What are your biggest frustrations?

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Cell phones. My neice is coming with DH and I for a couple of days and I've already told her she has to leave the cell in the room. She's totally addicted to texting. I'm not spending all of this time, money, and energy for her to ignore DH and me just so she can text the entire time. She can't have it in the parks or at meals, at the resort is fime. What I don't understand is why people want to be on the phone in the first place they're in the Happiest Place On Earth. What's so important that you have to be on the phone for? I don't get it.

Having to get up so early to make rope drop. I know I don't have to but I just can't sleep knowing Disney is just outside my door waiting on me to go have fun.
Perhaps you need to go back and re-read what I wrote. It wasn't meant to be offensive at all so I won't be deleting it. :confused3 As for Disney doing a great job I agree...except in this case. It shouldn't take 1.5 hours to get from Epcot to a room at CBR on a WDW bus for ANYONE. I could have walked to CBR faster. Maybe it was just the bus driver - as I said I don't take the bus. I don't fault anyone for needing a scooter/wheelchair as I said in my original post. I do fault Disney for it taking 1.5 hours to get back to the resort.

I am the proud parent of twin daughters who were born with CP. They have electric wheelchairs as they are unable to walk. I, for one, would love it if Disney had special needs buses. I don't see anything offensive about that idea at all. Most major cities have paratransit buses for disabled users, so why not WDW?
We are just back about 3 weeks ago, my husband told me they were coming up the escalator at the land after getting a fast pass and a lady stopped at the very top trying to decide which way to go as people kept coming up the escalator unable to stop piling up into each other!!!!:sad2::sad2::scared1::scared1: The lady behind my husband shouted and said "you have got to be kidding me"!!!! Kind of funny but frustrating. I really don't get frustrated about much when I'm there but there was a lady with a VELCRO WRIST splint on and brought her party of 8 people up through the handicap line!!!! REALLY!! The cast member was even questioning her and she showed her something on her lanyard on a card. The nerve really of people. As the lady in front of me obviously needed a wheelchair but waited in line like everyone else. I'm all for people using that service when needed but there are definately people that abuse that!!!! Very unfortunate!!
A few years ago we were taking the launch back to the Poly after the fireworks. When we saw the boat pulling up we took our son out of his stroller and folded it. We were at the front of the line. When the boat docked a lady wheeled her stroller up to the front of the line, and blocked everyone else from getting on the boat while she got her child out of the stroller and folded it. Her child went ahead and got on the boat while she folded the stroller. When others started trying to go around her to get on the boat, she started screaming "do you mind, I would like to sit next to my kid". I found it both frustrating and rude.
I totally agree on the flash photo's on dark rides, some woman on our last trip decided she wanted to take a picture every foot or so in Snow White, at one stage she turned round to take a pic and nearly blinded me. I should have said something really.

And now opening myself up to criticism and being accused of all sorts there was a time when the ECV bus situation has bothered me slightly. This being when we have waited in line for ages at the end of a night and the line is long, someone can turn up at the last moment on a scooter and get on the first bus that arrives along with a big party with them.

I have no problem at all with scooters being loaded first with one or two people but surely it is unfair that some have had to wait far longer and still don't get on whilst a big party can turn up at the last moment and all get on.

After all it should be equal to all.

*flame suit activate*
First of all - I love WDW. However, I was frustrated this past weekend. My friend and I came to see MNSSHP and Food and Wine. My frustrations had to do with rude, power-hungry CMs and extremely limited shade in World Showcase for Food and Wine. It was hot and sunny on Saturday and Food and Wine was a mob scene. Crowds, hot and sunny and overwalking made me cranky and crabby but that should of told me to get out of the park and go back to the resort and rest and renew. Instead I pushed it. Bad move on my part. I think there would be less frustrations if instead of pushing it, people (including myself) knew their limits and did something about it. Everything people have posted on this thread I experienced. Some really bugged me, some did not. I just reminded myself that I was at The Happiest Place on Earth and left the park when I got crabby and cranky. I hope despite the irritations and frustration being with humanity at WDW, that everyone had some wonderful times and memories. :D
I totally agree on the flash photo's on dark rides, some woman on our last trip decided she wanted to take a picture every foot or so in Snow White, at one stage she turned round to take a pic and nearly blinded me. I should have said something really.

And now opening myself up to criticism and being accused of all sorts there was a time when the ECV bus situation has bothered me slightly. This being when we have waited in line for ages at the end of a night and the line is long, someone can turn up at the last moment on a scooter and get on the first bus that arrives along with a big party with them.

I have no problem at all with scooters being loaded first with one or two people but surely it is unfair that some have had to wait far longer and still don't get on whilst a big party can turn up at the last moment and all get on.

After all it should be equal to all.

*flame suit activate*

No Flame suit needed. We have been at bus stops and not gotten on a full bus and up comes a scooter and they are on the next bus but not us. I wish they had to go through the line and get on if there is room but wait if not like the rest of us. It is kind of like reverse discrimination.
Cell phones. My neice is coming with DH and I for a couple of days and I've already told her she has to leave the cell in the room. She's totally addicted to texting. I'm not spending all of this time, money, and energy for her to ignore DH and me just so she can text the entire time. She can't have it in the parks or at meals, at the resort is fime. What I don't understand is why people want to be on the phone in the first place they're in the Happiest Place On Earth. What's so important that you have to be on the phone for? I don't get it.

Having to get up so early to make rope drop. I know I don't have to but I just can't sleep knowing Disney is just outside my door waiting on me to go have fun.

Maybe they are solving important issues at work (my husband is in it at a university, and is always on call), maybe they are checking on an elderly parent left at home, maybe they are making arrangements to meet up with the rest of their party...I can think of many reasons why someone might need or want to talk on a phone while at Disney.

As far as texting, I can see the need to limit a teen, if they do not understand the idea of moderation, lol. That is a skill many adults don't get.

My frustration is teen girls screaming on Haunted Mansion. Ok, it only happened once, but there were others hollering at them to shut up, and the father got off the ride defending them, that they were just having fun, etc.

My husband hates flashers. pure and simple.

I will sit in the smoking area and chat sometimes when waiting for my boys to shop (especially outside star tours) and I have seen more people sit down and start glaring at those that are smoking. If you are going to sit in the smoking area, someone might be smoking!
No Flame suit needed. We have been at bus stops and not gotten on a full bus and up comes a scooter and they are on the next bus but not us. I wish they had to go through the line and get on if there is room but wait if not like the rest of us. It is kind of like reverse discrimination.

So, then when it is their turn to load, no one could load until they did? What if the bus already had those positions filled? You'd wait until the next bus, too? fairs fair.
To the poster that said this. I agree. I've been a faithful DIS reader and it helped me gain the experience I needed to be able to go to WDW solo. But this time preparing for a quick trip I actually got stressed out by all the tips and people planning out every single detail. I understand it truly but it makes you feel like you have to do it or you'll miss out. My advice is to read the boards but don't get stressed - don't feel what the posters are doing or posting is the ONLY way to see WDW. Take the time to relax and smell the flowers.
To the poster that said this. I agree. I've been a faithful DIS reader and it helped me gain the experience I needed to be able to go to WDW solo. But this time preparing for a quick trip I actually got stressed out by all the tips and people planning out every single detail. I understand it truly but it makes you feel like you have to do it or you'll miss out. My advice is to read the boards but don't get stressed - don't feel what the posters are doing or posting is the ONLY way to see WDW. Take the time to relax and smell the flowers.

I agree. Years ago, before I had the guts to actually sign up and post on a msg board, I read back farther and farther, freaking out more and more!
My biggest frustration is the rudeness on here. I feel bad for Ohio Disney Dad and the way some have been so rude.
We will all never agree on things here but some things are better left unsaid. I don't think people on here think he is some awful liar, but when someone comes out so aggressive they paint a very unpleasant picture of themselves. And way too often the same screen names are on here acting like 2nd grade playground bullies to whover has a differing opinion on any topic. It gets very old.
To me the disboards exist to help newbies find answers, to encourage, and to get help when I need it, not to vent aggravation from a bad day or a bad life.
I just love Bambi's Thumper when he says, "If you can't say something nice, then don't say nothing at all".
I just got back and my biggest fustration was my family I don't recommend going in a group of 9 unless you KNOW your family will be willing to split up and not asking you what to do next and following you around the whole time!

As for some of the other comments... I can understand some why someone who you may not think needs a wheelchair may end up cutting in line. My mom did this a few times. She has a bad knee and has trouble walking. However if she is using a chair she can get up and looks fine walking for a bit, no limp or anything until she has been doing it to long. However since she was in the chair on the way to the ride CMs directed us into the special lines a few times with us not even knowing until we got there!
Our lack of true National Healthcare...

oh..you mean disney?
I would say their attempts to streamline all food and merchandise - to make profit. And their increase in prices without significant re-investment in their properties - to make profit.
So basically: squeezing WE, the consumer for more bucks without showing committment to making the experience better.

And they don't have beaver tails anymore:mad:
No Flame suit needed. We have been at bus stops and not gotten on a full bus and up comes a scooter and they are on the next bus but not us. I wish they had to go through the line and get on if there is room but wait if not like the rest of us. It is kind of like reverse discrimination.

The reason is is that there are only 3 spots on a bus that will accomodate a scooter. Many times I have seen people on scooters left behind because there wasn't an open spot for them. So it just makes sense for a scooter to use the spot if it is there, instead of forcing them to wait and hoping the next bus will have an open spot too. A mobile person has a lot better odds of getting on the next bus that comes along than a person on a scooter does.
The reason is is that there are only 3 spots on a bus that will accomodate a scooter. Many times I have seen people on scooters left behind because there wasn't an open spot for them. So it just makes sense for a scooter to use the spot if it is there, instead of forcing them to wait and hoping the next bus will have an open spot too. A mobile person has a lot better odds of getting on the next bus that comes along than a person on a scooter does.

Exactly. You fill the spots you have when you have them.
The reason is is that there are only 3 spots on a bus that will accomodate a scooter. Many times I have seen people on scooters left behind because there wasn't an open spot for them. So it just makes sense for a scooter to use the spot if it is there, instead of forcing them to wait and hoping the next bus will have an open spot too. A mobile person has a lot better odds of getting on the next bus that comes along than a person on a scooter does.

But there is also only so many spaces for everyone else, considerably less if 2-3 scooters are on.

At park closing, everyone is tired and wants to get home it seems wrong that any people irrelgardless of personal abilities should be left waiting for another bus when another person has arrived at the stop later and got home sooner along with a big party.

It's only a minor thing in the grand scheme of things but this is what the thread is for.

My major annoyance is servers feeling the need to tell me that tip isn't included in the plan and underlining it on the bill just to make sure.
But there is also only so many spaces for everyone else, considerably less if 2-3 scooters are on.

At park closing, everyone is tired and wants to get home it seems wrong that any people irrelgardless of personal abilities should be left waiting for another bus when another person has arrived at the stop later and got home sooner along with a big party.

It's only a minor thing in the grand scheme of things but this is what the thread is for.

My major annoyance is servers feeling the need to tell me that tip isn't included in the plan and underlining it on the bill just to make sure.

OK...you come to the bus stop and there are 4 scooters there. They load 2, and the allowable 5 people. Since the other 2 scooters were there first, should you have to wait even though there is space available? Fair says that you should have to wait until they are loaded onto the next bus. Or is it better to load as space allows?
No Flame suit needed. We have been at bus stops and not gotten on a full bus and up comes a scooter and they are on the next bus but not us. I wish they had to go through the line and get on if there is room but wait if not like the rest of us. It is kind of like reverse discrimination.

I guess I'm getting ready to "suit up".

This is one of the Biggest frustrations. I can understand why they load these first. I get it. But and this is my huge But! It is very unfair for a GROUP- to load with the chair!!! I can understand one or two, because perhaps the person needs helping after unloading from the bus and someone needs to be on the same bus with them, but I really think there should be a limit on the # allowed to "go to the front of the line" and load first with the chair. Last year, I kid you not we were in line for 20 minutes waiting on a bus. About 3 minutes before it pulled up a chair pulled up with 12 people!!!! 12 people that loaded before the rest of us that had been standing there for over 20 minutes. Now mind you there were several families behind us with sleeping children under 3. I just think they should limit the amount allowed to board with these chairs.
I'm not going to get into the whole debate of people abusing them, because that really gets me fired up. Just saying, come up with a system. 3 is more than enough to help the person in the chair. I could see exceptions if it was a husband and wife and they had 3 kids, but I say limit the amount of adults allowed to board with the chairs.

Suit off.
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