What would you reply when you tell someone your going on a Disney cruise and they reply saying ...

My partner recently told his colleagues that we went on a Disney cruise, his colleague's response... "is your girlfriend 8?"

Another time, I told someone I was going on a Disney cruise and they told me they felt sorry for me.

I used to explain and go into great detail about how amazing DCL actually was, nowadays I don't even bother! I refuse to waste my breath :rolleyes1
I would look at them, shocked and reply, "Excuse me?" If they still didn't understand how rude and unimformed they sounded, I'd probably just laugh and walk away. Now if it was my boss, an influencer of my boss or family, I might bother to enlighten them about the high quality and customer service we have come to expect from the Disney brand. I might even use it as an example that I admire and relate it to my own company's reputation and how loyalty to a brand that's clearly more expensive is worth striving for.
I might bother to enlighten them about the high quality and customer service we have come to expect from the Disney brand. I might even use it as an example that I admire and relate it to my own company's reputation and how loyalty to a brand that's clearly more expensive is worth striving for.
Very good reply!!! After 15 years most of our friends just assume we do Disney!!!
It's wierd how people just think it's for kids straight away

I bet these people watch Disney films too lol
My SIL once asked me why we didn't do a "real cruise"? I started trying to explain what was great about DCL, but quickly realized I was wasting my breath. Oh well, her loss.
"7." Then break out into song:

"Who's the leader of the club
That's made for you and me
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E"

Then run away giggling.

Pretty much what I do when people get on me for visiting the parks so much. Or for my Disney themed office. Or car. Or house. I own my inner child!
There's a dedicated adults only area. If there are tons of kids and no adults. . . You do the math. Furthermore the service and cleanliness of the ship is top notch.
Disney is all about letting the inner child out.

I just tell them: We've yet to cruise Disney with kids, and we haven't been to the parks with anyone younger than 18 in about 7 or 8 years.
It's sad people just think this and judge without knowing the facts and they will miss out by thinking that way
I guess you could tell them that over 50% of the folks that cruise DCL don't have kids or grandkids with them so they must be doing something right. But I like my first answer best. I have a sign in my bathroom that says: "Young at heart, slightly older in other areas." That pretty much sums it up even before you get to no casino, fantastic service, clean humor, and fun.
I guess you could tell them that over 50% of the folks that cruise DCL don't have kids or grandkids with them so they must be doing something right. But I like my first answer best. I have a sign in my bathroom that says: "Young at heart, slightly older in other areas." That pretty much sums it up even before you get to no casino, fantastic service, clean humor, and fun.

Haha that is quite good in fact lol


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