What is a Length Of Stay Pass????


Earning My Ears
Feb 2, 2001
Boy, you'd need to read a text book to know everything you need to know.
I keep reading that HRH and PB guests have an exclusive right to purchase Length of Stay passes. What is that? Are they sold at the check in desk? Are they cheaper? Do they really exist?
I want to buy, but I'm waiting in case they are better than a 3 day!
Length of stay passes are similar to Disney's. You can get a pass for the length of time you stay at HRH or Portifino Bay. You can call 1-888-U-ESCAPE for rates.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
A length of stay pass is just for on-site hotel guests and is usually tied into a package booking with Universal Orlando Vacations.

These tickets don't represent any great savings but when you buy your park admission this way you wind up with a better rate on the room. They can come in handy when your length of stay doesn't match any of the paass options. For example, if you're staying four days.

Otherwise, you can buy a length of stay pass once you've checked in from the concierge, but I'm told they sell very few.

Kelly Monaghan
Author of "Universal Studios Escape: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure" and
"The Other Orlando: What To Do When You've Done Disney & Universal"‡
I actually called them and asked, and they said a length of stay pass was simply a 2 or 3 day escape pass. I said is there a difference in rates for HRH guests. They said No. I asked if they could be bought at the front desk. They said No. They said: You can simply buy the passes at the ticket window at any time. I called their reservation assistants and they did mention the savings. They said: If you stay 3 days or more, you are entitled to a special rate of $149 a day garden view (gee, entertainment delucxe suite is that price!) and for 2 people, the total would be - with the 3 day passes - $850!!! Again - do the math: $149x3 is 450, plus 2x105 is 210. Total $670, plus hotel tax: 715. So, if she was charging 850, how was I saving money??? I got room only, pool view, which I will upgrade via Loews First. I think I should buy 3 day passes from TicketMania, but if they really do offer a savings with a Length of Stay Pass, I would enjoy the priviledge of asking for them at the desk, and putting on my hotelcharge. Im asking here, because the Hard Rock Hotel people just dont seem to know.
If you know the actuall cost, please pleaase pleeaase, let me know!!! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">
I didn't find the LOS pass for Disney that great a deal either, and the most important aspect that unused day on an 2 or 3 day pass never expire while on LOS passes fizz out the day you check out. Unless the price really represents a major deal, I'd stick with the escape passes...


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

I thought that if you got a "length of stay pass" at Disney they throw in freebies like Disneyquest and the Water Parks. This is the first time I heard of a "length of stay" pass for Universal.

During our visit last March we got the 4 park Flexpass, because we were staying right next to Sea World and were in the area for 6 days. It was definately cheaper that getting one or two multiday passes, plus Sea World tickets.

If you are only going to stay at the HRH and not visit Sea World or the water parks, I would definately go for the 2 or 3 day passes, which never expire!
I was at HRH, see my posts elsewhere if you want to know what I thought. But, regarding the L.O.S. pass, even the employees didnt know what it was, or how much it cost! If anyone ever finds out, please let us know!


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