Wk of Mar 12--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Just chiming in fo ra great big Happy Birthday Liz!!!!
:bday: :bday: :cake: :bday: :bday:

Now, off to catch up.
Judy - Hope you're feeling better! :grouphug: :grouphug:

TnTsParty - So sorry to hear about your cat. It is so heard to lose a pet. My dogs have been my "kids" for years. The last two I had both died in my arms (one naturally, the other I had to put down). I was a mess. I didn't want another dog after that.
But I kind of adopted my uncle's dog when he went into a nursing home. She is 14 and starting to slow down. I'll be a mess when she goes, too.

They really are part of the family. :grouphug: :grouphug: to you.

Well, I thougth I was having a really rough week until many people here put it into perspective. Work has stunk in a big way, but all my family members are safe, my cats are still living (though I wanted to keill them this morning), no one close to me has done anythign overly stupid (that I know of). I will count my blessings!

Cam - You did the right thing! So hard, but I just cringe when I see my SIL make threats and does not go through with them. Just does not help. Now you have the fear that it is not too long until she's on her own and she's till making bad decisions. I don't know how moms do it. I'd be a basket case. :grouphug:

TnTsParty - :grouphug: I joke about wanting to kill my cats, but it would crush me. That is so hard.

andromedaslove - :grouphug: Wow, you are amazing for taking that on. I hope everything turns out ok for your mom. I think the problem is we just cannot understand what goes through their minds. Thinking, "DOn't they see we're trying to help?" I think the reson we can't understand is because our minds are just not like theirs. We just don't know how they think.

Hey Kevin! The bain of my existence for the last 2 weeks is out for review at the library and the townsihp hall. If you have any problems sleeping you should go check out. (Please don't tell me if you find any errors, though.)

OK, my week's been not so great, my hours have been crazy, dh is sick, I'm gettign that..... Worst part? I've not been able to work out and now my legs are cramping up at night. Arghhh! Hope to remedy tomorrow.

Krista - I've caught little to no sports news this week. Heck, I didn't catch much regular news. I do think it's somewhat cruel to torment would be fans of a team (I would be a fan if there was something to cheer for ;) )that obviously has fairly large issues. ;)
Here are a couple of race pictures from this weekend. Check out my MUDDY legs!

not the best pic of my face, but oh well (the glasses and helmet make me look crosseyed - but i'm not really)


Here we are running to the finish line
Happy Birthday Liz :wizard:

Great pictures Melissa...you go girl! :3dglasses

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all :bounce: :thumbsup2
TnTsParty - So sorry about your kitty. Give lots of hugs to the other one!

Liz - Happy Birthday!

Judy - Hope you're feeling better now.

Is NOBODY else watching basketball? Am I the only college b'ball fanatic?

Did 3 miles tonight in ~39 minutes. I have to get a real stopwatch. I love my Mickey watch, but he's useless as a timing device! Thankfully, DH has many stopwatches that I can use if I can just find one.

Just wnted to pop in with today's accomplishment. 4 miles 40m01s!! I ran it slower than usual since it was my long run. I also tried the whole 90 foot falls per minute thing. I am definately confused!! Are you supposed to count each time a foot hits, or each time your right foot hits? Cause counting both feet I was at like 140 falls per minute, counting just my right that would put me at about 70. However shortening my stride, and trying to increase my foot falls defintely wasn't as hard on my legs. I could definatley tell a difference on the pounding my legs took between that and my usual stride.

Ok, well it's late and I am getting up early to take my 3 labs on a run with me (more of a wog actually my Mom is going to start the Couch to 5k!!) My Mom is meeting me at one of the trails and she is gonna help with the dogs, thank goodness!! Even with the help I definately need my sleep.

Thanks so much for all the wonderful birthday wishes. I have had one of the best birthday's ever!!! Who know 40 could look so good!!

I will have to go back and read better when I have a bit of a chance to catch up!! Lots to read and lots to tell!!

Good luck to those racing tomorrow!! Off to bed, but I will check in tomorrow to really read!

Nighty night!!!
Just a quick check in for today....

Happy Belated Birthday, LIZ! Glad to hear you had a great day!

Judy, hope you are feeling better!

Jackie, you're definitely not the only one glued to March Madness! My UConn Huskies gave me fits tonight! Glad they finally got their act together!
Guess I had a little too much excitement today...and now I can't sleep :rotfl2:

No better time than the present to go back and catch up on all the things that I missed.....

Is there some sort of sports thing going on? :lmao: Enjoy for those of you who love this time of the year. My athleticism goes as far as walking..that is it for me....can't even say that I am an athletic supporter.... :rotfl2:

Cool story Papa, thanks for sharing!

Dana, great pace! Keep up the great work!!

Jackie, not to be redundant, but yet another great pace!!! You guys a maze me...I just would be happy with a 16 minute mile...someday!

Monte, good to see you around! I have missed you. SOunds like things are getting better for you! Keep up the good work!

Mel, LOVE your pics. You amaze me with all that you do....and I LOVE your hair!! You rock!

Carrie, hugs for your rough week! Hey are you gonna be around the weekend of July 22....we have a family reunion that weekend up in Holland I think? Would love to finally put a face with a name. Let me know what you are up to then. Have a great weekend!

Terri, so nice of you to take care of your uncles doggie. Mine is 13 and he is slowing down as well. In fact, here is a little funny story....Barkley is in teh begining stages of kidney failure and he is starting to have a potty problem. Since we are selling our house and he has free reign we had to start locking him in the kitchen. One of the few non carpeted areas in our house. SO we made him a nice big space with all his usuall comforts...a nice big blankie and is bed...a potty pad, food water and toys. Well, every night we would come home to find the potty pad wet and chewed to bits :rolleyes2 Gross I know. And Barkley was VERY unhappy with all of this. It just was not working. So we tried the doggie diaper. Pretty somple concept...Your basic piece of rectangle fabric to put around his waist so to speak. They come with these little pads that hold 2 drops of water...but if you put a pad in their designed for adult blatter problems it works like a champ! This has solved a great dela of stress for everybody here. Fast forward to last night. We had a showing and all went well. After everybody left, Greg took Barko potty. He gets outside and just as Barkley is about to do his business, he realizes he forgot to take his "diaper" off...So poor Barko pottys in his pad..Greg comes in and says, Opps I forgot to take the diaper off... :lmao: Men! I felt bad for the dog...wanted to slap Greg, but we did get a good laugh out of it...then later that evening he almost did it again! :crazy:

:wave2: Lily!!! So I was thinking...maybe you ought to come over on Sunday and we can go for a nice long walk!! :rotfl2:

Judy, feel better!!

Aladinsgirl, how are things with you? Hope all is well!!

Andromedaslove... :wave2:

Well, I guess it is time to try to get back to sleep! LOTS to do this weekend! I also heard that I may ahave a surprize visit form an old friend! I am quite excited!!

Have a good one everybody.....gonna be a busy weekend here...but I will check in when I can!!

Good Morning Everyone: :surfweb:

I have my first run with my Learn to Run group this morning. After sending some e-mails back and forth with the running store, I've decided to bump up to the AP Program. The Learn to Run program that I signed up for was scheduled for 30 min walks this week and builds you up to run a 5k at the end of 12 weeks. The AP program starts running 2 miles and builds you up to run a 10K at the end of 12 weeks. Well, I've been walking/running for 8 weeks already, and this week I've run 2 miles on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Yesterday I ran 1 mile in 10 minutes :cool1: before my 1 hour yoga X-training. I think I'm ready for the AP program, but I'm still really nervous about my shins and legs. I went to the running store yesterday and got some superfeet inserts for my shoes, but I have to break them in before I run in them. Here's what has me a little nervous: 1.) I haven't done much running on the road - lots of walking, not much running, and whenever I run on the roads my shins start bothering me and 2.) I'm anxious about meeting new people - I'm not so good anymore meeting people in big groups.

Well, I'll let you know how it goes. It's at 9am. Thanks for listening.
Mouse Skywalker said:
Good Morning Everyone: :surfweb:

I have my first run with my Learn to Run group this morning. After sending some e-mails back and forth with the running store, I've decided to bump up to the AP Program. The Learn to Run program that I signed up for was scheduled for 30 min walks this week and builds you up to run a 5k at the end of 12 weeks. The AP program starts running 2 miles and builds you up to run a 10K at the end of 12 weeks. Well, I've been walking/running for 8 weeks already, and this week I've run 2 miles on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Yesterday I ran 1 mile in 10 minutes :cool1: before my 1 hour yoga X-training. I think I'm ready for the AP program, but I'm still really nervous about my shins and legs. I went to the running store yesterday and got some superfeet inserts for my shoes, but I have to break them in before I run in them. Here's what has me a little nervous: 1.) I haven't done much running on the road - lots of walking, not much running, and whenever I run on the roads my shins start bothering me and 2.) I'm anxious about meeting new people - I'm not so good anymore meeting people in big groups.

Well, I'll let you know how it goes. It's at 9am. Thanks for listening.

Dave - don't be nervous about meeting the people, that was me a couple of weeks ago - and everyone was very nice.....I had a great time.

Like you I also had to make the transition from running/walking on the threadmill to the pavement/ground, and honestly I like running on the pavement/ground better - it wasn't as rough on my knees and shins as the threadmill was but then again everyone is different.

I felt it all in my ab area - which simple means that I have to strengthen that area, not a problem.....I already started.

Good luck and don't be nervous about meeting everyone - focus on getting the running done :goodvibes . I know you can do it! Looking forward to hearing about how things went. :thumbsup2
Dave - WOW - a 10 minute mile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Way to go.

I'm starting to get a little nervous about my next 26.2 mile training run. I have on run 2 longer runs (1 8miles and 1 5miles) since the last one. I have been doing lots of trekking and biking. My booty still hurts a little. I think it should get better next week b/c I am virtually doing nothing physically (i am going to do some nav in the woods, but that is all. ok, maybe a little mt. biking on an easy trail)

I'll probably try to do 5 on the TM this weekend, but i'm in one of those never want to run again phases! Y'all know how it is!
Originally posted by MelRhoads - Dave - WOW - a 10 minute mile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Way to go.
Thanks Mel!
Originally posted by jodistar - Good luck and don't be nervous about meeting everyone - focus on getting the running done. I know you can do it! Looking forward to hearing about how things went.
Thanks for the support Jodi!

OK, I'm back from my AP Learn to Run program. We were scheduled for 3 miles total - a 0.5 mile warmup, 2 mile run, and a 0.5 mile cooldown. Everyone was super nice. There was a group of people milling about in the store before going out. Three women were there together, I introduced myself, they were talking about the times they run. One woman in blue says, I'm going to run really slow - around 10 mpm, and then the other women all chime in "yeah, I run around 10 mpm too." I said - well, you're all faster than me because I'm running around 11-12 mpm. We all went out together, did our 0.5 mile warmup walk, I was chatting with people, and then we started to run. Everyone took off, and I slowly dropped to the back of the pack. I was the very last AP Program runner, but that was OK. It didn't bother me at all to be last, and I was determined to run my own slow pace and not re-activate those shin splints. Slow and steady was my motto. So anyhow, little by little the pack starts coming back to me, and I find myself in a group of about 5 runners. Two of the women I was talking to earlier and some new people. I think they might have gone out a little fast, but I was feeling really, really comfortable. I felt a little twinge in my shins from running on the roads, but my breathing was great. We finished the 2 mile run portion, I stop my watch and we were right at 20 min! I just ran 2 miles at 10 mpm pace!!! :woohoo: I was pretty psyched. The woman in blue who initially said she was running 10 mpm pace was way ahead of us and probably running 8 mpm pace. We all agreed she was foolin' us in the beginning. Anyhow, it was a good run. I felt really good about my pace. My legs felt OK, and I'm looking forward to going again next week.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Hi, everyone! Stopping in real quick before showering (again) and heading to work.

Back from my 5K. Finished in 43:33, my new PR. So, far my 5K record is:

3/19/05 ---51:42 --- 16:41
9/28/05 -----46:55 ----15:08
3/18/06 ------43:33 ----14:01

It was really cold at first. I think it was around 32 and with wind chill I think it might have been something like 26. The air hurt my sinuses and lungs at first and I went out too quick and breathed too much of it in too quickly. Learned quick though. Glad to see my pacing improving. I have to accept that and not beat myself up over how slowly the progress is going.

Howard had a new PR, too, finishing in less than 25. I think 24:51. He was vey happy to have pulled that off 6 days after the 1/2 marathon.

Will catch up with everyone later. Have a great day!
Hi Everyone,

Had another wonderful personal trainer session today.....I still have to do my running for the day but at least I got some more tips on cross-training.

Looks like I will receive my Forerunner 101 on Wednesday - so I will probably use it next Saturday! Looking forward to starting up running regularly outside - the threadill doesn't feel as good.

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend everyone!

Oh - BTW Happy Belated Birthday Liz!

Hi guys,

I have been pretty lax about posting and training hasn't been going that great so I have just been lurking. You all are very inspiring. I do my first 10km tomorrow morning with my friends not in a race. Wish me luck as the last couple of Sundays we have been doing a lot of walking.

My friends that I run with here and I started a cleanse on Monday and it has been extremely tiring and trying. My Wednesday run was very pitiful. I feel like a couple of weeks ago I could do 7km no problem and now I can't even do 5km.

Enough whining. Good luck everyone in the next week of training and see you at the Minnie.



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