Was this pin ever given out


<font color=red>I'm A Disneyana Collector!<font co
Dec 24, 1999
at a Disneyana convention?

Hi Nat,

Is that a pin or a button? I've never seen it given out as a pin at a Disneyana convention. I do think I have a button like that that I got for donating a dollar when I made a purchase at the Animal Kingdom.

-- Joanne
Yes it is a pin... The button was given after the pin for donating a dollar but the seller I got this from seems to think it came from a Convention. I had always thought it was from the AK for donating money... It was part of a large group of Disneyana pins I got...
I think it was given out to CMs that donated money -- more than a $1.....but I can't remember what amount. It is not a Disneyana convention pin.

Also, I am interested in trading for it. :cool:
This is pinpics #827. According to the info there, the pin was given out for donating to the Wildlife fund. Less than 800 were given out, then they switched to the less expensive buttons.
I got mine from a CM at AK in early 2000. She was not sure but she thought it had something to do with the Disney Charge Cards that were issued the year that AK was opened.

Here is a factual answer! Why? Because I have 2 They were not given out as stated above. If you were a Disney Credit card holder back in late 1997 it was offered to you as a package with a AK Disney credit card, AK phone card, and 2 pins.
It was called "Disney's Animal Kindom Commemorative package" and sold for $25 each.
Here is a pic of mine framed.
<img src=http://groups.msn.com/_fetch.msnw?action=view_photo&ID_Community=ebayboye&ID_Topic=2&ID_Message=262>
Nat, i have the button also - the other one you are referring to is entitled Safari Adventure - it was given out at Disneyana 1999 and does look somewhat similar. Hope this helps. Caroline
Well, it's great to learn the facts now and then....How many pins do we each have that have some fantastical (yes, I know I made this word up on purpose) story we've heard...and not a word of truth.

But, more importantly, does anyone have one of these pins for trade? :smooth:


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