Wine and the Finish Line! Fall 2017 TR NEW 1/25 The Last Day - THE END!

I had a reply all typed out and then had to turn my attention to other things and lost it. :( But, I am caught up (again) and what stood out were the beautiful and very nicely themed rooms at Yacht. So clean looking! :) And such a nice view too! Suh-weet!!!!

Someday, I'll drag my butt to US. Someday.
Joining! DD 10 and I are just back from our girls weekend at PBV, your new DVC home! I’m glad you posted pics of the Royal Pacific, we are thinking of planning an extended family trip to USO/WDW next summer so my parents can experience all things Harry Potter and my SIL and nieces can take their first trip to Orlando. We have stayed at HRH and Portofino, so I’d like to try RP.
How did I miss that you started another TR??

Do not get the Fishy Green Ale, it was so gross. It was like liquid icing with boba balls. Horrendous. I had to toss almost all of it
..I actually really enjoyed the Fishy Green Ale and I thought I would hate it. We're opposites here!

They weren't very good at all, I did not like the filling (had a tinge too much rosemary which I don't like) and thought it was very underwhelming
Definitely agree with you on this one. It was one of those meals I finished and was like 'well I'm going to be hungry again in about 10 minutes...'

But I'm so glad to see you had fun in Universal :D Every time I plan a trip to Orlando I think I'll be fine not going to Universal and then I remember butterbeer and usually end up getting at least a one day ticket :P

Can't wait to read the rest!
Joining in. Just read through the Universal part of the trip. We haven't been since Harry Potter was added and plan on going this September. I'm worried about motion sickness on FJ.:crazy2: Too bad about your food at most places. Thanks for that info as we aren't sure where all to eat yet. :thanks:I've always silently read your trip reports and loved them and can't wait to keep reading. :yay:
This is where we've eaten breakfast at both of the TA trainings and while it wasn't horrible, I wasn't impressed, either.

Yeah, it's more about the ambiance for me - that was really cool!

My favorite of the HP attractions! Same for the rest of the family, and unlike many of the other rides at Universal it doesn't make me nauseous :crazy2:

Yeah! It actually has a track and isn't a simulation!

Yup, Simpsons was HORRIBLE for me. OK not quite as bad as Star Tours lol but right behind it. Everyone else was fine but OMG I felt sick for about an hour afterwards so I won't be riding ever again! I do like MIB though, fun!

Love MIB! Simpsons...yeah I can probably not do it again for a while.

Again I agree. Did this for the first time during the training in Feb. I figured I'd feel nauseous in this too and I did so had to close my eyes for most of it; wasn't impressed by what I saw and neither were my friends I was riding with who were both able to keep their eyes open.

Yeah the Jimmy Fallon ride is pretty much like all the other rides at Universal!!

#3 for worst rides for motion sickness! This is the one that put a fellow TA in bed for the night after she heaved 3 or 4x

Yes agreed! Blech. I think I will pass on this next time.

I remember riding E.T. the first time I went to Universal :goodvibes I also saw it in the theater exactly 11x lol. I wish they still had a couple other "original" rides there - Jaws, Back To The Future, Earthquake..................

I really liked Jaws and Earthquake! Haha, that was the quintessential backstage type ride. Reminded me of the Backlot Tour at DHS which I miss too. Why are they getting rid of all the rides that show the behind the scenes of movies?!?

Have you read my reviews of the food they serve us there??????? So I have to agree. I also agree with @Raeven that the TS restaurants in general have some of the better food. Back in 2015 we ate in 2 restaurants in the parks; Finnegan's and another one I keep forgetting but both were decent. Definitely not Disney though!

Yes I did! That's why I knew not to really expect anything great. Next time I will try Mythos which most people think is pretty good.

::yes:: We're going in August for the boys, but there's nothing I'm excited about riding. I'll be happy to do Gringotts, E.T., MIB and the Hulk but I wouldn't be upset if I missed any, either.

I think I'm missing you by a week as we'll be in WDW Sept 1-9. :(

So happy to have another TR to read. I was seriously in withdrawal Su-Lynn!!!!

Hi Jenny! Happy to provide you more hours of TR reading, LOL! Thanks for joining!

Wow! You covered a lot of ground in a few posts! Universal is a kind of only every few years thing for us as well. I have a shot with the donut as big as my head too! :lmao: I love your Maurauder's map dress!

Hi Alison! I am missing Disneyland so much!! :sad: I keep humming the Paint The Nite tune.
The giant donut is a worthy and very Instagrammable food item. :thumbsup2

Love all the shots from the Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. Nice view at the Yacht Club!

Surprised we got such a nice view but it was labor day and occupancy had to be pretty low at that time...

Joining! DD 10 and I are just back from our girls weekend at PBV, your new DVC home! I’m glad you posted pics of the Royal Pacific, we are thinking of planning an extended family trip to USO/WDW next summer so my parents can experience all things Harry Potter and my SIL and nieces can take their first trip to Orlando. We have stayed at HRH and Portofino, so I’d like to try RP.

Oooh how did you enjoy the Poly? I can't wait to go again (not until Jan 2019)
I enjoyed RP, but it's the only universal resort we've stayed at so I can't compare it to others. The Portofino looks really pretty though, I think next time we'll stay there, however can you still walk like you can from RP?.
The Express pass is just awesome! I love that.

all caught up and joining in

Hi and welcome to the new TR!! :wave2:

How did I miss that you started another TR??

Haha, I literally just started it...

..I actually really enjoyed the Fishy Green Ale and I thought I would hate it. We're opposites here!

Oh so funny! There is something for everyone! Did you like the Lemon Squash though?

Definitely agree with you on this one. It was one of those meals I finished and was like 'well I'm going to be hungry again in about 10 minutes...'

I hate that! I have a big appetite. Feed me!

But I'm so glad to see you had fun in Universal :D Every time I plan a trip to Orlando I think I'll be fine not going to Universal and then I remember butterbeer and usually end up getting at least a one day ticket :P

It's definitely fun! Maybe every 2 years or so!
I had a reply all typed out and then had to turn my attention to other things and lost it. :( But, I am caught up (again) and what stood out were the beautiful and very nicely themed rooms at Yacht. So clean looking! :) And such a nice view too! Suh-weet!!!!

Sigh, it happens. I cry sometimes when I think of all the quality posts I've lost. :sad:
The YC is gorgeous! Really love the rooms. Spacious and clean which is all you really need. :)

Someday, I'll drag my butt to US. Someday.

I know, the Disney magic just calls me back to Disney all the time. Once in a while I'll go to the dark side but it's once every few years!
I know you had a great time, so exciting! Please do a DL recap :D:D

Indeed I did! OK I will!

It looks like you've been having a wonderful time!!! Cannot wait to hear all about it :thumbsup2

It was non-stop 1.5 days of Disney but it was wonderful!

Glad you're having fun!

It was fantastic! I had a great time, despite it being so short!

Looking forward to hearing about it. We will be there the middle of July.

I was only there for a day and a half, I went for the Disneyland After Dark Star Wars even then a day park hopping. It was exhausting but so much fun!

Yes PLEASE do a DL recap!!

OK! Will do!

Joining in. Just read through the Universal part of the trip. We haven't been since Harry Potter was added and plan on going this September. I'm worried about motion sickness on FJ.:crazy2: Too bad about your food at most places. Thanks for that info as we aren't sure where all to eat yet. :thanks:I've always silently read your trip reports and loved them and can't wait to keep reading. :yay:

Hi and welcome!!
I am not a fan of FJ. Gringotts was much better. FJ's ride system flips and turns you all over the place, plus it moves on a track and has video, it's rather nauseating. Gringotts is much better and more fun, more like Dinosaur in it's track system I think.
I think we just need to try more places to get some better food options. I hope you have better luck!
Thanks for commenting and joining in!! So happy to have you on board!!

Love your report, thanks!

Thank you for reading!! :)

I was SO excited to see your FB posts when I realized you were at Disneyland!!!!!! Lucky girl :) Can't wait to hear all about the adventure!

Yes! It was a last minute trip. I did zero research but luckily for the DISboards, I had a fantastic time!! :)
Before I delve into Disneyland (still have to upload pics), here's the latest post from September!

Sept 3: Epcot Food and Wine, Finally!

After we settled into the Yacht Club, we made our way over to Epcot! Finally some Food & Wine! It was opening weekend and as expected, it was quite crowded.

Walking past the Yacht Club, it's so pretty!


I think we were lazy so we took the boat over...



First stop when we entered through International Gateway was France, where I got a Croissant aux Escargot, and the Passion Martini Slush. Both were tasty but I like the La Vie en Rose drink better during Flower and Garden. Thought this one was a bit too artificial tasting.


The croissant was filled with escargot and had a nice garlicky buttery flavor. Snails! Ew gross, but they are delicious!


Steve like cannot come to Epcot without getting some Fish n Chips so that's what he ended up getting at Yorkshire County Fish Shop. It was very good!


Exhibit A: Steve in phone booth:


Then we went to Canada and got the Le Cellier cheddar cheese soup, and the Filet. The soup was delicious as usual but the filet I thought was overcooked.




My first Dismeet of the trip was with my long-time DISboard friend, Betsy @tankgirl427! She's not on the boards much anymore but she's probably THE Disney guru and I get a lot of my tips and news from her! It was great we could meet up this weekend!


I think Betsy got one of those nitro-frozen chocolate balls and we sat and chatted a bit until sundown before we had to make it to the FP we made for the evening - Spaceship Earth, LWTL and Soarin'! I know I could have eaten more, but we were just hot and tired from the morning at Universal so we wanted to do our FP and take it easy the rest of the evening.




Our future:


We did however go meet Joy and Sadness and their line was a little long but not as long as it is usually so we waited. While we were waiting I snuck over to Baymax while Steve was on line.


I just want to squeeze him!!

Of course I remembered to bring my popcorn bucket from August!


Then we finally got to meet Joy and Sadness again!

I guess I was trying to emulate their facial expressions!



We were pretty exhausted at that point so I think we breezed through LWTL and Soarin' and I didn't take any pictures, amazingly! We walked back to the Yacht Club ready to hit the sack for our day tomorrow.


Before we headed up we stopped at the Market at Ale and Compass which is the new quick service and store rolled into one. It's nice and modern and bright inside. I ended up with a salad just to fill myself up as I wasn't in the mood for anything big.



It was a pretty standard salad, nothing life-changing but it was fresh and hit the spot after a long day.

Coming up...we hit up more Food & Wine, more DISmeets, Happily Ever After, and dinner at Citrico's!

Yay for Food & Wine!! Just seeing the picture of the area with all the twinkle lights and the chocolate booth makes me "homesick" for the festival, if that makes any sense. Truly my favorite time of the year. And hopefully some details about this year's festival will be released in the next few months! Love that cheese soup - definitely a festival staple but now that it's available year-round at the Refreshment Port I wonder if they'll switch up the booth menu. There is NOTHING like the ability to walk home after a long day at Epcot. I always have a little moment of personal glee when I head out the IG as the masses head to the front. I just hope the Skyway doesn't mean that entrance/exit becomes a hassle as well. I'm also super impressed with the new market -- they did a great job with it! Can't wait for more F&W and to hear about Disneyland!


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