which park will get the next attraction?


Mar 21, 2001
i am going to USF but i dont know about IOA and i was wondering which park will get the next attraction if it is IOA i will get 2 day tickets anyone know.
Hey there, not really any new attractions planned at Universal this year per se. The Animal Actors show has been redone as Animal Planet Live with an all new show at the studio. As for IOA, Poseidon's Fury in the Lost Continent will be closed as of April 22 and will reopen later this year, most likely this summer with an all new show. Nothing structurally will be changing, but the rooms where the show takes place will be redecorated and an all new show put in place, lots more action and hopefully alot better than the show currently running in there. Other than these two nothing else has been announced for this year. Reportedly next year the studio will be adding a new Nickelodeon themed attraction, as for IOA nothing for next year has been announced as of yet.
thankz uniorlguy you are so easy to talk to thankz for the info cant wait now i guess i will be doing IOA then anyway i want to see animal planet live and nick based attraction.
hey do you know iif the nick based attraction will be one that opens in the spring i go to early and always miss them but buy the t-shirts i did that for twister and MIB.
Hey UniOrlGuy,
When would Universal announce new attractions? I mean, how long does it take for them to make press releases about any new ideas that are going to be built?

"There is no Fate but what we make for ourselves."
I read USH is adding several Nick stuff. USF may not be too far behind.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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Hey there gang. Not sure as of yet what the new Nickelodeon attraction will be only that it is supposed to begin construction early next year. Rumor has it it may have something to do with Rugrats. There has been some talk of the Funtastick World of Hanna-Barberra closing at the end of the year so who knows, it may end up going in there if it happens. As for when new attractions are announced, it varies. They usually try to sit on the announcement until the actual structure for the attraction is going up, on other occasions tho they have announced things before construction started. It depends on the attration I guess and what kind of draw they think it will have. Hopefully we they will soon start adding attractions with a little more creativity than the last few, storm and unicorn were pretty much useless and the new animal show needs alot of help, so far its pretty awful. The new Poseidon show sounds good so far tho so I am looking forward to that one.
i heard the rumor about a rugrats based attractions but didn't think it was true now i have a little more hope about it then i did before as for hanna-barbera i kinda knew that it would close. it really stinks though my dad was looking foreward to that ride for next year :(
i don't know about animal planet live though
Don't they have a rugrats attraction at six flags? As long as it's not going to be like that Hanna ride, I'll give it a shot. I don't mean to offend anybody that liked that ride, But I thought it was pretty bad. The park benches were more exciting to me.

As for MIB, I didn't hear about it until I saw the big billboard at Universal just after they broke ground.

"There is no Fate but what we make for ourselves."
i seen you talk about poseidons fury new show and i was wondering if the name will change and what would it be do you know anything about this.
If I were a betting man, I would put my money on USF. The reason is that USH recently got several new Nick attractions. Since USF is really ground zero for Nick studios, I would assume that they would want to really hype up the area.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Joey Ramone is gone but he's not forgotten

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Anyone catch the first "Rugrat's" movie?
The "Reptar" Kiddie wagon was prominent throughout. It went off-road, over cliffs and even went into the water. I thought that the action lent itself perfectly to some sort of simulator ride. If the Hanna-Barbara closing happens, maybe this theme would fit perfect on that ride platform with minimal changes. Obviously a new film, but with minor set and pre-show changes, this attraction could be up and running with reasonable expense.
thats a good idea but you know they get to decide not us we really have some good ideas too.
think they could make a nick area like expo center and amity and etc. if they take hanna-barbera then it would be like a little nick area.

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