What rides should I wait in line for, instead of using FOTL?


oh bother!
Aug 23, 1999
Hi everyone!

My BF and I will be off for our 1st trip to Universal Escape in April. We are staying at the Hard Rock Hotel, so we will have Front of the line access. My question is, on what rides does the FOTL access bypass the regular queue line that is very well themed and shouldn't be missed?

I also have another Universal park question...what brand of bottled water is sold? At WDW we hate the Zephyrhills water and won't drink it!

Thanks to everyone, I've been lurking but not really posting and I've found out a lot of valuable info!
I have almost the same question, only in regards to Express and Single Riders lines. Which may be the same.

Only one I seem to remember for certain in what I've read so far is Deuling Dragons. I don't remember where I read it on that one, but it said that the single riders line bypasses the queue so you miss the storyline and one of the best-themed queues ever made (so the review said)

Hopefully someone here can answer our questions soon :D




(Links will return when I find a new place to host the sites)
Jaws is the only thing that typically has a long line where the queue is not worth seeing. If you get to the park at opening you can go through most rides, with queue with no more than 10 minutes wait, then hit FOTL later int he afternoon. Alomst all the rides have something in the queue that adds to the experience. Jaws is just a boat house with a video.
I liked the Jaws queue! The video is hilarious. Your enjoyment of the queue will probably depend on how much you enjoy the movie. (It's one of my favs.) If you look you will see stuff relating to the movie, like a reward poster for the shark that killed the Kitner kid, etc. Even though I like this queue, if the wait is more than 15-20 minutes, I would use FOTL.

Kong's queue is nothing but graffiti on the wall, so don't bother with that one.
The signs on the wall are funny. I was thinking that Kong would be dropping you right on the Skyway, meaning you would miss the pre-show.

Question is, what is the FOTL access point on each ride. I would guess some would dump you right in the vehicle and others would just cut the queue in half. Don't miss the queue for MIB, Dueling Dragons and Spiderman.
Jurassic Park's queue isn't really anything special. The other 3 are neat, but if you're short on time go ahead and skip them if possible. You won't miss a whole lot.
ET has a really nice forest queue inside. It's one of the better queues at both parks.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
I love the queue at ET. Some of the best theming anywhere.

PoohBWV, Moderator - Canadian Visitors Board


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