where to go in the rain?/ we leave at 3:30 today


If we couldn't laugh we'd all go insane
Jan 14, 2000
Ok folks Sundays weather doesn't look very good. That is the first day we were going to hit the parks. Which park would you do in the rain..Universal Studios, Island of Adventures or Sea World?

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- May 2002 </font>
Without a doubt do USF if it looks like rain. The only outdoor attraction at USF is Jaws. The weather here was suppossed to be bad today also, and it's actually sunny. You may have nice weather on Sunday anyways.

Good luck,

<A HREF="http://uoio.8m.com">Universal Orlando Information Overload</A>- Updates: Universal Chat every Sunday at 9:00pm!
It rained on us all night, but now it looks a lot better. Don't sweat it. Do what you want to, Looks like the worst is over.


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