Wk of Jan 29--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Sunny- thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

Lisa- I enjoyed reading your information for beginners. Even though I did complete the half this year- I am looking forward to training the right way and doing some additonal races along the way.

Tomorrow I get "the knee" MRI'd- hopefully I'll get to start PT soon too.

Have a great night.
I had a great day today. I participated in a 20 mile training ride for the MS150. I finished in 1:41 and felt good, but the last hill almost killed me. My legs are a little sore but basically I feel good. I was very nervous riding in a big group, especially with my clipless pedals on the bike. I did it! I'm not scared anymore, and I am ready to train. Today, I had the courage to start. The best part was when my DH and DDs surprised me along the course. My DDs had their pom-poms and were yelling "Go Mommy Go!" :cheer2: I had no idea they were going to be there to cheer me on. All of the riders around me told me how lucky I was to have such a great family. :)

I hope everyone has a great week. I plan to get in some more miles on the bike and to run/walk for cross-training.

Ooh, I don't think I told you guys yet, but DH and I are signed up for a relay marathon in Corpus Christi in May. We are running with 2 other couples so each person runs approximately 4 miles. I get to run the leg that goes through the Naval Air Station. Maybe some cute Navy guys will be there cheering me on. ;)
Sunny - Cool info about your Dad.

Brenda - Welcome to WISH

I haven't been doing much lately. Been fighting this cold since I got home from Florida. I'd start feeling better, go do some training, then the congestion and cough would start again. So I decided to give myself the rest of the month off. I have two days left of "forced inactivity". I am feeling better, so come Feb. 1st, I hope to be back to the reg. workouts!

Cam - how did your son do on his exam?

Good Morning Everyone: :surfweb: (This is me in the morning)

Brenda :wave2: welcome! I just joined this thread last week, and everyone has been so friendly and helpful. Although I think I'm the "token" male on the thread. I kind of scrolled quickly through some of the posts about the more "delicate" subjects... :rolleyes1

Minnie - congratulations on running. :cheer2: Did you get the DING fare to work for you from Chicago? If not, I'm betting they will post it again this week.

Sunny - thanks for sharing the info on your Dad. That was really interesting.

Cam - I'm glad you got the DING fare to work. I know this probably sounds really trite, but it sounds like you had a really tough year last year. It seems like you got a lot of great support from this group. Hang in there...

MelR - that is interesting that you have family in neuropsych. Was it your husband's brother? What university is he working at? One of my first teaching positions was teaching neuroanatomy to the PT students at Oakland University in Rochester, MI. So are you going to run the CRIM this year? I'm really thinking that I will. I'd love to sign up for the WDW marathon, but like I was saying I need to hold off for now. You guys are giving me plenty of motivation to exercise and run for the time being. If it was just me flying down for the race in January, it would be no big deal, but (like everyone else I'm sure) I need to figure out how the trip is going to work into the whole plan for the family.

That gets to my training yesterday. I had planned to go for my 2 mile walk again, and twice I tried to get out the door to go. But, alas, I never made it. This is the trouble I've always had keeping my running (and now walking) going. Our 2 girls, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, were just bouncing off the walls yesterday. I didn't want to leave my DW :earsgirl: home to have to deal with the girls all by herself all day. Don't get me wrong. I've been having to work some long days for a grant deadline I have coming up (Feb 1), and my DW has been taking the lion's share of the home duties lately. Plus, I was out of town last Thursday and Friday so she was on her own with the kids. When the girls started melting down yesterday, I just couldn't leave again and leave her to deal with the kids by herself. So I stayed home, did laundry, and helped our girls sort through their various squabbles. Oh well, I didn't get to walk yesterday, but I'll pick it up again today.

OK, enough of my rambling. Have a great week everyone. Thanks for listening.

Dave-don't worry, we're glad your here. There are a couple of other guys that participated before the marathon. I'm sure they'll be back. I have 2 boys the same ages as your girls. Kuddos for being such a great dad/DH as not to leave DW alone during such a "stressful meltdown" period. I know she appreciates it!

Brenda-WELCOME!!! We are glad you're here. I'm glad to see someone from my neck of the woods. I'm in Huntsville, AL (about 10 min from the TN line actually) You will love it. I am a former couch potato that decided to do the 1/2 last July. And with the help (and support) of my family & this group I made it. I had never even done a 5k before I had signed up for this. Warning: it is addictive and it is not a "free sport" I am now doing the Minnie Marathon 15k in May, a triathlon at end of May & the DL 1/2 in Sept, with I'm sure some local races thrown in. Right now, what everyone else said about training. This is the time to "train to train" once it gets closer you need to get some kind of training program. Alot of us use Marathoning for Mortals, or Hal Higdon. Just find the one that fits your needs.

Cam-great job on the WL. I start mine today.

Heather-that is so great about your ride. I can't wait to get my bike. Yesterday would have been another great riding day. We got up to 67! When I read the part about your family, I got all teary eyed. It brought me back to my family supporting me during the 1/2. They had their signs (one said Go Mommy Go :goodvibes ) they made at the expo & cheered me & mom on. I have a great family & really appreciate them supporting me on my new obsession.

Christa-that is neat about the furniture. What a great memory to have in your house.

Sunny-Cool dad!

Colleen-hope you get to feeling better! :wizard:

I swam 550 yds yesterday. It is definately getting easier. Thank goodness, because I was getting worried about my new sport trying to kill me. I looked at last years finishers & in the Athena category the #2 person finished in 1:29. I'm thinking I could do that-maybe I have a chance at placing in my first tri! If I just train a little harder I know I could. Those darn aliens again :teeth:
Good morning, everyone! I have to tell you -- getting up at 5:30 is not fun and not satisfying if you can't say you did it to go to the gym. Getting up that early to come into work just doesn't have the same :goodvibes feeling, you know?

Christa and Terri -- Thank you so much for asking about Andy's SAT experience. He didn't seem traumatized in the least by it and thinks it went okay. I think we can get unofficial results on line on 2/13. That will be interesting. I am hoping he does well enough to feel good about himself but not so well that my daughter feels bad about herself! :rolleyes:

Christa -- How wonderful for you to have your grandmother's furniture in your house. I hope your DD really enjoys it! :cloud9:

Melissa -- I keep thinking about that adventure race and wanted to WISH you guys an awesome experience!

Celeste -- good luck with the MRI. Soon you'll be :cool1:

Heather -- Awesome job on the 20 mile TR!!! How sweet of your family to come out and :cheer2: you on. I would have been a traffic hazard because of being all teary-eyed. :goodvibes: Here's hoping there are lots of cute navy guys to cheer you on during your relay! ooolala! :teeth:

Terri -- feel better soon. I like the idea of you forcing yourself to take it easy today and tomorrow. You may find you have more energy than ever when you get back to it.

Dave -- This is where I came all year for propping up. When I was too wiped out and discouraged or sad my WISH friends were (and remain) phenomenally supportive. And I don't use the word "phenomenally" lightly. To this day, I cannot believe the love and support and friendship that poured out to me and Howard. :grouphug: As for your training, I would think that handling two rowdy little princesses would count as cross-training. Maybe next time they'd love to go for a short walk with Daddy and that has the added benefits of burning off some of their energy and giving mom a few quiet minutes! :rotfl2: Now, not that you asked for it, but I'd love to make a suggestion for next January. You should go ahead and register and then plan your family trip around the race. There are kids events on Saturday that will hopefully be well organized next year and give the girls something to look forward to. And it will motivate you to train. AND, planning a WDW trip is half the fun! Just one recommendation, though -- plan your family part of the trip for the week after marathon weekend. The crowds are less after Monday and you won't wear yourself out before the race.

Tiff -- Good luck on your ST/WL! I bet it will really help with your swimming, too!

BTW, has everyone seen this guy? :yay: How did I miss him? Seems we have all sorts of WISH-exercise appropriate smilies now, including my favorite little mascot guy :dumbo: and these: :cool1: :thumbsup2 :banana: :cheer2: :moped: :yay: :bounce: :worship: :dog2: :dog:

This guy scares me, though! :clown:

Have a great day, everyone!
MelRhoads said:
1. I've GOT to get body glide (where do you find that stuff? I having big time chaffing right under my arm on the inside arm part)

I found body glide at our local Omega Sports.
What a warm welcome! You all are so friendly and supportive! thanks so much for that. It certainly keeps me tuned in to what is going on and where my focus needs to be!

TiffJ--Thanks for the encouragement. So, you used to be a couch potato and now you are training for a triathalon?! Wow! DH did one 2 years ago and he loved except for the swimming part--not a strong swimmer. He finished strong but didn;t place. It is all about the personal challenge for him. :)

Reading Heather's post made me wonder-- as a beginner, I will be starting out slow doing a run/walk. All I read says to skip days and I think even LisaLovesPooh mentioned that also. I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to maybe ride my bike on days I don't run/walk. Or could I just walk on those off days? I have a bike that just needs the dust wiped off of it!

Dave, thanks for the welcome. I think it is wonderful that you didn't dessert your wife yesterday. And Sunny's plan or next year-- sounds like a winner to me. We did the family trip after DH ran this past WDW marathon. It was wonderful! What a great time of year to enjoy WDW. I know the weather can be iffy but that week it was 75 in the day and sunny, low crowds, no one got hot and cranky. Something to think about!! :)

Thanks again for the welcome.
Keri - Awesome run! You were cruising! So glad it went well!

Brenda - Looks liek you're one step ahead of me. GLad you made it!!!!!

Heather - WTG on the ride!

MelR - Thanks fo rnot disowning me for being too clueless! ;)

SO much I want to say, but that darn work thing gets in the way. Know that I'm thinking of each of you, though, and hoping you have a great week!
Thanks for all of the bod glide suggestions. I think I'm going to try the vasoline suggestion since i have some. It is just one small spot on the inside of my arm. Next weekend, we wont me moving as quickly, so maybe i won't have the problem!!!

Cam - thanks for the well wishes! Next weekend is not actually an adventure race (i wish it were, that would be a lot easier way to cover the miles) It is actually just a trail run (or forrest roads in this case) I obviously have not ever covered that distance on foot (at one time) before.
I love the way you think about your children's emotional needs. You must be the sweetest mom. I would ask you to adopt me, but then you would have to work more to pay for my needs and then you wouldn't be available to chat as much!!!!

Dave - Good job yesterday!!!!! Spending time with your family is always the right decision!!! I'll bet your going to end up getting your whole family involved in your exercise zeal and they will be out there w/ you. I pretty much spend the summer taking the boy with me running, biking and kayaking!! I'm hoping this summer to even get him more indpendent and get him paddling (in the very shallow area w/ a really good life vest of course) I'm hoping he'll ride when i run (or i'm getting a TM!) My bro. in law is the one in neuro psych. he works at rochester college (i think that is the name - it is a small church college) I think his ph.d is actually in clinical psych. i know he got his phd at wayne state in detroit. my husband and i live in arkansas, but we flew up for a visit w/ phil's mom and sisters last year. we just happened to plan the visit at the same time as the CRIM so we could run with my husband's sister. what made it easy for us to do was that the boy's g'parents live there, so we had easy free babysitting so we could both do the race. i thought the crim was really fun! i'm hoping we will do it again this yr.

Heather - Awesome ride!!!! Too bad we don't all live w/in driving distance, we could plan a WISH group ride!!! Lime green seems to be the "in" cycling color right now :rotfl2:
Thanks again for the support everyone! I actually took the princesses princess: princess: with me on Saturday while I walked. The three of us went to the local high school track. We brought their bikes (DD5 princess: just got her 1st bike for Christmas), and they rode while I did my walk. It was a lot of fun, and then they even discovered the sand in the long jump pit - what fun! I was thinking about the CRIM and how they have kids events that day too, and I was telling it to my DD8 princess: . She said that she wants to train so she can do one of the kids runs too. So that's exciting. Yeah, I'm thinking about taking the whole family to WDW for the marathon in January. Unfortunately, I would have to take the girls out of school if we did anything after the race. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but again there's so much time to think about that... :scratchin
Yes "WL" meant weight lifting. I was being lazy.

Christa-- You can start anytime. Its best to have two wl sessions per week, separated by at least 48 hours, preferrably 72. Form is more important than weight. You want to start with a weight that you can fully control, lift and release slowly (the down motion is as important as the up motion). The general rule of thumb is the weight should be something you can lift at least 8 times without sacrificing form. If you can do more than 12 reps, then it is too little.

I seem to recall you go to the Y? Does your Y have FitLynx? Mine does. Its so cool, you get an account and the machines keep track of the weight you lift, and prompt you for the correct range of motion while lifting. At the end of each month it gives you a summary. It told me I lifted the equivalent of 12 African elephants for the month of December! And that is just my backup gym! I'm tempted to do all my lifting there for Feb and see if I can lift a small building or something :lmao:

Dave-- I think its great you opted to take the kids instead of the walk. I've had similar times. One of the things I sometimes do is bring my DS (5) to the track. He runs a little, plays a little and I get a little running in. Its not the same as a real workout, but its better than nothing. I also keep a jump rope in the car for playground use. Kids love grown ups who play!

Heather-- great job! I'm glad you're not scared anymore. I want to start riding but I'm scared of everything to do with it (including the cost!).

I seem to recall you go to the Y? Does your Y have FitLynx? Mine does. Its so cool, you get an account and the machines keep track of the weight you lift, and prompt you for the correct range of motion while lifting. At the end of each month it gives you a summary. It told me I lifted the equivalent of 12 African elephants for the month of December! And that is just my backup gym! I'm tempted to do all my lifting there for Feb and see if I can lift a small building or something :lmao:

That is so funny!!!! You could probably leg press a highrise or a small shopping mall :goodvibes
Dave, I was just going to suggest you take your princesses to a local track when you walk. I throw the kids bike in the van and drive to our YMCA track and they ride while I run. I bet your DW loved having some time to herself.

Brenda, any cross training is great for you. Find what you like, I have to warn you though, after a while you will want to run/walk on those days too!

Terri, you get better now! It is good you are taking some time off. A marathon takes a toll on the body, but the Goofy, well, you need time to recover from that.

Tiff, how long does it take you to swim 500 yards? I am seriously thinking about trying a tri as well, but I am really afraid of the swim. Did you take lessons?

KeriZ, great job on running outside! :yay: I ran the Calgary half marathon last summer with all my training done on a treadmill in North Carolina. I just started running and I found the humidity and heat in May and June were terrible, so I stayed inside. Anyway, I found it tough running the half, (a little because of the altitude too) but it was fun, I may do the Calgary half or full again this summer. Do you have snow? What temp did you run in? By the way, I am from Saskatoon and have family in Calgary, so we usually spend a month every summer in Alberta and Saskatchewan. :wave2:

princessmomma said:
Brenda, any cross training is great for you. Find what you like, I have to warn you though, after a while you will want to run/walk on those days too!


:rotfl2: Honestly, me wanting to run/walk anytime sounds like a miracle!! I will let you WISHERS know when it happens!! :teeth: Just like Disney magic hit me hard, I hope the magic of the love of running hits also!!! :thumbsup2
Good Morning,

MelR - thanks for the words of encouragement after Saturdays LR, I really needed that.

Sunny - Very cool that your daughter ran with you. I asked my daughter if she would like to do the 5k in March with me and she said she would think about it. I won't push, but would love to have her join me. She plays on her High schoold golf team in the fall, but other than that she is fairly inactive. I would love to start some new habits in her now. Plus, the added benfit of exercise being good for her emotionally. High school can be tough.

Lisa - your information for beginners is great. Thanks.

Celeste - good luck with your MRI.

Brenda - I am a beginner too. I also do r/w intervals of 3/2.

Dave - congrats on all your workouts. I think we are starting to form a habit.

Christa - no garmin? how do you keep track of you mileage/pace?

Carrie - so great to have the problem solved!
While in the middle of typing my post, I went to go find clothes to get my sons dressed, and when I came back they had posted my message! (they are 2 & 4) :rotfl2:

Anyway, someone was asking about Pilates videos. I have Windsor pilates. She does a good job at explaining the form. She also has modifications for us beginners.

After my lousy LR/mostly walk on Saturday & rest on Sunday, I am back to the gym this afternoon. My attitude is better today. Hoping the r/w feels better too. At least I am off work until Thursday.

Stupid Garmin question - does anyone get tired of it on their wrist? Does it irritate your skin when you are running or when it is really hot outside? Just curious.
Greetings everyone (especially all of the new people!!),

I have been reading the posts as much as I can, but I rarely have time to actually respond. It is nice to see that we have so many new people who are looking forward to 2007's races, in addition to the Minnie and all of the other runs coming up.

I have started running again after 2 weeks of no activity after the Goofy, but I think that was too soon still. I was sick during the full, which made me sick for the week I was at WDW...now I am sick again after running 3 of the last 4 days. I guess this is my body's way of telling me I am still in recovery mode.

My next race is the Fiesta De Albuquerque Marathon (inagural) celebrating Albuquerque's Tricentennial. I signed up for the full, but I will drop to the half if I am unable to get the training in for this marathon. I have plenty of time tho...the marathon is April 22.

This may be the wrong place to ask, because I am sure I will get the answers that I want to hear! :teeth: I am thinking of going Goofy again in 2007. I think I can do better next time and hopefully I won't be sick for the full again. Also this time I will get to Orlando with enough time to enjoy the Expo, meet up with the WISH team, and purchase Goofy gear. (I got into Orlando at 3:00 pm on the 6th, got to the hotel after 4:00, got to the expo around 6 and all that was left of Goofy shirts and such was XXL :sad2: ) What do you all think? I was also thinking of doing the Las Vegas Marathon in December (running on the strip...very cool!) and I am doing the Disneyland 1/2 in September.

Dave-You are not the only guy on the WISH team. Just try to ignore the "females-only" subjects and you will be fine. :rolleyes1

Mouse Skywalker said:
That gets to my training yesterday. I had planned to go for my 2 mile walk again, and twice I tried to get out the door to go. But, alas, I never made it. This is the trouble I've always had keeping my running (and now walking) going. Our 2 girls, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, were just bouncing off the walls yesterday. I didn't want to leave my DW :earsgirl: home to have to deal with the girls all by herself all day. Don't get me wrong. I've been having to work some long days for a grant deadline I have coming up (Feb 1), and my DW has been taking the lion's share of the home duties lately. Plus, I was out of town last Thursday and Friday so she was on her own with the kids. When the girls started melting down yesterday, I just couldn't leave again and leave her to deal with the kids by herself. So I stayed home, did laundry, and helped our girls sort through their various squabbles. Oh well, I didn't get to walk yesterday, but I'll pick it up again today.
Dave - That is AWESOME! I know your DW really appreciated that you put the fam 1st! Don't worry about missing a day; it will make you stronger for the next workouts! :cheer2
Good morning everyone! :wave2:

Boy, I wish I could get on-line on the weekends. I can't keep up with all these posts! So many already first thing Monday morning! :surfweb:

Had a really good LW yesterday morning. And this morning I woke up at 4:00AM and laid there thinking "NO, you can not get up yet!" WOW, I was jonesing to get on the TM. That is SOOOO not like me! :woohoo:

Jodi - Let me know how that Pilates goes. DH & I are considering taking a class for eight weeks at night. We're just trying to figure out how to squeeze yet one more thing into our week. BTW, I love that picture in your sig. You're really very cute! :yay:

Brenda - Welcome! No one around here is more of a beginer's beginer then I am! You'll be amazed what you learn here. :banana:

Cam - Watch out for those DINGS. They might make you do things you ordinarily wouldn't do. Like call your DH and say things like "Guess what!! We could fly to Orlando this weekend real cheap!" Not that I've done that at all. :p

Sunny - You're going to be WL school buses next month! :thumbsup2

Anyone else have have a problem with callouses? I guess I get them from spending so much time working out in the barn in heavy boots. I have taken to using my DH's Dremel and sanding them off once a month or so. Ha ha! There is "Honeibee's Beauty Tip of the Week". Just power sand those callouses right off! (There's a visual for ya!) :lmao:



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