What would you reply when you tell someone your going on a Disney cruise and they reply saying ...

My knee jerk response would get me banned from the boards. :P

I don't know, I guess I'm used to those types of reactions and have come to just accept the fact that people don't get us. Which is fine, but if I don't knock your vacation choices, don't knock mine.
We got those kind of comments from my MIL and several friends of my husband's family. We tried once to "sell" the idea that a Disney cruise is not just for kids, but they went stoned faced and wouldn't believe that adults could enjoy adult time there. We gave up after that. Now my go to response is "Yes, I am a child and I love Disney!" Easier that way. :earsgirl:
"7." Then break out into song:

"Who's the leader of the club
That's made for you and me
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E"

Then run away giggling.

Pretty much what I do when people get on me for visiting the parks so much. Or for my Disney themed office. Or car. Or house. I own my inner child!

Ummm.... ALL OF THIS!!!
Yeah... I would simply state the fact that Disney Cruiseline is the #1 Cruiseline in the world :) for outstanding service, luxury, amenities... etc. And break out into song just like IcesSkatingPrincess :)
I know you are, but what am I??? I'm rubber, you're glue...whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on you!! Nah...I'm 51 :P
We got those kind of comments from my MIL and several friends of my husband's family. We tried once to "sell" the idea that a Disney cruise is not just for kids, but they went stoned faced and wouldn't believe that adults could enjoy adult time there. We gave up after that. Now my go to response is "Yes, I am a child and I love Disney!" Easier that way. :earsgirl:
I look at it like this - if they don't book a Disney cruise then I'm not in competition with them for space onboard.
When we were waiting for the ferry in Hamilton last week in Bermuda, there were two women from our ship who started asking us about our cruises, etc. They asked me my favorite cruiseline and I told them Disney. They got an immediate look of disgust and said "oh, we have no young children and would never cruise with them", to which I responded "well, we don't have any young children anymore either, but they are my first choice if the price is right -- and you won't get the kind of care and entertainment like that on other ships". They just shook their head no and said it just wan't something they were interested in. Then as the conversation progressed, we found out they were big on spending their time and money in the casinos, so that explained a lot! And considering the horrific smell of smoke around their casino, I am so so so glad Disney doesn't provide that service -- and hope they don't on the new ships either!
I have learned that there are 2 types of people: Disney People and Non-Disney People. You can talk until you are blue in the face to a Non-Disney person and they simply will not get it. It is better to just not talk with them about it. If they ask where you are going, just tell them "on vacation". I have a friend who is heavy into Star Wars and his kids. He asked me about taking them to Disney World. He said they would drive down on a Friday, do everything on a Saturday and Sunday, then come back on Monday. When I told him it would be about $1,000 for the 3 nights for the room (he is a resort snob), $1,200 for tickets, and about $500 for food for 3 days, he said he would never go. He couldn't comprehend why you can't do everything in 2 days, why they charge so much for tickets, and how food cost so much. They are definitely not Disney people. They like Star Wars and Marvel, but nothing else Disney.

I told him to not go or he would be miserable.
I would look at them like I didn't understand what they are talking about, presenting that awkward silence, which would prompt them to have to uncomfortably explain why they asked the question, which would make them look even more stupid.:lmao:
I think a Disney Cruise is a double whammy for some people... there are anti-Disney people and there are anti-cruising people. There are some who are both... I just shrug it off. What I don't get are people who won't let their kids see a Disney movie and announce it with smugness as in "I am never exposing my children to that drivel." OK then... more for me!

One coworker recently said to another - Lisa goes to Disney all the time... I can't see my own signature while posting, but I think I was last there in 2010... which I stated. But to them - a few times makes one a Disney freak... I'll fly that freak flag proudly!
I'd feel sorry for them, that they haven't discovered the magic of Disney and lived a life without it.
I would answer the question with a question..."Have you ever been?" if they respond again with something snarky, I would just say "you don't know what your missing"....and end the conversation there.
I would answer the question with a question..."Have you ever been?" if they respond again with something snarky, I would just say "you don't know what your missing"....and end the conversation there.

Good one. Same response I have to a co-worker about my Disney Med cruise. She claimed you can't say you've been to Rome via cruise ship when you only get one day there! I asked "have you ever been to Rome at all"? To which she got insulted and walked away. She's never been to Europe I found out, but is judging my cruise time LOL
After being on the Carnival Vista I would tell them they are smart for not buying into the Disney hype. I was always led to be believe by people on these boards that dcl was the best cruiseline now the only thing I believe is that they are the most expensive. I actually feel sorry for people that dont want to branch out and try new things therfore they keep paying the dcl prices.
After being on the Carnival Vista I would tell them they are smart for not buying into the Disney hype. I was always led to be believe by people on these boards that dcl was the best cruiseline now the only thing I believe is that they are the most expensive. I actually feel sorry for people that dont want to branch out and try new things therfore they keep paying the dcl prices.

Finding a good price on DCL is like finding treasure -- you grab the reservation and thank your lucky stars. Otherwise, you need to mortgage your house and sell your car to afford any of the new itineraries. Once we branched out and started pricing other cruise lines, we realized how foolish we had been. Disney isn't the only one that goes to those ports. And for their pricing, I can do 2-3 other cruises on other lines!
What would you reply when you tell someone your going on a Disney cruise and they reply saying ...
..... what are u, 5



I would say nothing.

I would be too busy wondering how many other random people I had bragged to about my travel plans, how many other people I had made uncomfortable.

We tell almost no one when we go on a trip and we almost never tell them about our trips. That both keeps our trips private, doesn't hurt anyone's feelings if they can't afford it or are doing other things with their money, and doesn't bother anyone. And if they have an opinion on our going to universal again, we don't have to hear it.

I'm a younger woman in a tech field so I get enough microinvalidations as it is without a boss, who should be an advocate, saying something insulting as in this woman's case. Calling an insubordinate 5 in a work setting (regardless of the topic)? Sounds like an HR grievance if its a pattern frankly... :rolleyes1 But, as I said, I'd just toss it back at the boss with the above personally.

How about the inappropriateness of you talking about your personal life at work? Start there before thinking about HR.

If you think males aren't invalidated in tech jobs you are kidding yourself. Wait for a full invalidation. Don't bother yourself with anything micro. The guys in your field aren't paying any attention to the micro things; having heard the things that go on at dh's work, most tiny things noticed are perception anyway (yes he notices little things because they happen with males too, but if they responded to every hug they'd never get work done), so if you want to have an experience like the guys are, don't react to anything but the blatant stuff.

And in case you are a college educated tech person, be very very careful that you don't accidentally invalidate someone working alongside you who got there by experience, not a piece of paper. (that one is an obvious prejudice in tech, and is one my hubby has to deal with)

One did say he thinks they are a cult-minded corporation

Hope they don't wear lululemon. Have a friend who worked there and has described the culture. Serious cult corporation.

Well A lot of good answers so we will no what to say next time lol

Just start with wondering WHY you are talking about this with others. Do you need to discuss it at all?
I think the assumption is someone asked "hey where are you going on vacation" and you reply "on a Disney cruise" and then they give you attitude for answering their question honestly.
My reply would be a question, said with as big a smile as I could manage, "Well, isn't it a good thing we are not all the same? Life would be so boring if we were."

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