What is the most physical pain you have experienced?

Sedation alone wouldn't necessarily help, although it does have pain relieving properties. Patients in the ICU who are sedated do still need to be evaluated for pain and receive pain medication to manage symptoms. I can't say for certain what the treatment plan was once the patient was sent over, but I suspect sedation was part of the plan.
Thank you - this is interesting to me; do you mind answering one more? If this is the case and a sedated patient may still be feeling pain, what does that imply for people under general anesthetic during surgery? :confused:
I guess I have a tie. One was my hysterectomy. I know lot of women have easy surgery and recovery. I was not one of those women. I could barely walk for almost 2 weeks and I was walking hunched over with a pillow on my abdomen. I had no idea how bad I would hurt after this surgery.

My other surgery was to repair my broken talus across my ankle. It was severely broken and separated across. To repair my talus the doctor broke my tibia and screwed it to my ankle bone. Additionally I had 4 more screws put in across my ankle. I went to sleep with no broken leg and woke up with very swollen leg that was nonweight carry for 8 weeks at least. It was the most pain I had ever had during the first day after surgery. The throbbing down my leg into my ankle was like nothing I had ever had and until my hysterectomy easily worst pain I have had.

I would have to agree with both of these. I had a hysterectomy at the age of 21 exactly 3 weeks after having surgery to remove 2 5lb tumors from both of my ovaries so I was sore to begin with. Plus they reopened the same incision. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks then another 6 or 8 weeks at home. Three years ago I slipped in the bathtub and broke my tibia. On the x-ray it looked like someone had taken a bite out of the bone so they couldn't do surgery. I ended up in the hospital for 3 days then a skilled nursing facility in a wheelchair for 2 1/2 months. A nurse came in the second or third day looked at me and said "We aren't treating your pain very well are we?" I couldn't have agreed with her more. I'd had a dislocated kneecap as a teenager and didn't remember the pain being that bad even when they were pulling me out of the middle seat of a station wagon at the ER and it popped back into place.
Well this is an easy one for me. Because I didn't realize I had to ask for an epidural (I foolishly thought they'd give me one when it was "time"), the birth of my first child, which took 16.5 hours.
Giving birth is number 1... gallbladder issues is a close 2nd.
Huge, seeping sores on my legs, that I had to use Santyl on every day. Even with Percocet I was in a LOT of pain. Contemplated suicide more than once.
I haven't had long term, chronic pain, and I am very thankful for that.

I can agree with childbirth on Pitocin when an epidural didn't work.

Short-term pain - shot in the roof of my mouth at the dentist. It brought tears to my eyes.
After kid #3 (isn't that enough pain?), DW says go get fixed. On the table, doc fails to numb me correctly and STARTS CUTTING. If you're a guy, you just crossed your legs in sympathy . . .
When I was 12 I had a really bad ear infection. It was causing a lot of pain and my equilibrium was all screwed up, I couldn't stand or walk without falling over. I had ear problems a lot as a kid, so I had an ear doctor I went to a lot. We went to him and he was very concerned about meningitis. He performed an operation right there in the office.

He basically cut through my ear drum to relieve the pressure and get the fluid out. He injected lidocane (or some painkiller), but it was a bacterial infection, so he didn't think it would work (the infection blocked it or something). So, he sliced thru my ear drum and I felt everything. It hurt like nothing else I ever experienced. So much that it went past the point of pain, I was just in shock. It was a throbbing pain/shock for a little bit. It oozed for a few minutes. It was too tight of a space, so he couldn't stitch. I just had to wait for it to heal. It was pretty painful for a few days.

My hearing is less than 10% in that ear now, but the difference from 10% to 0% is pretty major, so its not too impactful.

It hurt a lot, though. I wonder if it was above board, or he just didn't know what to do. I had to follow up with a spinal tap a few days later.
I have Trigeminal Neuralgia, and it can get pretty bad at times. I have forgotten the childbirth pain, due to the child presented me afterwards. However, I can stop dead in my tracks, when my TN flares. Thankfully, I have medication that is working quite well at the moment.
Recovering/healing from having had my wisdom teeth taken out.

Once the first round of antibiotics wore off...

Not only was the pain in my stitched-up gums INTENSE (I was a "bleeder"), but I also had severe nausea on top of it. I was dry-heaving because I had an empty stomach.
Broken Ribs, followed by Knee Surgery followed by cracked ribs, followed by seperated ribs. Any situation that causes intense pain every time you breath ranks pretty high on my list.
Having our last child through an extremely hard birth, a failed epidural, not able for any other anesthesia because of very low blood pressure, and life threatening for both of us. (also pitocin before they realized how serious it was) He weighed 8#9oz.

Did I say last???? They say you forget! Right!!
DS is 35 now!
Stage 4 endometriosis pain and then surgery.

Also, when I had a heart catherization (exploratory) and they failed to numb the femoral artery before they cut it open. I was awake on the table. :scared:
Subarachnoid hemorrhage in 1992. Felt like someone hit me in the back of the head with an axe.
Like many other women, labor of course. Pitocin for hours. Finally got an epidural, which was awesome until it no longer worked. Back labor, she was stuck, vacuum followed by emergency c-section. The pain was certainly the most intense thing I've ever felt in my life with no relief until they knocked me out.
Kidney stones. Had surgery for them twice. Only pain bad enough to every make me throw up.

The 10 minutes or so after waking up from spinal fusion before they got me to a room and on IV pain meds is a close 2nd.

I've also had a burst appendix, skull fracture, broken ribs 3x, leg impaled by a stick, scratched cornea from bullet fragments, knee surgery 2x, torn quad and resulting infection that almost killed me and left me in the hospital for 10 days and more broken bones and stitches than I can count. None of that stuff comes close to comparing to how much a big kidney stone hurts.
Recovering from a C-section. It was hell. That's the reason we stopped with 2 kids.

Same here. I have many documented issues with anesthesia and surgeries. I even have trouble recovering after being out for a mere 20 minutes. Less than 8 hours after my son was born, I had a nurse physically pull me out of bed to use the bathroom. I could NOT move my legs at all, so she and a helper put my arms around their shoulders and kicked my feet to make me walk. From shoulders to knees, I felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside out. I screamed the entire way to the bathroom and was told nastily to cut it out. Passed out on the toilet. I have no idea how I got back into the bed. I do remember waking up for short moments here and there, freezing cold and sweating at the same time, in the most incredible pain I have ever felt. DH says he was scared because every time I "sort of" woke up, my eyes were rolling and I was begging to die, and then I'd pass out again. I finally came out of it around noon, about 17 hours after DS was born, but my pain level was still off the chart. My experience was one of several reasons why we stopped with just the one child.


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