Its just the perception of people. Like I said, the average park guest has no way of knowing who is a full time content creator and who is just a hobby content creator, so everyone is just seen as the same.
Deep down, yes it is jealousy and bitterness but most people wont admit that. There is also this perception about the special access, the media lists, the promotional items that content creators get, The average park guest has little to no understanding about how influencer marketing works, how Disney use it for their benefit. So again, when an average park guest sees a content creator around the parks, they cant tell if its a hobby content creator or a full time content creator , they just see a person talking into a camera who can get things they cant get.
But you have to realize that there is a huge generational divide , that being able to make money from content creation, social media,
YouTube is an extremely new concept. 15 years ago, it wasnt mainstream, it wasnt accessible. GEN Z , digital natives are the first generation who have had these opportunities. Theres only a very small % of millenniums, and GEN X who are early adaptors and have the same skill set as digital natives.