!!
Just dropping in for a quick hello. I know I have been MIA for the past few weeks. Our vacation at WDW was great! The weather was perfect! Thanks to Carrie and others for the tip on the Disney Outlet. I bought a marathon sweatshirt, a pair of marathon shorts, a marathon workout top, and a marathon mug. DH got a Goofy Challenge baseball cap. We also got one of our DDs an "I survived the Tower of Terror" t-shirt, which she wore proudly to school on Monday. Work is busier than ever. Hopefully this weekend I can read back over all the posts that I have missed.

For those considering the Goofy Challenge, here is the official response I got from Disney on whether you must register for the Goofy Challenge specifically or can simply register for both the 1/2 and the full:

You will need to officially change your registration to Goofy. If you
intend to run Goofy's Challenge, don't hesitate to sign up because spots are going fast.

Thanks for your interest in The Disney Endurance Series.

With my crazy work schedule, I am probably not going to go for the Goofy Challenge this year. I think I need to get a full marathon under my belt before trying Goofy. But in 2008, that Goofy medal will be mine!

Have a great weekend everyone! :wave:
Oops, I forgot. Krista- Guess who we saw at WDW? Hines Ward! He was filming the Battle of the Gridiron show for ESPN on the beach at the Contemporary with Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, and others. We really weren't supposed to be hanging out there while they were taping so I didn't get to take any pictures, but I thought of you! He is a cutie. ;)
TnTsParty -- I just wanted to send a :hug: and tell you how sad I am for your loss. My furbaby (a 5 year old cairn terrier named Cali) is so incredibly precious to me that I know I will want her in my arms when it is time for her to leave us (I hope not for a very very long time). I hope you and Shanghi can console each other.

Well, the party is over and went very well. I feel like it is time to re-focus myself. I seem to be compartmentalizing my life, dealing with one big thing at a time. The next big thing is my solo WDW trip in less than 2 weeks. I just changed my return flight and will have a whole extra day in the parks. I am planning to go to AK and ride EE and see Mickey's Jammin Jungle Parade and Conservation Station, 3 new things there. I am really excited about this trip but am trying not to act too exuberant in front of DH because I know it isn't really fair that he can't go. :sad:

I am going to do a walk-up registration for a 5K tomorrow morning, notwithstanding our outrageously packed weekend. I just feel like I want to get out there in a timed situation and see how much progress I have made and how much I can push myself.

Here is my journal entry from this event last year:
keenercam said:
Did the 5K this morning -- official time 51:42. Pace 16:41/mile. The 16 minute pace is looking very do-able -- then I will aspire to 15 minutes or better, to give myself a cushion for character pix, etc.

I should be able to do better than that. I am incredibly congested (head and chest) and have a sore throat, but should be able to manage a 5K. I really, really want to finish it in less than 45 minutes. My last 2 5Ks were in September and the times were 46:55 (15:08 pace) on evening of 9/28 and 46:21 (pace 14:57) on 9/18. I am determined to demonstrate SOME improvement, ANY improvement since September!

I just found a post of mine last fall that had all my 5K times:

9/28/05 -----46:55 ----15:08
Hi WISH Team!

I couldn't pass up the opportunity of the day:

Happy Birthday! Liz!
Lordy, Lordy Liz is

More later...
Happy Birthday, Liz, sweetie!!!! :bday: Here's a non-caloric, no sugar, diabetic-friendly cake for you! :cake:
Hope you have an AWESOME day, my friend!!!! pixiedust:
Heather--I am SO jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hines Ward!!!!!!!!!!! You are lucky!! I would have gotten myself arrested because I would be screaming his names and snapping pictures. How is training going for your bike race. Is it 150 miles?
keenercam said:
I just found a post of mine last fall that had all my 5K times:

9/28/05 -----46:55 ----15:08

Cam, that is great you keep these records. It is so encouraging to all of us to see how a body can build up endurance!

After my first 5K I thought I had maxed out on my distance but within 18 months I had a marathon distance under my belt.

The human body is an amazing thing if one puts in the steps!

Good job!

:bday: :cake: :cake: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZ!!! :cake: :cake: :bday:

Krista - How's that Terrible Towel therapy on your knee working?
Sorry I don't have time to get caught up but I feel terrible today so my doctor is squeezing me in in 20 minutes. I feel very lightheaded and dizzy. When I got up this morning I just about fell on the floor from whoozieness. I was so nervous to even drive into work - I did about 20 the whole way. I only came in because my doctor's office is right across the street, otherwise I wouldn't have wasted the makeup. :rolleyes:

Sorry to post and run. If I come back to work I'll check in with you all.

If not have a fabulous weekend.

Happy St Patrick's Day!

:shamrock: :shamrock: :shamrock: :shamrock: :shamrock: :shamrock:



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