Where Can I Purchase 2 Way Radio?


Mar 27, 2000
I'd like to buy a pair of 2 way radio's but I'm not sure where to start looking.Any sugestions?:confused:
I just purchased a pair of new motorola talkabout T5200 for 40 dollars on e-bay.
Hey there!

There are tons of places to get two ways! First you have to figure out what kind you want - do your research here on the boards - you'll find the most common recommended brands are Cobra and Motorola. I have two different kinds of Motorolas myself - older ones that are pretty basic, and fancy new ones (T6300). A friend of mine just got the T6220's and she loves them. We'll be testing them in Disney this week!

My only caution with getting two ways off ebay (trust me - I am have made a few purchases off their myself) is if there is a rebate offered, the sales receipt must come from an actual physical store (don't ask me how they know, but it's a requirement). AND - there are some great rebates being offered for Motorola's right now (www.motorola.com/talkabout).

I just did all the legwork on this - so it is fresh. Best Buy and Circuit City have pretty good prices - and a place to return them too, should something happen - but not a great selection. You can also find them at Office Depot, Office Max, etc. As far as online - just make sure you can get a physical store receipt - I saw some on half.com, 800.com and www.getbuzy.com. The ones that I just bought, I got at Service Merchandise - which is going out of business, so I got a dandy deal, and a $25 rebate on EACH one.

I hope that helps!!!
We got ours at Best Buy at our local mall.... they were $30.00 with a $25.00 rebate that we forgot to send in.... it figures....

Good Luck
Any electronics retailer: Best Buy, Circuit City, etc.
Most department stores: Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, etc.
Best Buy! You also can get excellent deals via the internet. Stay with Motorola as they seem to be the most reliable. Consider water resistant if you plan to get wet.
We bought ours from Wal-Mart. Motorola, about $37.00. They came in very handy
on the cruise, and at the parks.
We just bought a set last night at Best Buy! They are the Motorola 5200's - the red ones - $49.99 for the set of 2. They have the sub-channels and 5 different ring tones. We played with them last night and seem to be really good ones!


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