WDW “Content Creators” Invading DLR

I wonder if more influencers are coming to DL because Magic Kingdom is starting to decline overall with attendance and experience.
agree, Disneyland is unique and will always reign supreme. The removal of the Rivers of America is only going to further cement Disneyland as the best of the best.
So its for me to be neutral because I live stream and film at the parks

I try and sit in the back of rides and normally for parades are in the front so my camera should not be in the way of others but I know I hear some people don't do that

So really have to ask are people just annoyed they are at the park or are they affecting you? Because I get affected more by random people then vloggers, random people use flash on rides and many seemed bored and talk during the entire pirates ride and I see just as many random people filming fireworks as anyone else...so really have to ask are people trips being ruined or are you just upset someone can make money filming Disneyland?
So its for me to be neutral because I live stream and film at the parks

I try and sit in the back of rides and normally for parades are in the front so my camera should not be in the way of others but I know I hear some people don't do that

So really have to ask are people just annoyed they are at the park or are they affecting you? Because I get affected more by random people then vloggers, random people use flash on rides and many seemed bored and talk during the entire pirates ride and I see just as many random people filming fireworks as anyone else...so really have to ask are people trips being ruined or are you just upset someone can make money filming Disneyland?
Thanks for the in-depth post about how you do your social posting. I personally wouldn't have any issue with what you are doing. I think the comments thus far are more about those that are interfering with other's enjoyment of the moment.
so really have to ask are people trips being ruined or are you just upset someone can make money filming Disneyland?

I see a lot of negativity in general around content creators online. I think a lot of is that people don't like the whole content creation aspect. That its not seen as a proper job, that people can go to the parks and make money from videos, that there's a lot of resentment towards people who can basically be on a continuous vacation not tied to a 9 to 5 Monday to Friday job and make more money that regular folk who have normal jobs.
I don't mind content creators. I do watch the videos I see on IG at times when I haven't been in a while to see what is happening. What i don't like is when they have an attitude with other guests and have some sort of entitlement.
On one of our last visits, my daughter was browsing World of Disney, and some guy who neither of us had noticed was apparently recording some new things that had come in. As I was in another section but close by my daughter happened to be in his frame as she was looking at items and he said to her "Do you not see I'm recording" in a loud enough voice to where i could here so i walked over there and asked if he had just yelled at my daughter. To which he said something about just trying to film without other people walking by. Lets just say i was not very nice to him and he ended up leaving the store. If i ever do see someone recording or taking pictures, influencer or not i try and walk around them and not ruin their shot. But that person was just plain rude and to a child.
I think a lot of is that people don't like the whole content creation aspect. That its not seen as a proper job, that people can go to the parks and make money from videos, that there's a lot of resentment towards people who can basically be on a continuous vacation not tied to a 9 to 5 Monday to Friday job and make more money that regular folk who have normal jobs.
I find this thread interesting as people on this forum consume and reference things that content creators share. I often see people directing others to YouTube channels or Disney related websites for information. Is it that people want to consume the content but they they don't want to be around the people when they are collecting/creating it?

Content creators are not on a continuous vacation. Far from it. It takes a lot of time to photograph the details of what people want to see (ie. food, merchandise, rides) and then edit and upload everything in a timely fashion. We sometimes meet up with a friend who takes photos of merchandise for a content creator. He is paid (minimum wage) so has to be careful about logging when he is working and when he takes a break. He arrives at park opening and needs to go into just about every store looking for new or highly sought after merchandise. He usually finishes taking photos/video, then editing and uploading content from both parks, DTD and the hotels in 4-5 hours. We'll try to meet him for lunch, but if he is on Pixar Pier and DLander drops something new, he has to circle back to photograph the new items. Often, after he is done, he is tired and wants to go home.

I also don't understand the negative reference to WDW. I see Disneyland content creators posting about their trips to WDW, Disney Cruises, Universal Studios, Knotts, etc. Is it that some well known WDW content creators are posting about their DLR trips that is bothersome?
I find this thread interesting as people on this forum consume and reference things that content creators share. I often see people directing others to YouTube channels or Disney related websites for information. Is it that people want to consume the content but they they don't want to be around the people when they are collecting/creating it?
Speaking for myself only but I don't care about content creators in general. I only care about the obnoxious ones that are oblivious to their surroundings and are actively bothering other guests. The people who are just filming the new merchandise or food are whatever to me. It's not a big deal. The ones that act like they're the only one in the park are the ones that annoy me.

Is it that some well known WDW content creators are posting about their DLR trips that is bothersome?
There are certain WDW creators that are............pretty bad to say the least but I don't really see the connection either.
I try and sit in the back of rides and normally for parades are in the front so my camera should not be in the way of others but I know I hear some people don't do that

So really have to ask are people just annoyed they are at the park or are they affecting you?
I appreciate that you're asking and trying to be conscious of other guests. For me personally I'm very uncomfortable when I know I'm in someone's video so I would not want to sit in front of someone live streaming a ride. It does detract from my enjoyment of the ride wondering if I was in their shot or not, even if it's just my back or my head, and I wouldn't be comfortable with my kids in the video either.
Is it that people want to consume the content but they they don't want to be around the people when they are collecting/creating it?
Yes, thats what I see online. People will watch the videos at home but when THEY are in the parks its seen as intruding on their vacation. I see a cognitive dissonance between the creation of content and the consuming of content.

Content creators are not on a continuous vacation. Far from it. It takes a lot of time to photograph the details of what people want to see (ie. food, merchandise, rides) and then edit and upload everything in a timely fashion. We sometimes meet up with a friend who takes photos of merchandise for a content creator. He is paid (minimum wage) so has to be careful about logging when he is working and when he takes a break. He arrives at park opening and needs to go into just about every store looking for new or highly sought after merchandise. He usually finishes taking photos/video, then editing and uploading content from both parks, DTD and the hotels in 4-5 hours. We'll try to meet him for lunch, but if he is on Pixar Pier and DLander drops something new, he has to circle back to photograph the new items. Often, after he is done, he is tired and wants to go home.

Oh I know that, but most people have no idea how labour intensive content creation, content editing, content marketing is and all the behind the scenes work involved. All people see is yet another self entitled influencer walking around and talking into a camera. There is no distinction made between the hobby content creators and those who are full time content creators.

I also don't understand the negative reference to WDW. I see Disneyland content creators posting about their trips to WDW, Disney Cruises, Universal Studios, Knotts, etc. Is it that some well known WDW content creators are posting about their DLR trips that is bothersome?
The negative refences to WDW content creators is because there are a lot of them, far more than Disneyland ones, and there are also a lot of UK based WDW content creators. WDW is such a huge property that just by being so big means that there are just more people able to be WDW content creators. The bigger the group the bigger the issues.
I see a lot of negativity in general around content creators online. I think a lot of is that people don't like the whole content creation aspect. That its not seen as a proper job, that people can go to the parks and make money from videos, that there's a lot of resentment towards people who can basically be on a continuous vacation not tied to a 9 to 5 Monday to Friday job and make more money that regular folk who have normal jobs.
So jealously? Which I get (also...besides maybe freshbaked most I know work a "real" job and this side gig)

Its why I started to do it, why would I want to be at a soul crushing job over connecting with other theme park fans and getting expertise and sun? I mean should oil rig workers not want people to do office work because its perceived as an easier job?

It reminds me of what my friend always says the Crabs in the buckets, the other crabs rather drag you back in the bucket then let you escape.

I mean are entertainers not jobs? actors? CEOs? Sadly how the world works is if someone will pay you then someone will do it

I appreciate you sharing your prospective

I appreciate that you're asking and trying to be conscious of other guests. For me personally I'm very uncomfortable when I know I'm in someone's video so I would not want to sit in front of someone live streaming a ride. It does detract from my enjoyment of the ride wondering if I was in their shot or not, even if it's just my back or my head, and I wouldn't be comfortable with my kids in the video either.
I really do my best to stay out of people's way, I even use a privacy screen on my phone so it has less light emitted. I also promise you most streamers don't (not saying all but most) are there to film the parks we are not trying to get angles with people in it...if I'm on Pirates if I'm filming the back of your head then I'm doing this wrong most the action is on the right or left side of the boat

The funny things are kids try to get in my videos and I turn the camera away mostly because I'm here to capture the parks and connect with other fans.
I don't mind content creators. I do watch the videos I see on IG at times when I haven't been in a while to see what is happening. What i don't like is when they have an attitude with other guests and have some sort of entitlement.
On one of our last visits, my daughter was browsing World of Disney, and some guy who neither of us had noticed was apparently recording some new things that had come in. As I was in another section but close by my daughter happened to be in his frame as she was looking at items and he said to her "Do you not see I'm recording" in a loud enough voice to where i could here so i walked over there and asked if he had just yelled at my daughter. To which he said something about just trying to film without other people walking by. Lets just say i was not very nice to him and he ended up leaving the store. If i ever do see someone recording or taking pictures, influencer or not i try and walk around them and not ruin their shot. But that person was just plain rude and to a child.
That BS, you should ask for their channel and blast them for that. If your going to film your a guest at the same level as everyone else
So its for me to be neutral because I live stream and film at the parks

I try and sit in the back of rides and normally for parades are in the front so my camera should not be in the way of others but I know I hear some people don't do that

So really have to ask are people just annoyed they are at the park or are they affecting you? Because I get affected more by random people then vloggers, random people use flash on rides and many seemed bored and talk during the entire pirates ride and I see just as many random people filming fireworks as anyone else...so really have to ask are people trips being ruined or are you just upset someone can make money filming Disneyland?

This was going to be my exact answer -- I've seen quite a few vloggers at DL, but the only people that I've witnessed acting as the OP claims were random people (filming the entire POTC with phone held high, chatting away very loudly on a dark ride, etc.) Even those things are really fairly minor and I just chalk it up to excitement or obliviousness and don't let it bother me much. All the vloggers I've seen have been polite and considerate, or just doing their own thing not impacting me at all, same as the thousands of others in the parks filming or snapping pics or taking selfies. I actually am glad for a lot of the creators because having the ability to watch a livestream or recent videos about construction status or food reviews or crowd levels, etc., is something that I find extremely valuable.
So really have to ask are people just annoyed they are at the park or are they affecting you? Because I get affected more by random people then vloggers, random people use flash on rides and many seemed bored and talk during the entire pirates ride and I see just as many random people filming fireworks as anyone else...so really have to ask are people trips being ruined or are you just upset someone can make money filming Disneyland?
I would be annoyed with what the OP listed (below)
- while at California Adventure, a pair of teenage boys were conducting “street interviews.” They asked me my thoughts on TikTok shutting down, I ignored them, they shouted I was rude. (I’ve never used TikTok.)

- and my favorite, while watching Fantastic, the person next to me had a pair of cameras, one on a stick. He loudly narrated the differences between DHS and DL versions. He ended with the infamous “if you enjoyed the video, please click like and make sure you subscribe.” As if the rest of us weren’t trying to enjoy the show.

I don't want to be bothered by someone conducting street interviews in a theme park where I'm a customer. They shouldn't be interrupting other guests' experience.

I would also be annoyed with someone narrating a show or ride during the experience. Some of us don't get to go to Disneyland often and if I set aside time to watch Fantasmic I'd want to see, hear, and experience it. If they filmed quietly and didn't ruin the experience for others than that's fine. The camera can be distracting but I get it. I might try to take a pic or short video on my phone for my memories or to post to IG but I try not to be obnoxious about it.

And the other response about the creator yelling at her daughter in the store - that is completely unacceptable.

I watch Disneyland content on YouTube but haven't seen the vloggers I watch do such things. Maybe they have and I'm not aware. It makes me think twice if they are on an attraction with guests and running their mouth loudly the entire time.
So jealously? Which I get (also...besides maybe freshbaked most I know work a "real" job and this side gig)
Its just the perception of people. Like I said, the average park guest has no way of knowing who is a full time content creator and who is just a hobby content creator, so everyone is just seen as the same.

Deep down, yes it is jealousy and bitterness but most people wont admit that. There is also this perception about the special access, the media lists, the promotional items that content creators get, The average park guest has little to no understanding about how influencer marketing works, how Disney use it for their benefit. So again, when an average park guest sees a content creator around the parks, they cant tell if its a hobby content creator or a full time content creator , they just see a person talking into a camera who can get things they cant get.
Its why I started to do it, why would I want to be at a soul crushing job over connecting with other theme park fans and getting expertise and sun? I mean should oil rig workers not want people to do office work because its perceived as an easier job?
But you have to realize that there is a huge generational divide , that being able to make money from content creation, social media, YouTube is an extremely new concept. 15 years ago, it wasnt mainstream, it wasnt accessible. GEN Z , digital natives are the first generation who have had these opportunities. Theres only a very small % of millenniums, and GEN X who are early adaptors and have the same skill set as digital natives.
Its just the perception of people. Like I said, the average park guest has no way of knowing who is a full time content creator and who is just a hobby content creator, so everyone is just seen as the same.

Deep down, yes it is jealousy and bitterness but most people wont admit that. There is also this perception about the special access, the media lists, the promotional items that content creators get, The average park guest has little to no understanding about how influencer marketing works, how Disney use it for their benefit. So again, when an average park guest sees a content creator around the parks, they cant tell if its a hobby content creator or a full time content creator , they just see a person talking into a camera who can get things they cant get.

But you have to realize that there is a huge generational divide , that being able to make money from content creation, social media, YouTube is an extremely new concept. 15 years ago, it wasnt mainstream, it wasnt accessible. GEN Z , digital natives are the first generation who have had these opportunities. Theres only a very small % of millenniums, and GEN X who are early adaptors and have the same skill set as digital natives.
Yeah, its pretty darn hard to become a Disney approved Vloggers

Freshbaked isn't even one and he's the one everyone knows.

Agreed, on the second point but to me its always funny the same people who set at Steamers making money don't care at all about CEO's who do almost nothing, they have lawyers and script writers, they can't invent anything so they hire others to do it...they basically just do board meeting on how to save money by ripping customers off more or the workers they have.

But thank you again for your perspective, I'm youngish and decided it would be better to try to become best at making content over honestly being jealous of others for getting to do it. If I can somehow get out of the boring grind then I'll feel even more blessed and if anything try to help others I see who are passionate fans vs....the more grifters who are clearly just in it for the money which is allowed but I won't fight on behalf of them
I hope as long as most streamers and Vloggers don't mess up the magic they keep allowing it because many can't afford or get to Disneyland and the other parks. I was using it to get my Disney fix for a while and t was wondeful, and I know some think you should have to come but its expensive and I just love DIsneyland getting shared with as many people as it can be
So jealously? Which I get (also...besides maybe freshbaked most I know work a "real" job and this side gig)

Definitely not jealousy for me! I love Disneyland, but I would not actually want it to be my job. And the amount of hustle you have to put in to make money off of content creation would suck a lot of the magic out of it for me. I like keeping my Disney life separate from my work life, because Disney is my escape from the real world.

That said, the only creators I truly have problems with are some of the streamers on TikTok who spend more time begging for "gifts" when they stream than providing any kind of decent content. It all comes off as begging or grifting, and it's very predatory to people who may be bored, or lonely, and live many miles from the parks and are trying to live vicariously through those that are there regularly. It's a big part of why I left TikTok a while ago, because while there are legit cool creators on there who do it to share their love of the parks (and the money they make is just a nice perk), there are others that are... well... not that.

The only time I've had a real issue with a streamer in person was last year at LNY, some guy was streaming around the signs that show which birth years belong with which animal, and his streamers were clearly giving him years to show them and he was going back and forth, and I literally just wanted to take one damn picture and he kept walking in front of me, ignoring that there were other people who might want to look at the sign. So as soon as I had a chance I walked right in front of him. So congrats to his followers for getting to look at my fat head for 30 seconds.

That's the kind of stuff that's bothersome. There's a lack of awareness when it comes to content creators and just regular guests too, and I just need everybody to realize they aren't the only guest in the park that day regardless of whether they're creators or not.
Definitely not jealousy for me! I love Disneyland, but I would not actually want it to be my job. And the amount of hustle you have to put in to make money off of content creation would suck a lot of the magic out of it for me. I like keeping my Disney life separate from my work life, because Disney is my escape from the real world.

That said, the only creators I truly have problems with are some of the streamers on TikTok who spend more time begging for "gifts" when they stream than providing any kind of decent content. It all comes off as begging or grifting, and it's very predatory to people who may be bored, or lonely, and live many miles from the parks and are trying to live vicariously through those that are there regularly. It's a big part of why I left TikTok a while ago, because while there are legit cool creators on there who do it to share their love of the parks (and the money they make is just a nice perk), there are others that are... well... not that.

The only time I've had a real issue with a streamer in person was last year at LNY, some guy was streaming around the signs that show which birth years belong with which animal, and his streamers were clearly giving him years to show them and he was going back and forth, and I literally just wanted to take one damn picture and he kept walking in front of me, ignoring that there were other people who might want to look at the sign. So as soon as I had a chance I walked right in front of him. So congrats to his followers for getting to look at my fat head for 30 seconds.

That's the kind of stuff that's bothersome. There's a lack of awareness when it comes to content creators and just regular guests too, and I just need everybody to realize they aren't the only guest in the park that day regardless of whether they're creators or not.
As a creator believe me, no one really is into that either.

I try to stick to talking with people who like the park, not that I'm not nice to everyone I meet but I'm not reaching out and trying to be friend's with those who clearly just want money, which once again is allowed but yeah I try to support smaller streamers or ones who seem interested in the parks.

Like Freshbaked is huge but he clearly cares about the parks and to me he really puts in the work so I don't have to test ride times and everything.

But I'm youngish meaning I don't follow Tik Tokers, more people on Youtube and even then I go to the parks alot, so only check out people who have good insights or want to have interesting conversations over those who once again just are like pay me money...sub....buy me food...etc
the only ones I don't like really are the ones that use their kids in videos, I really can't stand that. I won't mention one, but I used to watch his Videos a lot but now just can't while he has his kids in them all the time. I'm not a fan of kids in youtube videos.
And I also don't like it when they start getting paid or get kickbacks from Universal or Disney, the videos become a lot less honest. You can tell when it starts happening, and the constant pushing of merchandise of theirs.
I love YouTube and I watch a lot of it. I get my money's worth from Premium! I've watched the sort of lifetime of WDW and somewhat DLR YouTubers since early 2017 when I was at home for a month on medical leave. I thought, gee, I haven't been to WDW in years I wonder if there are videos of the rides. At which time I stumbled upon Tim Tracker, Adam the Woo, and maybe 1-2 others that were "vlog" style. There of course were a few channels with ride POV's which was cool too.

I got to enjoy the personalities and how we were shown the updates going on etc... The pandemic happened and a bunch of college program kids were out there and decided to try their hands at the vlogging thing which, at the time, was in high demand due to travel restrictions, fear, park closures on the west coast, etc... Now it isn't the hot thing anymore. People are traveling again. Also, I've noticed a divide where some channels are darn near professional production quality and have structure, plans, new ideas. Others have gotten lazy. Without calling out names, there are two younger WDW vlog you tubers who are lazy, entitled, annoying, rude. All of that and it is captured on their cameras. They are part of the problem because they found a way to get paid for doing it full time and exert the least amount of energy possible. There is no value in their content and it will hit a wall soon, I feel.

As far as annoying... I tend to enjoy some of the AllEars content but lately it seems they just play these games in the parks and it is kind of annoying. Imagine being on vacation and you have some rowdy 20 somethings pretending to be on the amazing race running around Epcot? I don't know, it strikes me as odd.

For Disneyland you need 2-3 channels max. Fresh Baked for quick/real time updates of construction and changes in the parks, one channel for food stuff, and maybe one other channel that mixes it up. There is too much saturation which is why folks like OA are going to Japan and Europe and WDW.
So its for me to be neutral because I live stream and film at the parks

I try and sit in the back of rides and normally for parades are in the front so my camera should not be in the way of others but I know I hear some people don't do that

So really have to ask are people just annoyed they are at the park or are they affecting you? Because I get affected more by random people then vloggers, random people use flash on rides and many seemed bored and talk during the entire pirates ride and I see just as many random people filming fireworks as anyone else...so really have to ask are people trips being ruined or are you just upset someone can make money filming Disneyland?
I think it all similar behavior .... people doing things in a public space without considering others.

I was raised in Brooklyn so it was a normal thing ...but after going overseas, especially Japan, where being considerate to others experience is almost more important than your own wants and needs, I understand more the frustration of having someone doing things in public that are self centered.

I am not saying this is you, but I see a lot of people , all over the place, taking up public space , to do some filming, most are totally ignorant of anyone else around them.

Personally, I look for the days when you had to have a permit to film in public spaces if your footage was for commercial use.

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