Wk of Mar 12--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

Here's the Marathon FAQ, a great place to answer your marathon questions:
Disney Marathon FAQ
And some websites for further running/walking info:
The John Bingham site:
Jeff Galloway's site:

Race Etiquette with Miss Road Manners

Pacing Calculator

Good training everyone!
Greetings Everyone:

I was going to run today in a local park but my DD8 princess: wanted to go with me - so I took a rest day and went for a hike with one of my princesses. It was actually very nice. We had spent the day arguing about getting her room cleaned up, and it was really nice to have some Daddy-time with her and just walk and enjoy nature. I got my schedule for my "learn to run" group, and it starts tomorrow. I'm thinking I've got myself in pretty good shape for it. I'm excited for it. We start this week just doing 30 min walks. Hmmmm, I've already passed beyond that. Maybe I'll just do what I've been doing until I'm on pace with what the group is doing... I'll play it by ear. It will just be nice to have a support group.
Mouse Skywalker said:
Greetings Everyone:
I got my schedule for my "learn to run" group, and it starts tomorrow. I'm thinking I've got myself in pretty good shape for it. I'm excited for it. We start this week just doing 30 min walks. Hmmmm, I've already passed beyond that. Maybe I'll just do what I've been doing until I'm on pace with what the group is doing... I'll play it by ear. It will just be nice to have a support group.

Dave - you're going to love being with the group. I finally got to run with my group.....although, I was at the tail end of the group, it still felt great to be out there.....I did three miles.

Good luck to you with the start of your group! :thumbsup2
Boston Run to Remember Half Marathon race report

Yes, Sunny, you beat me home. I hit the ME turnpike at 0453 this morning and got off at 1753 this evening. After the race, I went with some of the triathlete people to see "Wired to Win- Surviving the Tour de France" at the Musuem of Science IMAX theater and then a couple of us went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch- mmm:) Speaking of food, this race did a better spread than Disney did- Vitamin Water(I like the dragonfruit flavor), bagels, M&M and Famous Amos cookies, and Cape Cod potato chips were the stuff I saw. The medal was the same for the 5 mile and the half. That kind of bothers me because while both are an accomplishment not to belittled because so many would try neither, the half really is should receive a little more recognition IMHO.

Chip time was a 2:08 something but the Garmin was 2:06. I stopped twice- once to use the porta-let rather than go behind the bushes like I saw guys doing and the other time to put my sock back on. It had wormed it's way down to the ball of my foot somehow :confused3 So this was a PB time by almost 4 minutes. The ave pace was 9:36/mi including walk breaks and the run pace was 9:09/mi. It wasn't quite where I was hoping to be but probably about right for where I am in training. I put this on the training schedule for the same reason Sunny did- to have something to keep me going after Disney. I actually haven't needed it- I've been excited and motivated by the triathlons that are coming and this was just kind of "Okay, I'll go do it because I'm already registered." My training plan probably would have called for a 13 mile training run this weekend anyway so it worked out okay. Over 52 miles of running so far this month so I certainly wasn't tapered and not really all that rested. I also have been base building rather than working on speed so I should be satisfied with the time.

On the positive side- I feel really good and could have went for another run this afternoon. The reason my plan has had me running so much besides that fact that riding the trainer can be mind numbingly dull without specific workouts is for 'hardening.' By putting in the base now, I can run hard later without breaking down and the back to back running days really encouraged my body to develop the means of recovering. I won't have done it this way myself but that is why I got a coach this year and so far I'm quite happy with the results. Now if I can just find some more speed...

I didn't see Lisa/MickeySP either. Of course the fact that Sunny and I both wore our WISH 2006 shirts made it a little easier to find each other.
Congradulations everyone on the training and races.

I have done nothing walking/wogging wise for about 2 weeks. I did go to the gym Fri and Sat to do upper body core stuff. It must have worked. My abs and triceps are both feeling it. I think I spent a little too much time on my foot. It feels swollen in the bandage. I would rather not have it on but I want the tendon to heal so I can train for the Minnie. I should have about 4 weeks to train. The soft cast comes off March 28. Hopefully that will be the cure. If not, I will cheer everyone else on.

I am going to try to go to the gym every other day and continue with the upper body. If I can get the core strengthened the speed will hopefully follow. Wishful thinking on my part.

Lynne - 6 more days to WDW for rest and relaxation.
Carrie that is good advice you have to offer about getting started with a walk/run (W/R) plan.

It is good to read those race reports and wonderful that you were able to find each other. (Fastest runner was about 9 :earseek: Yep, seems that way to me too.) Yes those WISH shirts are a great way to find a friend in a crowd for sure!

I went with DH today for his LW. He did 5 miles with an 18:41 pace. We were on the trail for 1:32 and it was warm (about 60 deg) with a misty rain. Lovely. DH rocks! He is stiff about now, but not too bad. I guess nothing that Tylenol won't help. :teeth: That new hip he has got a great workout today. I think we won't do 5 miles next week though.

Kathy, great for you that you are able to get to the gym for those workouts. How is the shoulder then?
Well I finally found my local running group's web page. I don't know that I will do much actual running with them (I really like walking/jogging alone usually) but A. its nice to know about them so that I can go socialize and B. they have the local race schedules (which I wish I would have found back in January). Oddly, I found it b/c I was looking up the Dallas runner's club since I will be spending the summer close to there.

Congrats xterratri on your race! And I definitely agree on the metals. 5mi is a great feat in itself, but a half marathon deserves its own bragging rights.

Congrats Papa Deuce on getting started (sometimes its the hardest part)!!

Where did yall get the WISH 2006 shirts and what do they look like??? (translation: I WANT ONE)

How often do most of yall run in races or "training runs" during the year?

NYcpa: pixiedust: for your slow but steady recouperation to get you to the start of Minnie (and hopefully to a nice strong finish!)!

Carrie??: Thanks for posting how you transitioned from walk/run to run/walk to run, I had been wondering how you change plans (ie start at the beginning of the new one or ???) .

Goofy 2006ers:
How many hours/miles did you put in during your training per week? How different is training for Goofy vs. Mickey??

Do you think we could add that wonderful name of screennames-real names to the OP of the weekly thread??? It sure would be helpful ::yes::

Have a wonderful evening!
I told you the fastest guy looked awsome... check it out:

1 1:10:18 5:22 1:10:19 David Hinga M 4882 Methuen MA

5:22 pace. Yikes!

And the 5 milers are amazing:

1 1/8 MELIT 23:01 4:38 23:01# George Kirwa 27 M 8791 Durham NH E

4:38 pace! Holy Cow!

13 1/7 FELIT 26:18 5:18 26:18# Eunice Chepkurui 21 F 6761 Durham NC E

Here's me :p

3522 304/381 F4049 2:14:22 10:15 2:16:09 Sunny M 42 F 2479 Burlington MA

A far cry from my Applefest results (2:03, 9:28 and top half division, 8th filly).

I see Carley and Sean made it a ways ahead of me. Carely wore a sign that said "Sean don't bonk", Sean wore a sign that said "Carley don't bonk". I was right behind them for a long time.
Hey! Just wanted to update on the MAP Tri I did Saturday! I wanted to wait until the results were posted.....
There were over 500 people in the race.
I placed 104 in women and 16th in my age group
500 yrd swim (I totally sucked b/c the H2O was so cold my goggles kept fogging up so I could not see the edge of the pool) - 14:58
20k Bike - 46:23
5k run - 28:43
Total time - 1:33:29
During the run, I passed everyone who passed me on the bike! :banana: The run was on grass, sand, pine straw, and a little on the road. It was crazy! :crazy: Very hilly! I planned to do 1:45, so I did 15 min faster than expected. This was the hardest thing I have EVER done! But I WILL do another.

Congrats to everyone who raced this weekend.
Here are a few pix...Ron will be posting more on his web page soon.

My T1 & T2 set up...see the bike? :love:

From left - Jim, Jeff, Ron, Amy, Ryan, Me

Me showing off my body markings..so cool!
Morning Everyone,

Sounds like everyone's races went well :thumbsup2 I hope to do as well as all of you when I start :goodvibes .

Next month, I will be doing the walk for MS, although I haven't signed up yet. In May I will be doing my first 5k.....I'm not expecting much - I'll be glad just to finish.......I wish I were as lucky as the rest of you - to be able to afford the Garmin. Do you think a pediometer would work for now? I just want something that will track the miles that I have done and I already have one of them.

Well, I guess I should get ready to start work. Have a great Monday everyone!

Good morning, everyone! :sunny:

Christa-- :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: on your tri! You rocked it out, girl. I thought of you about 10:00 on Saturday and I said a little prayer for you.

Lynne and Sunny-- :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: on your halfs! Or is halves? :confused3 You guys are both awesome!

Kathy-- :grouphug: for a quick recovery! Have a great time in Disney!

To everyone else :wave2: . I haven't read the last of last week's thread, I think I'm going to do that in a little bit, just I know what's going on.

Okay, so who wants to hear my sob story? My knee is really hurt bad and I think I'm going to take 2 weeks off from running. :sad2: I ran 6 miles yesterday, I got to about 4 miles when my knee started to hurt and I made it another half mile before I had to stop running completely. I walked the last 1.5 miles at a 13:00 pace and finished in 1:12. Thanks, Lily for being my conscience and telling me to just get my steps in. :goodvibes So, the plan is to cross train really hard for the next 2 weeks and do some strength training for my knee. On March 26 I'm going to attempt to run again and I guess we'll see what happens. I'm still going to do the Flying Pig 1/2 on May 7th, I may have to walk/run it or just walk it, but I'm going to do it. :cheer2:
I was a little bummed last night. I finally decided to tell my family (mom, dsis, dbil) that I was training for the marathon. I was met with a lot of information (that I already knew) such as black toenails, runners trot and chub rub. They also said that it was torture and why would I plan to run a marathon before I even ran my first 5K. They told me I might hate racing. :rolleyes: I was hoping for a little bit more support but :confused3 I guess they are just looking out for my best interest. And this after having my best run ever....the first time in training that I've hit the 5K distance and I avg. 10.5 mpm. I was so happy. Actually I am still happy :goodvibes . And I know they are just worried about me.

Krista: SOOOOO sorry to hear about your knee. Pixie Dust for quick healing :wizard: .

Jodi: Have you checked out ebay? You might be able to pick up a used garmin forerunner 101 for $75. Not sure if you want to spend that much on a used but thought I'd throw it out there.

Christa: :cheer2: Wow girl...way to go on the tri! You really kicked booty!! :thumbsup2

Carrie: GREAT run :woohoo: . Let's hear it for the NEGATIVE splits!!!

Lynne & SUnny: :cool1: You girls did awesome in the Run to Remember. I can't imagine hitting either of your awesome paces! You guys inspire me!!! :teeth:
AmyBeth68 said:
I was a little bummed last night. I finally decided to tell my family (mom, dsis, dbil) that I was training for the marathon. I was met with a lot of information (that I already knew) such as black toenails, runners trot and chub rub. They also said that it was torture and why would I plan to run a marathon before I even ran my first 5K. They told me I might hate racing. :rolleyes: I was hoping for a little bit more support but :confused3 I guess they are just looking out for my best interest. And this after having my best run ever....the first time in training that I've hit the 5K distance and I avg. 10.5 mpm. I was so happy. Actually I am still happy :goodvibes . And I know they are just worried about me.
AmyBeth - Don't worry about it. My family thinks I am crazy! :crazy: Just let them know this is something you do for YOU! People don't understand unless they have done it. My DH signed up for WDW 2005 before he ever started running. He loved it and ended up doing Goofy 2006 with me. We had a blast, but people don't understand.
Sunny & Lynn - Congrats on successful half's this past weekend.How cool you wore your WISH shirts!!

Christa - Congrats on your first tri!! Loved the pics.

Dave - Have fun with your 'learn to run' group. It sounds awesome.

Krista - Sorry to hear about your knee. OUCH!! Resting is probably the best thing you can do at this point. :wizard: For a quick recovery.

AmyBeth68 - I can totally sympathize with you being bummed at your family's less than enthusiastic response to your marathon aspirations.My mom, an RN, still tells me that running is one of the worst things I can do for my body. Don't let it get you down. Just use it as inspiration...

I did a 7 mile LR in 1:07:53 this past Saturday, so I was happy with that. I did 6 miles this morning on the TM as part of my Minnie training.

Best of luck to all with successful training this week.
Good morning everyone, even if it IS a Monday. :rolleyes:

I had a great LW on the TM yesterday. It went by very quickly as I watching a Cary Grant movie. On hour goes by before I even notice. :p Anyway it was 60 @ 3.6 @ 1%. I really have to start getting up earlier on my LW days so I can go longer. I think I am ready for that.

This warmer weather is nice but one result of this quick thaw is that my paddock has about six inches of mud. It's very very hard to work out there, doing chores and cleaning stalls. My "old" knee has been complaining. Plus it's VERY tiresome. I wish it would either dry up or freeze again. OK, I really wish it would just dry up. I could use some spring. Anyway, I think I will declare doing barn chores in the mud as cross-training. "Mogging". :rotfl:

I know I'm going to miss some people because I was so far behind from even last week, so forgive me if I did and CONGRATULATIONS to everyone on their achievements, no matter how large or small. In my book, doing a tri, a half, just starting out....it's all achievements.

OK I have to ask this one more time...WHERE is LLP????? :confused3

Papa Deuce - Welcome! :wave2: I'm glad you are joining us. The support and encouragement around here is amazing! I certainly know you from other Boards. I enjoy your posts very much. So, if your just starting out, join the club! We have lots of beginners here. Don't worry about only being able to run 300 feet. Last August I had ACL replacement surgery and couldn't even WALK. Now I'm on my way to the 2007 Half. Walking it, that is. But if you knew how much of a "non-athlete" I have been all my life, well, you'd know how AMAZING this is!

Dave - Oh I'm so glad you enjoyed the LK. I kinda want to see it myself..... :blush: Excellent run in the park. What a great idea for you and the DDs.

CarolA - Welcome! :wave2:

Sunny - Sorry for all the "browness". I find that depressing at this time of the year. I too am impressed with your pace for a "training run". :thumbsup2

xterritri - Congratulations on your Boston Half! :cheer2:

- Thanks for the tri pics! Congratulations, you speed demon you! :thumbsup2

Krista - :wizard: for your knees.

You know, I've been toying around with the idea of the Minnie next year......Cam, do you think you'll do it again? I realize thats a bit premature, but you know me, the compulsive Disney planner. :goodvibes

Christa-- congrats :cheer2: Your time looks awsome, and your placement overall/division is super! I love the pics.

Krista-- I'm so sorry your knee hurts. Your wise to do the 2 week rest. Here's :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to get you back up and running

Jody-- I did my first 5K ever last June! You'll do great!

Amy-- Don't worry about what family said. You'll find there are many, many psychological hurdles ahead of you. There are times when others will plant seeds of doubt in your mind, and times when those seeds sprout from within. Last November I had an ortho/sports med dr tell me I can't run a marathon because my left knee is malformed. It threw me for a major loop. I cried, I doubted, then I got over it and ran a marathon anyway. You'll learn to see them, deal with them and head out for your next LR! I didn't tell anyone I was training (except WISHers) until I had done an 18 miler. I was afraid I couldn't handle their disbelief (as opposed to DIS belief!). I also didn't tell anyone I was going back to school to major in physics for the very same reason. I knew everyone would look at me like, "what makes you think you can do that?". I didn't tell anyone including my husband until I had successfully completed my freshman and half of my sophomore year! I wish people realized how much their skeptism can effect their loved ones. But its good to get through that hurdle early on. Just don't let it shake you.

:goodvibes Just a friendly reminder, Please sign up (no definite commitment yet) on the RTB thread if you are interested:


So far Colleen and I are each taking 100 miles :rotfl2: :lmao: We'd be more than happy to share...

I will work on getting some local people to join if we have a decent number of WISHers. I think I could possibly get 2 people, but that's a big IF. But I don't want to put the word out until I'm pretty confident we will have a team. Remember, the legs are broken up in 3-8 mile chunks.

I am sooo not here. I do not have time to be here. So, forgive me for being really quick and missing a bunch of you.

Amy - You forgot "You're going to get hurt." "You'll break your neck runnign in the winter." And many nore from my MIL. I wear biker pants/thigh length sausage pants. No chub rub. Guess what? I'm doing it again inspite ofl of the crud thrown at me. (Oh, I did lose a toenail, but it never went black.)

CHrista - Woo hoo. I'm skimming big time today, but caught the marathon shirt in your pic. Thansk fro the smile!

Krista - SOoo sorry about your knee. At least it's fairly early in teh game. Ice, rest, an dyou may want to try short 2 - 3 milers next week. DOIng the x-tra XT sxshould get you through though.

Sunny and Lynne - WTG!

Lynne - Awesome on the PB!!!!

I forgot who asked when to switch programs. We went right ot the beginning of the next one, but always trained enough that teh biginning was easier for us than ewhere we left off, so that there was some mental help too.

Have a great week all!
Hi All,

I've been lurking the past couple of weeks & figured it is about time I introduced myself. My name is Karen & I turned 45 last week. I am planning on participating in the 2007 Disney 1/2 Marathon. :donald: Up until about 7 years ago, I used to walk all the time, but life got in the way & I really haven't done much since then.

I decided January 1st that I needed to take back control of my life & get into shape. I figured there is a lot of things I can't control, but this is something I could. So, I began walking. Even while on our trip to WDW the end of January after walking 10-13 miles per day in the parks (DH carried a pedometer), I still went out at night & walked 30 min (2 laps) around the lake at BC, YC, Boardwalk.

I always thought doing a Disney Marathon would be so cool, but that I could never do it because I could never run for that long. Then in February I read some Disney Marathon Race Reports & that is when I learned you don't have to run a marathon to participate. :yay:

My goal is to participate by walk/run & hopefully finish. DS (19 - will be 20 at race time) said he will do it with me. :woohoo:

At the beginning of January I started by walking on the treadmill for 30 min @ 3 mph (20:00 mpm) 3 times a week. I am now up to 30 min of walking for 4 min @ 3.7 mph & running 1 min @ 5.0 mph which is 2 miles with a 15:00 mpm pace, plus a 5 min warm-up & a 5 min cool-down, 4 times a week. It felt so good to be below the 1/2 Marathon minimum of 16 mpm, even if it was only for 2 miles :jumping1:

I have been more or less using the plan in John Bingham's No Need For Speed to slowly build a base & then I plan to follow Marathons For Mortals to train.

I am really glad I found you. Reading your posts has been a huge inspiration & it is helping me to keep going...one step at a time. :cool1:
Chrita - great job on your tri!!!! You did it! I knew you could. I'll bet you'll find the next one won't feel so hard! When is the next one??? :rotfl:

Sunny - You did great on the 1/2! That is so cool that you and Lynn ran into each other and even cooler that you both wore your wish shirts!!!! How are you feeling about running now? Did the race help?

Dave - Keep us posted on your class!

Amy - You can always use some of your kickboxing moves on the nay sayers!!

Lynn - good job on your 1/2!!!!

So.... I did 2 races this weekend. One rogaine (navigation) race on Saturday afternoon. I've never actually navigated w/ a map and a compass on my own, but I couldn't find anyone to do it w/ me. Phil was registered for the race as a solo, so i went w/ him to the race and registered as a solo too. I was really nervous b/c I was afraid i would get totally lost, but once i got going, i did pretty good! I won a medal for the solo division (3rd place - there were 3 solo racers :teeth: ) Phil was so proud of me for navigating successfully and he kept telling me how proud he was (that was way better than the medal!)

Sunday, EC(sarah) and i raced as an all female team in a sprint adventure race. This was our first race to navigate w/o our husbands. We did great. We started out on bike doing basically all single track for about 8 miles, we transitioned to kayaks (horrible inflatable 2 person boats in high wind). After that, we finished out on foot. We placed first in our division! (we were the only all female team!! :teeth: ) but we actually beat several other teams b/c we were navigating better and we were faster! That was so cool b/c I'm not that fast on the mt. bike so it was very encouraging. We both look like we let an angry cat crawl up our legs!! I took a big fall on the bike. The trails were wet! I fell on my right side and hurt my elbow and both knees. It was on of those falls were you have to lay there a while and decide if you are going to get up again or not.!! I'll post some race pics when i get them up. We did win a big bottle of hammer gel and a flask. Hey, I'll use that!

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