What inspired you to change?


Wishing you a magical day
Jun 20, 2002
Hi all! I'm new to this section of the boards so bear with me. I was just wondering if there was a particlar defining moment when you said "No More" and decided it was time for a healthy change? I'm so tired of yo-yoing and I know without even stepping on the scale that I'm the heaviest I've ever been. I just feel so down on myself and I wonder how I've let myself go this far. Sometimes I feel like I'm doomed to be overweight even though up until recently my weight was in control. I go back and forth on doing it the healthy way and then I feel like that will never work for me. All I know is that I don't feel good the way I am now and I don't want to feel this way anymore. Thanks for listening.
Hi Luckymommy! Je parle le francais aussi! C'etait ma specialisation a l'universite. ;)

For me, there were SEVERAL moments that should have been wake-up calls, but they just weren't. Like, when the chiropractor said "You're pretty flexible for a guy your size!", or like when I was planning my first trip to Disney World for the first time in 16 years and I was worried about fitting into the rides, or when I went to the local Six Flags, and COULDN'T fit into the rides....

The final moment was when my pictures from that first trip to Disney World were developed, and my father said "You really fill up a tea cup!"

That was it. I had tried Weight Watchers before (never even made it through a week!), but I decided this was it. It was now, or never. And I had always assumed that I would just go back to eating the way I had always eaten, but in the year I've been doing it now, it's just become that lifestyle change. I stay on program, even when I don't mean to. I've come to the realization that I will be doing Weight Watchers for the REST of my life, and that doesn't bother me one little bit! :)

Everyone here will give you great ideas to keep your lifestyle healthy, and give you lots of love, support, and encouragement. You can do it. I, and I'm sure everyone else believes in you! :)


My defining moment came about a month ago. My oldest is at Marines boot camp - he was supposed to graduate Valentine's Day. But on January 11th we got a call that he had an accident and fractured his wrist. He was dropped from his platoon in the 7th week of training with only 6 weeks to go. He is in a medical rehab platoon now which is exactly where no fella committed to being a Marine wants to be - it is a very discouraging place. He has held up unbelievably well...surprised us all! Not two weeks ago we got a call that he is going to have to have surgery for a different injury (groin). He is incredibly upbeat and determined! One day it occured to me that if he could get up every morning and face what he has to face then I could lose 50 pounds. I was being schooled by my child!!

So here I am 5 pounds down and committed to lose 45 more! I am NOT going to be the fat lady in the stands at graduation, no siree! And the best part is that it will be a surprise for him!

This is a great place for support, answers and laughs! Yes, YOU CAN DO IT!! And we'll help you all the way!

I saw photos of myself at DISCON and there is no pretending the fat isn't there when you see a photo :rolleyes:

My sister suggested that she and I begin the Atkins plan and that eating plan convinced me more than anything else, that I could lose weight easily.

I've been fat or believed I was fat, most of my life. I'm 53 and I'm tired of being fat. So I'm changing that :)

Welcome to WISH. We have a great support group here. I hope you decide to join us :)

I've been trying to lose for a while now with no success. I just had my gall bladder out in Jan & I decided that was a good starting point. I, too am just sick & tired of the way I look & feel. I didn't find WISH till some time in early Feb afret starting my own weight loss efforts on Jan 6. I'd already lost 6 lbs before I came here, but have been struggling ever since. I've finally managed to lose 2 more lbs, and I really think the support I've found just coming here is what has helped me to keep on going when I wanted to give up. I want to add my welcome to WISH. :wave: It's a great group here.
For me there were a couple of things. The recent news story about overweight people dying something like 7 years earlier than people who are a healthy weight scared me. Also I have always been afraid of getting diabetes but just never was able to succeed at changing my eating habits long term.

Also the past few months, since Sept., have been some of the worst in my life honestly. Things are much better now but my DD was so sick and almost died. After going through all that I found myself in somewhat of a minor depression and I knew I needed to do something for myself after totally focusing on DD (rightfully so) for so long. I knew to give her the care she needed I needed to take care of myself.

Now it seems like so many people know about my desire to lose weight that I would be totally embarrassed to give up and fail! Before I always kind of kept it to myself because I felt like by saying I was trying to lose weight that would draw attention to the fact that I was big and that's the last thing I wanted to do!

Good luck everyone!!! :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Hi, Luckymommyx2!!!

Welcome to WISH!!!! :) I know exactly what you mean. I have felt all those things you described. I am not sure if I had a defining moment. I am just sick and tired of losing and then slowly gaining and then losing and then slowly gaining and then LOSING and then slowly GAINING!!!

It's getting very warm here again and there is no way I can hide in jeans and pant any longer. It's shorts weather and my shorts are TOO snug! Maybe that's my defining moment, but I refuse to buy new clothes in a larger size, so I'm determined to fit into all my current clothes (and buy new clothes in a smaller size!)

Once I get to my five pound goal I am going to buy some new sandals. I saw some really cute ones at PayLess. :) Just need to get those toe nails painted a cute color to go with the cute sandals!

Good luck to you! We're all here to lend our support and encouragement. There are so many inspiring people here. I love to read Dan's posts! He is really an inspiration for me!!! :)
For me, it was when I realized how quickly I was putting back on all the weight I had worked so hard to lose a few years ago.

I had lost about 22 pounds; had planned on trying to lose about 10 more, but started slipping. The "slipping" turned into an avalanche and before I knew it, I had put back more than half of what I had lost!

I loved all the compliments I had gotten when I had lost weight. I loved the way I felt. I loved the new clothes that I had bought that I was no longer able to fit into. What the heck was I doing??

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Thanks for all of your responses and encouragement. I just got fed up with it yesterday and I woke up today with a new attitude. My husband and I have decided to take the kids on a cruise in exactly six months so it's really time for me to get to work.

A little background on me...Previously I had a short stint with WW but I just didn't feel comfortable there. Not long after that I traveled to Russia for about 3 weeks and that was my best diet ever. My husband and I both lost 15 pounds while we were there and I kept it off for months after I got home, actually I even lost about 10 more pounds after our return home. Sometime, and I'm not sure when, it started to creep back up. I kept telling myself at every 1_0 I cannot go past that number then I would go a little past and tell myself that I cannot go past 1_5, etc.

There are so many reasons why I want to stick to it this time: for my kids, my health, and just to feel good about myself. Thanks again everyone...where do I sign up?! :D
For me it was a collection of things that finally got me back on WW. First, I am the heaviest I have ever been, and that really bothers me. Second, I want to be thin for my wedding, and if I don't change my eating habits that won't happen. Third, I had to have my bridesmaids dress for my best friend's wedding made several sizes larger--I hadn't realized how much weight I had gained since last fall until I tried on that dress and saw how much too small it was. I just decided enough is enough! I can do this, and I am tired of not succeeding!
I had my moment watching Dr. Phil. He was talking about either alcoholism or drug addiction and he said "You have to own your problem before you can do anything about it." Bing!! It dawned on me that my weight is MY problem, and only I can do something about it. The "Diet Fairy" wasn't going to stop by and make me thinner.

I watch Dr. Phil every day (after work, on video). No matter what he's talking about, I always hear something that applies to me.
Over the last 4 years my Dh has heard me say that "this is it I am gonna loose this weight" I need to loose about 120 pounds. I take a little off and put some of it back on but not all of it. THis year was no different. I have good weeks and bad weeks. Well 4 days agoA co-worker and I started a silly contest over a pen that we both wanted. Need to loose 2 pounds first. Now this got me to thinking if I can do this over a stupid pen then I just need to do it!!!! So I have been excercising (which I hate) and writing everything down and sticking to WW and taking it one day at a time. Did I mention that in previous attempts and as recently as this January I have cried myself to sleep because I wanted to loose the weight?? My father had always wanted me to loose the weight. He was never mean about it but I knew he did. Every now and again he would mention that I would feel better. He passed away in August. He never got to see me really succeed in this. SO Now I am doing this for me!!! And the children that I want to have and my husband....and my dad. I will succeed but most of all I want to do this for ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I am now more motivated than ever right now right this minute. I just hope I can figure out how to make the motivation last. But right now it is one day at a time!!!

Welcome to WISH!! I get more support and motivation from this group of people than I ever did at WW meetings!!! THis is a great place.
Luckymommyx2, I'm really glad you have decided to join us here. You can "sign up" by posting to this post <b>HERE</b>

Now all you need is to add the DIS WISH Challenge clipart to your signature. You will find instructions on doing that in a great post by wovenwonder which is <b>HERE</b>

Welcome to WISH. I think you're going to like it here :)

Not really a single defining moment, but I have been cringing at every photo I have seen of myself for the past year or so. The fat girl in those pictures doesn't really look like I see myself.

And I have been too embarrassed to let anyone who doesn't live in my house see me in a swimsuit this year. When we've had friends over to use the pool, I don't join them. :(

I finally decided that it's ridiculous to stay trapped in a body that makes me this uncomfortable. I don't need to feel like a supermodel or anything, I just don't want to feel like I need to hide.
When was my defining moment...that is a good question that I had to think about before posting. I don't think there was one defining moment, but an accumulation of moments. For starters I was not happy with my image, I wanted to look different and I wanted to feel good about myself. I have tried to diet before and failed over and over again, it wasn't until I changed the way I thought about things that I was able to commit to changing my eating habits. I tried to start a New Year's resolution diet, but I failed. It was some weeks later where I finally had a moment where I was ready for this new lifestyle change. Another thing was a friend of mine who weighs exactly the same as I do, but looks 25 pounds lighter had her daughter come home in tears because one of her classmates wanted to know why her mom was fat and I didn't want that happening with my child. I have been on WW for almost 4 weeks now and I have lost 10.5 pounds and one clothing size. People are noticing and I am feeling good about myself because I am eating healthier and I am going to the gym to exercise.

Luckymommyx2, all I can say is that in order to lose weight you have to be ready to lose it. You need to lose it for you and only for you or else you will not be as successful. There will be hard days and there will be easy days, but with support you can do it.

Thanks again to everyone. I just signed up (hopefully I did the clipart right) and this will be my first official post as a WISH member. I feel great this morning! I've already lost 5 pounds from my heaviest weight. I know I have a long way to go but I am going to do it this time!


....to everyone!! :D
Like Liz, the news story about obesity carving years off my life was my wake-up call.

Ever since I was a child, I tormented my mother about her smoking habit. I reminded her frequently that cigarettes were going to shorten her life and I didn't want to lose her prematurely. I've lost two aunts to cancer because of their tobacco addiction. Then this study comes out that obesity is almost as bad as smoking.:eek:

I went to the doctor, signed up for Weight Watchers and have committed to a healthy lifestyle. As a kid, I was always afraid of losing my mother to cancer (still am). I don't want my kids to look at me and be afraid that a heart attack is going to steal me away from them. . . Not when I can do something about it.

I've lost 31 pounds so far with 50 more to go. My cholesterol has dropped from 212 to 159! Cardiac risk factors be gone!
a few of them. I hate buying size 18 jeans and XL shirts and sweaters. I have a closet full of 14s that I used to fit into, and I am going to get there again. And keep it off for good! I had lost 30 pounds 3 years ago, and celebrated by getting some major cosmetic surgery. Now, I am fat again, and my beautiful face is mad at my fat butt!!!!!

Good luck to all of us, and the first guy who posted (SnackyShacky ), you look great, I saw the now famous teacup pictures, what a difference. Keep up the great work. I loved WW, but it wasn't working this time, but I think it is one of the best programs around.
Well, my defining moment was the day after I returned from our October trip to Disney. Backtrack some first...

I had an abdominoplasty and hernia repair surgery in February 2002 and had lost about 20 lbs before having it (the doctor requested I get as low as I could so that it would look better). I went from 167 to 145ish. After the surgery, I went down to 139 and maintained that for a few months. Then the "I'm so skinny" attitude took over and whammo, the pounds started creeping back on. My diet was horrible (I was a vegan for 5 years before having my first child 7 years ago)... I was back on meat, cheese, junk food, sweets, and SODA (lots of it!). When I returned from that trip and weighed in I was at 157! Major depression hit and I said, there is NO WAY I am hitting 160 again. The new clothes I had bought were not fitting anymore... :( :( :(

I woke up the next morning determined to return to veganism. I gave up meat, cheese, fat and soda COLD TURKEY. That was a horrendous week, but I made it through it. I kept repeating, "There are NO MORE I'll start tomorrows". Today is tomorrow!

I have lost 38 pounds (157-119) and am down from a size 12 to a size 6. Now that March is breaking through the snow, I am going to start walking and tone up some of the left over flab lol. My goal is to maintain under 120 lbs (I am 5'4" and small framed).

I have some "bad" days, where I might eat too many nuts, or a couple of PB & J's, but I hop right on the next day and adjust. I have never slipped with meat, diary or Soda. :)

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

Good luck to everyone. Each of us has to find the RIGHT way to make lifelong changes. NOT daily changes. This has to be a way of life in order for it to stick. I am NOT a huge exerciser so I will walk (otherwise, I would give it up in about a week). I do, however, LOVE vegan foods so I can stick to it for a very, very, very long time. ;)



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