WDW through an 8-month-old’s eyes &10m &13m &16m...New 10/30!

Wow that is hilarious!! I only chose the Wave for lunch bc we had a great time there and I thought it'd give us a nice break in the day. Last bday I went to Crystal Palace, CRT for lunch, and Artist Point for dinner (Cali Grill was booked...boo). Artist Point ended up being fantastic, but you just can't beat the whole experience at Cali Grill!!

I don't eat meat/seafood which is why I'm not too thrilled about either Ohana or Biergarten, but esp Biergarten (oh and I don't drink beer LOL). DH is into all of that though, and I do love me some potatoes so I figured I'd give it a shot. Any recommendations on the food there?

I've heard good things about vegetarian meals at Ohana though, and if nothing else the bananas foster bread pudding will keep me happy!!

I've never been to Cali Grill. I'm really looking forward to it.

The mac and cheese at Biergarten was yummy. They have plenty of German side dishes to try as well. Save room for dessert! There's a show on stage during the meal so you'll have something to keep you occupied. I think you'll like it. And Ohana is jgreat. I could fill up on the noodles alone. You'll have plenty of choices even if you don't eat meat so I wouldn't worry!
I've never been to Cali Grill. I'm really looking forward to it.

The mac and cheese at Biergarten was yummy. They have plenty of German side dishes to try as well. Save room for dessert! There's a show on stage during the meal so you'll have something to keep you occupied. I think you'll like it. And Ohana is jgreat. I could fill up on the noodles alone. You'll have plenty of choices even if you don't eat meat so I wouldn't worry!

Mmm Cali Grill is definitely awesome! Can't wait to book ADRs in April!

Thanks for the tips on Biergarten/Ohana!

Anyone have any tips for Fantasmic? Should we skip it AGAIN this trip? IDK how she'll do, but I'm hoping she'll be fine with fireworks/loud noises (plan to test this out on the 4th!) but of course if she isn't this will be a moot point. But, F! is still really late w/ a lot of waiting. We've never done it before, though, and I'd really like to see it!! Hmmm...maybe this should be the babysitter night LOL.
subbing! Congrats on the baby news.. can not wait to hear more of your Disney plans!

Thanks! And welcome!!

Sounds like you have lots of great choices picked out for dining. :thumbsup2

I sure hope so!! I'm sure plans will change once we take her to a few restaurants to see how she does.

A couple we are friends with have a 6 mo old daughter and they won't go out to a restaurant with her. IDK if it is because they haven't actually done it yet, or the experience was so terrible they don't want to repeat it...LOL

Nothing new to report...though I'm 32 weeks today!! :cool1: My next "goal" is to get to 36 weeks, then I'm going to start on the countown big-time. I'll start some red raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil too, just to hopefully help things along a little bit hehe.

My main complaint is still the terrible headaches that I get daily. And recently they have been waking me up at night, too. I'm already not getting to sleep very well (back hurts!!) but now, when I am asleep, waking up with a pounding headache is NOT fun! :eek:

Oh and we have a breastfeeding class tomorrow night! DH is reluctant to go, but he is going - just afraid he'll be the only guy/DH there. We'll see!
Thanks! And welcome!!

I sure hope so!! I'm sure plans will change once we take her to a few restaurants to see how she does.

A couple we are friends with have a 6 mo old daughter and they won't go out to a restaurant with her. IDK if it is because they haven't actually done it yet, or the experience was so terrible they don't want to repeat it...LOL

Nothing new to report...though I'm 32 weeks today!! :cool1: My next "goal" is to get to 36 weeks, then I'm going to start on the countown big-time. I'll start some red raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil too, just to hopefully help things along a little bit hehe.

My main complaint is still the terrible headaches that I get daily. And recently they have been waking me up at night, too. I'm already not getting to sleep very well (back hurts!!) but now, when I am asleep, waking up with a pounding headache is NOT fun! :eek:

Oh and we have a breastfeeding class tomorrow night! DH is reluctant to go, but he is going - just afraid he'll be the only guy/DH there. We'll see!

Just found your PTR & joining in! I had kind of the same experience planning our most recent trip, except that I wasn't planning while pregnant, it was only once DS was born that we started to plan. However, they change SO MUCH month to month that I had no clue what he would be able to do, what his schedule would be, what his temperament would be, etc. by the time our trip rolled around! My best advice for this would be plan the trip you want, and change accordingly as you learn your baby. For example, DS has always been a weird sleeper. He would sleep fine in his pack & play, then his crib, at night, but for naps, he couldn't be put down! He would wake up within 10 minutes, so I spent several months on the rocker in his room with my Nook holding him while he slept for a couple of hours. It was madness, and eventually he grew out of it. But I was worried about him being able to nap in the stroller. So we took practice outings to the Zoo, the Aquarium, the park, etc and discovered he would in fact nap in his stroller, and that if there was a lot going on for him to look at, he could even skip or postpone his nap and not be a beast like he would be at home!! :rotfl:

As for the restaurants, we also took lots of practice outings to go eat. We discovered that he does well for a little while, but generally is hard to entertain for a meal, especially a long one. So we decided to cut back on our trip and only planned one sit-down lunch, and 2 character breakfasts. On the actual trip, he did great for the character breakfasts for the most part because there was always something happening, although he would start getting restless towards the end. Our lunch at Sci-Fi was just not worth it. He was going crazy the whole time! So I think it will be awhile before we plan anymore lunch or dinner sit-downs in Disney World. However, I'm telling you MY experience with MY child. Your little girl will have her own personality and she may do GREAT for sit-downs! After all this rambling, my point is just that you can really have no expectations for your trip & have to be able to change at the last minute as you learn your baby's personality and tolerances.

And to help with loud events (fireworks especially!), we got these: Peltor Baby Earmuffs. We put them on DS one night when we went to the parks and decided to try to stay for Wishes. He fell asleep well before the fireworks, so we slipped the earmuffs on him and he mostly slept. Stirred a little towards the end, but nothing major. They really helped!

Sorry for rambling! We just learned SO MUCH taking DS on his first Disney trip! I'm doing a TR, so if you'd like to follow along, you might find some tips you never would have thought of for traveling with a baby! I read tons of TR's of people taking their babies to prepare for our trip & learned a LOT!
Started my own PTR and just catching up on yours. :)

I always brought my baby to resturants with me and still do. At 4yeaars old its more difficult then it was when he was a baby. Don't get discouraged!! ;) There is one thing to keep in mind though.. try to make your ADRs to a schedule that your baby's on. OR bring her during her nap time-- after she's already asleep not when shes trying to sleep!!

Hope your headaches start getting better... I never had that experience ... or I mentaly blocked it after and don't remember :rotfl2: Either way hope they get better! D
Just found your PTR & joining in! I had kind of the same experience planning our most recent trip, except that I wasn't planning while pregnant, it was only once DS was born that we started to plan. However, they change SO MUCH month to month that I had no clue what he would be able to do, what his schedule would be, what his temperament would be, etc. by the time our trip rolled around! My best advice for this would be plan the trip you want, and change accordingly as you learn your baby. For example, DS has always been a weird sleeper. He would sleep fine in his pack & play, then his crib, at night, but for naps, he couldn't be put down! He would wake up within 10 minutes, so I spent several months on the rocker in his room with my Nook holding him while he slept for a couple of hours. It was madness, and eventually he grew out of it. But I was worried about him being able to nap in the stroller. So we took practice outings to the Zoo, the Aquarium, the park, etc and discovered he would in fact nap in his stroller, and that if there was a lot going on for him to look at, he could even skip or postpone his nap and not be a beast like he would be at home!! :rotfl:

As for the restaurants, we also took lots of practice outings to go eat. We discovered that he does well for a little while, but generally is hard to entertain for a meal, especially a long one. So we decided to cut back on our trip and only planned one sit-down lunch, and 2 character breakfasts. On the actual trip, he did great for the character breakfasts for the most part because there was always something happening, although he would start getting restless towards the end. Our lunch at Sci-Fi was just not worth it. He was going crazy the whole time! So I think it will be awhile before we plan anymore lunch or dinner sit-downs in Disney World. However, I'm telling you MY experience with MY child. Your little girl will have her own personality and she may do GREAT for sit-downs! After all this rambling, my point is just that you can really have no expectations for your trip & have to be able to change at the last minute as you learn your baby's personality and tolerances.

And to help with loud events (fireworks especially!), we got these: Peltor Baby Earmuffs. We put them on DS one night when we went to the parks and decided to try to stay for Wishes. He fell asleep well before the fireworks, so we slipped the earmuffs on him and he mostly slept. Stirred a little towards the end, but nothing major. They really helped!

Sorry for rambling! We just learned SO MUCH taking DS on his first Disney trip! I'm doing a TR, so if you'd like to follow along, you might find some tips you never would have thought of for traveling with a baby! I read tons of TR's of people taking their babies to prepare for our trip & learned a LOT!

WOW thanks for all the wonderful tips!! This is exactly what I hoped to get out of starting a PTR!! I also checked out your TR and am loving reading it. I have searched for every TR w/ babies and there are only a few out there!

We will def be planning to change our plans LOL. Considering I have to do ADR's early April, when she's only around 2 months old, I'm sure we'll be cancelling/changing things around as time gets closer. And, changing days to suit her. That's also why we're going for 10 nights, so we can spend a whole day relaxing if need be, or a morning at a park and the rest of the day at the pool. Typically I'm way more commando but know that has to change!

Your napping experience scares me!! :laughing: but I know each child is different. She's going to start daycare when she's around 12 weeks old, who knows how that'll factor into things too. I do plan to work on getting her to sleep in multiple places (like, we have her room, the co-sleeper in our room, and the pack n play downstairs in the living room that I want her to be comfortable napping/sleeping in all of them).

We are already looking forward to all those "practice outings" and "practice eating out" LOL.

I'm def getting those earphones too, thanks so much for the tip! They are already in my Amazon cart LOL.

Started my own PTR and just catching up on yours. :)

I always brought my baby to resturants with me and still do. At 4yeaars old its more difficult then it was when he was a baby. Don't get discouraged!! ;) There is one thing to keep in mind though.. try to make your ADRs to a schedule that your baby's on. OR bring her during her nap time-- after she's already asleep not when shes trying to sleep!!

Hope your headaches start getting better... I never had that experience ... or I mentaly blocked it after and don't remember :rotfl2: Either way hope they get better! D

Hi! I'll check out your PTR too! Thanks for the tips on the ADR time. I have no idea what her schedule will be though!! Even when we make ADR's - she'll be 2 months old and I'll be home with her, then a month later she starts daycare and a new schedule. I do know when we'll be waking her up in the morning's though - as daycare starts at 6:30AM so I suppose that is a start LOL.

Thanks - I hope they get better too!! They have just been unbearable but from what I've read there is really nothing to do about them, since all the meds pregos can't take. Luckily I don't have high blood pressure, which is the one thing my doc was concerned about.
So I'm thinking about pre-paying for the photopass CD before the trip. We've never done PP before, as it never really seemed worth it, but now it might be nice to get some "professional" photos.

And speaking of professional photos, I was thinking of doing a photoshoot!! Thoughts?

I peeked at the October 2012 thread a few days ago and there was mention of plans for the MNSSHP. I hadn't really given it any thought, but now I'm thinking it might be a lot of fun to see the parade / hallowishes. IDK if it is worth it though...
Followed you over from Khertz TR. Congratulations on baby girl! And yay for a WDW trip! We'll be there with our 14month old (at the time) in February. I love new babies so I had to jump on to your PTR especially since it's so new and there's not a lot of catching up to do :goodvibes
I'm gonna chime in on the restaurant thing too. My DS does well and always has. As long as he has his blanky, a toy and maybe something to munch on he's a happy camper. He loves all the attention he gets from the hosts and waiters that pass by. He's a major flirt. As khertz said though, your baby may be different. Definitely take her out to eat often before your trip to see how she will do with it. Make your plans how you feel is good for you guys and if you have to then cancel meals as you go. No big deal to change plans even when you are at WDW. I've gotten ADR's for every day of our trip but I certainly don't expect to make it to all of them.

As for the fireworks, we did at home fireworks with DS on the 4th and he loved it. He thought the loud bangs and pretty colors were hilarious! Definitely test your DD out with fireworks on the 4th. I haven't gotten DS any ear muffs like kherts did though. I don't know if I will. He doesn't frighten very easily and he hates having things on his head.

Every baby is different so no matter what anyone tells you all of your answers to these questions you are having now is going to really depend on what kind of personality your DD has.
WOW thanks for all the wonderful tips!! This is exactly what I hoped to get out of starting a PTR!! I also checked out your TR and am loving reading it. I have searched for every TR w/ babies and there are only a few out there!

We will def be planning to change our plans LOL. Considering I have to do ADR's early April, when she's only around 2 months old, I'm sure we'll be cancelling/changing things around as time gets closer. And, changing days to suit her. That's also why we're going for 10 nights, so we can spend a whole day relaxing if need be, or a morning at a park and the rest of the day at the pool. Typically I'm way more commando but know that has to change!

Your napping experience scares me!! :laughing: but I know each child is different. She's going to start daycare when she's around 12 weeks old, who knows how that'll factor into things too. I do plan to work on getting her to sleep in multiple places (like, we have her room, the co-sleeper in our room, and the pack n play downstairs in the living room that I want her to be comfortable napping/sleeping in all of them).

We are already looking forward to all those "practice outings" and "practice eating out" LOL.

I'm def getting those earphones too, thanks so much for the tip! They are already in my Amazon cart LOL.

When I did for the trip was make our plans the way we wanted them with the expectation that they might have to change. I wasn't too attached to anything we planned (except the haircut, but even that I was prepared to cancel if necessary) so that if I had to cancel it, it wouldn't be a big deal. I planned 2 character meals, but I was fully prepared to cancel them if he didn't like the characters.

Don't worry about the nap thing if you are going to be putting her in daycare! My situation was, traditional daycare just didn't work for us because of mine and my husband's schedule. So my sister kept him at our house the days I worked. He was more than a little spoiled for attention!! Even now, the days I have him at home he takes a morning and afternoon nap, and I have to rock him until he's completely asleep before putting him down or no nap is happening. But now he goes to an in home daycare in my neighborhood, and when he is with her, he only takes one afternoon nap and she doesn't have to rock him at all, just pat him for a few minutes and he's out. :confused3 She will be on a schedule and used to sleeping in other environments much earlier than DS was, which will be a good thing for y'all!

Definitely practice practice practice!!! :goodvibes

Every baby is different so no matter what anyone tells you all of your answers to these questions you are having now is going to really depend on what kind of personality your DD has.


That was exactly my point from the first post I made, but Leger13 said it much more succinctly!!!
I'm thinking of buying the Photopass CD too. I usually never stop for Photopass pictures but I see other people's on here & they always look great. I think that will make me stop for more PP ops.

MNSSHP is so much fun! The parade is one of the best I've ever seen at WDW. Plus you can snack on all the candy you get for the rest of your trip. If you have some extra $ I would definitely consider it.
So I'm thinking about pre-paying for the photopass CD before the trip. We've never done PP before, as it never really seemed worth it, but now it might be nice to get some "professional" photos.

And speaking of professional photos, I was thinking of doing a photoshoot!! Thoughts?

I peeked at the October 2012 thread a few days ago and there was mention of plans for the MNSSHP. I hadn't really given it any thought, but now I'm thinking it might be a lot of fun to see the parade / hallowishes. IDK if it is worth it though...

I would go ahead and order the Photopass CD. We would also have the photographers take pictures with our own cameras just in case. If you get home and view the pictures and aren't satisfied with the quality, I believe you can get your money back from the pre-order. I was surprised at how many great shots of DS interacting with the characters the photographers were able to get! In the past, it was always only DH and I so there weren't many candid shots like that. :goodvibes
So I'm thinking about pre-paying for the photopass CD before the trip. We've never done PP before, as it never really seemed worth it, but now it might be nice to get some "professional" photos.

And speaking of professional photos, I was thinking of doing a photoshoot!! Thoughts?

I peeked at the October 2012 thread a few days ago and there was mention of plans for the MNSSHP. I hadn't really given it any thought, but now I'm thinking it might be a lot of fun to see the parade / hallowishes. IDK if it is worth it though...

I personally love Photopass. I love the DL price better but will pay the pre-purchase price for the WDW one and at least save some money. I usually stop at most PP Photog so end up with a bunch of pictures. In 2009 my hubby and I found some photogs out in the Deluxe Resorts and we had quite a few nice photos of us taken.
Followed you over from Khertz TR. Congratulations on baby girl! And yay for a WDW trip! We'll be there with our 14month old (at the time) in February. I love new babies so I had to jump on to your PTR especially since it's so new and there's not a lot of catching up to do :goodvibes

I'm going to check out your PTR too. I sure hope you write a TR bc there are so few out there regarding brining young babies!! Thanks for coming over!

I'm gonna chime in on the restaurant thing too. My DS does well and always has. As long as he has his blanky, a toy and maybe something to munch on he's a happy camper. He loves all the attention he gets from the hosts and waiters that pass by. He's a major flirt. As khertz said though, your baby may be different. Definitely take her out to eat often before your trip to see how she will do with it. Make your plans how you feel is good for you guys and if you have to then cancel meals as you go. No big deal to change plans even when you are at WDW. I've gotten ADR's for every day of our trip but I certainly don't expect to make it to all of them.

I just am worried about Disney's new CC policy & cancelling. I certainly won't make double ADR's or anything, but I hope we can decide to cancel in time to not be charged a fee if our LO isn't doing well with them! I guess we can decide that the first day or so. We do have a weeklong trip to Cape Cod with DH's family in July, where we typically eat out 4-5 times during the week so hopefully we'll get lots of experience during that trip!

As for the fireworks, we did at home fireworks with DS on the 4th and he loved it. He thought the loud bangs and pretty colors were hilarious! Definitely test your DD out with fireworks on the 4th. I haven't gotten DS any ear muffs like kherts did though. I don't know if I will. He doesn't frighten very easily and he hates having things on his head.

Every baby is different so no matter what anyone tells you all of your answers to these questions you are having now is going to really depend on what kind of personality your DD has.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see!! I am so happy we'll have the chance to test her out w/ fireworks around the 4th though, like you did. I might just get the ear muffs just in case.

When I did for the trip was make our plans the way we wanted them with the expectation that they might have to change. I wasn't too attached to anything we planned (except the haircut, but even that I was prepared to cancel if necessary) so that if I had to cancel it, it wouldn't be a big deal. I planned 2 character meals, but I was fully prepared to cancel them if he didn't like the characters.

LOL do you think an 8-mo old is too young for a haircut?? haha. At our 3D US she didn't seem to have much hair (I was only 28 weeks along though)...but I would just LOVE to get her first haircut at WDW. I guess that's just another wait and see thing!

Don't worry about the nap thing if you are going to be putting her in daycare! My situation was, traditional daycare just didn't work for us because of mine and my husband's schedule. So my sister kept him at our house the days I worked. He was more than a little spoiled for attention!! Even now, the days I have him at home he takes a morning and afternoon nap, and I have to rock him until he's completely asleep before putting him down or no nap is happening. But now he goes to an in home daycare in my neighborhood, and when he is with her, he only takes one afternoon nap and she doesn't have to rock him at all, just pat him for a few minutes and he's out. :confused3 She will be on a schedule and used to sleeping in other environments much earlier than DS was, which will be a good thing for y'all!

Hahha he wasn't spoiled - he was so LUCKY! I wish we had family to watch our LO but none close enough, and I have to go back after 12 weeks off. Humph. Luckily I'm only going back 3 days/week to start with (which I am sooo psyched about!!). It sounds like he knows his mama is a push over and will rock him to sleep if he wants it!! :lovestruc too cute!

I'm thinking of buying the Photopass CD too. I usually never stop for Photopass pictures but I see other people's on here & they always look great. I think that will make me stop for more PP ops.

MNSSHP is so much fun! The parade is one of the best I've ever seen at WDW. Plus you can snack on all the candy you get for the rest of your trip. If you have some extra $ I would definitely consider it.

Yeah I love the PP pics I see on here too! And always feel "cheap" when I ask them to use my camera, so maybe I'll feel better if I have them use my camera plus they can take a number of shots with theirs. I also love the fun ones like with tink/simba/etc. MNSSHP is sounding better and better, even though we aren't parade ppl maybe it'll be worth it this year. Candy sounds fantastic too! LOL. Gotta fit that into the budget...

Did you hear the rumors Cali Grill might be closing at the end of 2012? I really hope it's not true, and if it IS, then I hope it's after our trip!! I was trying to think of a replacement birthday dinner and might either do Artist Point or really go crazy and go to V&A's - maybe use my birthday present $$ that DH would typically spend on me, and pay for the meal with it...hmmm...

I would go ahead and order the Photopass CD. We would also have the photographers take pictures with our own cameras just in case. If you get home and view the pictures and aren't satisfied with the quality, I believe you can get your money back from the pre-order. I was surprised at how many great shots of DS interacting with the characters the photographers were able to get! In the past, it was always only DH and I so there weren't many candid shots like that. :goodvibes

Actually it was your PTR that made me really think about doing it. I loveeee the pics with all the characters, that you would not have otherwise. Definitely seems worth it, and like you said - worst case scenario we just get our $$ back if we don't like the pics.

I personally love Photopass. I love the DL price better but will pay the pre-purchase price for the WDW one and at least save some money. I usually stop at most PP Photog so end up with a bunch of pictures. In 2009 my hubby and I found some photogs out in the Deluxe Resorts and we had quite a few nice photos of us taken.

I haven't looked into the PP price for DL! Not sure when we'll get back to DL but at least 2-3 years I'm sure. I was waiting for Carsland to open, and now we have a few other trips planned. We're thinking of going to Holland/Belgium/Germany in April/May 2013 (it was supposed to be our April 2012 trip until baby came along!). Glad to hear you also got some pics at the resorts, if we did a photoshoot IDK where I would want it.
Pre-TR update :goodvibes

I updated the chapter links finally...

and have a question for you all!! Would it be weird to post my 3D ultrasound pics on here? Anyone thing it's weird/gross/etc? If so I won't be offended, but I was thinking of posting them and didn't want anyone to be upset or whatnot.

We went when I was around 28 weeks, and it was iffy whether or not she'd look like a real baby bc by then they may or may not have started putting on a little baby chub. Well...we had full blown chubby cheeks LOL. Which is kinda weird bc I've actually been measuring small every week (by 2 weeks or so) but US tech thought baby was pretty big! So who knows.

Also update - I skipped the breastfeeding class last night. Just couldn't stay up for the 6-9PM class (i've been going to bed at 7:30/waking up at 4:30 for work). I feel like a bad mom already LOL but just couldn't do it. Dr. appt is this afternoon though (just my bi-weekly check up). Maybe he'll be able to help with the headaches?
You've seen a couple pics of my baby shower from the intros since those were my most recent pics of us all, but I wanted to tell you a bit more about it!!

My mom and best friend hosted the shower together at our house (they both live out of town). I had originally wanted it to be a guy/girl thing but the #'s were getting to be 70+ people and we would have had to rent a space for that, so we pared it down to girls only, but I made DH stay!! He was great and I really loved having him there. Most of the guests were DH's family and some of his friend's wives, and then some joint friends we have. I don't have that many girlfriends to be honest, so anyway I was happy to have him there.

I mentioned the idea of an "Under the Sea" theme since that was the theme we did for the nursery, and the only activity I suggested was to do a paint a onesie/bib.

I was sooo happy with the shower and thought that they did such a fantastic job :cutie: they both came up with some adorable ideas! We had a big fishbowl full of goldfish that ppl had to guess how many were in there for a prize, played under the sea bingo, and they did a "price is right" type game with baby stuff (and I got to keep all the baby stuff from the game - sweet! LOL). Overall there were 28 ppl there, and it was a great number. MIL helped by getting the cake, which was made by a bakery on the Cape (a design my friend had found online apparently) and it was just gorgeous. Anyway I'll post some pics! Hope you enjoy!

Prize table:

Room set up!

Onesie/bib painting setup (on kitchen island!)

Beautiful cake



Fun fountain

I'm sitting in the bay window at the back of the photo


Our stroller (I think I'll have a post on baby stuff coming up...)

That's it!! We got a lot of amazing handmade blankets plus a ton of stuff from the registry, though I had done a bunch of shopping prior to the shower and got most of the "big" stuff beforehand anyway. There's a few more things we hope to get for Christmas and DH's parents always give us a big gift care somewhere (Usually Lowe's or Home Depot) so this year they are giving us an Amazon GC so we can buy more stuff for baby! :woohoo:
Did you hear the rumors Cali Grill might be closing at the end of 2012? I really hope it's not true, and if it IS, then I hope it's after our trip!! I was trying to think of a replacement birthday dinner and might either do Artist Point or really go crazy and go to V&A's - maybe use my birthday present $$ that DH would typically spend on me, and pay for the meal with it...hmmm...

No! Really?! Why would Disney close it, I thought it was really popular? I thought about V&A's but it's so much $$. If Cali Grill does close for some reason, we'll probably do Narcoosee's. Lobster - yum!

I wouldn't mind if you put your ultrasound photos on here. No biggie!

Great shower pictures. Love that cake!


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