What are your biggest frustrations?

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So...... the post should have said that he was frustrated with bus drivers that can't seem to operate the buses properly and in a timely manner.

if this had been said..... then everyone would have agreed.

the end!! :confused3
My biggest gripe at Disney World or anywhere else is some people's lack of consideration for others.
I don't know if this has already been said b/c i didn't read the whole thread, but my BIGGEST frustration while on vacation is people screaming on rides that don't require screaming (pirates, small world, etc.) I hate when people start screaming as soon as we are allowed to board the ride. Seriously?? BE QUIET. I'm trying to enjoy POC and the people are screaming as soon as we get on the boats. As far as i was concerned, this ride does not require screaming.
Ok, I admit we did see one scooter incident that really irked me. We were waiting for a bus at Pop a couple weeks ago. A family of about 6 or 8 comes up to the stop with an older gentleman driving the scooter. When the bus pulls up, a woman about 30 or so hops on and drives it on the bus. Ok, he was not comfortable driving it on, no problem. After we arrived at MK, she stayed on the scooter and drove it in the park. Now, I'm beginning to have my doubts if the older guy really needs it, I mean it is a fairly long trek into the park and she is still driving it down Main Street. Later, that day we run into that family again, this time another member of the group, a younger guy, is driving it and holding a kid. Of course, I know I can't be 100% sure, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say NOBODY in that group really needed an ECV. :confused3

Keep in mind though that the person it was for may have wanted to walk some so the other members of the party took turns driving it so it would be handy when needed. And, it may not have been the older person who needed it. I am 36 and need one. I walk fairly well. I don't need a mobility device normally. Watching me walk you wouldn't necessarily know I am disabled thanks to good physical therapy and a mom determined to make me walk well. I would be thrilled to do Disney without an ECV. They are a pain and expensive. But, I also can't sit all day. It hurts when I do that. My mom and I will switch off with the ECV since she is in the same boat - different disabilities, about the same level of functioning. I am sure people will assume because we are heavy and trading off on the ECV, that we are just lazy. Trust me, neither one of us wants to use an ECV. As someone on the disabilities board said though, there is a difference between surviving Disney and enjoying it. I want to enjoy it.

I dislike seeing a child ride on an ECV. That is not safe. Makes the ECV tippy.
So...... the post should have said that he was frustrated with bus drivers that can't seem to operate the buses properly and in a timely manner.

if this had been said..... then everyone would have agreed.

the end!! :confused3

That is a frustration, as well as buses that just plain didn't work whether they were the ramp kind or the others. We pulled up to the bus stop at BWV on the first day of one trip. The first people out for a nice early arrival at the park.

3 buses later, she was finally able to load into the bus, and the snotty people were still ticked that it 'slowed" them down. Even though we had been waiting for 45 minutes.
It does exist, but I don't think, wait, I know it's not rampant. It's such a small percentage of the total that it's not worth spending time thinking about it. I think most would agree that if anyone is going to complain, it would be the bus drivers. If you have to use one, all that's expected is a thank you, and a little courtesy from the other riders.

Amen! Bus drivers are the real ones that get the "nasty" card here. Dealing with;
- the frustrated "why don't we get on first" mob
- always wondering if this time the ramp/lift is working (with newer busses there seems to be lesser problems? Let's hope so!)
- if so keep fiddling to make it work, worst case scenario having to refuse somebody entrance because the ramp/lift isn't working possible anger from that group
- tie down the mobility aid. Now that is a biggie! Parts always are different on each bus it seems, each aid is different, parts get stuck loads of times, drivers find themselves fighting these parts, then sqeezing themselves into way to small a places to be able to tie down the chair, get into personal space if a wheelchairuser stays in place (which we all know can be a bit embarressing or after a hot day smelly), fighting the safetybelt before it tends to come down
- put ramp/lift up, if need be by struggling the system
- let the others on board, be nice and ignore very likely grumping about waiting so long (happens lots with combo wheelchairloading as far as I've experienced)
- do the drive
- deal with the tourist drivers pushing their cars in front of the bus
- drop guests off at resort busstop
- at right stop drop of wheelchair /ecv user and repeat all of the safety, tie down and ramp/lift procedure again.

I can tell you, I've seen a many bus driver break out in a sweat getting me on the bus and/or off. Full airco blowing, hard work, getting enough nasty looks and/or comments and repeat that times how many a week???

Magicbus; if it wasn't you already, one of your collegues has this smartest trick! He attached the "click in" part of the safety belt that's against the window side, to the letch attached to the bottom of the busseats. So if he'ld have to fold up the seats; ouch comes the safetybelt on the window side, in front of the ecv/wheelchair (so it's the right letch, if you were standing there facing the window). No need to struggle to get it in confined spaces if a chair or ecv is in place, no risk of it being stuck in between there (we all know these belts have a mind of their own), and in easy reach for us guests to do our little bit to help. Also very easy for us to put it back there to reuse for the next guest.

Probably hard to follow, it's difficult to describe it while not able to point to things and with english not being my native tongue. Such a little difference but such a huge convenience for both driver and user.
When you have a large party, that does not mean you have to walk next to each other. More than one row is acceptable.
When you have a large party, that does not mean you have to walk next to each other. More than one row is acceptable.

Exactly. (see my posts on this very subject, I think on page 7 or 8 of this thread. And enjoy all the hysterical drama that followed. :confused3 :rotfl: :surfweb:)
The worst thing I ever saw happen at Disney was last year at MNSSHP. We were standing near the entrance to the park waiting for the parade to go by so we could leave. We were in that little grassy area where the Walt statue is. Everyone was just waiting because you couldn't cross the street.

There was a young couple behind us who were also waiting. This lady in an ECV comes plowing through (I don't know where she thought she was going). Anyway she RAN OVER the toes of the girl behind me, who was wearing sandals. She SCREAMED and fell to the ground crying. I told the woman, "hey, you just ran over that girls foot". She smiled and said, 'she should have moved". ARE YOU KIDDING ME !:mad:
So you're now more of an expert than a WDW bus driver? You're good! :sad2: Are you going to accuse him of lying too?

No if you can read you will see I said, SINCE WHEN, that's asking a question, not an accusation, I was there 6 weeks ago and every bus had either 2 or 3 spaces,
that we went on, if you were there after this and I was wrong, I was going to apologize, I see you reported me.
So you're now more of an expert than a WDW bus driver? You're good! :sad2: Are you going to accuse him of lying too?

No if you can read you will see I said, SINCE WHEN, that's asking a question, not an accusation, I was there 6 weeks ago and every bus had either 2 or 3 spaces,
that we went on, if you were there after this and I was wrong, I was going to apologize, I see you reported me.
My biggest frustration is coming home, unpacking, and having to do the laundry. :lmao:

You got that right! The unpacking, dirty laundry and just overall getting settled in again at home is the worst after a trip. For me anyway. It just occured to me that no one else in the family has to deal with all that crapola but yours truely....:laundy:
You got that right! The unpacking, dirty laundry and just overall getting settled in again at home is the worst after a trip. For me anyway. It just occured to me that no one else in the family has to deal with all that crapola but yours truely....:laundy:

Amen, sister! My husband walks in the door and collapses on the couch. The kids go straight for their computers. I go straight to the laundry room.
I think this whole DIS board experience is my biggest frustration.

It seems many, many threads devolve into bellyaching and moaning and are fraught with worry (lines, crowds, plans, etc etc). I GET almost all of these complaints and worries so y'all aren't crazy, but I find that reading them over and over again heightens my awareness of them and then my worrying about them.

The quickest way to suck the magic out of Disney is spend a lot of time on these boards.

Yes I am a newbie, but I don't think I can stick around to be and oldie. :wizard:
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