What would you like to be doing in WDW right now?


Disney Princess
Oct 22, 2000
I love questions like this! I posted this thread on the CB a few weeks ago, and I thought I would post it here too. Right now we'd be at DxL eating dinner in the food court, and then going for a swim. (The weather is perfect 24/7 in MY WDW! :D)

Gosh, I love Disney! <font color="light blue"><marquee direction="left"> DisneyWonderGirl aka--Natalie</marquee> <font size="5" color="purple" face="Comic Sans MS">
</font size="5">

<font color="red">1998-Offsite</font color="red">
<font color="blue">2000-DxL and Wonder</font color="blue">
Hey, I'm only 11! :D
I just read the temp is 88 degrees right now and it's almost 7pm. I would be strolling through the World Showcase in Epcot arm in arm with Ted, wearing a sundress and heading toward our dinner reservations... maybe a patio at the R&C to catch illuminations....

<IFRAME HEIGHT="120" WIDTH="300" SCROLLING="NO" NORESIZE SRC="http://members.verizon.net/~vze22jyg/Disney/sig.html"></IFRAME>
I'd be riding Big Thunder Mt., then heading over towards the castle to get a seat under the twinkling lights for Spectromagic (my favorite thing in the world). And to think in JUST TWO DAYS I may be doing just that!! Oh,bliss!!! :D
just finiahing dinner at Tony's and then heading back into fantasyland for some more rides....

<img height="200" src="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/techca/bed.jpg">
<font size="4"><font color="purple"><font face="Book Antiqua">
<marquee> Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm hunting wabbits!!! </marquee><font></font></font>

It is now 10:42 and since we usually go in June when the MK is open late. We would be on Main Street shopping. Nothing like the parks at night when you can wind down and enjoy it
WE would be in Tomorrowland riding all the rides over and over with no waiting!!! And then on to the other big rides and of course,the Haunted Mansion[it was the first time I could hear all the wonderful dialog!! :) :cool: :cool: :cool:

sitting outside enjoying the warm weather.....it's going to get down to the 30's with snow flurries here tonight!!!
Eating. I'm hungry right now! Just read about Spoodles, I want some of that bread pudding (which my family thinks is gross!).
I just love that ride. I know it's supposed to be for little kis, but it's my favorite
My 5 yr. old says: Dumbo and Spaceship Earth

My 8 yr. old says: BTMRR

Mom says: It took me awhile, but I guess it would have to be walking down Main Street, getting that first look at the Castle.
Doing anything at WDW right now would be preferable to what I'm doing right now (homework). But I think if I had to pick I would be walking down Main Street seeing the Castle.

Graduation Day is May 12, 2001. Go me!!!

1997 OffSite
2000 Offsite (twice)
If I could be doing anything, I'd be eating lunch at Chefs de France. Instead, I just had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch.
Only 11 days to go
It wouldn't matter to me what I was doing...as long as I was there!



Many times as child
6/92 CBR
6/96 AS Sports
3/99 AS Music
6/00 Disney Wonder
11/00 FW

8/01 AS Music
10/01 AS Movies
Anything! I`d just love to be there.


June 97:ASMusic
June 98:ASMusic
June 99:ASMovies
June 00:ASMovies
July 01:DL/DCA

How about necking? - LOL :D

(If anyone's been to the Debate Board you'll know what I mean!) - more LOL

Actually, It's 22 days and counting! - Yahoo!

Okay it is a Thurs 8am on our vacation to Disney World. It is check-out day but first we are having breakfast with Tigger and friends at Artist Point character breakfast (we have just spent the last 6 days at Wilderness Lodge - yahoo). After breakfast we are headed to Sea World to spend the day with Shamu and his friends. Tonight we are going to Barefoot Bay to MILs house to spend another 3 days in FL.
If I could be at WDW today, I would be on a balcony at GF looking at the castle all lit up with the guy I love with all my heart!! Mushy, huh?!?! :( Wish I were there
I would like to be sitting up in my apartment in Cinderella's castle counting the days' receipts.


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