Why do club 33 posts get locked?


DIS Veteran
Mar 6, 2011
Just curious why when people ask for an invite to club 33, they often get locked. Or is this my imagination?
I believe because it is some sort of soliciting.
I don't think they all get locked though...
Not all of them do. Angela has one going right now about her upcoming trip and those, or trip reports, don't get locked.

What seems to get locked are the "I have three posts, but I want someone to gift me with an invite" type of posts.
When someone with one post wonders why a member would be hesitant to give them a reservation, they need to read the following...

From May 18th....


"By the time our dessert was served it was closer to 10 pm and the dining room was clearing out and bussers were clearing dishes and re-setting tables. And here’s where the evening got weird. A busser came to our table and began to clear our dessert dishes; and his back was to the loud party of 5 mentioned earlier but my back was to the French doors and I had a full view of what happened next.

One of the people at the party of 5 table stood up, turned around, left their table, walked to a table that had been re-set, picked up one of the big charger plates with the gold 33 in the middle with one hand, picked up the fancy napkin and put it where the plate had been with the other hand, and walked back to her seat with the plate.

Yep, she stole it.

Just like that.

I was dumbfounded. Stunned. Flabbergasted. Astounded that someone would DARE to steal something at Club 33, let alone this GIANT PIECE OF CHINA. All I could say was OMG that woman just took that plate.

Now, the busser was still picking up our dessert dishes. The culprit had evidently waited until he passed their table, then made her move while his back was to their table. He heard what I said, and said to me Did you just say you saw a guest take something?

I said yes, that woman at that table has one of your charger plates on her lap. By now the others at the table were giggling and one of them said Now you’ve got yourself a souvenir. The busser must have heard them.

He said Do you mean our under plates? I said yes, the big one you take away when you bring the appetizer. (I call it a charger. I have a set of inexpensive gold ones from Costco, and the box they came in said set of 8 chargers. So that’s what I call them.) He asked me which seat the culprit was at, and left with our dishes.

By now DS13 was just apoplectic that this woman had stole the plate; and wanted me to confront the culprit and I said no, I’m not going to do that; someone who works here knows what the issue is and they can choose how to respond. I thought I gave him an appropriate response. No way was I going to confront anyone! But I was furious. Club 33 is a nice pace! I had no idea if these people were members, or guests of members. Regardless, why would you steal anything from Club 33, let alone a huge decorative plate? If you’re a member, you risk getting kicked out. If you’re a guest, you risk getting your host kicked out! Plus, you risk getting caught and arrested for theft. They give you the ink pen when you sign, and you can take all the bathroom paper towels, swizzle sticks and chocolates they bring with your bill that you want, plus there’s merchandise to buy for souvenirs. From reading these message boards, Disney does not mess around with shoplifters or people who steal. They have a lock-up on site at DL and will call the Anaheim PD and have you arrested. This woman was crazy, inebriated, or both.

Then, the culprit left her table with the plate; and when she came back, she was with one of the men who had been at her table. I hadn’t noticed him leave the table; and he was carrying a gift bag – as if they had celebrated a birthday, and someone had brought a present in their own gift bag. It was large and easily could have held the stolen plate. Somehow, they had likely (allegedly?) transferred the plate to the gift bag. She picked up her handbag and they all quickly left their table.

Our server Alistair came with our bill and said I understand you’ve seen some excitement tonight! I said yes I have. Good - our busser had already spread the word. A few minutes later, a hostess CM came over and asked me what I saw and I repeated what I said to the busser. Good -if they want my statement, then they are doing something. We paid our bill; lingered a bit and then left our table. Other than this crazy woman stealing china, it had been a lovely evening.

As we walked past the bar, the party of 5 was grouped around a CM near the harpsichord who was speaking about the instrument. The hostess who had spoken to me was standing nearby; and there were other CMs milling about. It appeared they were trying to stall these people. We stopped to buy something from the merchandise display case; and DS13 and DS19 left to ride the Haunted Mansion. They told us later when they walked past the hostess downstairs, she was on the telephone and they heard her ask for Security Dispatch. After we purchased our items and exited, there was a security CM downstairs with the hostess. Good. Somehow there will be consequences for these people. Oh, how I wish I knew what happened after we left!!!"

From May 19th (I had friends there that witnessed this one!)


"They really know how to do it at Club 33. While we were ordering, Fantasmic was going on, so it was LOUD as we were seated in the corner, and had both French doors on both walls open. All of a sudden SMASH!!!! one of the door is slammed shut and a pane in the adjoining door is broken!!! Thank heavens they have a lamination on the glass or we would have been covered in broken glass. The servers and managers came over to inspect and ensure we were not hurt. It was the drunks who were sitting to the tablet next to us who were at fault, goofing off on the patio. I'm amazed their sponsor (they were NOT members) didn't lose their membership over their horrible behavior throughout the even, and their descent into further and further inebriation and poor behavior. "
When someone with one post wonders why a member would be hesitant to give them a reservation, they need to read the following...

From May 18th....


"By the time our dessert was served it was closer to 10 pm and the dining room was clearing out and bussers were clearing dishes and re-setting tables. And here’s where the evening got weird. A busser came to our table and began to clear our dessert dishes; and his back was to the loud party of 5 mentioned earlier but my back was to the French doors and I had a full view of what happened next.

One of the people at the party of 5 table stood up, turned around, left their table, walked to a table that had been re-set, picked up one of the big charger plates with the gold 33 in the middle with one hand, picked up the fancy napkin and put it where the plate had been with the other hand, and walked back to her seat with the plate.

Yep, she stole it.

Just like that.

I was dumbfounded. Stunned. Flabbergasted. Astounded that someone would DARE to steal something at Club 33, let alone this GIANT PIECE OF CHINA. All I could say was OMG that woman just took that plate.

Now, the busser was still picking up our dessert dishes. The culprit had evidently waited until he passed their table, then made her move while his back was to their table. He heard what I said, and said to me Did you just say you saw a guest take something?

I said yes, that woman at that table has one of your charger plates on her lap. By now the others at the table were giggling and one of them said Now you’ve got yourself a souvenir. The busser must have heard them.

He said Do you mean our under plates? I said yes, the big one you take away when you bring the appetizer. (I call it a charger. I have a set of inexpensive gold ones from Costco, and the box they came in said set of 8 chargers. So that’s what I call them.) He asked me which seat the culprit was at, and left with our dishes.

By now DS13 was just apoplectic that this woman had stole the plate; and wanted me to confront the culprit and I said no, I’m not going to do that; someone who works here knows what the issue is and they can choose how to respond. I thought I gave him an appropriate response. No way was I going to confront anyone! But I was furious. Club 33 is a nice pace! I had no idea if these people were members, or guests of members. Regardless, why would you steal anything from Club 33, let alone a huge decorative plate? If you’re a member, you risk getting kicked out. If you’re a guest, you risk getting your host kicked out! Plus, you risk getting caught and arrested for theft. They give you the ink pen when you sign, and you can take all the bathroom paper towels, swizzle sticks and chocolates they bring with your bill that you want, plus there’s merchandise to buy for souvenirs. From reading these message boards, Disney does not mess around with shoplifters or people who steal. They have a lock-up on site at DL and will call the Anaheim PD and have you arrested. This woman was crazy, inebriated, or both.

Then, the culprit left her table with the plate; and when she came back, she was with one of the men who had been at her table. I hadn’t noticed him leave the table; and he was carrying a gift bag – as if they had celebrated a birthday, and someone had brought a present in their own gift bag. It was large and easily could have held the stolen plate. Somehow, they had likely (allegedly?) transferred the plate to the gift bag. She picked up her handbag and they all quickly left their table.

Our server Alistair came with our bill and said I understand you’ve seen some excitement tonight! I said yes I have. Good - our busser had already spread the word. A few minutes later, a hostess CM came over and asked me what I saw and I repeated what I said to the busser. Good -if they want my statement, then they are doing something. We paid our bill; lingered a bit and then left our table. Other than this crazy woman stealing china, it had been a lovely evening.

As we walked past the bar, the party of 5 was grouped around a CM near the harpsichord who was speaking about the instrument. The hostess who had spoken to me was standing nearby; and there were other CMs milling about. It appeared they were trying to stall these people. We stopped to buy something from the merchandise display case; and DS13 and DS19 left to ride the Haunted Mansion. They told us later when they walked past the hostess downstairs, she was on the telephone and they heard her ask for Security Dispatch. After we purchased our items and exited, there was a security CM downstairs with the hostess. Good. Somehow there will be consequences for these people. Oh, how I wish I knew what happened after we left!!!"

From May 19th (I had friends there that witnessed this one!)


"They really know how to do it at Club 33. While we were ordering, Fantasmic was going on, so it was LOUD as we were seated in the corner, and had both French doors on both walls open. All of a sudden SMASH!!!! one of the door is slammed shut and a pane in the adjoining door is broken!!! Thank heavens they have a lamination on the glass or we would have been covered in broken glass. The servers and managers came over to inspect and ensure we were not hurt. It was the drunks who were sitting to the tablet next to us who were at fault, goofing off on the patio. I'm amazed their sponsor (they were NOT members) didn't lose their membership over their horrible behavior throughout the even, and their descent into further and further inebriation and poor behavior. "

OMG!!! Unfortunately, there are enough people like the above abusers to make it very risky for any member to sponsor unknowns. I can certainly understand a longing to visit Club 33, but I can understand even better how reticent members would be to make reservations for parties they know nothing about. I absolutely can't understand, though, how anyone lucky enough to have someone else arrange a meal for them at Club 33 would fail to behave appropriately.
One of the people at the party of 5 table stood up, turned around, left their table, walked to a table that had been re-set, picked up one of the big charger plates with the gold 33 in the middle with one hand, picked up the fancy napkin and put it where the plate had been with the other hand, and walked back to her seat with the plate.

Yep, she stole it.

Snipped by me...

...one of the door is slammed shut and a pane in the adjoining door is broken!!! Thank heavens they have a lamination on the glass or we would have been covered in broken glass. The servers and managers came over to inspect and ensure we were not hurt. It was the drunks who were sitting to the tablet next to us who were at fault, goofing off on the patio.

Honestly, these stories are horrifying! A reservation to Club 33 is a privelege of the highest order, not some low-brow honkytonk (although there's nothing wrong with those either, but there is a time and place for every type of behavior)! I hope that the names of each of those "guests" were written down and banned permanently from the hallowed venue. :headache:
Wow, Malcon, that is horrible. I've only been twice and I cannot imagine taking advantage of or embarrassing our gracious sponsors like that. :faint: It's so disrespectful to the member, Club 33, and ultimately the person behaving so poorly. Stealing from Club 33 warrants a permanent banning from the park in my opinion. I wonder how security handled it?
Requests for a dining experience at Club 33 are pretty recent. The Disneyland boards have been around since 2000, I think, and it's only been in the past couple of years that we've seen these requests repeatedly. It's been less than a year that we were seeing requests almost on a weekly basis, and some of them from people who were posting for the first time. It wasn't uncommon to see several threads on page 1, and it really was getting to be too much.

If we see any requests for Club 33 dining we will close those threads or posts, including pre-trip reports, or posts buried in other threads. These forums are here for us to share ideas, experiences, and camaraderie with other like-minded people. They are not here to sell, promote businesses, or to pester club members with requests to dine at Club 33.

Thank you, Malcon10t, for sharing these experiences with everyone. This is a good reminder that if a member does sponsor someone, that member is held accountable for anything that might go wrong, if people don't show up, or people who skip out without paying.
Those are horrid stories and I agree that you would think that if you are fortunate enough so as to dine at Club 33, you would mind your manners and not steal the silver (As it were if not literally)
I am from the school that does not believe in asking for an invitation, because I don't believe that it is appropriate. Even if it was, I highly doubt that I would do so.
Requests for a dining experience at Club 33 are pretty recent. The Disneyland boards have been around since 2000, I think, and it's only been in the past couple of years that we've seen these requests repeatedly. It's been less than a year that we were seeing requests almost on a weekly basis, and some of them from people who were posting for the first time. It wasn't uncommon to see several threads on page 1, and it really was getting to be too much.

If we see any requests for Club 33 dining we will close those threads or posts, including pre-trip reports, or posts buried in other threads. These forums are here for us to share ideas, experiences, and camaraderie with other like-minded people. They are not here to sell, promote businesses, or to pester club members with requests to dine at Club 33.


Thank you for the explanation!
I am from the school that does not believe in asking for an invitation, because I don't believe that it is appropriate. Even if it was, I highly doubt that I would do so.

Agreed! I know someone who mentioned once that they have a connection to get into Club 33. While I would love very much to go (bucket list) I could never bring myself to ask them to obtain a reservation. I feel like I should wait for the invitation. Now, nothing wrong with letting everyone know how badly I LOVE all things Disne-hint hint-:rotfl2:
Agreed! I know someone who mentioned once that they have a connection to get into Club 33. While I would love very much to go (bucket list) I could never bring myself to ask them to obtain a reservation. I feel like I should wait for the invitation. Now, nothing wrong with letting everyone know how badly I LOVE all things Disne-hint hint-:rotfl2:

While I understand the manners thing, this might be a time when you consider breaching standard etiquette. Unlike here on the Dis, most people in the world neither know nor care about Club 33. You might have an opportunity that is getting missed because that person genuinely has no idea that you're one of the folks for whom this is a dream come true.
Relatively new to Disneyland (as an adult) and still to the boards. May I ask what Club 33 is? The details? Etc?
...If we see any requests for Club 33 dining we will close those threads or posts, including pre-trip reports, or posts buried in other threads. These forums are here for us to share ideas, experiences, and camaraderie with other like-minded people. They are not here to sell, promote businesses, or to pester club members with requests to dine at Club 33.
Although I visit this board almost daily, I did not know there is an official policy against Club 33 requests. Good to know.
I was lucky to have found someone willing to give us this once in a lifetime opportunity this coming July. As others have said I don't understand how some would jeopardize a sponsors membership by acting with stupidity. I NEVER imagined we would be given this chance and now that we have it you can dang well bet we will be at our utmost BEST to represent our sponsor.
Malcon10t... the acts you describe in your post are very disturbing to me, but I appreciate your narrative of the events.

I have been aware of Club 33 for a number of years, but I can't imagine solicititing an invitation on this board... the very idea is contrary to good manners and the idea behind DL.
While I understand the manners thing, this might be a time when you consider breaching standard etiquette. Unlike here on the Dis, most people in the world neither know nor care about Club 33. You might have an opportunity that is getting missed because that person genuinely has no idea that you're one of the folks for whom this is a dream come true.

I should have mentioned this person is someone I don't know all that well and I would be uncomfortable asking them for anything, let alone Club 33! If it were someone I knew very well I probably would ask- I wouldn't be able to control myself!!
Malcon10t... the acts you describe in your post are very disturbing to me, but I appreciate your narrative of the events.
Just to be clear, I did not write or witness the events. They were written up on Mice Chat. I did have friends in the club on Sunda, who saw the ending of the broken window situation. They initially thought a Fantasmic! boom broke it til they were told by another diner "No, the drunks over there did it."
IMHO the people that need to know about Club 33 --do-- so do not need to ask questions about the private restaurant. Should a member invite guests I am sure the member shares details with the guests.

I am thankful when others share their pictures and stories of events when they had a meal at Club 33.

There are so many great places to eat on property -- Napa Rose-- Carthay Restaurant- Steakhouse 55-- then there are the DD restaurants. Not ever getting an invite to Club 33 should not be the end of the world for anyone.

Others should respect the rights that are paid for by being a member of Club 33. I would never ask a stranger to drive their car, or borrow an expensive item of jewelry. Just saying.

These are my thoughts -- please be kind and don't set me on fire-- so no flames-- I am getting to old to drop and roll-- getting back up takes me forever. :)


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